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- 2010-2014: From Community Library to Community-run library: a look at the impact of volunteers
- Pros: reasons for volunteer “community libraries”
- Cons: reasons against volunteer “community libraries”
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- “The reality is very different”: A volunteer library manager speaks
- Are volunteer libraries statutory or non-statutory?
- Four views on volunteer libraries: Sue Charteris, AnneMarie Naylor, Marylyn Haines-Evans of the WI and Ian Anstice
- The Risk Exposures of Volunteer Libraries
- A crude strategy but here to stay: Biddy Casselden on volunteer public libraries in the United Kingdom
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- Maker Spaces in Libraries – The state of the art December 2013
- A glimpse of Tokyo library life, by Sue Charteris
- Relative Poverty: A display designed especially for libraries
- Nick Poole on what can we learn from the past to inform the future of public libraries
- A home for the homeless: Rachael Rivera and the Auckland Library Streeties
- Dancing Darth Vaders And Talking To Astronauts: Liam Cookson talks MozFest 2017
- A little less conversation: Nick Poole from CILIP writes about the problems with public libraries and action needed
- The Amazing Grace of Public Libraries (or aromatherapy for local living)
- Angry about cuts to Newport Libraries
- Libraries Taskforce Kathy Settle sets the records straight
- Thema: Graham Bell describes Thema, the new subject classification for the global book industry
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Flintshire to Haringey
To make the list is factual as possible, please email ianlibrarian@live.co.uk if you have any further information or a correction, thank you.
Dates included are the date that the information was added to Public Libraries News. In more recent posts, the number shows the month (e.g. 3 = March, 4 = April) the article that contains the relevant information was published.
- Flintshire
- 2024 – May return library service in-house from Aura Leisure Trust. (3) Council takes back ownership from Aura from 31 October, local authority trading company formed. (10)
- 2020 – 360k refurbishment of Flint Library. (2)
- 2019 – New mobile library bought. (3) unteer-run Mancot Library needing funding. (10)
- 2018 – Opening hours extended and changed. (4)
- 2017 – Flintshire Leisure and Library Services to be run by a community benefit society. (1) Holywell Library now co-located leisure centre. (2) £400k cut expected (10)
- 2016 – 30% cut in funding over 3 years, smaller libraries will pass to volunteers or close. (1) New co-located library opens at Deeside Leisure Centre: Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry will close this month.(2)
- 2015 – Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry libraries may close: to be replaced by one collocated at Deeside Leisure Centre. Saltney, Hope and Mynydd may close or pass to volunteers. (counted as 5 under threat).(3) Arthurian Collection donated to Bangor University. (4) ceased funding of NE Wales School Libraries Service (to end July 2015) after withdrawal of Wrexham (4). Confirmed Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry will close. (6) Mancot Library to be volunteer run from Sept 2015, initially planned for five years (9)
- 2013 – Consultation on libraries budget (10/1/13). Connah’s Quay “Flintshire Connects Centre” joint library/council/meeting rooms/exhibition/museum building planned. Council decides on future plans mid July (7).
2012 – 1 library counted as closed (Halkyn) – Halkyn Library now open only 6 hours per week, aided by local parish council. Libraries “under threat” (8/10/12).
2011 – 3 closed (8.3.11, 2 libraries reprieved, although Halkyn will reduce to only one half-day per week) 2.2 fte professional librarians lost 2011/12 (some investment), Feasibility plan launched for new Saltney Library; £300k extra money for Buckley ) as closing one mobile confirmed (£40k cut)
- Gateshead
- 2023: Crawcrook and Pelaw Libraries to be refurbished. (12)
- 2021 – 5 out of 8 libraries (Chopwell, Crawcrook, Leam Lane, Pelaw and Wrekenton) may become volunteer. (10)
- 2017:Confirmed that 3 libraries will turn to volunteer or close. (2) Computer usage charges end. (11)
- 2016: £3.2m budget (-27.9% since 2009/10) (3) £450k cut over 2 years. Whickham, Crawcrook, Pelaw, Felling, Rowlands Gill and the Mobile Library at risk. (7)
- 2015: Reduced opening hours at Felling, Chopwell (may move to primary school), Rowlands Gill, Wreckenton (may move to community centre and be managed by housing company), Dunston (6 months “lifeline”, looking at community transfer to volunteers), Pelaw (12 months until it needs to be volunteer run) (2) Chopwell Library to be moved into primary school to cut costs by £19k per year. Start-up cost is £129k.(10)
- 2014: £400k cut: 13 full time equivalent jobs may be lost. 7 libraries under threat (Chopwell, Crawcrook, Dunston, Felling, Pelaw, Rowlands Gill and Wrekenton. Mobile library service may also be lost.
- 2013: Five libraries passed to volunteers with a separate library card (7). £900k cut 2013/14.
2012: Four libraries under threat: Four (Sunderland Road, Low Fell, Winlaton, Lobley Hill) to be volunteer-run or closed. Winlaton to move into Winlaton Children’s Centre and to be staffed largely by volunteers and so counted as under threat. Wrekenton and Chopwell to relocate to “alternative community locations” (not counted as under threat, pending decision on location), Felling Library moved into Children’s a Centre in November 2012 (not counted as under threat), Books on Wheels to be either managed by voluntary sector group or run by council but with volunteers. These changes would mean £748k cut from £3.49m budget (2013/4). £100k cut in budget 2012/13 mainly from bookfund and voluntary redundancies. Budget 2011/12 had been cut from £4.3m (16/2/12). £305k cut, some staffing cuts, possibility of volunteers replacing staff in some branches (27/2/12).
2011: Staffing cuts. School library service, music library and AIRS talking newspaper ended.
- Glasgow
- 2024: £4m refurbishment Elder Park Library reopens. (6) Langside Library closed for refurbishment (12)
- 2023: School Libraries Service closed. (11)
- 2021: Whiteinch Library to close.(4) Whiteinch and Maryhill may move into leisure centres (4).
- 2020 Several libraries under threat of closure. (8)
- 2019: Parkhead Library may move into co-location. (9) Woodside Library closed for repairs. (12) Partick Library reopens after £1.5m refurbishment.(12)
- 2018: Cardonald Library refurbished. (10)
- 2017: 3 new employment outreach centres in libraries, on top of 11 already running. (3) Eight libraries (Baillieston, Cardonald, Castlemilk, the Mitchell, Partick, Riddrie, Whiteinch and Woodside) to be refurbished. (11)
- 2015: Review launched. (3) Job losses and funding cut. Libraries, learning and community teams combined. (11)
- 2014: 10 job losses and opening hour cuts: 12 hours cut at Gorbals, Bridgeton and Cardonald down 5 hours, other cuts in most other branches. (1).
- 2013: Wifi and cafe recently installed in Mitchell Library (6) Knightswood £300k repairs and refurbishment. Woodside £40k repair/refurb (7). £3.4m refurbishment of Mitchell Library to include fire alarm system, lighting, new family history centre. (11).
- 2012: No closures, cuts to hours or cuts to bookfund. Libraries thriving (24/1/12).
- 2011: Similarly positive.
- Gloucestershire
- 2024: Stroud Library closed due to RAAC (1) Stroud Library reopens in new building. (7) 5 more libraries to have staffless opening hours (12)
- 2022: Stroud Library to move into shopping centre. (6) Stonehouse library moves into town council office. (8)
- 2021: Dursley Library co-located with visitor information centre. (5)
- 2017: Bishops Cleeve Library Open+ used.. £5k prize encouraging reading + library usage, plus prizes for runners up. (3) Stonehouse Library may move into Town Hall (town council). (8)
- 2014: Bourton Library taken over by parish council, will move into new “community hub”. (7)
- 2012: 7 libraries and 3 mobiles under threat. – 3 mobiles closed (other three still under threat). Lechlade, Berkeley, Bream, Brockworth and Mitcheldean to volunteers (4/11/12). Bream Library will be bought by parish council and then run by volunteers (18/8/12). Nailsworth will reduce from 35 hours per week to 12 hours per week (paid) and 10 hours per week (volunteer/town council) (26/7/12). Painswick Library reopens as volunteer-run after being closed since 2009 (20/6/12). Consultation (28/5/12). Seven libraries under threat (“Community Offer Libraries”) plus 5 mobiles under threat (National tally does not include the Homelink mobile as this already counted last year. Similarly, national tally also does not include one more mobile as new proposed library offsets this). The six mobiles under threat in 2011 arr undergoing a separate consulation: “Main libraries – nine libraries open six days a week,Local libraries – twelve libraries open five days a week – with options for flexibility to suit local need, Partnership Libraries- ten libraries run by the county in partnership with communities. Offering between twelve and twenty-one hours of county library service. Building on the principle of sharing buildings with other groups to create a one stop shop for public services with the library remaining in county control. Community Offer Libraries(Berkeley, Brockworth, Bream, Minchinhampton, Lechlade, Mitcheldean and Newnham.) – seven libraries available to the community under an enhanced Big Community Offer”. Mobile libraries – Homelink and Share a Book specialist mobile library services to be axed and service provided by alternative means plus 3 traditional mobiles to go. “The council is considering the provision of a mobile public service vehicle which could provide a mobile library service alongside access to other services.” (16/1/12). Total budget will be cut by £3.5m 2008-12 (£1.7m cut 2008-10) (5/3/12). Bookfund cut from £1.2m (2007/8) to £351k (2011) (10/1/12). £800m cut on top of £1m cut in 2011 meaning cut of around 50% in two years.
- 2011: (1 mobile closed – Homelink mobile): Moreton Library to reopen in April 2012 incorporating volunteer services/registration/police/self-service.Legal challenge means libraries currently saved from closure but council working on new proposals. Before court case it had been confirmed that 10 branches and 6 mobiles to close or be run by volunteers. 8 libraries open 12 hours per week rather than previously proposed 3.5, £10k to community groups who take over a library, (revised proposals here). £20,000 to Hester’s Way Community Partnership for four years plus old library building in order to pay for a community-run library at Oasis Youth Centre.Minchinhampton to stay open for one further year at reduced hours. 100 library jobs to go say UNISON, 40 FTE to go says council, inc 36 managers cut to 9, 3.5 FTE librarian posts cut (to 10)]. Legal challenge – council summoned to DCMS to explain their actions.)(privatisation considered); In addition to those under threat, council will cut bookfund from £1m (2009/10) to £500k (2011/12) and £400k (2012/13); all mobile libraries to be stopped. :
- Campaign Groups: . Friends of Gloucestershire Libraries (Umbrella), Supporters of Hester’s Way Library, Tuffley Library Support Group, Newnham Library, Friends of Matson Library,
- Greenwich
- 2024: Possible £1.5m cut. (2)
- 2022: Woolwich Library opens Library of Things. (3)
- 2020: Plumstead Centre Library reopens co-located with leisure centre (£16m development). (2)
- 2017: Extended Sunday opening at Woolwich. Eltham, Greenwich and Woolwich libraries open one extra night per week to give extra time to students. (5) Record usage reported. (10) Joint library/leisure centre in Plumstead plans approved.(12)
- 2016: Plumstead Library may close: to be combined in new library/leisure/cultural centre. (2) Mobile library service to be withdrawn, £126k cut. (6)
- 2015: Abbey Wood Library to moved into new building in Cross Quarter. (11) Mobile library may close, with users being offered tablet PCs instead. (11)
- 2014: Claude Ramsay and Eltham libraries opening hours extended. (4).
- 2012: 1 (Ferrier) under threat. Staff 2007/8 101.2 2011/12 81.3 (7 prof, 74.3 other) Volunteers 2007/8 0 2011/12 0 (Cipfa). Libraries are transferred to GLL. Industrial action. Ferrier Library closed, with no replacement planned (25/4/12). Transfer to Trust halted due to conflict of interest allegation (27/2/12) but resumed (21/3/12). Decision to move libraries to Trust (run by GLL) was made on 14th February, with council unanimously approving move, strike action possible (15/2/12). Ferrier Library not closed yet but still under threat. (3/2/12).
- 2011: 1 Moving towards being run on a 15 year contract by GLL (Greenwich Leisure Ltd) on top of leisure centres etc. (Greenwich council has reserve of £133m – the second highest in the country)(could be turned into a Trust) (school library service closed)
- Guernsey
- Gwynedd
- 2022: £900k Pwllheli Library refurbishment. (2)
- 2018: £120k refurb of Bro Tegid Library funded by Welsh Government. (2)
- 2016: 9 largest libraries (Barmouth, Bangor, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Caernarfon, Dolgellau, Porthmadog, Pwllheli, Tywyn and Y Bala) to stay open with possibly changed opening hours. 4 libraries to become volunteer or close (Bethesda, Penygroes, Criccieth and Nefyn). 4 libraries to close (Llanberis, Deiniolen, Penrhyndeudraeth and Harlech). (9)
- 2015: £250k upgrade of Porthmadog Library due to Welsh Government grant. (5) Porthmadog Library may move into leisure centre to save money. (5) Porthmadog library to change location into leisure centre to save money and improve facilities. (9)
- 2014: 8 libraries to close or be passed to volunteers (from Bala, Bethesda, Criccieth, Deiniolen, Harlech, Llanberis, Nefyn, Penrhyndeudraeth and Penygroes). (12)
- Hackney
- 2024: £4.4m total investment in Libraries service: Stoke Newington Library to close for two years for roof and fabric repairs (originally announced in 2020); £499k LIF grant for refurbishment of Stoke Newington Library (3)
- 2022: £300k likely to be cut from £5.6m budget. (9) £250k cut from £5.6m (10) 99 staff face possible redundancy: £445k proposed cut (11)
- 2021: Consultation.(9)
- 2020: Stoke Newington Library to be refurbished £4.5m. (1)
- 2017: Stoke Newington Library to be changed, with possible cafe (12)
- 2012: Volunteer Support Officer vacancy specifically for training volunteers in libraries (26.1.12): Dalston CLR James Library to open on 23/1/12 at £4.4m cost, double the size of the old library it is replacing. Staff 2007/8 123.5 2011/12 99.5 (18 prof, 81.5 other) Volunteers 2007/8 38 2011/12 26 (Cipfa).
- 2011: One-quarter of library staff to lose their jobs (number down from 104 to 76). Events to reduce from 500 annually to 200, mainly run by volunteers. Most staff will be paid £2000-5000 less as jobs downgraded. Pledge to increase library opening hours. Front-line staff cut by £700k 2010-11, but more senior managers. 2011; all libraries to be kept open; opening hours to change in all libraries; events to be solely at new library, Hackney Central and Stoke Newington; more volunteers (1 library already entirely staffed by volunteers) Campaign Group – Save Hackney Library Service.
- Halton.
- 2019: Fines removed for all in one year pilot (1)
- 2018: Active members increased, issues up from 290k to 360k. (8)
- 2015: Mobile library to close 28th March(2) RNIB subscription service withdrawn. (10)
- 2014: Opening times, staffing, bookfund, mobile library, cafes may be cut (3). £400k or £500k cut inc. opening hour cuts of either 15 or 50%. Consultation from 14th July to 14th August. (6). £400k cut may include loss of mobile library. Total opening hours of libraries cut by 14% to 157 hours per week (£360k cut). (10)
- 2013: £2.42m budget for 2013/14. £375k cut over “last three or four years” (6).
- 2012: Library user survey
- Hammersmith and Fulham.
- 2020 – Shepherds Bush £150k refurbishment, repairs. (2)
- 2017 – Tri-borough ends, as Hammersmith leavers joint arrangement with Kensington and Westminster. (3)
- 2016: £2.9m budget (-30.5% since 2009/10) (3)
- 2013: Hammersmith Library £2m merging with Record Office, with “more books, new furniture and shelving, self-issue terminals and music listening posts.”
- 2012: Staff 2007/8 90 2011/12 86 (5 prof, 81 other) Volunteers 2007/8 0 2011/12 0 (Cipfa).2 under threat (to be run by volunteers) and 1 mobile closed (record office to have £70k cut from £88k, volunteers, presumably no professional archivists, reduced hours) (£310k cut). Archives and Local Studies Centre closed, limited alternative provided by London Metropolitan Archives
- Hampshire
- 2024: Eastleigh Library being refurbished. (2) 22% physical stock budget cut, 67% digital budget cut. (2) £200k (17%) cut to stock budget confirmed.(9)
- 2023: 17% bookfund cut expected plus cost-driven review of library locations. (11)
- 2022: £715k upgrade of Winchester Discovery Centre. Building now part of Trust but library services still run by council.(3)
- 2021: £40k from council for volunteer libraries. Odiham, Horndean, Lea on Solent and Elson to become volunteer. (1) Kingsclere reopens as volunteer.(5)
- 2020: 10 libraries under threat (of 48) plus 15% reduction in opening hours to survivors or all libraries to remain open with general 25% hours cut. 40 to 50 jobs at risk. At risk are Blackhurst, Lyndhurst, Fair Oak, Chineham, South Ham, Elson, Emsworth, Horndean, Lee-on-the-Solent and Odiham. Council support will be removed from Kingsclere, Lowford, Milford-on-Sea and North Baddesley volunteer libraries (£49k cut). Charges may increase (1) After consultation , council changed cuts to 8 of 48 council-run libraries to close, reduce opening hours of remaining ones by an average of 20%. No more support for 4 volunteer libraries. £1.76m cut, 50 jobs cut. (7) Lee on the Solent Library to be taken over by volunteers. (10)
- 2019: £1.7m (16%) cut to budget, consultation. (10)
- 2018: Gosport co-location: older persons, heritage and meeting rooms to be installed in addition to existing café and welfare/other services. (1) Romsey Library refurbished, including self-service and room for civil weddings (3) £362k refurbishment of Totton Library. (5) Hamble Library organised by Eastleigh Council will be staffed by volunteers. (8) Andover Library £316k refurb (9) £30k new stock for Winchester Discovery Centre. (10) Gosport Library reopens as colocation.(10)
- 2017: Fareham Library to be refurbished, February to April.(1) Hamble High Street (Eastleigh) considered for new library by borough council. (7) Eastleigh borough council tendering for £300K “community library” at Hamble-le-Rice. (7) £2.25m cut by 2019. Consultation in 2018: volunteers, opening hours, bookfund cut. (9)
- 2016: All mobile libraries to cease from June. (4)
- 2015: Kingsclere Library to be run by 25 volunteers with parish council and charitable support. (2) Plans to move Emsworth Library into community centre cancelled. (6) 74 library staff take voluntary redundancy in £947k cut. (9) Mobile library service could be lost (£160k cut). £500k from £2m bookfund to be spent on refurbishing libraries to make them “modern and vibrant” until 2020 then that £500k will be lost. (10) Considering Open+ remote control libraries in some branches. (11)
- 2014: More volunteers expected, less paid staff. 2 mobile libraries (out of 5) under threat. Stops could be cut from 350 to 250. (1) Move to volunteer libraries inc. Milford on Sea (1) 3 under threat (Kingsclere, Grayshott and Milford-On-Sea) 12% budget cut by 2015. Volunteers looked for to replace paid staff (1). 27 full time equivalent posts to be lost. £1m cut inc. other measures. (4). Emsworth Library may move into community centre away from the town centre. (8) Grayshott Library confirmed closing in December (£25,700 p.a. cut): Decision on keeping Milford On Sea and Kingsclere library postponed until December. (9) Family Library Link mobile library and also at least one other mobile library to cease from January. (9) Further £300k cut announced: group looking at how to meet it inc. volunteers.(9)
- 2013: £166k refurb, inc self-service machines, at Hythe, increased opening hours (23/2/13). Further 2% cut to libraries so expected to cut 20% off budget in four years. (10/2/13). North Baddesley to be run by volunteers. £150k received from room hire 2012/13, aim is to increase this via day rates/”hot offices” etc (9).
- 2012: 2 libraries (Stanmore and North Baddesley) under threat. £4.7m cut – £446k means more self-service, may use volunteers, 17 fte jobs lost, 112 opening hours lost throughout county (20/1/12). Stanmore Library closed, books transferred to community centre (27/12/12). Post Office may move into Gosport “Discovery Centre” Library (26/6/12). Stanmore Library may close, with serice moving into the Carroll Centre (30/5/12) Up to 40 mobile stops could be cut from October 21st (10/7/12). New magazine loaning scheme introduced (10/10/12) bookfund cut.
- 2011: Consultation on library cuts until Dec 28th 2011. £492 k cut (on top of £2.5m already cut since 2009) – Proposed 7.5% cut to opening hours. 2 libraries – Stanmore and North Baddesley under threat. Volunteers may be used to increase these hours or take over those branches under threat of closure.13 mobiles confirmed as cut (now 365 stops rather than 1200) (£600k cut, 58 FTE jobs to go). Libraries merged with IT/property dept. Source of number of mobiles is UNISON Hampshire, cuts in spite of Hampshire having one of the highest levels of reserves(£131m) in the country. 9.10.11 20.5 FTE library worker posts cut. Introducing children’s fines (5p per book per day up to 40p max) No extra overtime or weekend pay
- Haringey.
- 2025: Staff shortages lead to temporary closures and reduced opening hours (1)
- 2024: Previously announced £675k cut includes replacing staff with staffless libraries, more volunteers. (3) Hornsey Library children’s section closed due to RAAC. (3) Proposed opening hours cuts in six libraries of two days and three (largest) libraries of one day. (9) Council agrees on revised, more moderate cuts (12)
- 2023: Highgate and Muswell Hill Libraries being refurbished and will reopen in 2024 (11); Proposed £675k cut in opening hours, £30k cut in newspapers (12)
- 2022: Joins The Library Consortium (6)
- 2019: £5.5m extra inc. £3.77m to refurbish Hornsey Library.(9)
- 2018: £2.3m repair/maintenance on Hornsey Library. (9)
- 2017: £150k cut: opening hours/staffing to be reduced. (2) £2m investment in libraries: previous suggestion to cut hours reversed. (2) Private companies sold land/property inc. Wood Green and Northumberland Park libraries. (3) Highgate Library may relocate into arts centre. (4) Highgate will not relocate. (9)
- 2016: Muswell Hill Library may relocate: consultation. (6) Marcus Garvey Library reopens after £4m refurbishment: 30 additional computers, 22 000 new books (6)
- 2014: Muswell Hill Library may move location, one member of staff to be lost. (12) Review of library service / user survey. (1)
- 2013: Mobile Library Service to close (4). Schools Library Service, Mobile Library Service and Housebound Library Service may be closed in 2015/16 (16/2/13).
- 2012: Staff 2007/8 113.8 2011/12 79.9 (30.2 prof, 49.7 other) Volunteers 2007/8 8 2011/12 63 (Cipfa). Hornsey, Marcus Garvey and Alexandra Park libraries to be closed on Sundays.
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