Changes by local authority

Click on the relevant link for information on the major changes in every library authority in the UK since 2010. The information is taken from the linked media reports.

  • #1 written by Rosemary Dunstan
    about 12 years ago

    I can find details for West Berks, Wokingham, Bracknell & Slough – but what about Reading and Windsor & Maidenhead?

  • #2 written by Ian Anstice
    about 12 years ago

    Not all library authorities are listed. It depends on whether any changes to the authority are reported in the media and also if I spot (or someone tells me) of the article. Please feel free to send any news items you come across that you think may have been missed to

  • #3 written by marilyn shaw
    about 12 years ago

    is there any news on libraries in South Ayrshire and East Ayrshire?

  • #4 written by Sarah Bedford
    about 12 years ago

    Error report: “Bournemouth. 2012: Wifi being installed into libraries. (17/9/12).” actually refers to Poole Libraries.

  • #5 written by Sarah Bedford
    about 12 years ago

    For other recent news articles on Bournemouth, Dorset (and Poole – but almost none for these) Libraries see my blog

  • #6 written by marilynshaw
    about 11 years ago

    All East Ayrshire libraries have now been changed from 1st July to east Ayrshire trust

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