- Latest
- By authority
- Changes by local authority
- List of UK volunteer libraries
- List of Library Trusts and prospective Library Trusts
- Fine free libraries
- List of Staffless Libraries in the United Kingdom and beyond
- Literature Festivals with library involvement
- Governance
- Volunteer-run libraries
- 2010-2014: From Community Library to Community-run library: a look at the impact of volunteers
- Pros: reasons for volunteer “community libraries”
- Cons: reasons against volunteer “community libraries”
- Practicalities
- “The reality is very different”: A volunteer library manager speaks
- Are volunteer libraries statutory or non-statutory?
- Four views on volunteer libraries: Sue Charteris, AnneMarie Naylor, Marylyn Haines-Evans of the WI and Ian Anstice
- The Risk Exposures of Volunteer Libraries
- A crude strategy but here to stay: Biddy Casselden on volunteer public libraries in the United Kingdom
- Council assistance for volunteers
- International
- Further reading
- Trusts
- Efficiencies
- Increasing income
- Volunteer-run libraries
- Why libraries?
- Fighting for libraries
- Archives
- Old lists arranged by UK library service
- What do public library staff do?
- Transcripts of library related programmes
- Guest posts
- Indigenous Knowledge Centres: Queensland Public Libraries finding a niche
- 3D Printers & Maker Spaces
- A Library is not just for Christmas
- The CCC/Tsutaya library miracle in Japan: combined bookshop libraries
- Maker Spaces in Libraries – The state of the art December 2013
- A glimpse of Tokyo library life, by Sue Charteris
- Relative Poverty: A display designed especially for libraries
- Nick Poole on what can we learn from the past to inform the future of public libraries
- A home for the homeless: Rachael Rivera and the Auckland Library Streeties
- Dancing Darth Vaders And Talking To Astronauts: Liam Cookson talks MozFest 2017
- A little less conversation: Nick Poole from CILIP writes about the problems with public libraries and action needed
- The Amazing Grace of Public Libraries (or aromatherapy for local living)
- Angry about cuts to Newport Libraries
- Libraries Taskforce Kathy Settle sets the records straight
- Thema: Graham Bell describes Thema, the new subject classification for the global book industry
- Glossary of common library terms
- LS&S (formally known as LSSI).
- Political
- Carillion and libraries
- Useful
- Advertising
Coventry to Dorset
To make the list is factual as possible, please email ianlibrarian@live.co.uk with any additions or corrections.
- Coventry.
- 2024: Four libraries to close and to move to co-locations. (9)
- 2019: £1.2m cut (£300k cut for next four years) on top of previous £1.4m cut: single staffing, self-service, end most newspapers and magazines, café, job losses, but reduction in fines so no-one aged under 16 will be fined (previously 8 years), (1) Earlsdon volunteer library secures two year lease from council. (9)
- 2018: Earlsdon volunteer library may close, blaming lack of council support. (5)
- 2017: Cuts reduced for one year: 4 libraries still to become volunteer.(2) Self-service machine installed. Hillfields to be co-located into the Watch Centre; Finham, Cheylesmore and Earlsdon libraries to be volunteer. (7)
- 2016: 13 out of 17 libraries under threat: Coundon, Caludon, Cheylesmore, Finham and Earlsdon may close; Aldermoor, Canley, Hillfields , Jubilee Crescent and Allesley Park to be passed to community groups/partners/volunteers. Only 4 libraries ( Central, Bell Green, Foleshill, Stoke and Tile Hill) to be retained by council. (7) Arena Park Library to close on 27 August: some books to be used by charity in care home. (8)
- 2015: 17 libraries under threat. All council services to be transferred into five hubs. (1) Plan to close all libraries except five hubs abandoned: instead £558k cut p.a: Mobile library to end (£85k cut p.a.), all libraries except Central will close on Wednesdays, Central will close one hour earlier on weekdays, Arena Library will move (£300k cut p.a.), Willenhall will also move (£48k cut p.a.), £100k cut to book/materials fund p.a. (11) £50k to Upper Norwood Library. (12)
- 2014: Cuts to library budget being considered. (9). 2013: £130k refurbishment for Central Library inc. library shop, wifi and extended Health and Wellbeing Zone (1/2/13), Free internet access increased to two hours due to welfare changes (4) 2011:“Many” library buildings could close and transfer into “schools, shops, or doctor’s surgeries.”. Canley, Stoke, Radford, Earlsdon and Hillfields mentioned [not counted as “under threat” as yet until more information is received – Ed.] (opening hours cut, more fees). New library opened at Allesley Park.
- Croydon
- 2025: Opening hours increased. (2)
- 2024: Consultation on cuts: Proposals to close 4 libraries (radmore Green, Broad Green, Sanderstead, and Shirley); extend hours in six to partially compensate, reduce library services by co-location in 3 (New Addington, Purley and South Norwood) (1) Four libraries ( Bradmore Way, Farm Fields, Canterbury Road and Wickham Road) confirmed as closing. (9)
- 2022: New South Norwood Library cancelled.(6)
- 2021: 5 libraries (Bradmore Green, Shirley, Sanderstead, South Norwood and Broad Green) to close, consultation from 14 January to 5 March. (1) No libraries will close (previously 5 under threat): turning branches volunteer still an option. (6) £500k cut near confirmation inc. 21% opening hour cut. (8)
- 2020: Cut to “bare legal minimum” library service warning. (11)
- 2019: Thornton Heath refurbishment / co-location. (3) Norbury Library to have £1 million refurbishment, closed until Spring 2020. (8) £5m refurbishment programme for all 13 libraries (9) London Libraries Consortium. (12)
- 2018: Library service taken back in-house after collapse of Carillion. (1) New Addington Library may move to co-location. (9)
- 2017: Central refurbished. (2) Upper Norwood reopens after refurbishment. £110k support p.a. promised from Croydon. (7) Possible new £500k library to replace South Norwood. (11)
- 2015: 2.5 FTE staff to be lost. (7) Deep cuts to library service expected, with volunteers and others suggested as alternatives. (12) 9 of 13 libraries under threat.(12) £217k cut. (12)
- 2014: Up to eight posts to be lost (4 in Central Library) (1) 11 library staff (7.42 full time equivalent) cut, including some compulsorily redundant. (3).
- 2013: £105k cut to local studies and archives under consultation (10/1/13) but saved from closure (14/2/13). Upper Norwood Joint Library transferred to Lambeth in its entirety. Move towards library being run by a trust with funding from Lambeth (£170k p.a.) and Croydon (£75k p.a. for at least next two years. Upper Norwood no longer counted as under threat. Upper Norwood reduces opening hours (4). New Addington Library opens (inc. doubled in size children’s library) (5)
- 2012: 2 libraries under threat (Upper Norwood and New Addington): Contract for running Croydon Libraries appears to have been given to John Laing IS (15/11/12). Upper Norwood Joint Library offered greatly reduced funding by Croydon if willing to become volunteer-run, no funding if not willing. Funding from Lambeth also reduced (9/9/12). Upper Norwood Joint Library under threat and 16/1/12: New Addington Library appears to be closing, with the books from the old branch being transferred to the “foyer” of CALAT building.Bookfund down to £250k p.a. (was £1m at one time). £250k setside for privatisation costs. Consultation on future of Upper Norwood Joint Library until April 29th (19/3/12). Bookfund down to £250k p.a. (was £1m at one time). £250k set aside for privatisation costs. Staff 2007/8 134.5 2011/12 100.4 (22 prof, 78.4 other) Volunteers 2007/8 25 2011/12 245 (Cipfa).
- Tendering process for privatization (joint process with Wandsworth): Opposition party Labour threaten to refuse to work with any company running its outsourced library service (9/8/12) GLL, Laing and Wandsworth Libraries Management survive until the next round of the tending process (6/712); GLL, Laing and Wandsworth Libraries Management survive until the next round of the tending process LSSI (20/6/12); Civica has withdrawn from privatization tender, allowing in-house bid from Wandsworth Council to be reconsidered (21/5/12). Will be privatised in joint tendering process with Wandsworth,(Full paper to Council on decision to invite private tender for library services – Privatising/outsourcing service with initial tendering in collaboration with Wandsworth. Interested parties (Sep 2011) are (a) Civica (b) LSSI (c) JLIS (John Laing) (d) GLL (e) Vision Redbridge (f) Essex County Council (g) Merton Council (h) Bexley and Bromley Council Consortium (i) Croydon Libraries Strategic Management Team (j) Wandsworth “in-house”.).
- 2011: Decision to close six libraries postponed until 2012. 23 library jobs lost April 2011. Another 26 likely to go in order to make £700k saving., (£690k saving) (doubts over consultation process). Qualified librarians removed at Sanderstead Library.
- Campaign group: Sanderstead Library Campaign Group. : Save Croydon Libraries Campaign.
- Cumberland – Created March 2023, after Cumberland and Westmorland & Furness Libraries took over duties from Cumbria
- Cumbria (to March 2023. From March, split into two services – Cumberland Libraries and Westmorland and Furness Libraries.
- 2022: Millom Community Hub / Library opens. (11) Kendal Library being further refurbished (12)
- 2020: £1.4m refurbishment of Barrow Library, inc. increased colocation. (10) Kendal Library being refurbished (12)
- 2019: Temporary library at Cleaton Moor as original building closed for safety reasons. (3)
- 2018: Newspapers withdrawn from libraries.(3) Workington Library to be refurbished. (3) Whitehaven Library to close and be co-located with archive centre. (4) Barrow Library £1m refurbishment (11)
- 2017: Ambleside Library refurbishment, including conversion into meeting rooms. (7) Consultation on improving use in smallest libraries. (8) 3 libraries (Hensingham, Mirehouse and Kells) under threat.(11)
- 2016: Tourist information centre may move into and staff Cockermouth Library, with all library staff lost,. (11) Consultation. Opening hours cuts proposed over lunchtimes and Saturdays. (11)
- 2015: “Library Link” room opened at Ormsgill Nursery and Primary School. (1) £40k Arts Council funding for art workshops etc for hard to reach groups.(1) Consultation on library cuts. (6)
- 2013: Morton Library to close, “Library Link” to open in community centre in smaller space but with five times more opening hours, better location and accessibility at £10k cost (5). Refurbishment of Barrow Central. (10)
- 2012: 1 library closed (Harraby). Ulverston, Grange and Kendal libraries to have hours cut previously restored due to flexible staff working and self-service machines (25/11/12). No mention of the other 19 libraries being transferred to volunteers so no longer counted on list as under threat. £10m budget. Considering range of new technology inc. mobile apps (8/10/12). Cockermouth Library may move to (larger but less accessible) unused Fire Station building (26/8/12). Harraby Library closed: stock moved to community centre and unstaffed, Penrith Library converting to self-service (22/3/12).
- 2011: 20 branches under threat of being turned to volunteer run. (30 libraries to remain staffed, all others to be volunteer-run with visiting library staff) – Denton Holme, Harraby and Morton in Carlisle, Moorclose in Workington, Hensingham, Kells Mirehouse in Whitehaven, Shap, Distington, Frizington, Gosforth, Seascale, Seaton, St Bees and Thornhill. Seaton and Moorclose libraries to be partially funded/run by friends groups. All three surviving mobiles to close; £6m budget “to be maintained”; “the plan would be for” rural libraries to be volunteer-run; £80k (sic) cut from £6m budget; consultation from April 6 to June (3 of previous 6 mobile libraries closed in 2010). Music CDs now free for visually impaired. DVD provision restored to smallest branches. Free audio-book download service. 11.12.11 Fox and Hounds Pub (Ennerdale) will have 100 council-supplied books, hoping others will be donated.
- Darlington
- 2018: DCMS investigating closure of Crown Street Library, (1) Court case to be heard in June. (2) Crown Library to stay open (9)
- 2017: Confirmed that Crown Street Library to close: library to move to Dolphin Street. Cockerton Library will become volunteer. Mobile Library to close. (3) Judicial review into cuts (11)
- 2016: Cockerton, Crown Street and mobile libraries may close. Replacement library at the Dolphin Centre (2). Confirmed Cockerton and Crown Street Libraries will close. 25 library staff to lose posts. (6) Legal case begins against cancel on grounds cuts to libraries came without sufficient consultation. (8) Closure of Crown Street Library may be cancelled due to legal challenge. (9) Mobile library withdrawn, Decision on if Cockerton Library will close or turn volunteer will be made in January, Crown Street Library’s fate will also be decided in January. (12)
- 2012: 1 (Cockerton) under threat – Cockerton Library (previously under imminent threat of closure) likely to remain open for a year with reduced hours while Friends group co-operates in finding ways to fund continued opening – still counted as under threat by PLN (10/2/12).
- 2011: at least 1 (Cockerton Library) under threat. £250k from budget of £1m off budget. Consultation may take one year. Crown Street Library may move into town hall or Dolphin Centre sports complex
- Denbighshire
- 2023: 50% cut to opening hours in all libraries proposed. (11) 40% opening hours/ £360k cut, confirmed. (12)
- 2022: Now fines-free. (10)
- 2018: Denbigh Library closed for co-location (tourist/council) refurb. (2) St Asaph Library reopens after refurbishment. (4)
- 2017: Refurbished Rhuddlan Library and One Stop Shop opened. (3)
- 2015: ceased funding of NE Wales School Libraries Service (to end July 2015) after withdrawal of Wrexham (4) Rhyl Library co-located with One Stop Shop. (11)
- 2014: School library service to end (£78k cut), council exhibitions in libraries to end (£302k cut) (10)
- 2013: No proposals to cut hours, staff or books. (21/1/13) New Prestatyn Library to open in September (£550k from council, £300k from Cymal) in partnership “health and social care services, that will be able to use the counselling rooms, computer terminals and help desks” (3). New Library Plus in Prestatyn: co-location with health/social care/college/schools. £1m council funding inc. £300k from Welsh Government. (11).
- 2012: Prestatyn Library closed since Nov 2011 for “essential maintenance” but apparently reopened as of September 2012, £300k grant from Welsh Government to improve it (28/3/12).
- 2011: Rhyl has reopened after £300,000 refurbishment; no closure or merger plans, although ‘this may be reviewed”.
- Derby
- 2024: Council considering moving its existing 10 volunteer libraries into a trust, keeping 5 run out of 15 run by the council. (2) Volunteer libraries to be managed by Sporting Communities non-profit. (12)
- 2022: Ten volunteer libraries potentially under threat. (7)
- 2018: £160k spent on four remaining libraries (2) 10 libraries ( Allenton, Allestree, Blagreaves, Chaddesden, Chellaston, Derwent, Mackworth, Sinfin, Spondon and Springwood in Oakwood.)already earmarked for volunteers passed to Direct Help and Advice charity in £650k cut. 35 jobs lost. (2) Central Library moves into smaller space at Council HQ. (7) Transfer of 10 libraries to community groups put on hold. (10) Planned to replace closed Pear Tree Library with co-location.(11)
- 2017: Central Library to move into Council HQ in 2018. (6) £648k cut confirmed. 10 out of 14 libraries to become volunteer. 41 jobs lost. (7) Library card of either city valid in the other. (10) Debt Advice charity willing to run all ten libraries under threat, with volunteers. (10)
- 2016: £468k cut. 12 out of 14 libraries under threat. Central to close. 11 other libraries may also close or be passed to volunteers: Allenton, Allestree, Blagreaves, Chaddesden, Chellaston, Derwent, Mackworth, Mickleover, Sinfin, Spondon and Springwood. (7)
- 2015: Deep cuts to all services, statutory or otherwise – consultation to include cuts to libraries. (7) Considers Open+ remote controlled opening, volunteers and co-locations to cut costs. (11)
- 2014: Consultants called in to suggest changes to library service. (8)
- 2013: New Chaddesden Library (£1.2m) opens Tuesday 12th March (3).
- 2012: £12k cut to newspapers budget (6/5/12). Local Studies Library – to be relocated from its current premises to part of the newly refurbished Old Magistrates Court building – May 2014 (source; email from council 6/2/13).
- 2011: Libraries may become part of a Trust linked with museums. £1.28m library in Chaddesdem building work to start June 2012.
- Derbyshire
- 2024: £625k cut over four years, average 10% opening hours cuts in 43 out of 45 libraries. (7) £910k cut between 2024 and 2029: 10% cut in opening hours, reduce mobile/home library service, co-locations, volunteers. (8)
- 2023: Staveley and Clay Cross Libraries may move location to save money. (12)
- 2021: Killamarsh Library may move into new sports centre. (3) Whaley Bridge Library hours to be reduced from 23.5 to 18. (7)
- 2020: Woodville to be come first of 20 (out of 45) to become volunteer.(3) New £1.7m library in Belper opens (8)
- 2019: Opening hour cut consultation on Brimington, Clowne, Creswell, Duffield, Gamesley, Killamarsh and Somercotes. (10)
- 2018: £1.6m cut. 20 out of 45 libraries to be managed by volunteers. 2 mobiles to be passed to community groups. (4) School library service to close. (5) Swadlincote Library may move in district council move. (10)
- 2017: Belper Library to move into combined care home/library building. (4) £100k design and fit out for “new” Glossop Library. (6) £2m new Glossop Library, extension to adult education centre, open Spring 2018, Existing library in Victoria Hall to close. (6) Cuts expected. (10) School library service may close.(12)
- 2016: Closures an reduced opening hours possible. £330k cut 2017/18. From £8m in 2013 to £6.3m in 2017. (1)
- 2015: New £892k library opened at Heanor, including health and wellbeing zone. (12)
- 2014: Staffing and opening hours may be cut. £250k cut 2015/16. £400k cut 2017/18 in addition to a £362k stock budget cut. (7)8 out of 10 mobiles to close (£530k cut) from January.(9).
- 2013: Two new replacement mobile libraries introduced (4) Most libraries open from 30 minutes to 4 hours less per week since 2011, 25% cut in bookfund 2013/14 (from £1.7m to £1.25m) (4) New £2.4m Ashbourne library: co-located with day centre, exhibition space, a registrar’s office and ceremony room and office facilities for council officials (5). Up to ten mobile libraries under threat (the whole fleet) in proposed cuts. Consultation. (11)
- 2012: Glossop Library may move to new building. Campaign group: Glossop Save Our Unique Library (5/8/12). Funding for new £2.4 million pound library in Ashbourne approved, library due to open March 2013 (source: email received from council 1/5/12). £975k cut inc. £455k cut to stock, South Normanton Library to have hours increased. (30/1/12). Libraries will be part of cuts this year (20/1/12) 15 branches now have self-service. Duffield and Whaley Bridge are having “major refurbishments” (25/3/12).
- 2011: 1 mobile library closed. 1 mobile library to close meaning longer wait between visits, £1.76m cut, 30 out of 45 libraries will see cuts of between one and five hours, 11 will not change, 4 will increase opening hours. Some staff cuts. Hours reductions are mainly two hours per library on one day.
- Devon
- 2025: Seaton Library to close and to move to co-location. (1)
- 2023: Mobile library service may be cut, consultation. (4) All 4 mobile libraries cut. (11) St Thomas Library closed due to increase in rent, alternatives sought. (12)
- 2022: Bideford Library to move into Arts Centre for £1.7m building. (5)
- 2020: £38k stolen from Libraries Unlimited by finance manager.(2); Bovey Tracey Library moves into colocation. (10) Crowdfunder for refurbishment of ex-van as a new mobile library (10) Uffculme Library being refurbished. (11)
- 2018: Exmouth Library moves into new “community hub” after Friends fundraising / grants. (7)
- 2017: Bampton Library to move into co-located Library and Resource Centre. Volunteer-supported with room hire. (1) Ottery St Mary Library to relocate to improved (ex-bank) building, with assistance from town council and Friends. (1) Enhanced pay for weekend working removed (£220k p.a. cut). (2). £680k ACE funding over four years.(6) Topsham Library: new building in co-location with charity/café. (7) Kingkerswell Library to move due to housing development. (8) Chagford Library moves into Jubilee Hall extension. (10) Bideford Library may move into The Burton (11) Torbay To be taken over by Libraries Unlimited (Devon) (12)
- 2016: Libraries Unlimited officially given charitable status. (11)
- 2015: Confirmed that libraries will be run as a mutual trust. (3) Chair appointed to chair new Devon Libraries “independent organisation.(7) Ashburton Library moves into post office, extends hours. (8) Ottery St Mary’s Library to move into ex-bank. (9)
- 2014: £125k cut: Around four mobiles to be cut: Mobile library service to be cut by 65 stops and to change from fortnightly to monthly (1) £4.2m refurbishment of Exeter Library includes fab lab. (1) £3 million cut over last five years. Further £1.5m cut over next three years from surviving budget of £7.2 million. 3 month consultation. Ideas include colocations, volunteers. 28 out of 50 but may not close without such support: Appledore, Ashburton, Axminster. Bampton, Bovey Tracey, Braunton, Buckfastleigh, Budleigh Salterton, Chagford, Chudleigh, Chumleigh, Clyst Vale, Colyton,, Combe Martin, Dartmouth, Kingskerswell, Kingsteignton, Lynton, Moretonhampstead, Northam, Ottery St Mary, Pinhoe, Princetown, Salcombe, St Thomas, Stoke Fleming, Topsham, Uffculme. (Sources: BBC, Devon County Council, SCL).(4). 10 libraries to become volunteer-assisted (not volunteer-run: appears to be for fund-raising, extra services, etc). Seriously considering a movement towards Trust or Suffolk model to raise income/reduce costs. (0_
- 2013: Sidmouth consultation on major refurbishment (18/2/13).
- 2012: Appledore Library reopens after £50k refurbishment funded partially by Friends group (15/8/12). Newton Abbot (Passmore Edwards) Library reopens 25th June in new co-usebuilding inc. wifi/adult learning/cafe/meeting rooms (9/3/12). Colyton Library renovated with self-service installation (24/2/12) and volunteers increasing opening hours there every Tuesday morning. Sidmouth Library to go self-service at cost of £80k (30/1/12)
- 2011: £860k cut. Opening hours to be cut esp. Combe Martin, Moretonhampstead, Chulmleigh, Lynton and Salcombe – see here for complete list. Opening of replacement St Thomas Library (Exeter) delayed until at least Feb 2012 as original building to be used as shops. Totnes Library to be relocated to larger building. Job losses. Consultation ended May 7th – (may have reduced opening hours, less mobile stops, no new Exeter Library – suggests mobile library service has improved). BBC article confirms no closures. (“brutal” cuts to Exeter Record Office). Extension for Newton Abbot Library. At least some branch managers forced to reapply for their posts on a lower grade. Volunteers may be used in 2012.
- Campaign group: Friends of Colyton Library.
- Doncaster
- 2020: Central Library to close and move into Danum Gallery, Library and Museum. (1)
- 2017: Central Library to close: to co-locate with museum, school library service and art gallery in new build. (6)
- 2014: Conisbrough Library may lose paid staff and become volunteer run or close (1). 8 libraries under threat (Armthorpe, Askern, Bentley, Cantley, Conisbrough, Hatfield, Tickhill and Woodland plus 1 mobile. (1).
- 2013: £120k refurbishment for Central Library inc. change to self-service machines (22/2/13).
- 2012: 12 will close or be transferred to volunteers. Application for judicial review of library closures (based on Mayor ignoring decision of more than two-thirds of Doncaster councillors) due to be heard on 24th July (23/6/12). Mexborough Library reopened after refurbishment (17/3/12). Warmsworth, Bawtry, Rossington and Stainforth Libraries now run by volunteers (28/3/12). Balby now run by volunteers (9/4/12).
- 2011: 2 closed (Carcroft and Denaby). 14 branches under threat (total revised again due to more information) – 2 closed outright (Carcroft and Denaby) while 12 others (Bawtry, Intake, Warmsworth, Moorends, Rossington, Stainforth, Scawthorpe, Balby, Bessacarr, Edenthorpe, Wheatley and Sprotbrough) will be run by volunteers. Carcroft and Denaby Librarieshave closed. Previously 14 (out of 26) safeguarded for one year but still under threat (may also be taken out of council control) (over 50% cut in funding). Cantley Library may be moved to Sycamore School as part of community centre. Questions over if any of the 12 branches council says will be volunteer run will find necessary volunteers.
- Campaign group – Save Doncaster Libraries.
- Dorset
- 2024: £309k LIF grant for four staffless libraries and iPad lending.(3) Staffing cuts (7)
- 2021: Consultation. (10)
- 2019: 2 Christchurch libraries transferring to new combined Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council from 1 April
- 2017: Libraries may be co-located with job/health/daycare centre in six trial locations. (2) Lyme Regis Library given to developers – new library will be built. (3) Tourist Information Centre co-located with Dorchester Library. (3)
- 2016: School library service may close. (3)Confirmed school library service will close in July, 7 staff cut. (4) 3 out of 4 mobile libraries to be withdrawn. (6)
- 2015: Volunteers to handle police enquiry counters in libraries. (4) At least one mobile to be withdrawn, 75 stops lost. To be implemented in April 2016. (7) Book buying frozen until April. (10)
- 2013; 7 libraries will be transferred to volunteers: Puddletown, Chickerell, Wool, Colehill, Stalbridge, Burton Bradstock Library and Charmouth Library. Wool now open with volunteers (16/1/13). Dorchester new co-located library/adult learning centre in Charles Street to open in June. Replaces Colliton Park Library. (3). 21% cut (3) Christchurch Library £2m extension to open mid-May. To be co-located with Adult Learning (saving £50k p.a.) (4) Christchurch Library opens after £2m upgrade (5) £1.2m new Dorchester Library opens next week (twice current floorspace, inc. classrooms, wifi, Co-located with adult learning centre (7).
- 2012: 1 library closed (Portland Underhill). Charmouth passed to volunteers (14/11/12). Volunteer groups have presented business plans to take over eight branches that would otherwise close. Burton Bradstock Library fully passed to volunteers after joint staffing from 2007 (1/10/12). Corfe Castle likely to be run by volunteers (email from volunteer group, 17/6/12). The application for a volunteer-run Wool Library, in partnership with parish council, soon to start (20/9/12). Charmouth Library to be withdrawn in September, with building given to volunteers (14/3/12). Volunteer groups have presented business plans to take over seven branches that would otherwise close, two other libraries without sufficient volunteers (Portland Underhill and Corfe Castle) likely to close (6/3/12). Portland Underhill Library to close 28/4/12 (28/1/12). £2m refurbishment of Christchurch Library (25/3/12).
- 2011: Nine libraries will close unless volunteer-run (Burton Bradstock, Charmouth, Chickerell, Colehill, Corfe Castle, Portland Underhill, Puddletown, Stalbridge and Wool), 10 reprieved (Beaminster, Corfe Mullen, Crossways, Littlemoor, Lyme Regis, Lytchett Matravers, Portland Tophill, Sturminster Newton, Upton, Wyke Regis). £800k cuts still need to be made. Dorset is the sole council to receive an actual increase in funding for 2010/11. (1)(2)(official documents).
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