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- List of UK volunteer libraries
- List of Library Trusts and prospective Library Trusts
- Fine free libraries
- List of Staffless Libraries in the United Kingdom and beyond
- Literature Festivals with library involvement
- Governance
- Volunteer-run libraries
- 2010-2014: From Community Library to Community-run library: a look at the impact of volunteers
- Pros: reasons for volunteer “community libraries”
- Cons: reasons against volunteer “community libraries”
- Practicalities
- “The reality is very different”: A volunteer library manager speaks
- Are volunteer libraries statutory or non-statutory?
- Four views on volunteer libraries: Sue Charteris, AnneMarie Naylor, Marylyn Haines-Evans of the WI and Ian Anstice
- The Risk Exposures of Volunteer Libraries
- A crude strategy but here to stay: Biddy Casselden on volunteer public libraries in the United Kingdom
- Council assistance for volunteers
- International
- Further reading
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- Efficiencies
- Increasing income
- Volunteer-run libraries
- Why libraries?
- Fighting for libraries
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- What do public library staff do?
- Transcripts of library related programmes
- Guest posts
- Indigenous Knowledge Centres: Queensland Public Libraries finding a niche
- 3D Printers & Maker Spaces
- A Library is not just for Christmas
- The CCC/Tsutaya library miracle in Japan: combined bookshop libraries
- Maker Spaces in Libraries – The state of the art December 2013
- A glimpse of Tokyo library life, by Sue Charteris
- Relative Poverty: A display designed especially for libraries
- Nick Poole on what can we learn from the past to inform the future of public libraries
- A home for the homeless: Rachael Rivera and the Auckland Library Streeties
- Dancing Darth Vaders And Talking To Astronauts: Liam Cookson talks MozFest 2017
- A little less conversation: Nick Poole from CILIP writes about the problems with public libraries and action needed
- The Amazing Grace of Public Libraries (or aromatherapy for local living)
- Angry about cuts to Newport Libraries
- Libraries Taskforce Kathy Settle sets the records straight
- Thema: Graham Bell describes Thema, the new subject classification for the global book industry
- Glossary of common library terms
- LS&S (formally known as LSSI).
- Political
- Carillion and libraries
- Useful
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Ideas and innovations in public libraries
Every time I do a new news post for Public Libraries News, I check the media for mentions of new ideas in the public library world. This is stuff that strikes me as unusual: it may be something that a particular public library has been doing for decades. So have a look down the list and see if there is something your local library could benefit from. And if you want something added to the list (with full credit to yourself) please contact me at ianlibrarian@live.co.uk
- Biodegradable library cards – Trafford, August 2021.
Computers not books Providing access to computers, wifi or something else IT related, including wifi.
- “Digital Garage” training sessions. August 2016.
- iPad lending scheme. – Suffolk (July 2015)
- Self-publishing platforms via public libraries – January 2015
- Beacons – small transmitters that push information to users in a small area (e.g. storytime information to those entering the children’s library) and pull information about visitors (e.g. to track who moves where in a library). January 2015. See also Lending out Wifi hotspots Dec 2014. See also Wireless mesh network providing open e-book access – November 2014
- Mobile workplace – St Paul, USA.
- Digital hubs – An all-inclusive maker space including 3D printer, web/graphic design, videogame design, VHS converter.
- Software lending – Loan of MS Office, Photoshop etc in Kansas pilot.
- Use Tor as library browser – Improve Tor speeds and improve privacy of library users.
- Memory Lab – a project funded by the Library of Congress raising awareness of personal archiving and digitising. The Memory Lab will be a free DIY space where the public can transfer obsolete formats such as VHS and audio cassettes to digital files. 2016.
Technology training These are schemes to teach people about computers and aspects of them.
- Crypto parties May 2016
- Raspberry Pi workshops – Huddersfield Library. February 2015
- Digital career days – Gateshead runs them with software and computer hardware companies.
- Coding and other digital futures – Sue Lawson’s presentation to IFLA. October 2014
- Online courses leading to “blended learning” with tutored sessions (Germany)
- Technology petting zoo – Could be used for arranging e-reader / iPad training sessions etc. See also Digital Tuesdays.
- Mobile digital lab – Missouri, USA.
- Using Articulate Storyline for showing users how to use library technology – website here.
- Repair cafes – “Repair Cafés are free meeting places and they’re all about repairing things (together). The types of items that can be repaired and reused include clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances and toys.”
- Online safety lessons delivered to schoolchildren – Kent. April 2015.
- Google Digital Garages
- Every librarian to add at least one Wikipedia reference 2016
Technology to encourage reading or library use
- Esports – USA and UK 2017.
- Cinegi – Library film hire – 2017.
- Augmented reality book reviews – Loughborough 2017.
- Instagram novels – USA 2018.
- Story walls – Projecting images showing stories on large surfaces outside the library. 2015.
- Library videographers as well as photographers 2015
- Video booths 2016
- Virtual reality in the library – various options examined. 2016.
- Update book/e-book covers with creative commons non-commercial images April 2016
- Twitter emojis to publicise images August 2016.
- Library Extension – Free way to have your library book availability show on Amazon, GoodReads, Overdrive. November 2016.
- QR codes to encourage children reading – October 2014
- Stackscore books – Use library data to work out most popular items, avoiding data protection issues. October 2014
- Library card operated book returns box. September 2014
- BookMatch – Personally tailored reading lists that will be publicly shared.
- Seats 2 Meet – connect library users in real time..
- Barcode on your phone not on your library card – January 2015
- Online book club, with e-book available on webpage for library members – USA. February 2015
- Record author talks and events as podcasts – January 2015
- Battle of the books: online contest to find best/funniest book.
- Renewing automatically – Ohio Metropolitan Library will automatically renew loans of users (and email them to let them know they’ve done it) unless they are reserved by someone else.
- eReading Rooms – USA.
- Monthly poetry meet – with online forum and publishing on library website – Washington DC, USA.
- NFC tags on shelves to give more information and to show what is on loan – Japan.
- Extend opening access via self-service and card-only entry in Denmark assisted by a national library agency and a national RFID standard for libraries.
- Self-publishing machine – provide printed books on demand almost covering costs.
- Short story automatic teller machine – France.
Lending out stuff libraries just basically don’t normally lend out
- Footballs – Croydon, 2021.
- Coat donations for the homeless – Devon and Hackney, 2019
- Computerised sewing machines – USA 2017.
- Video and DVD converters – USA 2017.
- Sanitary items – Norfolk 2017.
- Charging points for electric cars – UK suggestion, 2018.
- Redistributing prom dresses – USA, 2018.
- Law advice – Legal students in libraries. Lithuania, 2018.
- Free telephones – USA, 2018.
- Halloween costume lending and exchange – USA, 2018.
- Hearing aid batteries – Midlothian 2018.
- Calmness packs inc. lava lamps. MIT Libraries, 2018.
- Drones 2016
- Lockers for visitors 2016
- Tiebrary – Borrowable ties for job-hunters. May 2016.
- Fruit pickers loan. September 2016.
- Library of things – loaning power drills etc (KickStarter project in London). June 2015. See also Library of things – loaning of items people vote for, including cameras, sewing machines, board games, bike repair. March 2015. See also Public vote on Library of Things – Public suggestions on items libraries should lend out e.g. sewing machines, wearable fitness trackers. October 2014. See also STEAM loans etc e.g,telescopes and tools – August 2014
- Film-making equipment
- Kitchen equipment
- Lend cooking utensils – January 2015
- Toy hire – Charge for as many toys as wanted for three weeks.
- Seed libraries – but make sure the Department of Agriculture is OK with it.
- Litter picking equipment provided via mobile library
- Kitchens for the public – for demonstrations and public use, healthy eating, etc.
- Mobile Maker Spaces – Mobile library fab lab in the Netherlands – See this PLN Page for a full treatment of plain old library-based Maker Spaces..
Promoting health and wellbeing
- Lightboxes – To combat Seasonal Affective Disorder. November 2019.
- Quiet times for those on autistic spectrum – Lancashire 2019
- Sauna – Finland, of course, 2017.
- Dog-friendly Fridays – Allowing dogs into the library one day per week. Scotland, 2018.
- Wellbeing bags – North Yorkshire, 2018.
- Opening on Christmas Day – To help with loneliness etc. Plymouth 2018.
- Guerrilla kindness – Leaving positive notes in books, USA 2018.
- Senior Services” – “a relaxed, comfortable area with armchairs, newspapers, book and dedicated programming, giving senior citizens a homelier library space. “ 2016.
- Fitness bikes – some exercise bikes allow you to read at the same time as you pedal. 2016
- Sensory storytimes for those on autism spectrum and reading group and other activities for adults on the spectrum. May 2016.
- Positive about breastfeeding. May 2016.
- Mental health and wellbeing information service – Suffolk launch “New Chapters”. May 2016.
- Reminiscence karaoke May 2016.
- Magnuscards – for people with cognitive special needs June 2016.
- Table tennis at the library September 2016.
- Memory cafes – for dementia sufferers and their carers. October 2016.
- Smart scales – BMI/Weight scales available in libraries. November 2016.
- Dementia information service – first in country opens in Dundee. May 2015. See also Dementia Awareness
- Partner with local NHS for bookfund – pain management books in Dundee. March 2015
- Social and health care workers as housebound book deliverers. – May 2015
- Open library 24/7 for homeless March 2015 and Encourage the homeless in – Halifax, Canada. January 2015.
- Design library in association with Alzheimer’s Society. March 2015
- Cancer teenage support groups – Northamptonshire. January 2015
- Donate World Book Night free books to Food Banks, with leaflet explaining what public library can do for them – Idea discussed at Time To Read meeting. January 2015
- Vouchers for free/discounted leisure sessions given out with issued books – Dec 2014
- HIV awareness display – Speaking Volumes. October 2014.
- Combining health, cookery and literacy.
- Yoga storytimes – Yoga stretches and movement will be woven into the story for a fun, interactive experience blending early literacy and health.
- Reading spas and Book Years – One-to-one bibliotherapy sessions and tailored book recommendations, sort of.
- Reading groups for blind and visually impaired.
- Health information and advice in libraries, in association with GPs
- 3D printer used to help readers with additional needs, produce items for reminiscence packs, etc.
- Kurling, boccia and table tennis tasters – January 2015
- Book packs in neonatal hospital wards
- Walking and reading groups – Discuss a book while walking outdoors. Idea noted in various places e.g. Hertfordshire. Current link is from Fife 2019.
Going beyond the mainstream
- Opening up libraries as homeless shelters, with aid of charities – Wirral, 2019.
- Hijab days – awareness sessions on Islam (or other culture). 2015
- Wordblend – Ask public to write extract from favourite book on wall, in their own native language. 2016.
- Don’t ask for marital status when joining a new library member – is irrelevant and avoids incorrect terminology e.g. with LGBT community. 2016.
- Video link rooms for children to talk to parents in prison June 2016.
- Credit union collection points – Derbyshire.
- Donations for food bank instead of fines – St Helens
- Food parcels being given out at libraries.
- Job application / video interview kiosk – USA.
- Free Fridays – Free computer usage and assistance for unemployed (Devon).
- Movies clubs for the homeless
- Chat and chill – Acclimatising women [Not men, in this case – Ed.] new to UK to life here. November 2016.
- Tactile reading – Briefcases containing architectural models.
- Exemption of fines for those with dementia / “Memory Support Library Card” 2016
Displays and shelving innovations
- Patron request system – automatically buy one copy of any book or DVD the first cardholder in the service asks for. 2016
- Library RFID robot – 99% accuracy claimed in Singapore. June 2016.
- Robot librarian to take users to the book 2016.
- Bingo cards for staff and users to encourage reading July 2016.
- RFID drone – Drone scans library to locate all books. May 2016.
- “Blind books” display – books wrapped in plain white packaging with only the first line of the story and the genre of book for readers to see. – April 2015
- Awesome boxes – Customer puts the library book they loved in a special box when returned in branch or online. February 2015
- Hovermarks – Downloadable copyright-free bookmark that points towards the spine, not cover, allowing the bookmark to be read when books is shelved and not on display. February 2015
- Poetry and other material, open for public interaction. – January 2015
- Mix up fiction and non-fiction by subject interest and double your usage
- Personal “shop” area for each customer group type
- Remove Dewey, shelve by subject: put fiction and non-fiction together for each customer type.
- A whiteboard so users can say what services/books/courses they want
- Spine labels of books on stair cases – Seriously, why aren’t more libraries doing this?
- Encourage leaving notes in books
- CSI “Name of your town” – Invite a crime writer and a forensic investigator from your local police force.
- Book for Summer – Multiple copies of book promoted over Summer, in partnership with publishers (Devon)
- Philosophy cafes – Aberdeenshire. “vibrant street level discussion on the issues of the day”.
- Comic conventions – October 2014
- Book sculptures – Child-shaped statues made of books.
Children’s and Teenage
- Elf on the Shelf – 2017.
- Virtual reading dog – Finland 2018.
- Skate evenings 2018.
- Autism storytimes 2015
- Cardboard mazes 2015
- Teen area managed by teenagers 2015
- Apply to YA Shot for author visits 2016, UK only.
- Video link storytimes with children from other countries 2016
- Hunt for a golden ticket – Find the bookmark, win a prize. 2016.
- Drag Queen storytimes 2016
- Book Fair game – to get kids (and adults) thinking about books. 2016
- Arrange a conference for schools on well-being through reading March 2016.
- Nursing room – “emphasize that children are welcome here from birth.” August 2016.
- 1000 books before kindergarten August 2016
- Create own picture books for sale / publicity.– February 2015
- Storytelling games – April 2015
- “Play stations” at story times – Provide toys, with play activities and “play tips”, integral to programme. February 2015
- Closing the library specifically for children’s storytime. March 2015
- Using lego to make money – Carillion Libraries will charge for weekly lego club, class visits including lego, lego parties and business teambuilding events. July 2015. See also Using Lego Mindstorm and Scratch in partnership with local schools. See also this full page on lego in libraries.
- Lego Storystarter – use lego in story sessions, with everything planned out for you (or use Minecraft Lego). April 2015. See also Technocamps – Neath Port Talbot – The activities enable children aged 7 to 11 to develop their enthusiasm for STEM skills by learning computer coding and creating projects using LEGO’s Mindstorm robots.
- LiberTea – Encourage young people to debate politics in libraries. June 2015.
- Summer Reading Challenge to include all forms of reading (inc internet) not just books – New York. April 2015.
- City-wide young adult book reading challenge – Dec 2014
- School programmes and resources to be available on public library computers – Dec 2014
- 25 mini-adventures in the library – some lovely ideas for children in public libraries. October 2014
- Igloo reading nook in children’s library made out of plastic bottles (Australia).
- Panini sticker swap.
- Summer Reading Challenge treasure hunt in local bookstore
- Homago area for teens – “Hang out, mess around, geek out” area, USA.
- Teddy bear sleepover, with pictures – Edinburgh.
- Suspended net for children to read on – Spain.
- Letters to Santa – At all Neath Port Talbot libraries.
- Pantomime storytimes – Get pantomime groups to do storytimes in libraries.
- Motivate children to read with wild challenges – for example, if 300 join, librarian will read to a live alligator (!).
- Library pig – micro-pig used as mascot and as reading therapy. Dec 2014 See also Paws to Read”: Guide dogs as reading dogs – ask visually impaired library users if library can have their guide dog for children to read to (safe animal, improve literacy, improve understanding of disability). See also Hug a puppy – USA.
Unusual co-locations
- Libraries in launderettes – USA 2017.
- Combined bookshop/library/café – Japan 2017.
- Lease out part of library to building society 2016
- Crime reporting – train staff to deal with victims of crime who do not wish to go to the police.
- Convert a historic ship into a “floating library“.
- Use spare library space to offer to an artist as a residency – Idea from Arts in Libraries conference. March 2015.
- Library becoming home to a community choir (Australia).
- Community cinema – Lend out film-related books at same time. September 2014
- Open offices in Sweden – where companies set up office in library and do lectures/presentations.
- Workrary – Non-profit company leases out libraries as business workplaces. May 2016.
Publicity and outreach
- Hospital readings – Library volunteers read stories etc. – Hull 2021
- Live action storytelling – USA 2019
- Small town news – USA 2018.
- Six minute reading challenge – Aberdeen, 2018.
- Photo competition for new library cards – North Yorkshire, 2018.
- Outdoor libraries – Library and playground. Canada, 2018.
- Book Bingo – North Yorkshire, 2018.
- Story pods – small library opens up from closed box shape. 2015
- Colouring book for adults – Book created by public library. 2015
- Scavenger/treasure hunt across multiple branches 2016
- Bookfacing Fridays – Barcelona Libraries encourage bookfacing one day per week. 2016.
- Community skill sharing – workshops and courses provided by community members. In the village of Red Hook these recently included languages, bee-keeping, brewing and maple tree tapping. 2016.
- Involvement in RSPB Birdwatch. 2016
- TEDx – Host a TEDx talk at your library, like Oldham did. 2016
- Unprogramming – Simplifying events to increase attendance. 2016.
- Talks on how to raise chickens, with actual live chickens. April 2016.
- Silent Disco – Where people dance to their own music, on headphones. May 2016.
- Food for thought – Pop-up library where people eat. June 2016.
- Give out books on the beach June 2016.
- Annual party at the library to make sure everyone feels welcome – really works with the young. June 2016.
- Team up with charities so minibuses can bring people to the library. July 2016.
- Karaoke bar August 2016
- Equity crowdfunding – Use small percentage of materials budget to invest, make profit and improve community. August 2016.
- Summer reading challenge for adults August 2016.
- Storytellers without borders – collaboration with journalists and students. August 2016.
- Tweeting music and pictures from a particular decade. September 2016.
- Readers in Residence – to promote reading via activities.. October 2016.
- Bookbenches – to encourage reading and library presence in towns. October 2016.
- SOUP evenings – See this for a simple diagram of how SOUP works. (November 2016)
- Hold a day in the life – to sustain funding. May 2015
- Set a world record for your library – even for stuff like “most pencils laid end to end in a library”. March 2015
- Make a music video to promote your library
- Lending out Little Free Libraries – January 2015 see also Use Little Free Libraries to promote pubic libraries – Wandsworth.
- Bookswap on Stagecoach buses – July 2015. See also Taxi libraries.
- Lending out books to commuters – ” In early 2013, she took 20 copies of Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In to the train platform and lent them out. During a one-month period, those books circulated 75 times, leading up to an evening discussion at a bar near the railroad. In comparison,”
- Books on buses – (also seen in Columbus, Ohio). July 2015.
- Free library book shelves at train stations – Sutton.
- Talking books available at lorry distribution centres – Denmark.
- Google map what’s being read by area – easy to do, makes the national news. November 2014
- Photospheres – Such as this one in Essex. See also Google Street View – in 10 US branches.
- Hiding books – Littlehampton Literary Anarchists. Feb 2015.
- “The most valuable card in your wallet” advertising campaign – January 2015
- Humorous Twitter account as publicity tool – Dec 2014
- Ice cream carts for books. See also this. Dec 2014
- Literacy hub – including all organisations interested in literacy in an area including libraries. – November 2014
- Use the Library A to Z letters in your Twitter profile or publicity material – November 2014
- Book Bikes – Promote public libraries in the community, temporary tattoo users, blow bubbles when someone joins. October 2014
- Flash Libraries –
- Promote library online/digital offer in community fairs – Lewisham shows off Oculus Rift etc.
- Publicise heavy users – Suffolk publicise two children, one of which – and eight year old boy – has loaned 1200 books,
- Education by stealth – encouraging new users in via music/arts events and then retaining their membership.
- Put staff names and photos on publicity materials – Children will then come in and ask staff to autograph them.
- Photo booth for library users to show how they use the library – Wiltshire.
- Using Google Hangouts for library conferences – March 2015. See also Broadcast seminars November 2014
- Streetlife – A social media site that encourages local communities and can provide free advertising for libraries. November 2014
- Helpouts – Librarians via Skype etc put people in touch with experts (concept). See Google Helpouts.
- Specific LGBT services section
- Using raffles and contests to gain customer feedback
- Humorous signs on library vans – such as “Dr Jekyll’s Pharmacy” (Thanks to Stephen Heywood for this link – do email ianlibrarian@live.co.uk if you spot other good ideas that need publicising).
- Storymob – Like a flashmob but story-related, including dressing like the characters.
- Book reading groups in wine bars in the evening – New Zealand.
- Book competition where winner book is turned into an ebook – Oxfordshire, 2018 for last five years.
Income generation or saving money
- Storytelling for businesses 2016
- Charge for tutors to use library space 2016
- Remove library fines: replace with replacement and admin fee if book more than 40 days late
- Buying books from the public – proven bad idea. March 2015.
- “Library Guardians” – One-off or monthly donations in return for premium service – Northamptonshire. February 2015
- Library as wedding venue – Manchester Central Library. February 2015
- Library-blend coffee – fundraising idea. January 2015
- Libraries are “marketing channels” – that should be funded for recommending things. March 2015
- Partner with Nintendo – January 2015
- Renting out parking space in library car parks – Barnet. – Novemeber 2014
- Co-location spaces – Hiring out rooms, 24/7. October 2014
- Library card as debit card – Assisting users without bank cards, improve income and business connections. September 2014
- Business loyalty card for library customers and community shops – Aldeburgh Library, Suffolk.
- Selling “library boxes” – Somewhere for library users to keep their books at home so as they don’t lose them.
- Advertising on back of mobile libraries – Cambridgeshire offer space for £200 per month.
- Crowdfunding for children’s library “story time nook”.
- Putting company logos on staff uniforms to raise income
- Community-owned bookshop within library
- Leaving money to library in will – and should libraries pro-actively encourage this?
- Using Linux on public PCs – cheaper, multi-user, multilingual, familiar. September 2014
- See also a lot of the list on this whole page on income generation in libraries.
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- Dave - Libraries Hacked on Aberdeen getting worse but otherwise we’re getting Beta
- Erwin Lagustan on Ideas and innovations in public libraries
- Jeanette Jones on The joy of work
- Barbara Carol Band on No words
- Sue Wickstead on A warm Christmas
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about 9 years ago
Very useful website
about 9 years ago
A nice resource to have available, thanks ian! A suggestion: I loved what Johnson County Libraries in Kansas did with their library vans, turning them into clever marketing tools: http://www.blacktopcreative.com/show-and-tell/johnson-county-library-trucks/
about 9 years ago
..just logging in to follow thread … any more ideas to think about well… thanks..
David Moore
about 6 years ago
some great ideas on here, thanks very much for this
about 4 years ago
Thank you for compiling this list! It was extremely helpful when working on my assignment about innovative libraries.
about 1 year ago
Thank You for these wonderful Library activity ideas. So useful…