Isle of Man to Lambeth

To make the list is factual as possible, please email if you have any further information or a correction.

Dates included are the date that the information was added to Public Libraries News.  In more recent posts, the number shows the month (e.g. 3 = March, 4 = April) the article that contains the relevant information was published.

  1. Kirklees
    1. 2024 – Batley and Dewsbury Libraries may close, moving into co-locations (1) Job losses, more volunteers, community ownership (2) £2m cut over 2 years: 8 libraries (Mirfield, Shepley, Denby Dale, Skelmanthorpe, Marsden, Kirkheaton, Honley and Meltham to become volunteer), 47 jobs at risk. (2) Rather than closing libraries, council will reduce library staffing. (9) Dewsbury Library to move to near town hall, despite public opposition. (12)
    2. 2023 – Huddersfield Library relocating to Queensgate Market building. (12)
    3. 2021 – New Birkby Library opens to replace old one in school, open 15 hours per week. (8)
    4. 2020 – £370k cut halted: more co-location and volunteers expected. (2)
    5. 2018 – Marsden volunteer library reconfigures space to allow more letting income. (2) Almondbury and Holmfirth to co-locate with other services. (11) No fines charged from end of December 2018. (12)
    6. 2017 – £1.7m cut to budget 2017/18 (from £3.9m to £2.2m) : £1.85m cuts from start 2016 to end 2018. This is on top of last cut of £1.8m cut in 2015/16 (when budget was presumably £5.7m) meaning budget cut by 72% cut in three years. (1) Mirfield Library may move to new building in deal with developer. (3) Birkby Library may be moved. (4) Birstall Community Centre and Library passed to Birstall Community Holdings Ltd. (8) Honley Library passed to parish council/volunteers.(9)
    7. 2016 – All mobiles formally withdrawn. (3) The Sun pub in Lepton opens 600 book collection after closure of library. (3)
    8. 2015 – 16 out of 24 libraries will pass to volunteers or close (previously 22 out of 24), mobile library service will end. 88 full time roles to be lost (could be over 100 actual staff), opening hours cut in surviving libraries.  (9) Thornhill Lees and Lepton libraries to close in April 2016, all six mobiles to close.  (9) Kirkburton Library given to parish council. and then loaned back to council at nil rent for five years with one paid staff and the rest being volunteers.  (10)
    9. 2014 – Review of library spending under way (4). Trust model being considered for Kirkburton and Shepley libraries. (5). All but two libraries may be closed or transferred to volunteers. 24 out of 26 under threat. Options include 56% cut in budget and 100 FTE job losses. Second option involved eight libraries still run by council and 60 job losses. (7)  Slaithwaite Library: Has recently moved into the village’s town hall. The former library listed for sale at auction Meltham Library: Library services will transfer to Carlile Institute to be run by community. Marsden Library: currently subject to an ongoing community asset transfer bid. Kirkburton and Shepley Libraries: A Community Trust is looking over. (7).
    10. 2013 – Batley Library may be sold off, with library moving into town hall (23/2/13).  No closures 2013/14.  May happen next year (12/2/13) Denby Dale to be passed to volunteers who will demolish building and build £250k library/community centre on site (9). Wins British Awards for Storytelling Excellence award for “Outstanding Library Service” (10). £20k cut in libraries budget “through mobile and service re-organisation” (10).
    11. 2012 – 7 libraries under threat (Slaithwaite, Golcar, Honley, Lepton, Kirkheaton, Denby Dale and Shepley) as Council appears to be planning got them to be run by volunteers or closed (4/9/12).  Previously had appeared to have been reprieved for three years (23/5/12),  . If libraries close, it will not be until March 2013.  Public consultation from February (13/1/12).   Chestnut Centre will have cinema outside of opening hours (18/3/12).
    12. 2011 – (November) Volunteers to run seven libraries (with some assistance inc self-service and library computer system ).
  2. Kent
    1. 2024: Up to one-third of libraries may be passed to smaller councils etc. (1) Folkestone Library will be moved into old Debenhams.  (7)
    2. 2023: Folkestone Library likely to be closed permanently due to flood damage (3)
    3. 2022: Tunbridge Wells Library in new Amelia Scott Centre, co-location (5)
    4. 2020: 66 out of 99 libraries to stay closed until 1 April to save money. Staff redeployed to open libraries. (9)
    5. 2019: Opening hours cut. in many branches, increased in some. £960k over two years.(8)
    6. 2018: Three month refurbishment for Tonbridge Library (1) New Meopham Library opens after moving sites. (2) Bockhanger Library building to be demolished, service to be probably replaced by mobile. (5) £1 million cut over next two years (on top of £6m since 2013-14; opening hours cut in many, extended in a few. Consultation. (11)
    7. 2017: Staff shortages close single or multiple closing of libraries on occasional weekends.(6) Tunbridge Wells Library to close for two years while new £13.3m combined library/museum/art gallery/adult education centre.  (11)
    8. 2016: Mobile libraries to be cut.  (1)  £1.7m cut over Libraries/Registration/Archives service. Mobile library service to be cut by £150k with all stops with average of two or less users. (5) Dartford Library and Museum co-located in £650k restoration. (11)
    9. 2015: Launches consultation on becoming charitable trust.(1) Reservations of all items within county to be free from 1st April (currently 35p). (3) 17 apprenticeships in libraries/registration/archives (8)
    10. 2014: Considering moving libraries/registration/archives into £13m p.a. charitable trust (5) Formally planning move to charitable trust. (9)
    11. 2013: Sherwood Library to be run by borough council staff and volunteers (23/2/13). Sandgate Library may move to being managed/run by Sandgate parish council (23/1/13) Libraries to be “market tested” to see if they can be privatised (9) Folkestone Library to have Citizen’s Advice Bureau sharing its building (10).
    12. 2012: 10 branches may be run by volunteers.  Up to ten branches (un-named by council) may move to being run by volunteersto halve running costs: £500k cut in budget to £13.2m (10/9/12). 19 (from an original 71) staff lost in year 2011-2012 (20/7/12). Pembury Library may move to cheaper location (7/8/12). Survey of libraries intended for co-location/volunteers (6/3/12). Sturry Library temporarily closed due to arson attack (27/2/12); Kent has the most libraries of any council in the UK, with the need to cut its libraries budget by £4m by 2014.  Plans include withdrawing direct council control from many (un-named) branches.  Considering tendering out library service to external organisations (17/2/12).  New local history and library centre built (21/4/12).
    13. 2011: some feared under threat, with volunteers being  asked to run some. 83 FTE jobs to be cut as self-service comes.  Isle of Thanet is one of the areas hardest hit.  The School library service was closed.  £2.3m cuts in 2011 and before, with an extra £2m cuts to be made by 2014, inc the cuts above plus also merging libraries with town councils/shops.  (previously, plans had included closing up to 44 branches but councillors rejected it due to fears over impact on forthcoming election).  List of the branches that were originally up for closure is here.
  3. Islington
    1. 2024: Printed newspapers stopped, £30k cut.  (2)
    2. 2020: Part of Central Library to be used by theatre company, including small theatre. (1)
    3. 2018: £30k bookfund cut. (1)
    4. 2017: Cat and Mouse Library opens (replacing John Barnes Library, closed 2015).(12)
    5. 2015: Libraries “safe for now” (3).
    6. 2014: Considering merging library services with Camden (5). 5 libraries considered as under threat in leaked document (West, Mildmay, South, Lewis Carroll and John Barnes). (8)
    7. 2013: All libraries may close in 2014 if cuts continue (not counted on national tally figure at this time).
    8. 2012: John Barnes Library to be demolished and built anew as part of housing development (29/11/12) although, previously, only a £100k refurbishment was planned (15/11/12). 11% average cut to opening hours, with some branches cut by a quarter. £200k cut over two years (24/5/12). Staff 2007/8 124.4 2011/12 98.4 (26.7 prof, 71.7 other) Volunteers 2007/8 0 2011/12 0 (Cipfa).
    9. 2011: £565k investment Self-service to be installed in all branches to save £250k per year via losing staffRuled out turning into a trust.  £30k less bookfund, no CDs, increased fines/charges, may co-locate libraries with colleges/community centres, opening hours reduced to three days per week.  £650k (10%) cut, council denies there will be largescale redundancies, sold libraries or big bookfund cut.This goes against previous guarantee no libraries will close.  16 staff to go, opening hours cut, share housebound library service with Camden..
  4. Isle of Wight
    1. 2024: £150k LIF grant to improve accessibility of Cowes and Ryde libraries. (3)
    2. 2016: £1.1m budget (-45% since 2009/10) (3) Mobile library stops reduced, £23,500 reduction.(8)
    3. 2015:  £280k cut – 3 libraries to be passed to other councils, Libraries HQ to move into Lord Louis Library.(1) Some libraries may be transferred to town/parish councils. (1)  Lord Louis Library will lose public space and losing the reading room. (3) Ventnor to become volunteer, with one paid (23 per hours) paid worker if town council agrees to pay running costs. (6) £180k p.a.  cut. Cowes, Freshwater and Ventnor libraries to be in buildings provided by others, becoming “community supported” where council provides one paid member of staff, computers, stock but everything else paid for by volunteers/community groups.  Reduction in opening hours (reducing the opening hours to 21 hours per week, in Cowes, (currently 24.5) Freshwater (currently 24.5) and Ventnor libraries (currently 24). Reduction in book fund.  Reduction in mobile service. Increased use of volunteers in all libraries. Consultation until 6th September. (7) £140 cut 2015/16 leading to ongoing £280k cut from 2016/17. Cowes, Freshwater and Ventnor libraries to be run with town council support and/or have hours cut. (10)
    4. 2012: FTE Staffing cut from 46.5 (2010/11) to 21.6 (2011/12) of which 4 are qualified librarians. Visits in council-run libraries reduced by 9% visits and 15% issues. Actual costs for library service reduced from £1,811,896 (2010/11) to £1,454,681 (2011/12) (Source of information: Freedom of Information request).
    5. 2011: 5 libraries transferred to volunteersBembridge, Brighstone, East Cowes, Niton and Shanklin will be run by volunteers from October. 5 (confirmed) (out of 11) (£100k offered as temporary extra) (four libraries will remain open at 21 hours per week rather than previously mentioned 10 hours) (full proposals here – 2/3/11) (Legal challenge)
  5.  Isle of Man
    1. 2022: Government to partially fund libraries for five years, with money reducing annually (5)
    2. 2021: Funding shortage.  (6)
    3. 2017: Charity-run Family Library may close unless commercial sponsor found.(3)
    4. 2016: Microgaming, a private company, supports mobile library for next three years.(1)
    5. 2015: Henry Bloom Noble Library moves into old Top Shop, changes opening hours. (11)
    6. 2013: Mobile library has had 15% more new members and 7% more issues since charity took over in 2012 (8)
    7. 2012: 2 libraries no longer run by local authority  (Family Library and Mobile Library) transferred to independent organisation (12/9/12).  E-gaming firm PokerStars will fund mobile and family library for three years(2/4/12). Previously, the Family and Mobile Libraries.  School Library Service were threatened but  massive protests so Mobile library and Family Library considered for parish council funding (19/3/12).
  6. Isles of Scilly –
    1. 2013: New Porthcressa Library opens (6).
    2. 2012: Porthcressa Library new (replacement) building nearly ready for opening (21/11/12).
  7. Kensington & Chelsea. 
    1. 2017: Tri-borough ends, as Hammersmith leavers joint arrangement with Kensington and Westminster.(3) Plan to move North Kensington Library shelved, linked to Grenfell Tower disaster. (9)
    2. 2016: North Kensington Library to be leased to private school: library to move to a combined gym/youth centre. (5)
    3. 2015: North Kensington Library to move to Lancaster Youth Centre, with old site being commercially leased. (6)
    4. North Kensington Library may be moved to new site to allow for land to be sold to private company/public school.  Staff 2007/8 111.5 2011/12 84.8 (18.5 prof, 66.3 other) Volunteers 2007/8 21 2011/12 40 (Cipfa).
  8. Kingston
    1. 2020: Consultation.  (9)
    2. 2017: Extension to Tudor Drive Library paid for by housing development. (4)
    3. 2016: £500k extra for self-service machines (11)
    4. 2012: 1 under threat – Surbiton Library under threat (8/5/12)
    5. 2011: (50% adult bookfund cut). £38k more for Hook Library.  Spending freeze on “all but essential” items.
  9. Knowsley
    1. 2015: All five libraries to be closed on Wednesdays, 4 libraries lose 12 hours opening per week, Huyton loses 15 hours. (8)
    2. 2014: Reduced opening hours / job losses (12)
    3. 2013: Two libraries under threat: Whiston and Page Moss libraries will either be run by volunteers or closed. (8).
  10. Lambeth
    1. 2024: Further £1.7m refurbishment  (9)
    2. 2023: Brixton Library and Streatham Library being refurbished and improved. (11)
    3. 2018: West Norwood Library combined with cinema. (11)
    4. 2017: £1.2 to £1.4m contract on offer for underpinning / excavating Carnegie Library. (3) Parts of Upper Norwood Library closed temporarily during refurbishment. (3) Carnegie Community Trust to be partner for Carnegie Library/Gym run by GLL. (8)
    5. 2016: Waterloo moves to new temporary site. (9)
    6. 2015: 5 (Carnegie, Minet, Waterloo Durning and Upper Norwood Joint ) out of 10 libraries considered for closure/move to volunteers due to 50% cuts to overall council budget. (1). West Norwood Library / Cinema joint plans. (9) Waterloo Library to close; Upper Norwood Library will become more volunteer; Carnegie, Minet and Tate South libraries to be passed to GLL as “healthy living centres” (with self-service library machines and no permanent staff). Durning, Brixton, Clapham, Streatham and planned new West Norwood Library will remain council controlled and funded. (9) Upper Norwood Library Trust appeal for £80k funds to address shortfall due to cuts from Croydon and Lambeth. (11)
    7. 2014: Streatham Library opened after £1.4m refurbishment (3). Carnegie Library Herne Hill to be run by volunteers. (8)
    8. 2013: Upper Norwood Joint Library transferred to Lambeth in its entirety.  Move towards library being run by a trust with funding from Lambeth (£170k p.a.) and Croydon (£75k p.a. for at least next two years (28/1/13).
    9. 2012: 2 mobiles lost. Staff 2007/8 109.8 2011/12 112 (9 prof, 103 other) Volunteers 2007/8 1 2011/12 2 (Cipfa).  £750k cut: “community hub” scheme at Tate, Carnegie, Minet, Nettlefold branches where volunteers expected to help run them with £450k seed funding [therefore counted as four under threat].  Nettlefold may have cinema/cafe as well in order to help fund new roof. Three largest branches will have hours increased. Hours cut in smaller branches. Upper Norwood Joint Library will continue to be funded, Waterloo Library may move from 40 year-old temporary building to new site, wi-fi for all branches (18/7/12) £6.5m New Clapham library building opensat no cost due to being part of private housing development (4/7/12) Upper Norwood Joint Library still under threat due to dispute with Croydon. Also, the two mobiles appear to have gone. £1.5m cut from budget of £6m. Durning, South Lambeth and Carnegie apparently safe.  West Norwood moved into Old Library (2/2/12) so none counted as under threat at present. £400k upgrading for Streatham (may move to Gracefield Gardens), wifi and self-service for all branches. (6/7/12).  Waterloo Library likely to be sold before 2013, to be moved elsewhere.  It’s budget will be cut this year from £150k to £123k in 2013/14.  Streatham Library likely to be change site (7/7/12). All professionally qualified staff dismissed.  West Norwood Library still closed due to roof being stripped and asbestos, fears of closure (17/1/12) – confirmed, merged instead (15/4/12).
    10. 2011: 5 branches were under threat: Durning, Waterloo, South Lambeth, Minet and Carnegie (out of 11) and 2 mobiles.  Setting up a trust “which will give you a chance to run libraries”.. £750k cut by 2014.  West Norwood Library and Nettlefold Hall Library closed due to theft of lead from roofs, increased charges, more self-service, considering all options including volunteers and Trusts. Events to be cut. West Norwood, Minet, Carnegie, Durning and South Lambeth under threat as future depends on volunteersWaterloo Library could be relocated, current site sold to developers.   Upper Norwood Library may have funding withdrawn by Croydon. (“@walkyouhome: EVERY librarian in Lambeth has been told they are having their post deleted. Only assistants and admin staff remain” on twitter 9.3.11 confirmed 13.3.11); Council has £93.7m cash reserves.; £750k 2011/14 cut; Commission to be set up to consider volunteers/closures/shared service with other authorities. Consultation until 16th September.
  • #1 written by Aran Lewis
    about 8 years ago

    Update for Lambeth: Carnegie and Minet libraries are now closed and deteriorating rapidly as failure to clean gutters causes ingress of rainwater. West Norwood Library and Nettlefold Halls are still closed, no sign of work on the cinema/library that was originally planned to open last year. No sign of work at Carnegie or Minet on conversion to gyms either, and no planning permission granted. Waterloo library has moved to a token service in a church cafe at Lambeth North.

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