Dudley to East Riding of Yorkshire

To make the list is factual as possible, please email ianlibrarian@live.co.uk with any corrections or additions, thank you.

  1. Dudley
    1. 2025: School Libraries Service moves into Halesowen Library, replacing subscription service. (1)
    2. 2024: Tender for running library service. (1) GLL continues to provide service. £144k LIF grant for Lye Library to have moveable shelving, refurbishment, VR headsets and hublets (source: GLL) (3)
    3. 2023: Proposed £380k per year cut 2024/5 followed by £1.08m cut in 2025/6 (4) Brierly Hill Library opens after £670k refurbishment. (12)
    4. 2021: Extra two hours opening in nine libraries per week (2)
    5. 2018: Woodside Library Link (itself a replacement for Woodside Library, closed in 2008) to close. (3)
    6. 2017: GLL to take over new libraries/archives mutual for at least five years.(2) GLL take over managing the library service. (12)
    7. 2016: Will become a mutual: 11% cut 2016/17, will become 30% cut 2017/18.(4) Cuts in opening hours of over 100 per week spread over 14 libraries. (7)
    8. 2015: Cradley Library may move into new building due to area redevelopment. (6) Employee-led mutual to run libraries/archives/adult learning from April 2016. Savings expected to allow for 11% budget cut 2016/17 to 30% 2017/18.  (10)
    9. 2012: £272k cut to budget (Dec).  Dudley Library will have housing office and CAB housed within it from January 2013. 2 other housing offices already moved into libraries (11/12/12).  £208k refurb of St Jame’s Road Library (15/10/12). All libraries to be self-service by April (6.2.12). Brierley Hill Library combined with housing office and Citizen’s Advice Bureau (18.3.12).  Netherton Library moved into Savoy Centre (10/2/13).
  2. Dumfries and Galloway
    1. 2017: Annan Library to close: to be co-located with customer services into town hall. (8)
    2. 2016: Sanquhar library, registration service and council customer service centre to be combined. (5)
    3. 2015: Kirkcudbright Library to move to cheaper site.(7)
    4. 2014: Wigtown Library may have hours cut from 40 hours per week to 17.5 (1)  Wigtown Library confirmed opening hours cut. (2). All libraries to be integrated with customer service centres and Registrars. (2). £1.3m to be cut over three years. Library hours to be cut (4). Proposed cuts to Wigtown and Whithorn libraries opening hours stopped due to opposition. (4)
    5. 2013: Some jobs to be cut.  Registration and customer service facilities to move into Castle Douglas Library (5). Up to 20 full time equivalent posts in libraries/customer services/registration could go (6).
    6. 2012: Whithorn Library still open therefore no longer counted as under threat (15/8/12). Whithorn Library is due to close mid June (£256k cut via staffing and other)
  3. Dundee
    1. 2019: £700k upgrade proposed for Coldside Library. (1)  £860k to Leisure and Culture Dundee cut inc. to staff and bookfund. (3) completed upgrade of Coldside Library.
    2. 2018: £375k cut. All libraries except Central may close two days per week. (8)
    3. 2017: New library planned for Broughty Ferry, including crowdfunding appeal. (6)
    4. 2014: £211k cut in budget to Leisure and Culture Dundee.  (1)
    5. 2011: transferred to the same trust “Leisure And Culture Dundee” as swimming pools.
  4. Durham
    1. 2017: Peterlee Library may co-locate with leisure centre. (5) Peterlee may move as part of supermarket proposals. (7). Peterlee library to close, with site bought by Tesco. New library to be co-located in leisure centre. (7) Temporary library to be in place while Peterlee moves, after petition. (10)
    2. 2016: Newton Aycliffe Library moved into co-location with leisure centre. (12)
    3. 2012: Decided to look once more at transferring service to Trust as suspect Government will keep (but halve) revenue benefits (7/11/12). 39 libraries to see reduction in hours in £1.5m budget cut.  Volunteers to assist. (6/11/12).  Consultation from 6/8/12 to 28/9/12 on cuts to opening hours and mobile library stops changes (5/8/12). Cuts to opening hours confirmed (12/7/12). £1.5m cut.  Reduced opening: ten branches to be cut to 36 hours per week, smaller libraries to be cut to 20 hours per weekmobile library service to be reduced.  Final decision to be made in July (24/5/12). Move to Trust for libraries delayed due to fear Government may remove tax advantages (21/5/12).  Libraries to be moved to a “‘Non Profit Distributing Organisation’” (27/3/12). £285k to be spent on Barnard’s Castle Library to create new council offices/customer access point (26.1.12). No libraries will close (23.1.12) but 250 library staff affected by cuts (19.1.12) Mobile libraries under threat in a “use it or lose it” proposal (18.1.12). Libraries/museums/leisure may move to being run by a trust (16.1.12).
    4. 2011: Barnards Castle Library safe after being threatened previously , possibly some cuts in opening hours at a few branches. Bookfund cut, with some reductions in opening hours proposed. Clayport Library ended Sunday opening (£90k cut)Consett library in poor condition, fears of closure. (£1.5m cut by 2015) (decision on closures delayed until 2012).
    5. Groups: Friends of Barnard Castle LibraryWe Love Belmont Library.
  5. Ealing
    1. 2024: £900k refurbishment for Acton Town Hall, Northolt and the Dominion Centre (10) Greenford, Jubilee Gardens, Wood End and Northolt Leisure libraries to be run by volunteers   (11)
    2. 2019: £1.64m cut from £2.2m (2019) to £566k (2022). 7 (out of 13) libraries to turn volunteer: Greenford, Hanwell, Perivale, Northfield, Pitshanger, West Ealing, Wood End. Consultation.  (1)
    3. 2018: Recommended Carillion keeps library contract (£639k penalty if terminated early). (1) Considering options for libraries after Carillion liquidation inc. transfer to other provide or taking back in-house. (1) Pitshanger Library to close. Some of the stock may move into church.  (7)
    4. 2016: Central Library to reduce in size (to one floor above a Primark) and lose 70% of books. Running costs to reduce from £116,445 to £28,600. 87,000 books sold off preparatory to move.
    5. 2013: Bidders to run outsourced library service reduced to two to save £250k (11/2/13) Library service to be run by JLIS (Laing) (5)
    6. 2012: Considering privatisation (23/7/12).  £430k cut.  9% cut in opening hours (that is, 57 hours per week less): Northolt loses 10 hours a week, Southall more than seven and Hanwell and Perivale more than six. 20 full time staff lost (one sixth of workforce) leaving 98 staff left (24/5/12).  £2.2m investment including £900k for Hanwell, £400k for Perivale, £900k for Southall Library to be relocated into Dominion Arts Centre. (25/4/12). Library service may be privatised or outsourced, either through private company or by a Trust.  Service in talks with Brent and Harrow about sharing services (26/1/12). Staff 2007/8 140 2011/12 123.4 (18.7 prof, 104.7 other) Volunteers 2007/8 0 2011/12 29 (Cipfa).
    7. 2011: 1 Mobile Library lost.  Perivale £400k upgrade (saved from closure this year), Hanwell will have £900k essential improvements.  50 volunteers assist. It looks likely no branch library will close (mobile library will close though). Hanwell, Perivale, Northfields (£610k upgrade in 2007), Northolt Leisure Centre (£1m upgrade January 2010) were under threat; Current plan to go before committee is – (1) Picture sale of £570k to go to Libraries for Wifi, new computers. (2) Library opening hours reduced by 25 per week, (3) move to Trust, volunteers, or other model to be considered, (4) “comprehensive” volunteer programme, (5) some branches may be entirely “self-service”, (6)  20 FTE library jobs to go. Cut to budget may be 30% over four years,
    8. Groups: Ealing Library Campaign.
  6. East Ayrshire 
    1. 2016:  Catrine, Hurlford and Ochiltree Libraries closing in March (source; email from council). (2)
    2. 2015: 35% increase in bookfund over last four years (biggest increase in Scotland) (11) Kilmaurs Library closed, Dalmellington Library closed, Mauchline Library closed. (10-12)
    3. 2013: New Auchinleck Library on 15th April (4).
  7. East Dunbartonshire.
    1. 2023: Now fines-free (4)
    2. 2019: 3 threatened libraries saved. (3)
    3. 2018: 3 libraries out of 8 to close (Lenzie, Milton of Campsie (Craighead) and Westerton).(11)
    4. 2017: Brookwood Library closed: moved into co-location at Bearsden. (3) Bishopbriggs £2m refurb (had originally planned to be £6m).. (5)
    5. 2012:  Kirkintilloch Library to be used by Leisure Trust and as a “community hub”.  £500k spent on changing building will make library 10% smaller but it will “feel larger” (1/5/12).
  8. East Lothian.
    1. 2024: Opening hours cut in several libraries (12)
    2. 2023: Margaret Oliphant library changes location (10) health and wellbeing webpage launched (10)
    3. 2018: Opening hours changes in line with usage / cuts + increases in various branches. (5) Opening hours at Port Seton Library restored after protest. (7) Customer services to move into Preston Pans Library. (7)
    4. 2017: Mobile Library service (bought in from Midlothian) to be withdrawn due to Midlothian withdrawing theirs. (11)
    5. 2015: 33% cut in bookfund over last four years (third biggest decrease in Scotland) but council claims this is due to bolstered bookfund for new library at start of this period. (11) (One) mobile library suspended until at least April. (12)
    6. 2014 £20k cut in opening hours (17 hours per week spread over seven libraries). (8)
    7. 2013: At least one mobile library to go, cuts in funding (27/1/13).
    8. 2012: Libraries may become part of enjoyleisure Trust, Opening hours cuts inc. Ormiston (from 30 to 21)
  9. East Renfrewshire
  1. East Riding of Yorkshire
    1. 2024: £246k LIF grant for Sensory areas and moveable shelves to Bridlington North and Bridlington Central libraries (3)
    2. 2018: Stamford Library refurbished. (1)
    3. 2016: £1.2m cut: mobile library service to be reduced, North Bridlington Library to become an adult education and training centre (and cease as a library). Several libraries to be co-located with other council services. (5) Cuts to library budget, including co-locations, confirmed. (11)
    4. 2015: Consultation launches on cutting £3.89m budget.  (9)
    5. 2014: Driffield Library to be merged with customer service and registration, to include self-service.(11)
    6. 2012: Two libraries (Hessle and Withernsea) to be co-located with one stop shops to provide longer opening hours and to save £50,000 p.a (25/10/12).  Goole Library reopens after self-service installation and upgrading (5/8/12).  Considering “other management models”.  “Budget changes are £57k cut 2011/12, £80k cut 2012/13, £127k cut 2013/14 according to supporting papers on Council site.”  (1/7/12).
  2. East Sussex
    1. 2022: Peacehaven Library to close and move into colocation. (1) Newhaven, Rye and Hollington libraries to be refurbished. (12)
    2. 2019: Crowborough Library refurbished. (1) Volunteers to reopen closed Ore Library (9).
    3. 2018: Confirmed seven libraries and mobile to be closed.(2) Refurbished Hastings Library reopens (3) Langney Library may become volunteer. (4)  Library to become volunteer, with aid from village hall and rent from church group. (4) Polegate, Pevensey Bay, Willingdon, Ringmer, Mayfield and Ore libraries plus mobile library closed. (5) Ore, Pevensey Bay, Polegate and Willingdon libraries will become volunteer after closing. Ringmer already volunteer.  (6) Langney Library confirmed to become volunteer, with unit in shopping centre. (8)
    4. 2017: Reopening of Hastings Library after refurbishment delayed until Spring 2018. (6) Eastbourne Library to incorporate parking warden office. (7) 7 (Langney, Pevensey Bay, Willingdon, Polegate, Ore, Mayfield, and Ringmer) may close. (9)  £720k overspend on Hastings Library (12)
    5. 2016:  £2m cut: opening hours cut by 25%. Pevensey Bay Library has been closed since January 2015 while “a full assessment of the building’s condition takes place.”(2)
    6. 2015: Official opening of Newhaven Library (opened in March). (3) Library opening hours to be reduced by around 25%: £500k p.a. cut. (12)
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