A slow safe move towards normality, whatever that means
The thoughts of many in the library sector this week are with how to safely reopen libraries while Coronavirus is still endemic and killing hundreds each day. It’s not easy but the clear tone of everything I am hearing and seeing is that it’s safety first. No-one is rushing gung-ho into endangering staff and the public and the process – even barring a likely upsurge in cases due to the obviously premature reopening of schools – towards normality will likely come in slow stages over a period of months or a year. Whatever “normality” means.

National news
- Benevolent Fund support during COVID-19 – CILIP. “The CILIP Benevolent Fund Trustees have agreed an emergency interim policy to ensure that they are able to maximise the support available to CILIP members during the disruption caused by COVID-19 and coronavirus.”
“Arts Council England is working with Shared Intelligence to undertake research into the impact of public library services on employment among their users, specifically those who are out of work or who are economically inactive. As part of this work, Shared Intelligence would like to convene a small group of Heads of Service to act as a reference point for quick testing of ideas, questions and findings, and to help identify examples of practice. Specifically, we would be looking for the group to come together three times throughout this work: At the end of phase 1 to discuss findings from scoping activities (including an national survey of library services and a literature review). At the end of phase 2 to discuss findings and results from conversations with key ‘decision-makers’. At the beginning of phase 4 (the final reporting stage), once all fieldwork data has been gathered and collated. Due to the current situation, the group will look to be convened virtually (most likely through Zoom). Please contact Jenna.birley@artscouncil.org.uk if you are interested in taking part or have any questions.
- British Library asks nation’s children to write miniature books in lockdown – Guardian. “The library is conscious that during lockdown “a high proportion of children do not have access to computers, and that many do not have art materials”, so it will also be distributing a printed pack through public libraries, food banks and sheltered accommodation, and emailing PDFs to teachers nationwide.”
- Health and Libraries – “We hope to set up a network of interesting and interested people who can meet in Libraries nationally and offer workshops, consultation and projects.”
“To ask Her Majesty’s Government what plans they have, if any, to assist libraries to loan more audio books and e-books during the COVID-19 pandemic; and what conversations, if any, they have had with the publishing industry about that issue.” Lord Bird. Government response notes £151k from Arts Council England. They Work For You.
- I set up a secret library so people can at least escape into books – Metro. Usage of “Little Free Library” shot up when public libraries closed.
- Libraries in Newport, Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly re-opening – South Wales Argus. “Newport City Council said it is also preparing to re-open its libraries “as soon as possible” – but only when it is safe for customers and staff – and with measures to stop the spread of coronavirus.”
- Reopening during Coronavirus: examples and ideas – Public Libraries News. “Included below is information picked up from the UK and internationally, listing different approaches to reopening while Coronavirus is still endemic to some extent.”
- Research finds reading books has surged in lockdown – Guardian. “According to the nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults, surveyed from 29 April to 1 May, the nation has also increased the amount of time it spends reading books from around 3.5 hours per week, to six. Just 10% of adults said they were reading less.”
- Social media toolkit – Libraries Connected. “This toolkit has been created for Libraries Connected as a guide for all public library services on the use of social media to create more open lines of communication between library services and users.”
- Staying alert and safe (social distancing) – Gov.uk. “libraries, community centres, and youth centres” required by law to stay closed at the moment.
“To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what assessment he has made of the effect of the loss of access to public library computer terminals during the covid-19 outbreak on the (a) education and (b) mental wellbeing of autistic children and young dependent adults from households with no access to a computer or smartphones.” Caroline Lucas MP. Government response is note use of social media and plan to provide laptops to children. They Work For You.
- Safety first: The recovery of library services – Libraries Connected. “We are also feeding concerns up to DCMS and into the central government machine that is developing guidance, so we can ensure the specific needs of the library environment are being considered. With 174 million library visits last year – libraries are incredibly busy sites where people from all backgrounds meet closely together, so could also be significant sites for virus transmission if the risks are not fully understood and controlled.”
“The Recovery Toolkit will look in detail at all aspects of library operation to identify risks, and suggest mitigation strategies and work arounds, and provide useful checklists and links to relevant guidance and further reading. It will be designed to be deployed flexibly, as every library service will have to tailor planning to its own risk assessments, available resources and local priorities of need.”
- Tim Coates – Digital Content Associates. “Has libraries’ focus on social issues and activities come at the expense of their core mission to provide access to content and promote reading? Book trade veteran and library campaigner, Tim Coates, thinks so and has published the Freckle Report to prove it. We ask Tim why he thinks libraries are failing and what can be done about it.”

International news
- Australia – Supporting Library Staff during #COVID19 Lockdown – Medium. “The staff Wellness Community Hub that our People and Culture team have developed is a place staff can go to to share and talk about the challenges, coping mechanisims and daily hacks they use to get through the day. Staff are encouraged to send photos or contribute to some conversations about their lives when working from home.”
- Australian libraries responding to COVID-19: Checklist for reopening libraries – ALIA. “Each library will have its own plans for reopening, depending on the sector and the specific needs of the library’s community, but the checklist provides a practical framework which outlines major considerations that library managers should be addressing, when planning to reopen their library.”
- Kempsey libraries’ new Click and Collect service – Macleay Argus. “The service will begin with members who had reserves waiting before the shutdown, but should expand in the coming days to new reservations.”
- Denmark – ”There is a crack in everything – that is how the light gets in”. Experiences with reopening libraries in the age of corona – Library Lab. “Denmark are slowly reopening and so are the libraries. This blog post will be about our practical considerations and actions on reopening libraries in Roskilde Municipality after almost two months of lockdown due to coronavirus.”
- EU – Coronavirus: How lockdown is being lifted across Europe – BBC. Italy opens libraries from 18 May, Netherlands from 11 May, Austria from 18 May.
- Public Libraries in Europe and COVID-19: Findings from NAPLE Members, April 2020 – NAPLE. “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) began to lead to closures of library buildings to the public at the start of March 2020. The following document summarises the measures taken in response to the virus by public libraries in 20 NAPLE member countries to date[1], with specific focus on the extent of closures across Europe; the engagement of staff during closures; services offered to the public (both physical and online) while buildings were closed; quarantining of books and other health and safety measures; efforts by libraries to support national healthcare initiatives; and library efforts to address misinformation about the COVID-19 virus.”
- Libraries as gardens – “Libraries as Gardens is a creative project that wants to geolocate and map, on a global scale, the before, during and after of the coronavirus lockdown, through sound recordings and the stories of people, told and read in the libraries of their houses during the pandemic and about the public gardens that they remember. The recordings are simultaneously transferred in an augmented audio project, creating sound walks for the future, in the gardens when they open again, made available (for free) through CGeomap for all their walkers”
- Netherlands – The library is open: what does that actually mean? – Rafelranden. “in the reopening protocols, drawn up by the VOB (Dutch Public Library Association), on the phased reopening of libraries, the primary focus is on the collection and the provision of lending materials, also with regard to the protocol for welcoming primary school pupils (“what children can do in the library (looking for books, being read to) is for each library to decide for themselves”..) “
- New Zealand – “New adventures in disasterology”: Learning from crisis with Christchurch Libraries – Matt Finch. “I think big learnings from this time are that libraries most certainly have a role to play, we need to be able to adapt for and listen to communities who are going through traumatic events, we need to be willing to try things out and experiment, we need to have our Business Continuity Plans (and all other plans) up to date and have them handy in a variety of formats.”
- An open book: All you need to know for your library visit – Newsline. ““We are introducing a range of measures, including restricting the number of people within library spaces at any one time, along with the duration of visits. We also need to meet contact tracing requirements, so all visitors will need to sign in – and out”
- Global – Market overview – Local Government Library Technology. “The library technology industry, broadly speaking, shows more affinity toward utility than innovation. Library automation systems are not necessarily exciting technologies, but they are workhorse applications that must support the complex tasks of acquiring, describing, and providing access to materials and services.”
- USA – Libraries have spent years reinventing themselves. Will they have to do it again? – Marketplace. “The Boston Public Library, for example, has been working on developing more affordable housing to sit atop some of its branches. The Austin Public Library offers citizenship courses for immigrants and hosts naturalization ceremonies. And the Bristol Public Library in Indiana, like many others, allows patrons to check out baking equipment to use at home. A lot of these new changes mean that people spend more time in libraries.” 4 minute interview. Started “curbside” delivery with masks/rubber gloves delivered in bag to car on demand.
Michelle and I want to do our part to give all you parents a break today, so we’re reading “The Word Collector” for @chipublib. It’s a fun book that vividly illustrates the transformative power of words––and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. pic.twitter.com/ADYbL6Dzg4
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) May 14, 2020
- As States Seek COVID Detectives, Librarians Are Among The Candidates – KUNM. “Denver is recruiting staff from the city’s libraries – including librarians – for its contact tracing team”
What might it look like if we fully opened libraries today? Springfield Public Library in the US has a go at illustrating that scenario for us… pic.twitter.com/5V74n5qcrn
— DCALondon (@DcaLondon) May 11, 2020
- Chicago Public Library Calls Staff Back to Work, Plans Full Reopen June 1 – Book Riot. “The Chicago Public Library system, however, is handling this a little differently, endangering the health and well-being of their staff, as well as the communities in which they aim to serve.” … “Gloves are helpful only if they’re disposed of between interactions. Will CPL be providing a day’s worth of gloves? What about enough masks for the realities of working with the public for 8 hours in one? What happens if a staff member wearing a mask sneezes while it’s on?”
Local news by authority
- Aberdeenshire – Reading challenge proved a winner for Aberdeenshire library service – Grampian Online. “The challenge, which ran from December to February, went down a storm with nearly 1000 local readers taking part individually, together as a family or as a group of friends. Although nearly half of those taking part were children aged three to 10”
- Cardiff – Old telephone boxes in Cardiff have been transformed into tiny libraries – Wales Online. ““I visit with my mum, who’s 75. She’s a bookaholic but can’t visit the library at the moment. She was very impressed. As well as books there are puzzles and some DVDs.””
- Cheshire East – Cheshire East libraries to launch digital “summer reading challenge” – Nantwich News. “Although library buildings are closed, the Challenge will be delivered through virtual services and e-lending platforms. The theme this year is “Silly Squad”, which will offer families a chance to have fun and encourages children to read anything that makes them happy.”
- Devon – Libraries want your bunting for end of lockdown commemorations – Devon Live. “apart from ‘phone calls to our customers; we are finding it difficult to interact with those who are not internet users. Our bunting project is a way of helping everyone feel a part of the community under lockdown and for us all to look forward to a brighter (bunting decorated) future.””
- Libraries Unlimited Podcast – Libraries Unlimited. “Welcome to our new podcast that dives into the Library Service in Devon and Torbay. We meet your hosts Lee and Callum, have a chat with the CEO of LU, Alex Kittow and attempt to entertain with our famous lightning book review segment.”
- Edinburgh – What libraries mean to me with Val McDermid – Tales of One City. “A long term champion of books and libraries, here McDermid tells us what libraries mean to her, and why the written word is what will ultimately carry us through”. One of a series.
- Highland – Increased use for High Life Highland online library resources in Inverness and the rest of the Highlands during coronavirus pandemic – Inverness Courier. “Pressreader, the online newspaper service, has more than doubled the number of views in April in comparison with the same month last year – an increase of 30,000 views.”
- Inverclyde – Inverclyde Libraries continues to run its popular weekly Bookbug sessions for tots online – Greenock Telegraph. “The fun takes place live on Facebook at 11am on both Mondays and Fridays. Monday sessions are signed in Makaton.”
- Kensington and Chelsea – Home library service keeps reading on the radar for vulnerable K&C residents – KCW Today. ” More than 200 booklovers across the borough have signed up for the scheme, which sees a member of the Council’s libraries team compiling a bespoke selection of books after contacting each customer to discuss their literary likes and dislikes.”
— Paul Matthews (@PaulMatthews67) May 14, 2020
We will not be re-opening libraries in Monmouthshire yet
❌introduces avoidable risk
❌encourages non-essential journeys
❌takes staff away from supporting ‘shielded people’ and volunteer efforts
Sorry to disappoint but choices have to be made
- Norfolk – Call for small number of Norfolk libraries to reopen is rejected – Thetford and Brandon Times. “library service staff have been redeployed into supporting food distribution, buying personal protective equipment and coordinating the volunteer effort across the county.”
- North Lanarkshire – North Lanarkshire libraries run online reading and learning festival – Daily Record. “Monklands residents can take part in sessions on subjects including family history, coding and creative writing – as well as learning how to access the latest recommended reads – in a two-week online festival being run by North Lanarkshire’s librarians.”
- North Yorkshire – Libraries share a little kindness for mental health week – North Yorkshire County Council. “All libraries will promote their Reading Well mental health collections of books, many of which are available to borrow free as e-books and e-audiobooks.”
- Libraries’ project celebrates beauty of North Yorkshire landmarks – North Yorkshire County Council. “The Then and Now project was funded by a £5,000 grant by Libraries Connected Yorkshire and Humber. It aims to develop creative and digital skills, as well as encourage a sense of pride and belonging among communities.”
- Oxfordshire – Record number join Oxfordshire libraries in lockdown – Herald. “A total of 589 signed up online in April, an 86 per cent increase on the same month in 2019. Loans of eBooks and eAudio loans have nearly doubled compared to this time last year, with more than 22,000 items borrowed from the county’s online library last month.”
- Pembrokeshire – Pembrokeshire libraries remain closed for time being – Western Telegraph. “On Friday, May 8, the Welsh Government announced that it was enabling local councils to ‘start the process of planning how to reopen libraries’. This planning process has now started in Pembrokeshire but it will still be some time before any libraries are opened.”
- Powys – Tips and libraries in Powys to remain closed for now – Powys County Times. “Now the council has said that while it is “working towards” reopening some tips and libraries, “a great deal of work” needs to be done before any service resumes in Powys.”
- St Helens – Competition deadline extended to encourage youngsters to get creative by writing stories during lockdown – St Helens Star. “annual St Helens Super Writers competition, challenging budding writers – who either live or go to school in the borough – to produce a short story of no more than 500 words, with this year’s theme around classic fairy tales with a modern twist.”
- Swansea – The lifeguard, librarian and other council staff doing completely different jobs due to coronavirus – Wales Online. “Bethan’s now a virtual Helpline call centre team-leader at the heart of a hub supporting those who have been told to stay at home and shield themselves from the virus.”
- West Dunbartonshire – Number of residents accessing West Dunbartonshire’s libraries triples during lockdown – Reporter. “The number of residents using West Dunbartonshire Council’s online library has trebled during lockdown, while the number of e-books and e-audiobooks accessed have doubled.”
- Wokingham – Book Chat -May 13th – Wokingham Borough Libraries. Reviews of available ebooks.
- Wolverhampton – Boost in people signing up for library services in Wolverhampton – Express and Star. “More than 700 people have joined or re-started their library membership in Wolverhampton since lockdown started.” … “And more than 1,200 people have used the virtual librarian service, which sees staff answer people’s queries online.”
- Wrexham – Wrexham Council reveal the most popular e-audiobooks and e-books amongst Wrexham residents – Leader Live. “Council has released a list of the most popular e-audiobooks and e-books amongst residents.”
- York – York libraries boss Fiona Williams on when city libraries might re-open – and how you can access library services even during lockdown – Press. “”So we have no definite date for reopening at the moment,” Fiona says. “We cannot just throw open the doors one day and say ‘we’re back’.” Nevertheless, library staff – those who have not been placed on furlough, at least – are beginning to work towards reopening.” … “With 54 of Explore’s 84 staff placed on furlough, there have been limits to what the remaining library and archive staff have been able to do. Nevertheless, there has been an impressive amount going on.”
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