494 libraries (433 buildings and 61 mobiles) currently under threat or recently closed (List below) out of 4517 in the UK (CILIP figures)
Northamptonshire – 8 libraries temporarily saved from closure but report implies they are still under threat. Number therefore remains unchanged.  See Summary.
Salford – plus 3 – 3 libraries to close (Charlestown, Ordsall, Hope) with library service to be transferred to two hospitals and  leisure centre. Two libraries (Irlam and Cadishead) to reduce opening hours.

Local News – this is representative and not comprehensive
Gloucestershire – library review bid rejected – BBC “We have used every democratic tool we have, the only remaining one is the ballot box, but by then it will be too late to save our public library service.”
Liverpool – David Cameron says cuts won’t bring devastation – Liverpool Daily Post ““People ask about libraries. Libraries are vital, but if you are going back to 2007 grants, there was a good network of libraries in 2007. There should be a good network of libraries in 2011.” – (Cameron’s own county is closing 20 libraries)
Northamptonshire – eight libraries win reprieve but still under threat – BBC “”The comments we received about our library proposals demonstrated the strength of feeling people have about their local libraries.”
Oxfordshire – cuts undermine Big Society – Oxford Times “David Cameron said the concept of empowering residents to run services such as libraries, community transport or post offices, was “central to social recovery”. 
Surrey – campaigners promise to fight library closures – Get Surrey ““I support services being run by voluntary sector organisations but I do not support guns being held to people’s heads saying if you do not volunteer we will shut it.”
National News
“Bail-Ins” – Why be as generous to libraries as to banks? – Alan Gibbons
“Bail-Ins” protests in banks starts on Saturday – UK Uncut – “From next Saturday onwards, intrepid UK Uncut volunteers up and down the land will be bailing into the banks and setting up libraries, forests, hospitals, schools, playgrounds, leisure centres and everything else that needs saving.” Protest outside Barclays today. and acton list for forthcoming weeks is here.
Big Society branded Big Con – Mirror -“If he claims to support the Big Society then he should be worried about the closure of libraries, children’s centres, the closure of Citizens Advice Bureau services. “Because all of those things are a crucial part of the Big Society and if they shut down he is going to undermine the very idea he claims is his mission in politics.” (Ed Milliband)
Cameron’s big society relaunch in trouble, sub-heading “libraries may be run by US private firms – Independent  “However, his pledge that the Big Society was not a cover for big spending cuts was undermined by growing evidence that private firms rather than voluntary groups could land many of the new contracts to run public services”,  LSSI aims for 15% of library market within five years.
David Cameron – Being unpopular will not stop me [singles out libraries] – Daily Mail
Libraries saved by peaceful protest (esp. Isle of Wight.) – Student Guardian
Our libraries – our right to a say – Guardian (letters, hundreds of signatures, organised by Alan Gibbons)
Save our libraries – BookSeller (looks at Somerset, Harrow, Josephine Cox, volunteering (for and against), children’s libraries.
List of cuts by authority (click on name of authority for link to relevant report)
NB. From 2012, the MLA will be abolished – the Arts Council will take over its role for libraries with a budget of £3m rather than £13m.  Therefore, libraries start 2012 with £10m less, regardless of any further cuts. There are 151 authorities in England, 206 in the UK.
Aberdeen – 8 (out of 16)
Aberdeenshire – some, (brief mention here seems to suggest all but this very unlikely)
Angus – 4 libraries closed this year (April) to be possibly replaced by a mobile.  More info here
Argyll and Bute – 3 libraries and mobile library.
Barnet – some – public consultation here
Barnsley – up to 8
Bedfordshire – 1 mobile to go
Bexley – 3 and 1 mobile (3 from a list of 5 will go, plus one mobile) (this is the five) (£1m – 16% cut) (merge with Bromley?) ()
Birmingham – 39 (three libraries lose hours so Tower Hill can remain open) (school library service to close)(all branch libraries under review, £200m super library being built)
Blackburn with Darwen – 1 mobile (reduced opening hours) cut, opening hours reduced, bookfund cut.
Blackpool – 2
Bolton10 (out of 16)
Brent – 6 (out of 12) (talking to private company LSSI)
Bromley – (KAB talking books cut)
Buckinghamshire – up to 14 to close or be staffed by volunteers (this article says 11)(£688k cut)
Bury – 1 (1 other reduced hours) – Manchester Evening News
Calderdale – Some? (£350k cut inc.12 jobs, £200k stock)
Cambridgeshire13 (36% cut in funding, £3.2m, closures down from previously reported 19) (mobile services already “slashed”) (£1.1m cut) (school library service closed)
Camden – several plus one mobile library (£2 million cut)
Carmarthenshire – 5
Central Bedfordshire – one mobile library to go
Conwy – 7 (out of 12)
Cornwall – (23% cut, 102 hours opening lost)
Coventry – (opening hours cut, more fees)
Croydon – Up to 6 (public gets to choose which), (£690k saving)
Cumbria – (review under way, no closures yet, 3 of 6 mobile libraries closed in 2010) 
Darlington – (£250k) off budget
Derbyshire – (Opening hours to be cut)
Doncaster – (one final step needed on 21st Feb before officially confirmed) 14, (may also be taken out of council control) (over 50% cut in funding)
Dorset – up to 20 (out of 34) to close or be given to community groups  (£143k off bookfund).  Dorset is the sole council to receive an actual increase in funding for 2010/11. (£800k cut for libraries)
Dumfries – 7
Dundee – (to transfer to the same trust as swimming pools/basketball)
Durham – some (£1.4m cut)(or is it £1.5m?)
Ealing At least 2 possibly more
East Sussex – (£313k cut) (less books bought)
Edinburgh – (£550k cut) 
Essex1 mobile (extensive opening hours cuts, 21 jobs to go)
Falkirk – (transferred to Trust)
Flintshire – 5 and at least one mobile
Gateshead – some (school library service, music library, AIRS talking newspaper under threat)
Gloucestershire –  Up to 18 and 6 mobiles  – 10 to close or go to volunteers. 7 to close if they don’t find a partner (43% total cut in funding). (Cinderford saved)(revised proposals here)  A further 11 reduced to 3.5 days a week. 100 library jobs to go say UNISON, 40 FTE to go says council, inc 36 managers cut to 9, 3.5 FTE librarian posts cut (to 10)
Greenwich – (could be turned into a Trust) (school library service closed)
Hammersmith and Fulham – 2 and 1 mobile (record office to charge for access, access to be suspended) (£310k cut)
Hampshire – 13 mobiles (58 FTE jobs to go) (and mobile libraries cut within two miles of each branch, this report says 18FTE to go)(libraries merged with IT/property etc) Source of number of mobiles is UNISON Hampshire, No extra overtime or weekend pay
Haringey – (staff cuts)
Harrow – (34 FTE to go)(self-service machines to increase)
Hartlepool 2 (out of 7) to close (another to merge with community centre, all library’s hours cut)
Herefordshire – (new Ledbury Library delayed) (no branches to close but mobile library review)
Hertfordshire5 mobiles (2011 Confirmed – opening hours to be cut by one third – from 2236 hours down to 1575) (mobile libraries cut) – At least one library (Borehamwood)  faces a 40% cut. (£580k cut in first year, £1.4m after) (cuts confirmed) (some mobile stops saved)
Highland – (Wick Library to close and merge with school library) (may move to being in a Trust) (this report says no closures) (suggestion that professional staff are being lost – a source is needed).
Hounslow – initial plan to close 8 cancelled after public consultation, £300k cut in bookfund, some libraries may still be at risk as cuts “postponed”.
Inverclyde – some
Isle of Wight – 5 (out of 11) (£100k offered as temporary extra)
Kent some (volunteers to be asked to run some) (83 FTE to go as self-service comes in)- Isle of Thanet one of areas hardest hit (School library service closed)
Kingston – (50% adult bookfund cut)
Lambeth4 branches and 2 mobiles (setting up a trust “which will give you a chance to run libraries”)
Lancashire – 2 mobile libaries (plus 16% staffing cut)
Leeds – Up to 20 (out of 52) – council says 20 closures are not about cuts but to make service viable.
Leicestershire – NB This information is under doubt.  I have received a call saying this article relates to Leicester.  Article, though, seems to be indicate it is Leicestershire.  No libraries are down for closure according to his article, although they could all/some be transferred to a trust or privatised (merge of lending/reference- 14 FTE jobs lost).
Leicestershire – (£250k cut in bookfund and hours)
Lewisham – 5 (41% cut – £800k)
Manchester – 5 (plus no libraries open on Friday or Saturday)(£394k cut) (end of homework clubs)
Milton Keynes – 2
Newcastle – (12 jobs lost, £245k cut) (8 libraries to be semi-staffed “library express”)
Newport – 7
Norfolk – (£1.5m over 3 yrs proposed cut inc opening hours cut, staffing cut, bookfund cut, less mobile visits)
Northern Ireland – 10 (denials up to 30 could close)
Northamptonshire – Up to 8 libraries originally under threat,. Libraries given a reprieve but still apparently under longer term threat. (Cuts to management and support).
Northumberland – some
North Lanarkshire – 1 (closed March 2010)
North Norfolk – some (c. £1m reduction)
North Somerset – 1 closed, 2 proposed, volunteers may run libraries. Weston Mercury update
North Yorkshire24 (out of 42) to close or be staffed by volunteers, 9 mobiles to go off road, surviving libraries could have funding cut to share out with any community-run libraries established. (£2.3m cut from £7.5m total)
Nottingham – 1 (3 libraries to close, 2 new ones to open) (computer use to be charged)(1 library closed)
Nottinghamshire – (22 out of 28 libraries to have their opening hours cut, 80 FTE jobs to go, 50% off bookfund, 1 library already closed.
Oldham – (increase in volunteers, merging, cuts)
Oxfordshire – 20 – (£2m)  list of those under threat here, Oxford Central hours extended to 7 days per week . also, Record Office cuts.
Redbridge – 5 out of 12 may close, another may relocate (£2.3m cut). Goodmayes saved.
Renfrewshire 1 (1 library to move into smaller sites in community centres)
Richmond – 1 (£351k cut) (service may be privatised)
Rochdale1 (some library managers to to go in first phase of cuts)
Rutland – (6 libraries to have reduced hours, staff cut)
Salford3 – some libraries to move to sports centres or provide space for community groups (2 to have reduced hours)
Sandwell – some
Sefton – 3 (consultation here)
Sheffield – (30% cut expected, £2.5m) (no closures, opening hours reduced)
Shropshire – 2 and 3 mobiles(reference library to merge with central library)
Somerset –  11 (out of 34) will be closed/offered to community groups over 2 years. 4 (out of 6) mobile libraries will also go.  25% cut in funding. Full (revised) plans here (20% cut in opening hours). Rethink on mobiles may happen – article here. Public will be asked for “voluntary contributions”.
Southampton – 2
Southend – some
Southwark – (school libray service closed)
Stoke – 2 and 1 mobile library, (ends RNIB service)
Suffolk – 29 (out of 44) – (consultation here, £2m cut)
– some (£935k off £6m p.a. budget) (school library service to close)
Swansea – some
Thanet – some
Thurrock – (may close all libraries on Mondays or reduce opening hours, £350k cut)(RNIB subscription ends)
Tower Hamlets – (staff made to reapply for their own jobs -23 library staff replaced)
Trafford – (mobile library to be staffed by volunteers)
Wakefieldat least 2 , new central library but local closures
Waltham Forest – some
Wandsworth – 1 (mention in Guardian here) plus reduction in hours in others.
Warrington – (2011 Confimed)  2 and 1 mobile library confirmed . More info here. Journals stopped also, £25k off staff. £10k off reference.
Warwickshire – 16 (out of 34) (30%, £2m cut) – official report from council herespecial county map of closures here.
West Dunbartonshire – 3 (some staff losses too)
West Sussex Some (5 FTE lost, some librarians pay reduced to library assistant)
Western Isles – (cuts in opening hours by one day per week and during Summer)
Westminster – (Marylebone may never reopen)
Wigan – Up to 15 out of 17  (£1.1m cut off £4m budget)
Wiltshire – 10 (plus reductions in hours in all but one of the others) (26 FTE posts have gone in Dec 2010  inc. 9 out of 13 community librarians)(cuts include a £940k library opened Dec 2010)(self-service in all)
Worcestershire – some (Pershore library to move out of town centre) , contact centres may combine with libraries

Authorities which have announced there will be no library closures (2011 financial year)
Anglesey – 4 libraries earmarked for closure have apparently been (temporarily) saved. Brighton Barking and DagenhamCheshire West and ChesterCornwall – (one stop shops moving into them, book supply being done differently to save money, no guarantee for 2012) (23% cut in library budget, 102 hours p.w. cut). Coventry (but less opening hours, fees to rise). Derby. Devon (may have reduced opening hours, less mobile stops, no new Exeter Library – although this article suggests mobile library service has improved).  BBC article confirms no closures. (“brutal” cuts to Exeter Record Office). Edinburgh (£550 cut) (pledge to keep open is for the lifetime of the administration). Essex(but other cuts – see list above). Haringey . Harrow (some increase in hours, more self-service but less staff).    Highland (but other cuts – see list above). Hillingdon.   (number of libraries actually increasing here). KirkleesLeicestershire (but opening hours and bookfund cut – £250k).  Lincolnshire. Merton – (£118k cut – 2 libraries will have reduced hours but reprieved from threatened closure). Moray – (may move to being in a Trust, another article here). Newcastle. Norfolk – (CONFIRMED. no closures but staffing cut, bookfund cut, opening hours cut, less mobile visits).  North Ayrshire. North East Lincolnshire. Nottinghamshire  – no plans to close any branches but massive reductions in opening hours. Plymouth (opening hours to reduce, managers to go). Poole. Portsmouth. Southampton. Staffordshire (free internet access also retained). Sheffield (cuts in opening hours). Swindon. Trafford – (but mobile library staff will be replaced by volunteers). Walsall. Windsor and Maidenhead. Wirral