Fighting for libraries


Quite a few libraries are closing or facing severe cuts, these are pages which may assist in your response:



Campaigning tactics


Politics article on why people campaign


  • #1 written by Mrs Patricia Robinson
    about 9 years ago

    I would like to give a comment on the fact that they are closing some Libraries they are so useful for the community why close them?

  • #2 written by POLLY RICHARDS
    about 8 years ago


    I am truely sad to hear of the possible closure of North Prospect library I work in the local children centre right next to it ..Lark Children Centre which through out the year we take the children on many story telling sessions the library offers and such a lovely experience to introduce young minds to books and knowledge.
    I also have used the library as so handy and such a lovely range if books on so many topics .
    I am asking as a member of the community I know it would be such a great loss to loose this important library and many young children and adults miss out .Also I know it is away the old and young generations socialise over literacy .The staff are amazing it would be a great loss .Pleas Save our library thank you Polly Richards

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