Websites on UK public libraries

The following is a suggested list of useful websites, last updated October 2019:

  • Arts Council England is the body with some responsibility for libraries.  Information about its work supporting libraries is here.  Publications below.
  • CILIP – CILIP is the professional association for librarians.
  • DCMS – The Department for Culture Media and Sport has a statutory responsibility to oversee public libraries in the UK.
  • Libraries Connected – Represents the library services (especially the chief librarians) of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  Not to be confused with Libraries Deliver.
  • Library CampaignThe Library Campaign is an independent national organisation set up in 1984 to support Friends of Library groups and to campaign for improved services in publicly funded libraries. Since 2004 it has been a registered charity (No. 1102634)  and is funded entirely from donations, membership subscriptions and affiliations.
  • Libraries Hacked data on public libraries
  • Parliament – parliamentary materials on libraries.
  • Reading Agency –  Independent charity to promote reading.  It is the UK’s leading development agency specializing in spreading reading through libraries and is the force behind the Summer Reading Challenge.
  • #1 written by Ryan
    about 10 years ago

    Despite the decrease in public library funding, school libraries have been increasing the emphasis on the importance of reading and making it as attractive as possible with the inclusion of ELF’s book browsers, seating and listening centres.

  • #2 written by sue wickstead
    about 2 years ago

    For the atttention of:children’s librarians.
    I hope that you might be able to help or advise.

    “My name is Sue Wickstead and I write children’s picture story books.
    I am a teacher and children’s author living in West Sussex. I have undertaken a few author events in Surrey Libraries where my books are well received and reportedly constantly out on loan.

    My books are available from ‘Gardners’, as well as from myself directly. I have to date written 12 picture books, the twelfth book ‘David’s Bin Day’ was published on the 2nd April.
    As a ‘Patron of Reading’ I love to inspire children with thei reading and writing but I also like to promote using their library where they are able to see a book that is different.

    My books have all been reviewed on organised blog tours and have recieved many favourable comments as well as followers. (Many blog tour readers come from around the country.)

    I am writing to ask if local libraries would be interested in stocking copies of my books on their shelves.
    Some of my books are stories based on a real bus projects which was a Playbus. The Playbus offered support and a safe place for children to play.
    Theree are still many Playbus in operation across the country. Some of these (both old and new are featured in my Double -Decker Playbus colouring Book.

    The stories are aimed at children 4-8 years of age.
    The books are also available from my website ( I do offer a discount for museums, libraries etc. – if interested please ask)
    I would be pleased if library services would be interested in my books.
    Alternatively, could you let me know who I should contact for consideration.
    (I would further be pleased to send a free copy of my first book, ‘Jay-Jay the Supersonic Bus, for your library)

    My website”

    I look forward to hearing more from you,
    Best Wishes,
    Sue Wickstead

  • #3 written by Surrinder Bains
    about 2 years ago

    Playlist for Life is a UK-wide music and dementia charity sharing the power of personalised playlists for anyone affected by dementia. Over 60% of people with dementia live at home, and libraries are an important community hub to support wellbeing of people with dementia, their families and carers.

    Playlist for Life works with over 500 libraries and is looking to extend its reach by inviting more libraries to join its free Help Point network.

    Decades of scientific research has highlighted the power of music for dementia. Personally meaningful music, which stirs emotions or memories within the listener, is particularly powerful and can be a lifeline for people affected by dementia.

    It’s quick, free and easy to register as a Help Point. Every Help Point receives free materials to distribute, online training for library staff and drop-in support sessions. Start sharing the power of personalised playlists for dementia today:

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