Thousands of pounds owed in fines to libraries: pros and cons of collecting it
Pro – (a) Getting all this money back would make a significant impact. This is taken very seriously in the USA. An American library service uses a collection service that generates $9k per month.
Also, (b) it encourages others to return items on times and thus improve available stock. It even (c) encourages people to come back to use the library as the fees charges are rarely as high as people fear (although, often, those with non-returned books worry so much about late items they keep them for years, or bin them, rather than owning up to the feared scary librarian who, in reality, would be just happy to see the item back). Finally, (d) breaking the law by stealing books is an offence and offenders should be punished.
Con – (i) It could cost a fortune to fully recover fines/items because (ii) amounts owed to libraries tend to be quite small but very numerous. The cost of recovering these debts can be similar to, or exceeding that, of the value of items returned. Taking legal action against a member of the public for return of items is (iii) rife with danger as it could be seen as a waste of resources being the cost of legal action would almost certainly be more than the value of the items concerned (see this article about Bromley sending a letter asking for some books back from an eight-year old – this article was then taken up by the Telegraph the next day). Being (iv) too stringent on chasing late items would also deter genuine users from the library service. Generally, (v) British library services see owed fines as a standard part of the service, impossible to eradicate, that they will likely largely recover over the fullness of time. Finally, (vi) one could fall foul of the 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act if one uses fines as a way to make money for the service rather simply as an incentive for returning material on time. However, considering the recent poor enforcement of this Act, this is likely to be seen as only a minor problem by authorities.
“Assistant mayor Councillor Sarah Russell, who is responsible for libraries in the city, said: “A lot of time people are worried if a book has been damaged, or if they find it under a teenager’s bed when they move out of home – they decide to keep it rather than face the fines. “That’s why we hold amnesties every now and then, because it helps us as well as the library users. “It means we don’t have to spend money replacing missing items and we don’t have to spend energy chasing people up.” Leicestershire.
“You don’t want to penalize people for reading. Sometimes you’re really into a novel and it takes you a little longer to get through it. As it happens, you return a book two or three days late. It’s not a big deal. We can get over that,” Maghnieh said. “It’s a way of really rewarding our patrons for using the library.” Windsor Public Library, USA.
- European librarians visit Birmingham’s £189m facility – BBC. “More than 250 senior librarians from Europe are gathering in Birmingham to discuss the future of library services. As well as meeting at the Town Hall, visitors will see progress on the £189m library being built in Centenary Square. The 10-storey development, which will have an outdoor amphitheatre, is due to open next year. The site will also include a theatre, recording studio and free access to the National Film Archive.”
- Seven library services you might not know about – Matador life (USA). Includes job hunting, finding a date, live music, storytelling, author feedback, legal advice, home energy audits.
- Cambridgeshire – 13 smallest libraries to be reduced to one paid member of staff, with volunteers and self-service for the other work. I have included these as still at threat for the time being, although I am aware this is a grey area. Previously these thirteen branches were to be totally volunteer-run with a “central” librarian directing them.
Local News
- Brent – Labour councillors block lifeline for Brent libraries – Brent Council Liberal Democrats. “Labour has stopped listening to local residents and is no longer on their side. Labour Leader Ann John actually boasted about the library cuts when she made her speech.”
- Cambridgeshire – Lindon Library is secure: and could be renamed – Haverhill Echo. “That decision marked a reversal on initial plans to divest 13 libraries, mostly in South Cambridgeshire, including Linton and Sawston, meaning they faced possible closure.”. Will be renamed “Lindon Community Hub”. ““The library service will continue to exist, though maybe in a more limited form and more on a volunteer basis.” … “The county council will take responsibility for the core running of the service and will meet the basic cost, while the library service will recruit, train and manage volunteers with at least one paid member of staff in each library.”
- Camden – Conservative propose 3% tax cut – Conservative Home. “But the alternative budget proposed by the Conservatives would also have protected services. Camden Council has closed nurseries, play centres, luncheon clubs and youth services have been closed down. Libraries have been set adrift, while funding for breakfast and after school clubs, and the voluntary sector, is being slashed.”
- Croydon – Closure of New Addington Library building not far off, says Sara Bashford – This is Croydon Today. “Croydon councillor Sara Bashford said it would not be long before the current building on Central Parade is closed and moved into the Calat building. But the councillor, who acts as the council’s cabinet member for customer services, stated she could not guarantee the same number of available books would be transferred over despite promising the new home would “offer the same level of service”.
- Isle of Wight – Council ethics watchdog resigns after Pugh’s Westminster Library evidence (updated) – Ventnor Blog. “One of the members of the Isle of Wight council’s Ethical Standards Committee has resigned his position after watching Cllr David Pugh giving evidence about Island libraries to the Culture Media & Sports Committee in Westminster last week. Keith Fagan told VentnorBlog, “Having watched it (Cllr David Pugh giving evidence to the Select Committee) three times, I feel that by remaining silent, I would be condoning or endorsing his words.”
“I know that some of the facts given in evidence, in oral form, were incorrect”. Keith says his resignation isn’t the end of this, “I don’t just want to resign and disappear in to the ether, I need to take this up.”
- North Yorkshire – Milestone as libraries handed over to communities – Yorkshire Post. “Councillors rubber-stamped final plans for the scheme this week, with the go-ahead being given for six community-run libraries in Ayton, Barlby, Bilton, Embsay, Gargrave, and Great Ayton, after volunteer groups presented detailed business plans demonstrating the feasibility of the scheme. However, Humnanby Library failed to produce a viable plan and the county council revealed the village, near Scarborough, which is one of the largest in England, would be served by a mobile library from April, although other options are currently being explored.”
- “People power” helps ot keep village library open – Press. “The final details of plans for the future of six libraries have now been approved. It means the library in Barlby will be run by the local parish council. It will be staffed by volunteers and will incorporate a meeting place, information and exhibition space and a parish office.”
- Redbridge – Borough offers library fine amnesty – Guardian series. “The borough’s libraries are owed a whopping £167,692 in fines. The figure was revealed on the day that an amnesty was announced in an attempt to persuade people to return some of the 27,846 books, DVDs and CDs which are currently overdue.”
- Richmond – Library services in Richmond get £20k – Guardian series. “Library services have got a £20,000 boost thanks to Arts Council England. Richmond Council will use the money to take the lead on a partnership project with library and arts services in Kingston, Merton and Wandsworth. Richmond’s arts and library services will use funding to improve the quality and delivery of arts for adults and children with disabilities.”
- Surrey – An appeal on behalf of libraries and librarians – SLAM. “…we are now making this unashamed appeal for you to contribute to the “fighting fund”. We believe libraries and librarians are worth fighting for and have been working extremely hard to protect them and improve them. But we do need your help. It is wonderful and encouraging to have such high profile celebrity supporters such as Stephen Fry, Brian Blessed and Sue Perkins, but as you can see from our fundraising thermometer on the right of this page, we still need everybody’s help, including you!”
- Swansea – Website winners put library top – This is South Wales. “Clever use of websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube means Swansea Library Service has been named the best of its kind in Wales. Swansea Council’s Library Service came first in the social media category of the Welsh Libraries Marketing Innovation Awards 2012.”
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about 12 years ago
The argument against can be found in Public Libraries and Social Justice, Pateman & Vincent – arguing for dropping fines all together – fines do not meet people’s needs.
If I remember correctly there is actually some research that shows books are returned more reliably if a moral message is communicated rather than punitive. Fines are certainly not good reader development and defeat the cultural objective of the libraries (an avid reader can be put off for life after one bad episode of fines).
It does look to me as well that the amount these debt recovery firms retrieve for the libraries would not actually make all that much difference.
Some misc. links on the subject:
Bookworms owe half a million in library fines
Sussex library fines run top £3 million mark
Outstanding library fines on books to be written off
Orkney libraries if I remember correctly do not charge, Portsmouth were at one point considering this as a policy also: Late with your library book? Not a problem!
Noisy row breaks out in libraries over fines
On library fines: Ensuring civic responsibility or an easy income stream?
Fines, Day Cares, and Ebooks: How is Your Library Assigning Value?
The Library Reloaded: Fines
Hi-tech way to avoid library fines
PR: SelfCheck System Fines and Fees Payment Option Increase Collections Nearly 50%
Hayward’ CA Public Library Will Launch ‘Fines Free’ Borrowing Packages Beginning at $2.99/Month
Talking your way out of library fines
Overdue debate in the Guardian
Flexible or dynamic loan periods?
There are other ways of raising revenue – the two tier library service for instance, hand 40% of shelf space and computers over to private companies (a better library service for those that can pay 😉
about 12 years ago
“people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
Human-Centered Librarianship
about 12 years ago
I think the last point essentially is charge fines – but make sure the process of doing so doesn’t eclipse everything else.