479 libraries (412 buildings and 67 mobiles) currently under threat or closed/left council control since 1/4/11 out of c.4517 in the UK– 
Most recent closures = 4.4.11 Shropshire 3 mobiles  , 2.4.11 Foggy Furze Library;
2.4.11 Central Bedfordshire’s sole mobile
Central Bedfordshire – council’s sole mobile library stopped 2/4/11
Gloucestershire – in addition to those unde threat, council will cut bookfund from £1m (2009/10) to £500k (2011/12) and £400k (2012/13); all mobile libraries to be stopped.
Hounslow – Consultation on cuts soon
Nottinghamshire – Misterton Library reduced to less than nine hours per week
Somerset – minus 1 under threat – BBC suggests Highbridge was one of “10” under threat, PLN previous figure was 11.
York – Lib Dems promise to keep all libraries open if they win local elections on May 5th

Could an online booksharing scheme spell the end of the traditional library? – Guardian
Counting the non-jobs – Local Government Chronicle (local government minister had said there were 741000 “non-jobs”.  Apparently, “non-jobs” include nursery nurses, cleaners, school assistants …)
Cribsheet 4/6/11: Look around you Michael Gove – GuardianWhy not suggest extending the Summer Reading Challenge which is coordinated by The Reading Agency and is run in 95% of UK public libraries?”
Libraries and the Big Society: round table discussions revealed – Voices for the Library (minutes of Ed Vaizey/DCMS/MLA/TRA/Libraries/Big Society/etc meeting in January only revealed by Freedom of Information request).
Library campaigners at the March For The Alternative – Voices for the Library
Now the real economic pain starts: yes, it’s “worse-off” Wednesday – Independent “Last Saturday in a quiet corner of Middle England, Central Bedfordshire’s mobile library stamped its last book. The decision to withdraw the service was not taken lightly by the local authority, but for the residents of outlying villages it means that the regular arrival of new reading matter to their communities will cease. Libraries have emerged as a soft target when it comes to finding ways of balancing council budgets – despite a rearguard action from leading literary figures. Estimates suggest that more than 10 per cent of Britain’s 4,517 fixed and mobile libraries have either closed, left local authority control or are preparing to close”
On the cutting edge – LGA Eight out of 10 councils (83%) said they were planning to make savings from library services. Some 26% reported that they had plans to transfer library services to local community or mutual ownership, and 22% said they planned to move libraries to other buildings were they would run alongside other services.”
Vote local, vote libraries – CILIP
We may have a Tory PM but lefties and luvvies still run Britain – Mail “The naughty thought enters my head that Mr Pullman’s books must do quite good business at libraries, but I am sure it would be quite wrong to suggest that he is supporting libraries purely for personal financial gain.”

News by local authority
Dorset – Beaminster: Help needed to keep library open – Bridport News “it cannot go forward in any form whatsoever without the financial support of Dorset County Council for its book circulation and the expertise of a librarian to support the volunteers.”
Dorset – Lyme Regis: library cuts all “smoke and mirrors” claim – Bridport News
Gloucestershire – Inaccuracies and miseleading claims in new GCC cabinet report on library cuts – FoGL “I have no doubt that deprivation indices were examined. I know because I examined some when I worked for GCC. However they were definitely not applied to the methodology and had no impact on the proposals made.”
Hounslow –   Council unable to provide dates for consultation – Hounslow Chronicle
Leeds – Parish councils’ fears over Leeds library consultation – Guardian (3000 responses, head of libraries’ offensive email and her apology for it
Nottinghamshire – Misterton: Library hours reduced – Epworth Bells
Somerset – Highbridge library “saved” from closure by volunteers – BBC
Suffolk – Protesters march to save Suffolk libraries – BBC “the only way to persuade councillors is to do this sort of thing
York – Lib Dem launch re-election fight – Press