491 libraries (430 buildings and 61 mobiles) currently under threat or recently closed (List below) out of 4490 in the UK.

Redbridge – Goodmayes Library saved but no change as overall figure as number still remains at 5 out of 12 under threat. 
Thurrock – considers closing all libraries on a Monday or reduce opening hours of smaller libraries

Roy Clare CBE, chief executive officer of the quango MLA sent an email today about a young library campaigner.  A 9 year old girl had written to David Cameron to save her libraries and then, when this was deflected, Jeremy Hunt,  about saving libraries – who said she should talk to the relevant council.  At this point, Jessica gave up and complained to the “First News” who have started a petition.

Roy asks, presumably ironically, if anyone has (a) explained the state of the national finances to Jessica, (b) does she know that councils are accountable in law and that governmental intervention is very rarely used “and only in the most extreme cases”, (c) if she has asked her relevant council [the logo on the door behind suggests it is Buckinghamshire] if it has a plausible and efficient strategy, (d) that a national petition is “froth without substance” unless addressed at the offending council, and (e) only local lobbying and local campaigns could bring changes. He ends the email with..”after all, when tearful teenagers wrote to the PM about the break-up of Take That more than a decade ago No.10 couldn’t fix that either.”

Leaving aside apparently equating dismantling the national library service to the fate of a pop group this can be seen, in a certain light, as actually a handy help sheet for local campaigners about what to do.  However, Mr Clare does come across as slightly … [insert your own words here] … talking about the efforts of a nine year old girl unhappy with the closure of her two nearest libraries. It also is another piece of evidence suggesting he is unlikely to advocate many interventions to the Government – which is a shame as Ed Vaizey has indicated he will not act without the MLA’s recommendation.  Having said that, there are some encouraging signs.

David Cameron on the BBC Ten O’ Clock News today was directly asked whether people would blame him or the council for closing a library (or a SureStart Centre).  He answered that clearly people are going to blame him. 

Local News – this is representative and not comprehensive
Brent – Philip Pullman slams council over plans to shut Kensal Rise – London Evening Standard
Dorset – campaigners urge merge of Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole – Bournemouth Echo
Gloucestershire – scrutiny committee farce, councillors slow hand-clapped – FoGL
Leeds – don’t shelve our library! 100 protesters take out 2000 books – Pontefract and Castleford Express
Lewisham – what to do with five closed Lewisham libraries? – Londonist
Milton Keynes – Statistics used to threaten Stony Strafford are flawed, and challenged – About My Area
Milton Keynes – Critique of the porposal to close Stony Strafford – FoSSL
Northern Ireland – denials that up to 30 libraries may close – Belfast Telegraph
North Yorkshire – proposed closures “don’t make sense” – Voices For The Library

Oxfordshire – libary cuts may be unlawful says councillor ““We note as a matter of law that the statutory duty of the council under the 1964 Act cannot be substituted, in whole or in part, by any Big Society initiative.” – Henley Standard

National News
Big Society – BBC NewnightEver since I heard the term “Big Society” I’ve seen my nearest library as the thermometer for its success”
Chetham’s library – 350 years of being a public library – Daily Mail
Government may take direct control over libraries – BookSeller