Please note a list of UK public library responses to the emergency can be found here.


In a statement that would be have been undreamt of mere days ago, Libraries Connected is calling on the British Government to close all public libraries. The statement reads in part that “in light of the recent escalation of the COVID-19 crisis and the latest government advice, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that library buildings should close to protect communities and staff from infection” and point out that as well as the users “it is equally important that library staff are safeguarded during this period.”. The organisation is now working hard to work out ways to improve remote library services.

Eleswhere, the lack of clear guidance from Government has led to a wide range of responses, from immediate closure to waiving fines to ending events. Closures are ultimately the decision of individual councils, not chief librarians. However, up and down the country, senior library managers are having to make decisions for their service because the Government has avoided doing so. They should all be supported as it is the most difficult time in their careers, as well as ours.

More positively, there seems to be a serious effort to promote and improve the digital options that libraries provide, varying from video’d storytimes to buying more e-books. There are also moves by digital suppliers, although currently largely in the USA, to improve their offers.

Library changes noted before posting



  • Statement on COVID-19 and public libraries – Libraries Connected. “…in light of the recent escalation of the COVID-19 crisis and the latest government advice, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that library buildings should close to protect communities and staff from infection. We are calling on government to make a clear decision about closing libraries, along with other public buildings.”

National news

For more info, see

Local news by authority

  • Cheshire West and Chester – Malpas Library to benefit from improvement works – So Cheshire. “Malpas Library will be closed temporarily for two weeks over the Easter holidays to improve the layout of the library and school reception area.”
  • Essex – Colchester Library loses 19,000 books in just four years – Clacton Gazette. “Data released by Essex County Council shows between 2016/17 and February 2020 Colchester library’s book stock went from 111,494 to 92,190. It equates to a reduction of 19,304 books. Last year, Essex County Council backtracked on its plan to close 25 of the county’s libraries after a fierce backlash from campaigners. “
  • Hampshire – 20,000 voice views on Hampshire libraries closure plan – News. “‘This has been a robust process, encouraging views from the widest possible range of people – as seen from the strong public response to the consultation.’ The county council is looking to save £80m by April 2021. Its consultation closes on Wednesday, March 18. A decision will then be taken in summer.”
    • MP piles on pressure to stop councillor from closing Odiham library – Basingstoke Gazette. “Schoolchildren have presented a petition to stop their library closing to the councillor making the decision. Youngsters Nina and Robert handed over their campaign on behalf of pupils at Buryfields Infant School and Mayhill Junior School. “
  • Hillingdon – Top Trumps-style cards are key to Summer Reading Challenge – This is Local London. “The cards, the council’s answer to Top Trumps, feature animal characters and are a hugely popular reward for borrowing books. Each year, libraries give away thousands of these unique collectible items to children as part of the initiative. The Summer Reading Challenge aims to keep children reading throughout the school summer holidays and will start on Saturday, July 11. The theme for 2020 is Silly Squad, a celebration of funny books.”