517 libraries (443 buildings and 74 mobiles) currently under threat or closed/left council control since 1/4/11 out of c.4517 in the UK (see tally on right for full details by authority)


Book borrowing enters the digital age as libraries and readers swap to e-books – Independent.  Amazon allow libraries to lend Kindle titles, list of public libraries lending ebooks, ebookexchange.com.

 “… an unscheduled stop at a local library [in Manchester]  in a rather devastated council estate revealed a lively group of teenagers who were regular users, welcomed by staff, glad of a place to do homework, gossip and feel secure.  Space, opportunity, the time to discover a larger world to live in – where are the clearly articulated priorities in public discussion that would spotlight all this, so as to make us think twice before dismantling what’s already there and disappointing more hopes for the future?”  2011 Easter Sermon Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams

Efforts being made to keep city libraries open10News (USA).  San Diego libraries use volunteers to extend opening hours.  Other savings suggested but cuts may be too severe.
Greatest library funding idea ever writtenAgnostic, Maybe.  Librarian blogger suggests commercial sponsorship and examines the pitfalls – the end (keeping libraries open) justifying the means.
“Library? How Quaint!” – LISNews.  CNet Technology editor fails to understand libraries – useful comments though.
LSSI appoints Brad King as chief executive officerPR-USA.net.  New CEO is from contract services, not libraries.  “LSSI offers a powerful alternative for governments [my bold on “s”] wanting to preserve the vital libraries in their communities, and expand the impact of those libraries during this difficult economic downturn”.
Support New Reader Libraries petition – GoPetition.  Reader Organisation organises “campaign to save libraries”
What the public library service could have done – Good Library Blog.  List is (a) renovating all buildings, (b) standardised book ordering/distribution, (c) created national libraries catalogue and (d) website, (e) national training for library assistants, (f) international bookstock, (g) digitised local history collections, (h) investment in IT

Changes to Tally

Birmingham – Birmingham Music Library loses half its staff, suspends non-telephone interlibrary requests.
RutlandEvening and weekend opening hours cut at  Uppingham, Oakham, Ryhall and Ketton.

News by Authority

Brent – Camden and Brent ConsultingJames Powney’s Blog.  Councillor appears to have different understanding of the word consultation to that of his electorate – I suspect that some people would be complaining, whatever the nature of the consultation, because they don’t like the decision”
Calderdale – Friends of Todmorden Library – Blog.  “We are a new group. We aim to find ways of encouraging more people to use Todmorden Library. We shall work to make Todmorden Library a resource for the whole community, and resist any attempt to reduce the library service.”
Cumbria – Links supplies lifeline for Cumbria areas without libraries – Westmorland Gazette.   Looks at an existing 400-book “Library Link” which council wishes to roll out across county while closing 18 libraries.  No reading space but can order books for free via computer for delivery in one week. 
Derbyshire – Library hours to be cut – Matlock Mercury.  Matlock to close for two hours, Wirksworth for one hour and a half.
Gloucestershire – Prestbury Library given lifeline – This is Gloucestershire.  Council has agreed to run Prestbury for at least 12 hours per week.  30 volunteers could help double these opening hours.
Lincolnshire – Help Stamford Library buy more books – Rutland and Stamford Library.  Collection box outside library to raise money for bookfund. 
Oxfordshire – Charge for parking outside County Hall and “save libraries”Oxford Mail. £170k could be raised, enough to keep eight libraries open.  Councillors currently use the spaces for free.
Suffolk – Village rejects a library run by volunteers alone – Bury Free Press.  Village rejects 100% volunteer model for Thurston Library but considers three different options – (i) extra £17 p.a. on rates (ii) village matching county funding or (iii) local partnership with other threatened libraries.
Suffolk – Battle to save libraries in Suffolk – Leigh Day & Co Solicitors.  Outlines legal case against Suffolk that consultation is flawed as decision already made to cut 30% of budget.