Ian Anstice
Public librarian since 1994, user of public libraries since my first memories ... and a keen advocate of public libraries and chronicler of the UK public libraries scene. Library manager since 1998, winner of Information Professional of the Year 2011 and Winsford Customer Service "Oscar" 2012 and 2014, honorary CILIP fellow 2015, CILIP Wales Library Champion of the Year 2016.
Homepage: https://www.publiclibrariesnews.com
Posts by Ian Anstice
The hijacking of a common noun
Jul 2nd
Dawn Finch has written an excellent article on public libraries that deserves an attentive read. One of the things in it is what shouldn’t be a library, such as those telephone or big bird-box book exchanges you see around the place. I love the word “library” and part of me thinks that if other people are appropriating it then it shows what a strong brand it is. After all, people use it not just for these Little Free LIbraries but also for software/code “libraries” and children’s collections like “My First Library”. People know, and like, what it means. That’s why I can never understand when people want to change the name of a library to something else. “Community Hub” or “Learning Resource Centre” doesn’t do it to me, nor for others, as Tasmania recently found out. People have a clear idea of what a library means. And it has less syllables than the alternatives.
I’m tempted to go off on one now about how volunteer libraries “community libraries” is a debasement of the term, much like inflation leads to a lower of the cost and quality of metal in coins but I don’t want to insult volunteers, who are doing unpaid work with the best of intentions. However, I would say that almost everyone agrees that council-run public libraries are the ideal. So, ideally, I’d like the word “public library” to keep meaning what it used to mean. But there’s no appellation d’origin controlee for the word “library”. Or volunteer-run “community libraries” would have needed to have been called something else. Like “hubs” perhaps.
Changes by local authority
- Aberdeenshire – £30k refurbishment of Inverurie Library.
- Darlington – Volunteer library opens at Red Hall.
- Derby – Central Library moves into smaller space at Council HQ.
- Devon – Exmouth Library moves into new community hub after Friends fundraising / grants.
- North Ayrshire – 2018/19 £177k cut, 2019/20 £372k may be further cut.
York crowd-funder yields results to learn from
Jun 27th
A very interesting experiment has taken in place in York. The library trust there, Explore, launched a crowdfunding campaign to pay for its summer reading challenge. At the end of the two month campaigning time, the service had reached its goal and raised very slightly more than its £11,117 target. On the face of it, this shows the success of the campaign and, I am sure, would encourage many others to think about going down the same route next year, even for something as fundamental as the main annual promotional push. However, crowd-funders allow one to look at who is donating unless they specifically ask to be anonymous so we can see where the money came from. Which is what I did:
- £7350 – the vast bulk was one anonymous donation Friday before Monday deadline. I understand it was not from the council.
- £2850 – 3 library friends group donations. This money would presumably have gone to the library service in any case for other projects.
- £315 – 3 York Council employees (inc. £300 from the officer in charge of outsourcing: he clearly believes in what he’s doing).
- £291 – 23 named donations, of which a quick google search comes up with no York Explore or council connections.
- £290 – 13 anonymous donations, untraceable.
- £239 – 8 York Explore employee donations inc. £160 from three very senior posts.
- £50 – 1 donation from local children’s activity magazine
- £20 – 1 donation from York bookshop
It’s clear from this that there’s no large number of small donors out there who funded the campaign, with the number of total donations being only 50 in total. Moreover, just 4 donations accounting for 10/11ths and one alone accounting for three quarters. Without that one big donation and, discounting the friends groups funding which would have gone to the library service anyway, the total amount raised would have been £1205, barely one-tenth of the total, with half of that coming from York Explore or council employees. So, the message if one digs deeper, for library services wanting to go down this route is that funding is not guaranteed and will come from a relatively small number of people.
Let’s be clear on this. I’m not attacking York Explore for trying crowdfunding. They’re actually doing well compared with many library services, having closed no libraries and this new library of theirs at Burnholme looks rather nice. No rather I see this as a test to see if there is widespread public support for this sort of funding in the ever harder financial environment that library services find themselves in. With budgets constantly being cut, it was only a matter of time before someone tried this and, in many ways, others will benefit from this experiment if it is learnt from. No, what I want to do is for the right lessons to be learnt. From my analysis, it’s clear that crowdfunding is not an easy answer and will result in small numbers of funders. It’s also rather high risk, which is what was discovered in an earlier experiment in Dundee, where a crowdfunder for £948k for a library expansion raised just £200 from a grand total of four donors. So, if you’re looking for non-traditional funding possibilities for what the public sees as fairly core services, it may be one should look elsewhere.
However, if anyone knows who donated that £7k, do let me now … I have a proposal for funding a news website on public libraries I’d like to talk to them about.
- West Dunbartonshire – One Stop Shop opened at Alexandria Library.

Dublin’ down: Eire bets the future of libraries on removing fines, staffless technology and investment
Jun 24th
The Republic of Ireland has come up with a strategy to double library usage. The key headline ways of doing so are by removing fines, upgrading buildings, and by increasing opening hours via staffless technology, with around 5 million euros (£50m equivalent pro rata) investment. This staffless technology is to be used in addition to staffing and, not as is often the case in the UK, part of a budget-cutting programme. Perhaps as interestingly, the scheme shows that Eire has the motivation and the infrastructure to impose such a plan.
Such is not the case in England, and to a lesser extent the other British nations, where the Brexit-obsessed government has done very little for libraries and is happy to neglect them, doing the least it can to ameliorate the effect of its own austerity programme while applauding those communities forced to replace paid staff with volunteers. In the vacuum that this creates, the remaining national bodies with responsibility for libraries, Arts Council England and the newly reminted Libraries Connected (SCL), are highly limited in what they can do with the 151 different English library services and it is up to individual councils as to what happens. Compared to Eire, this looks like not so much a strategy as trying to make do the best one can do without one. Few can doubt which of the two countries has more chance of success.
By the way, my apologies for being so slow in creating this post, almost a fortnight after the last one. I have been in some pain due to what I suspect was a mid-life-crisis inspired jogging injury but the new medication appears to help. Wish me luck for the MR scan tomorrow.
- Anglesey – Beaumaris, Cemaes and Rhosneigr will stay open, with reduced staffing hours and local council backing.. Moelfre and Newborough to shut on June 29. Cemaes village library to remain open for further year.
- Bristol – All libraries to remain open until 2020.
- East Sussex – Ore, Pevensey Bay, Polegate and Willingdon libraries will become volunteer after closing. Ringmer already volunteer.
- Lancashire – Lytham library to be reopened in Assembly Rooms.
- Swindon – Likely to become mutual.
- York – Funding guaranteed for next 15 (fifteen) years plus £147k per year for maintenance. Burnholme Library opens (£4.6m investment).

11th June 2018
Jun 11th
Changes by local authority

Goodbye Society of Chief Librarians, Hello Libraries Connected: An interview with Isobel Hunter
Jun 7th
I am delighted that the new CEO of the Society of Chief Librarians, Isobel Hunter, agreed to be interviewed. She very kindly opened up questioning to anyone and so the questions below are a mixture of mine and those received on Twitter and via email. The interview is tied in with the announcement that the SCL is now renamed “Libraries Connect“. This is to modernise and also to reflect its new role. Do have a read. The normal news bulletin is below the interview.
Ever wondered what your chief librarian is thinking?
Jun 5th
To many of us not in the highest tiers of public library management, the two day long SCL seminar, held this week in Warwick, maintains only a slight fascination, if we are aware of it at all. But the programme shows as well as anything what things chief librarians are interested in and the trends to watch. This year, also, will see the official launch of the new SCL logo and name, and it’ll be fascinating to see what reaction there is to that. Here are the things I’ve gleaned from the programme;
– The progress of the Libraries Opportunities for Everyone Fund (LOFIE) programmes are, quite rightly being shared. There seems to be more sharing of the results of innovation than before, generally, in libraries, which is good.
– It looks like the libraries minister Michael Ellis is actually physically turning up. His presence has hardly been noticed in the sector since his appointment, apart from one phoned-in script-reading video message at a volunteer library seminar a month or two ago. I reckon it’s 50:50 if he’ll cancel, though (and not just because his train will probably be late).
– The digital side is being emphasised, although the benefits of reading (not “books”) is featured in some sessions.
– EU libraries are mentioned. The loss of EU membership is going to have an impact on public libraries but, as with everything else about the issue, exactly how is unclear.
– Volunteer (“community managed”) libraries get a session, although considering how big a part of the sector they are now (over 500 branches) this is hardly surprising. Similarly, the same can be said about staffless libraries, whose presence is increasingly being felt.
– Health and wellbeing is big. Very big. Huge.
But, really, do have a read for yourself, especially if you want to get a view for what’s big and trending with chief librarians at the moment.
Summer is almost here
Jun 3rd
Good to see the Summer Reading Challenge is expected to go strong this year too. It’s the biggest promotion by far that libraries are involved with and hopefully will continue to be successful. I’d also love for me to be able to say next year that there’s at least another national promotion that can challenge it in terms of scale – because we need national promotions for adults and, above all, for non-users. In the meantime, though, have a read of Philip Pullman.
Changes by local authority
- Bath and North East Somerset – Five new volunteer libraries (Bishop Sutton, Chew Valley School, Timsbury, Peasedown St John and Whitchurch) likely to open in addition to any of the five council-run libraries that have been identified for closure or transfer to volunteers.
- South Lanarkshire – Strathaven Library moves to new co-located facility.
It should be you: apply for the Library of the Year
May 31st
You know how it is. Some other place, shinier and bigger than yours, wins an award. That’s how it goes. Well, I’ve seen a fair few libraries and there’s some brilliant ones out there who have never had recognition, and some are small and far from shiny. They just do brilliant work, over and above what is needed, every day , meeting the needs of their communities and going the extra mile. Some are pretty darn imaginative about it too. So it’s great to see the relaunch of the Library of the Year award into something more inclusive and open. Any size library can apply and any number can do so from any one library service. So ignore that inner voice that says your library is not as good as that big one you’ve heard about. Concentrate on the brilliance of yours and apply. it’s only 300 words and getting a great mix of libraries, large and small, old as well as new, in the final ten will done wonders to help show the variety of the great things libraries do. Apply before 15th June.
- Bath and North East Somerset – Midsomer Norton refurbished, now co-located with One Stop Shop.
- East Sussex – Langney Library closed: to be volunteer.
No longer just a bossy inter-lending service: The British Library in 2018
May 28th
Congratulations to LIz Jolly who becomes the chief librarian at the British Library shortly. I don’t often mention the BL, which to some extent is a worrying sign, either for me for missing it or for the BL for not doing enough. Having said that, the BL has definitely upped its game with public libraries noticeably over the last few years. Once upon a time only known in public library circles for its harsh and bossy attitude when it came to inter-lending books, the national library is now branching out into business outlets in various libraries and has recently put its toe in the water with screenings of readings in a a limited number of libraries. It’s unclear why they’re limited – the joy of digital technology is that the same thing is freely replicable an infinite number of times – but it’s better than the nothing we had before and hopefully one day they’ll cease the artificial limit, which is on offer to only a few chosen (it’s not clear how) library services. The recent Harry Potter tour is also to be welcomed as is an increasing involvement in discussions on public libraries at national level. However, to too many of us, the British Library remains a distant establishment. It’s still more a London Library With Good Intentions than something which, hand on heart, feels national to those of us in the majority who do not live in the capital. I hope Liz, who I have respect for, and others there continue and expand on the good work begun. And, perhaps, the days of prohibitive high late charges and bossy inter-lending notes will be forgotten, as will the attitude that we (mistakenly or not) assumed came with it.
Changes by local authority
- Bath and North East Somerset – Saltford volunteer library to include post office.
- East Lothian – Opening hours changes in line with usage / cuts + increases in various branches.
- Hampshire – £362k refurbishment of Totton Library.
- Newcastle – Social landlord “Your Homes Newcastle” withdrawing from partnership in Fenham Library. Gym and café to be opened in library instead.
- Staffordshire – Local rotary club takes over Brereton Library.
- Trafford – Timperley Library sold to developer, replacement planned.
- Warrington – New Bewsey and Dallam Community Hub including library still being considered, although without Livewire funding.
- West Lothian – No libraries to close, after campaign.
Answers on visas, Welsh libraries funding and your chance to question the new SCL Chief Exec
May 22nd
I always find, as a librarian, the best way to find an answer to a question is to ask an expert. So, due to the various expressed uncertainties about the public library scheme, I emailed Isobel Hunter, the new Chief Executive of the Society of Chief Librarians. She kindly quickly answered them and the details are below. Following on form this, she has also agreed to answer more general questions, which I’m working on now. But it seems to me some of you may have questions too. So if you want me to ask any, email me at ianlibrarian@live.co.uk. and let me know if you want it confidential or not. If there’s too many questions, I’ll try to work out questions that cover themes.
In other news, the Welsh Government has just announced funding that will help several libraries. Great to see. It’s worth pointing out that, scaled up to England’s size, that would be a very impressive £23m. Come on, Libraries Minister, make it happen.
Changes by local authorities
- Bridgend – Welsh Government funding to modernise Pyle Library.
- Carmarthenshire – Welsh Government funding to add archives depositiory to Camarthen Library
- Conwy – Welsh Government funding to allow Conwy Cultural Centre will provide access to library collection.
- Derbyshire – School library service to close.
- Newport – Welsh Government funding to modernise Ringland Library.
- Rhondda Cynon Taff – Welsh Government funding to modernise Tonypandy Library.
A short interview with Isobel Hunter, the new SCL chief executive, about the new Visa programme.
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