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- 2010-2014: From Community Library to Community-run library: a look at the impact of volunteers
- Pros: reasons for volunteer “community libraries”
- Cons: reasons against volunteer “community libraries”
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- “The reality is very different”: A volunteer library manager speaks
- Are volunteer libraries statutory or non-statutory?
- Four views on volunteer libraries: Sue Charteris, AnneMarie Naylor, Marylyn Haines-Evans of the WI and Ian Anstice
- The Risk Exposures of Volunteer Libraries
- A crude strategy but here to stay: Biddy Casselden on volunteer public libraries in the United Kingdom
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- A Library is not just for Christmas
- The CCC/Tsutaya library miracle in Japan: combined bookshop libraries
- Maker Spaces in Libraries – The state of the art December 2013
- A glimpse of Tokyo library life, by Sue Charteris
- Relative Poverty: A display designed especially for libraries
- Nick Poole on what can we learn from the past to inform the future of public libraries
- A home for the homeless: Rachael Rivera and the Auckland Library Streeties
- Dancing Darth Vaders And Talking To Astronauts: Liam Cookson talks MozFest 2017
- A little less conversation: Nick Poole from CILIP writes about the problems with public libraries and action needed
- The Amazing Grace of Public Libraries (or aromatherapy for local living)
- Angry about cuts to Newport Libraries
- Libraries Taskforce Kathy Settle sets the records straight
- Thema: Graham Bell describes Thema, the new subject classification for the global book industry
- Glossary of common library terms
- LS&S (formally known as LSSI).
- Political
- Carillion and libraries
- Useful
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- 1850 Public Libraries Act.
- 1915 to current – Carnegie UK. List of reports on public libraries produced by Carnegie UK.
- 1942 McColvin Report – See this for a summary of what it says and its relevance today.
- 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act – Outlines the statutory duty of councils to have a “comprehensive and efficient” library service.
- 1991 Local Inquiry into Derbyshire Library Service – This is the first of two cases in modern times when a local authority came close to being in breach of their statutory duties. This summary gives an insight into the legal position of authorities, although it is superseded by the 2009 Inquiry and other developments. (PDF of selected pages of report here)
- 2003 Overdue: how to create a modern library service – Laser Foundation.
- 2004/5 Select Committee of the DCMS on libraries made many proposals for public libraries, after hearing much evidence, mainly to do with boosting bookstock, opening hours and other bread and butter issues. The Government at the time’s response to it is here.
- 2005 Libraries impact project – Laser Foundation.
- 2006 Better Stock, Better Libraries – MLA.
- 2007 Blueprint for excellence 2008-11 – MLA.
- 2008 Taking stock: the future of our public library service – Unison. Very useful guide to the state of play in 2008.
- 2008 Framework for the future – MLA.
- 2008 Advice of the Advisory Council on Libraries England (ACL) to the minister.
- 2009 Empower, Inform and Enrich – DCMS consultation on public libraries.
- UNISON response to 2009 Empower, Inform and Enrich – DCMS review of public libraries. Link is to UNISON response. DCMS document appears to be unavailable.
- 2009 All-party parliamentary group report on Libraries, Literacy and Information Management.
- 2009 Wirral Libraries Inquiry report by Sue Charteris into proposed closures led to the authority withdrawing their plans and is seen as landmark guidance in what an authority should do in order to be compliant with the 1964 Act.
- 2010 What do the public want from libraries? – MLA.
- 2011 Could do better: Latest overview of adult literacy in the UK – 15% of adults still below the reading age of an 11 year old.
- 2011 Gift of Reading – 1 in 3 children do not own a book at home (compared with 1 in 10 in 2005)
- 2011 Community engagement in public libraries – MLA.
- 2011 Culture, Knowledge and Understanding: great museums and libraries for everyone – Arts Council England. “A companion to our 10-year strategic framework for the arts Achieving great art for everyone, this publication is our first attempt to integrate museums and libraries into this framework. It is designed to provide certainty as to the programmes the Arts Council will run from 2011-15 while soliciting further debate about the directions we should take in the longer term.”
- Review of research and literature on museums and libraries – Arts Council England (2011).
- 2011: Public libraries and literacy by the National Literacy Trust. Findings “suggest that public libraries do not only have a role to play in the reading patterns of those pupils who use them, but also a unique role in providing opportunities to support learning outside of the classroom including support for family
engagement.” - Public Library Closures – House of Commons briefing, February 2011. A look at the number of libraries under threat., using all sources.
- NB Arts Council England took over from the MLA in 2012/13 and so the MLA site was discontinued. Many of the reports can be found via Arts Council England at http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/what-we-do/research-and-data/museums-and-libraries-research-resources/ and the National Archives at http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110802101741/http:/mla.gov.uk/home.
- 2012: Library development initiative – Arts Council England.
- 2012: A new chapter: public library services in the 21st century by the Carnegie UK Trust.
- 2012: Creating future libraries – LGA. “A simple self-assessment based guide aimed at electedmembers, corporate managers and library managers to help you undertake a review and successful changeprocess in your library services based on the lessons from the Future Libraries Programme.”
- 2012: First incomplete field guide to wellbeing in libraries – Welsh Government.
- 2012: Measuring the economic benefits of arts and culture – Arts Council England. “This report, written by BOP consulting, aims to provide arts and cultural organisations with clear guidance about undertaking or commissioning studies into the economic benefits of their work. The guidance will help organisations choose appropriate and robust methodologies and uses case studies to illustrate the benefits and limitations of different approaches to measuring economic contribution.”
- 2012: Libraries: innovation, co-location and partnership – Labour Party.
- 2012: “Finch Report” Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications – Strongly encourages expansion of access to academic research into public libraries.
- 2012: New Zealand Public Libraries Strategic Framework – A national public libraries strategy widely seen as an exemplar of how one should be done.
- 2012: Building Partnerships: Literature Organisations & Libraries – Writer’s Centre Norwich report.
- 2013: Library services in the digital age – Pew Research (USA). Very useful research on how libraries are used and what the public want from the,
- 2013 – Measuring the value of public libraries in the digital age: What the power people need to know – Journal of Library and Information Science.
- 2013: Community libraries – learning from experience – Arts Council England / Locality. A look at volunteer run libraries using several case studies. Largely regarded as pro volunteer libraries.
- 2013: On permanent loan? Community managed libraries – a volunteer perspective – NFWI. A smaller scale report than the ACE one above. More cautious about volunteer libraries
- 2013: Protecting Library Services – Capita. A look at the technological opportunities (and some others like sharing services) for cutting costs and improving service.
- 2013: The Damage: public library service under attack: how cuts are putting individuals and communities at risk and damaging local businesses and economies: a UNISON report by Steve Davies, University of Cardiff – Unison
- 2013: Public Library Universal Information Offer Workforce Development: Supporting Digital Access to Information and Services: Skills Report – Society of Chief Librarians produce biggest report for more than a decade on the skills of UK public library staff.
- 2013: Briefing paper for All Party Parliamentary Library group – Library Campaign gives an overview of the current situation and offers solutions.
- 2013: Effects of demographics and co-production on library service provision in England – Javier Stanziola. Funded by Arts Council England.
- 2013: Envisioning the Library of the Future – Arts Council England.
- 2014: Automatic Library Membership Pilots Final Report – Arts Council England.
- 2014: Enabling Enterprise in Libraries – Locality/Arts Council England.
- 2014: Are community libraries effective? – MA dissertation with wide range of responses.
- 2014: Public libraries in Wales – National Assembly for Wales. Asks for annual report, improved statistics, a definition of “comprehensive and efficient”, accreditation scheme, collaboration/colocation, support for volunteer libraries, identify further funding opportunities, raise revenue (apart from “core”), better promotion via other services, additional funding.
- 2014: Income Generation for Public Libraries: a Practical Guide for Library Service Commissioners and Providers in England – Locality. “Locality has worked with Arts Council England over a six month period to explore existing good practice and assess the potential to further enable income generation to support and enhance as well as to improve the overall resilience and sustainability of library services. “
- 2014: Digital Leadership Skills – Society of Chief Librarians. “the result of a four-month study that has engaged more than 200 existing heads of libraries and future library leaders. It will now guide SCL’s work to enable public libraries to cement their role as the only universally accessible public space where anyone can access digital knowledge and opportunities.”
- 2014: Rural library services in England: exploring recent changes and possible futures – Report commissioned by Defra and Arts Council England looking at provision of public libraries in countryside areas, with special attention paid to volunteers and innovation.
- 2014: Independent library report for England – By William Sieghart. A key report, which resulted in the setting up of the Libraries Taskforce.
- 2014: An everyday public? Placing public libraries in London and Berlin – LSE Theses Online. “This thesis is a study of three public libraries, two in the Berlin district of Wedding, and one in Thornton Heath, south London. In these neighbourhoods with high levels of ethnic diversity, poverty and transience, the libraries offer a ‘window’ onto their localities, spaces in which local concerns, ideas and practices of contemporary multicultural urban life are played out. “
- 2015: Independent trusts and community libraries in Wales
- 2015; The Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Public Libraries – Arts Council England. Rigorous survey shows that users and non-users in England would be willing to pay £723m more in order to maintain library services at current level.
- 2015: Ambition and opportunity: a strategy for public libraries in Scotland 2015-2020 – Scottish Government.
- 2015 – Evidence on the use of volunteers in libraries and on volunteer-run libraries – Scottish Library and Information Council. Acknowledges complementary benefit of volunteers but argues that replacing staff with volunteers is not a good solution long-term.
- 2015: Read it and Weep – Unison Scotland. See Fine words and ideals no substitute for investment: Unison inquiry into Scotland’s libraries – Unison. “Unison, the trade union for Scotland’s library staff, has published a report ‘Read It and Weep’, which outlines the experience of those working in Scotland’s libraries. It raises the concerns and difficulties of staff who are simultaneously being expected to expand services while being in the front line of cuts. The report is based on qualitative research from Unison members working across Scotland’s libraries. The frustration on the part of staff is clear. They are well aware that the services they provide are not as good as they could be and they highlight the impacts that cuts are making. Library services have been undergoing massive change in recent years yet staff numbers have been going down, buildings are closing and opening hours reduced..”
- 2015: Scoping a New Future for Welsh Public Libraries – Welsh Government.
- 2015: Annual reports 2014-2015 – Welsh Government. “These reports assess the performance of libraries for the 1st year of the 5th Welsh Public Library Standards framework. Local authorities submit a return in early summer each year. This reports on library performance for the previous year. We use a panel of assessors from local government and other experts to consider the performances. We give written feedback reports containing final assessment and advice to local authorities in the autumn of each year. This annual report is based on the information provided by authorities.”
- 2015: Libraries as a statutory service – Gov.uk/DCMS. Produced by DCMS and Sue Charteris, published Libraries as a statutory service, Example of a decision made by the Secretary of State and A sector perspective on creating a comprehensive library service. “This guidance accompanies the Libraries Shaping the Future Toolkit, produced by the Leadership for Libraries Taskforce. This text should not in any way be taken as formal legal advice or be used as the basis for formal council decisions. All local authorities should seek independent legal advice on any proposed changes they wish to make to their library service.”
- 2016: Essential Digital Infrastructure for Public Libraries in England – Society of Chief Librarians / BiblioCommons.
- 2016: Libraries Deliver: Ambition for Public Libraries in England 2016-2021 – DCMS/Libraries Taskforce. Suggests actions and targets for the public library service nationally for five years.
- 2016: Community libraries: good practice toolkit – DCMS / Libraries Taskforce. Best practice guide for volunteer libraries.
- 2016: Community Libraries: Key considerations for community organisations seeking to take over library services and assets – Locality. “This guide forms part of a series of resources produced for the My Community programme, which is funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government. This guide explores the subject of community managed and/or owned libraries, and contains advice that is relevant to both established and new community organisations, as well as Town and Parish Councils who are interested in exploring how they may play a role in supporting and developing local community library services and buildings.”
- 2016 – Local Libraries and Independent Bookshops in the UK – House of Lords Library Note. “On 13 October 2016, the House of Lords will debate the cultural, civil and educational significance of local libraries and independent bookshops in the United Kingdom.” … “This Library briefing presents some of the arguments made in support of local libraries and independent bookshops. It provides background about the history of public libraries, legislation governing its provision and statistics on public libraries and independent bookshops. It concludes by highlighting some recent developments in these areas.”
- 2016: Libraries Deliver: Ambition for Public Libraries in England 2016 to 2021 – Libraries Taskforce.
- 2017: Delivering local solutions for public library services – Local Government Association. “Written for all councillors who have an interest in supporting the development of public library services, this guide will take you through the how and why of transformation in your area. Whether you are a portfolio holder with responsibility for libraries and wider cultural services, or a ward councillor who has campaigned tirelessly to keep a local library open in a period of cost-cutting and rationalisation, it will set out ways in which you can ensure your library service excels and meets the needs of your communities.”
- 2017: Research and analysis to explore the service effectiveness and sustainability of community managed libraries in England – DCMS / Serio.
- 2018 – Investigating the public response to local government decisions to reduce or remove public library services – Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. “This paper presents new findings regarding the public response to public spending cuts as part of the UK Government fiscal consolidation programme, specifically to the perceived effects of reduced library opening hours on the public library user in a city in the North of England. An inductive approach was taken to the mixed methods study, using a self-completion, cross-sectional survey distributed to adults visiting one of three libraries in the city during a six-day period. Qualitative and quantitative data analyses indicate a shared level of dissatisfaction with the service reductions across the respondents, and a shared perception of having been adversely affected. Statistical analyses revealed a strong level of agreement that the changes had a significantly negative impact on different aspects of respondents’ lives. The research evidences the direct effects of service reductions on library users, as well as the wider social and economic implications.”
- 2018 – The hollowing out of children’s public library services in England from 2010-2016 – University of Strathclyde Glasgow. “the quality of library services for children has suffered over the past six years, and therefore the benefits of libraries for children will be lesser.” … “The concept of hollowing out as defined by Rhodes has been proven to be present within public library services in England. This research has demonstrated that there has been a downward trend in staff, spending and open ing hours across children’s public library services in England between 2010 and 2016.”
- 2020: Making a Difference: Libraries, Lockdown and Looking Ahead – Carnegie UK Trust.
- 2023: Creating Safer Libraries – Libraries Connected.
- 2024: An independent review of English public libraries
- 2024: Libraries Connected issues guidance to councils considering major changes to library services
Other documents
- Effective Campaigning – this is a general UNISON resource, useful but not specific to libraries.
- Future Libraries Programme – Final report is here. Government sponsored programme of several library authorities to find new ways of working / saving money. Full reports on Future Libraries Programme are here. The report is noted for its strong support for volunteers, closing libraries and putting the books in shops and merging library services.
- Letters from Ed Vaizey, Libraries Minister, to local councils explaining their duties. These are highly useful from a campaigner viewpoint as they give an idea of what local authorities should be doing in order to keep within their statutory obligations. Letters (a) 3/12/10, (b)24/2/11 and its annexe.
- Libraries in transition -Social Enterprise London (2011). Looks at the pros and cons (mainly the pros) of social enterprises taking over the work of public libraries.
- Library Campaign Handbook – Brilliant handbook from, of course, the Library Campaign
- Guidance on the management of controversial material in public libraries – MLA.
- Modernisation of Public Libraries: A policy statement March 2010 – The swansong of Labour thinking on libraries, it’s slightly woolly provisions were criticised at the time but now seem a relic of a different era.
- People’s Inquiry into the library service – UNISON, 2008.
- Philip Pullman “Leave the libraries alone, you don’t understand their value”. Widely publicised and well-received speech by the world-famous author.
- Philip Pullman “Consider the Context” – speech to Library Campaign Conference 22/10/11
- Stephen Fry on public libraries “I suppose if I have one campaign I can really get behind it is saving libraries.”
- Taking stock: the future of our public library service – UNISON, 2010.
- UNESCO public library manifesto.
- Wales, unlike England, has retained formal public library standards. It’s framework for 2011-14 is called Maintaining a valued service. Wales also has a strategy for libraries called Libraries Inspire: the strategic development framework for Welsh Libraries 2012-16.
- What makes a good library service? – CILIP. A summary by the professional association of librarians on what a public library service should provide.
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about 12 years ago
Thank you so much for the resources you have on this website. I have been appointed as an ambassador for the Denise C. Hogan Library in Kenya and I need to network with like minded organizations.