Another week of recovery and things gradually returning to normal. Only 6 out of 150 English public library services do not offer either a browsing or click and collect service at the moment, with services also reopening elsewhere in the British Isles. At least two mainland library services are also operating mobile libraries.

In the libraries that are open , and from the library library services I am in contact with, the picture appears to be that of a slow increase in usage week on week (apart from the initial rush) as people become more confident in coming out into public spaces. It’s all dependent on there being no “second wave” of course so cross fingers. And wear a mask, it’s the law.

Changes by local authority

National news

  • Library Open Data: an update – The big question is what happens next and how do we integrate use of the schemas into everyday business as usual for library services?”
    • Library Open Data. “These pages describe a core dataset for public library open data. Having standard data will enable local services to share data analysis, and build open applications from that data.”
  • Our Survey Says…E-learnings from Lockdown – LinkedIn.”First rule of e-content in libraries: Usage always disappoints. ” … “only 9% said they had ‘total control’ over this aspect of their library offer.” … “80% who said that they have no strategy for promoting their library sources to non-users” …” most libraries make little effort to reach non-users and that their e-resources are underused.”
  • Quiz: Which librarian from pop culture are you? – Book Riot. “f you are a lover of books and reading, there is a good chance you were obsessed with a fictional librarian at some point. Perhaps you still are! Whether it’s Marian, Giles, or Twilight Sparkle, there are several iconic librarians in pop-culture that inspire admiration.”
  • Urgent investment needed to boost mental health recovery – LGA. “Libraries, leisure, housing, money advice and other essential council-run services, alongside statutory mental health services and public health, all play a crucial part in supporting people’s mental wellbeing.”
  • What does quality mean for a modern library service? – Libraries Connected. “Libraries Connected are working with Arts Council England and CILIP to develop an accreditation framework for public libraries. An important part of this work is to engage as many people who care about libraries as possible.” 21 August 2pm.
  • What Re-opening looks like in some CMLs and a call for Volunteers – Community Managed Libraries Network.

International news

  • Australia – Snapshot of Australia’s public library services – Public Libraries Connect. ” in 2018-19, there were more than 273,000 public library programs country wide attracting over 7.4 million attendances, an increase of approximately 23,000 programs and 400,000 attendees from the previous year.” … “Other key highlights include total expenditure on public libraries has increased from $1.14 billion in 2015-16 to over $1.32 billion in 2018-19, and access to public library services provided through 1,683 service points – an increase of 13 service points from the previous year.”
  • USA – Blackstone’s $4.7B acquisition of Ancestry raises privacy questions – Med City News. ” privacy experts said more consumer protections are needed, when the world’s largest real estate owner — which has an ownership stake in Change Healthcare, Hilton, and several other large brands — is buying a genetics company.”

Local news by authority