Merthyr Tydfil to Newham

To make the list is factual as possible, please email if you have any further information or a correction.

Dates included are the date that the information was added to Public Libraries News.  In more recent posts, the number shows the month (e.g. 3 = March, 4 = April) the article that contains the relevant information was published.

  • #1 written by James Alton
    about 2 years ago

    Middlesbrough Central Library had closed for most of Covid, and now is open on restricted hours: M-F it closes at 5pm but used to be open until 7pm on Tue & Thu, and it closes for a lunch hour at noon which it never used to do; also, on Sat it closes at 12:30pm but used to be open until 5pm. The hours are too short and the lunch hour is disruptive.
    Stockton-on-Tees Central Library does better in that its opening hours are back to what they were pre-Covid. However, their recently refurbished reference and study room has had a lot of its books and shelfspace removed (who are the authority people who clearly think that books in libraries are a luxury or are secondary?); and they have introduced seating that only teenagers would be attracted by, and spaces that are reserved for business setup meetings.

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