Putting the drag into story-times
It’s clear something major has happened this Summer. There has been widespread and vocal protests, and counter-protests, outside libraries hosting drag queen story-times. This has received huge media attention and it’s too heated and immediate for me to write more on it. Just see the multitude of articles below, in a separate section below the national and international news sections.

Changes by local authority
- Gloucestershire – Stonehouse library moves into town council office.
- Wokingham – Wokingham Library will move into leisure centre.
National news
- Annual Report to Parliament on public libraries activities from April 2021 to March 2022 – DCMS. Libraries now back open after lockdowns. £5m Libraries Improvement Fund. “In this reporting period DCMS directly engaged with 29 local authorities, involving 53 conversations to discuss their library service provision. ” … “We began investigating a complaint made to us in September 2021 about whether a council was meeting their statutory duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service; and we will take further action if necessary.”. Six new/refurbished libraries listed.
- Basic dataset of static public libraries – Arts Council England. “The dataset is intended to capture permanent instances of libraries, local history libraries, and archives from 1 April 2010 to 31 December 2021. It is also intended to capture the number of mobile libraries.”
- Burton appointed ACE director for libraries as Williamson retires – BookSeller. Luke “Burton moves from his role as service manager for community hubs and libraries at Newcastle City Council. He has previously worked as a prison library development worker at Durham County Council, and several roles within Newcastle City Council including digital transformation manager and digital development manager for the library service. He will join ACE at the end of October. “
- #ebooksos: a global library scandal? – CILIP. Zoom, 7 September, 5pm. “You are warmly invited to join our Informal by Zoom, to hear Yohanna Anderson lead a discussion into the #ebooksos campaign in the UK and globally, explore the library profession’s role in countering these issues, and the long-term consequences if they are not addressed.”
- Family days out ‘can cost 20% more than a year ago’ as ‘children face missing out’ – Mirror. “Price inflation calculations by the Office for National Statistics shows trips to museums, libraries and zoos have risen by 5.3%.”
- Greater Manchester residents told they can keep warm in libraries this winter as energy bills soar – Manchester World.
- Libraries and museums to be ‘warm havens’ for people struggling with energy bills – Guardian. “Britain’s libraries and museums are preparing to act as warm havens for people unable to afford to heat their homes in the winter months. Ministers are being called on to provide urgent new funding so public buildings can cope with a surge in visitors during the coldest months.” [The library used in the picture – Kingsthorpe Library in Northampton – has been closed since before Covid – Ed.]
- Meet the Gadgeteers – science and reading are perfect partners – Gov.uk / DCMS Libraries.
“In 1989, two-thousand people demonstrated against Satanic Verses and marched on the Central Library. Copies were burned in the streets. Later and to their eternal credit the then MP for Halifax, Alice Mahon and the controversial Judge James Pickles read out passages from the book outside the library to emphasise free speech. Waiting lists to read the public library copies went up significantly.”
Email received
- ‘Near me in Libraries’ scheme to launch across Scotland – The National. “From Monday, the “Near me in Libraries” pilot will see public libraries in East Lothian, Edinburgh and Orkney become the “go-to” place in their communities for video consultations, if home is not an option. “
- Public libraries and Ukrainian refugees – Libraries Connected. “This briefing note presents the findings of a snapshot survey of 45 library services across England. It reveals for the first time the vast range of support libraries are offering to Ukrainian refugees, and their crucial role in the Homes for Ukraine scheme”
- Public services will wither unless the UK makes hard tax choices – Financial Times. “Local government services, often the area where cuts have the most impact on the ground, receive little attention from decision makers concentrated physically and intellectually in the well-resourced capital. Library closures and reduced bus timetables don’t dominate Prime Minister’s Questions or front pages. Even hungry children needed the celebrity campaigning of Marcus Rashford to be noticed.”
- Spook’s fantasy series author Joseph Delaney dies aged 77 – Northwich Guardian. “We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Joseph Delaney. He was a fantastic and passionate advocate for libraries in Lancashire and beyond. He will be dearly missed.”
- Story so far – Library Fines. Introduction to the reasons for and against library fines, as part of the Library Fines website, which includes a map of which councils charge what.
- West Midlands libraries and leisure centres could be turned into emergency ‘heating hubs’ for freezing families this winter – Birmingham Mail. “discussions are being held in Dudley about providing emergency support for the worst-off when the cold weather arrives, with other local authorities to potentially follow suit.”
International news
- Afghanistan – The librarian who defied the Taliban – BBC. “Wahida Amiri worked as an ordinary librarian before the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan last August. But when the militants started to strip women of their rights, she became one of the leading voices against them. She told the BBC’s Sodaba Haidare how protesting against Taliban rule led to her arrest and why she decided to leave her country.”
- Australia – Scripturient: Interview with Trish Hepworth – Mechanical Dolphin. “ven a developed country like Australia with a world-class education system has significant levels of low functional literacy. It’s increasingly difficult for people to function in society without those skills, and when they need help, the place they turn to is the public library.”
- Global – World’s best new public library found – Systematic. “The building stands out for its beautiful architecture that pays homage to the surrounding landscape while functioning as a library with a wealth of offers and possibilities that also serves as a meeting place for the local community. The library therefore scores highly against all the award’s criteria. It’s a library that you would relish having in your own local area. It’s a library built for the future.””
- Ireland – Over €3m in funding to extend opening hours of libraries nationwide – Breaking News. “Funding of more than €3 million is set to be invested in 46 library branches across the country, extending the opening hours of many nationwide. The investment announced by Minister for Community Development Heather Humphreys on Tuesday comes as the World Library Congress opens in Dublin, hosting approximately 1,700 delegates from 100 countries. Some €2.2 million of the funding will deliver longer opening hours in 17 of the libraries through the extension of the ‘My Open Library’ initiative, which provides library access to members from 8am to 10pm, 365 days a year.”
- Shush 199 – Stuart Hamilton Takeover – Shush. “Today we did a special takeover show. I was very happy and lucky to be able to do a takeover show with Stuart Hamilton (Head of Libraries Development at Local Government Management Agency) Stuart chose the music. In the show we chatted about his music selection, Libraries, his work and role. We also spoke about the International Federation of Library Associations World Library and Information Congress which is taking place next week in Dublin.”
- New Zealand – Fines discontinued at district libraries – Otago Daily Times. “A lot of people felt embarrassed or ashamed about fines, and often stopped using the library as a result, Ms Bean said. “They end up not wanting to bring the book back at all, so we actually lose the book, but more than that we actually lose our library members.””
- Poland – Supermarket Chain Will Act as Library to Skirt Sunday Trade Ban – Bloomberg. “Biedronka — known for its eponymous ladybug logo — will convert sections of some stores into libraries, retail industry news website Wiadomoscihandlowe.pl reported on Thursday, citing a company document. Customers will be able to borrow from a selection of 140 books using loyalty cards. “
- UAE – Mohammed Bin Rashid Library attracts over 40,000 visitors – Zawya. New library. “During this period, the Library issued more than 34,000 visitors tickets, and more than 3,000 other tickets to visit the Treasures of the Library Exhibition. The Library’s avant-garde auto-store received around 1,000 requests for borrowing books by Library members. According to the latest statistics, visitors spent between 2 and 5 hours in the various sections of the library, while visitors’ ages ranged between 5 and 60 years old from different nationalities.
“”It’s really easy to think about the future as exclusively technological. And I think a lot of libraries are keeping pace with that. At the same time, I think we’re starting to see that there’s a really great future for these institutions as place – the value of having an open, public place in your city, in your neighborhood.””
- Ukraine – How Ukraine’s librarians mobilised to fight the Russian culture war – Scotsman. “Within days, libraries across the country had set up initiatives to supply books to citizens sheltering in underground Metro stations, had created centres for refugees displaced within Ukraine in library buildings and diversified to set up to act as hubs to supply military equipment and essentials to the hastily-formed army. “Crazy Ukrainian librarians,” says Oksana Boiarynova, a member of the Ukrainian Library Association Board, who is on a visit to Scotland – planned and funded before the war – to share ideas about how libraries can support democracy. “They are very creative.””
- USA – Welcome to the library of the 21st century – CBS. “these are no longer warehouses of books, these are marketplaces of ideas”. West Virginia new library: ” a brand-new cafe, a tool-lending library, and an “idea lab” full of the latest technology. From podcasting booths to computerized sewing machines to augmented reality screens, the facility has been updated for the modern age. “. 21% cut in overall USA library usage from 2009 to 2018.
- Bullet-hole Riddled Books Prompt Library Closure – Flathead Beacon. Unidentified person apparently likes shooting books before dropping them off at library.
- Every Library Card a Miracle: Rural and Small-Town Libraries Are a Boon to Society – Daily Yonder. “Libraries do a lot of the heavy lifting for society. They not only circulate books, but also provide crucial Internet access for job seekers and students and entertain with videos and music. They offer a place where people can find shelter from the weather and while away lonely hours. The work of libraries is doubly important in small towns and rural areas, where miles of distance and the lack of reliable Internet connections can make learning hard and make life seem very isolated.”
- Small town library defunded after anti-LGBTQ+ backlash. Residents stepped up to save it – Pink News. “Patmos Library in Hudsonville, Michigan had 84 per cent of its annual budget – amounting to $245,000 – slashed in a vote following an anti-LGBTQ+ backlash. According to NBC News, the library came under fire when a group of local parents protested over the availability of LGBTQ+ books”
- The right in the US has a new bogeyman: libraries – Guardian. “Neo-Nazis and Proud Boys are targeting libraries, as legislators and conservative lobby groups are trying to remove books from shelves and change how library board members are appointed” … “The ALA has been tracking bans for two decades and reported that 2021 was the worst year for attempted censorship yet, with 1,597 books challenged” … “the censorship frequently pushed by conservative groups is linked to wealthy rightwing donors even as they masquerade as grassroots efforts, with names like “Moms for Liberty” and “Parents Defending Education”. ” … “Libraries help us to think. That is why they are powerful, and that is why they are under attack. That is also why we must protect them.”
Drag Queen Story Hour
- ‘Alpha Men’ wage war on school library storytime read by drag queens – Times. Partial paywall. “Leading antivax conspiracists have shifted their attention to LGBT issues, protesting against a drag queen reading tour for children that they falsely claim is a vehicle for paedophilia.”
- Angry protester is arrested in clashes at library hosting Drag Queen Story Hours – Mail. “The event attracted large groups protesting and supporting the show – around 15 people staged a demonstration against it and claimed the performer was ‘illegally grooming children’. One protestor even said they planned to put Aida under citizen’s arrest. Counter-protestors branded the group ‘fascists’ and said they were standing up for ‘parents, children and drag queens’.”. Anti-DQSH protester says “‘A library with toddlers is is not the time or the place – if you want to see a drag queen go to a nightclub” while a parent who attended the storytime said it “was ‘pleasant’ and ‘lovely’. She said: ‘Ada is an author and I can assure you none of the content in the stories are sexualised. They are light-hearted and entertaining.”
- Anti-racists to counter far-right protests against Drag Queen Story Hour events – Morning Star. “Stand Up to Racism national co-convener Weyman Bennett said the group will be hosting “solidarity protests” in several cities this month to oppose “attempts to intimidate children, parents and LGBT+ people.”
- Bristol Drag queen children’s story hour disrupted by protests – BBC News. “An event where a drag queen was due to read to children in Bristol has been postponed after protests outside. The event at Henleaze Library, Bristol, went ahead without the host and a librarian read to children instead. Bristol City Council said the group “needed lessons in tolerance and difference,” and said it would not tolerate discrimination.”
These library protests have not come out of the blue. They’ve been planned on social media by known groups who have switched from anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests to evidence-free claims that these events are being hosted by “paedophiles” and “child groomers”.
The personalities behind the demonstrations in Bristol and Reading are well known figures on conspiracy theory-based social media groups. Many of them are known for attending protests outside Covid vaccination centres, attempting to shut them down with baseless claims that vaccines are killing people.
Among them are Alpha Men Assemble, a group of so-called Sovereign Citizens who believe they have the right to opt out of laws to which they do not consent, and swear in members as “Common Law Constables.” Others represent a far-right group known as Independent Nationalist Network, which includes former members of the BNP and Patriotic Alternative.
Figures such as Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) and Jayda Fransen of Britain First, who recently polled 23 votes in the Wakefield by-election, have thrown their weight behind the protests.
BBC Monitoring
- Bristol Pride slams Drag Queen Story Hour protesters – Bristol Post. “In a statement, Bristol Pride said that children ‘are not born with hatred, they learn it’, and supported the libraries for putting on the events to ‘showcase inclusion and diversity’.” … “a couple of events were cancelled because of protests and counter-protests outside.” … “protesters continued to gather outside the library shouting abuse at parents and children going in”
- ‘By doing what I do, I am saving lives’: The drag queen who reads stories to children speaks out as protesters fail to disrupt event in Cardiff – Wales Online. “These events bring warmth and laughter — but recently many have been hijacked by small groups of demonstrators gathering outside the libraries and shouting homophobic slurs. The reading at Cardiff Central Library on Friday morning is no exception. Around a dozen people yell offensive words about drag queens, but they are dwarfed by a 50-strong counter-protest on the other side of a line of police officers. “
- Call drag queens ‘pantomime dames’ to fool protestors, librarians told – Telegraph. “Staff attend training on how to handle conflicts with parents over controversial Drag Queen Story Hour UK tour for children”. Confidential Libraries Connected webinar reported in Telegraph. Partial paywall. [NB. The entertainer referenced in the title is a pantomime dame – Ed.]. Story repeated in Drag queens touring UK reading stories to children should be called ‘pantomime dames’ to fool potential protesters, library staff are told after dozens of activists targeted ‘Story Hour’ events – Mail and Is that a drag queen in the library? Oh no it’s not – Times (paywall).
- Council accused of ‘pandering to bullies’ after decision to drop drag queen – Manchester Evening News. “And if you don’t like drag queens telling stories- don’t buy a ticket,” he said. “And don’t bother buying a ticket for panto at Xmas either.”
- Date confirmed for Oldham Library return of drag story hour – Oldham Times. “The event will take place in October half term, with families able to book tickets online. Oldham Libraries will be employing extra security on site for the event, after homophobic protests led to the cancellation of a similar event in Rochdale earlier this month.”
- Disruption and ‘fears for safety’ at Drag Queen Story Hour library tour protests – Bristol Post. “protesters stormed the event – some with their own children – to protest, which meant police had to get involved and escort the drag queen, who grew up in Bristol, to her next event location while forming a human wall to protect her from assault or any protesters carrying out a ‘citizen’s arrest’.”. One protester quoted as saying “”The death penalty isn’t currently acceptable but there is a moral justification for us. So yeah, that’s why I’m here. I’m praying for these people – these Antifas, these drag queens and such – they were made in the likeness of God in the sense that there is a sense of beauty inside them.”
- Drag Queen book reading for children hit by protesters shouting abuse – Yahoo News. Entertainer has received death threats previously: “It was a small minority of people who weaponised homophobia and transphobia to get something cancelled because they wanted it to be. My details were published online and I did get death threats. I was on the phone to the police about it and I was being called a paedophile. “I have moved house since then as well.””
“They should be utterly ashamed of themselves, they let those children down. I get told that I am a danger to children. But what is dangerous to children is language like paedophile and groomer, but the only people who used words like that in front of children today, is them.”
Sab Samuel
- Drag queen fights back at attempts to stop him reading to children in Cornwall – Cornwall Live. “A resident of the one of the towns contacted CornwallLive after seeing a leaflet which is being distributed in the areas hosting the drag queen. The leaflets, produced by British far-right white nationalist group Patriotic Alternative, suggest that Drag Queen Story Hour should be stopped as it’s “another attempt to sexualise children” by the “Marxist establishment”. The resident called the content “homophobic” and “hate-fuelled”.”
- Drag queen reading tour comes to Greater Manchester after previous shows hit by protests – Manchester Evening News. ” “I think although we were aware, we weren’t expecting the hatred to be manifested so strongly. We’ve found out that the majority of people who have protested at any event, were not actually from that area and lots of them aren’t even parents themselves – I think the protesters are actually victims themselves, victims of misinformation.”
- Drag Queen Story Hour in Reading disrupted by protestors – Reading Chronicle. “Videos circulating on social media appear to show two people inside the Central Library shouting obscenities in front of families attending the event.” … “They had megaphones and attempted to shout into the windows from the ground floor outside” … ““The drag queen, after finishing the story hour, then had to be escorted out of the library by the police to the next story hour show in Tilehurst Library.””
- Drag Queen Story Hour set to visit Hampshire with Portsmouth libraries event – Hampshire Live. “Drag Queen Story Hour is set to visit three Portsmouth libraries as part of a national tour. The group provides fun and interactive kids shows with drag performers, hoping to “show the world that being different is not a bad thing”.” … “However, recent events in Bristol and Cornwall have led to sparked protests from people hoping to prevent the performance” … “The extreme nature of some of the protesters’ signs, which linked drag queens with paedophilia and child-grooming, sparked fury among hundreds of commenters” …”It’s not really much different from taking your kids to pantomime where they normally have a drag queen in? Or do they oppose that as well?””
- Drag Queen Story Hour protesters are the real problem – not the queens – Independent. “Aida H. Dee aka Sab Samuel has been threatened with crucifixion for the crime of reading to children while looking fabulous” Partial paywall.
- Drag Queen Story Hour UK comes to Reading this week – Reading Chronicle. Risk assessment described in detail, with Covid described as the greatest risk.
- Drag Queen Story Hour UK comes to Wokingham – Bracknell News. ““We absolutely share the principles that this company stands for: to promote diversity and inclusion, to encourage children and young people to read books and for families to visit their local library. Through our fantastic libraries, we always aim to offer a varied and diverse programme of events and activities.””
- Drag Queen Story Hour UK tour returns to Bristol – Bristol Post. “Aida H Dee describes themselves as an ADHD and autistic 27 year old, who has been patron of Autistic Inclusive Meets London for over two years. She is a published author of two children’s books, has appeared as an official act for The British Museum during The Queen’s Jubilee, has a five star Edinburgh Fringe act, has been featured on Forbes Magazine for being an activist for neurodivergence, and has recently been shortlisted as Local Leader Of The Year 2022 by PinkNews for the nationally acclaimed PinkNews Awards.”
- Drag queen storytime in England promotes compassion and inclusion. British far-right extremists are importing US hate against them – 7 News Boston. “Recent angry confrontations around events involving drag queens in the United Kingdom follow a disturbing precedent from the United States, where right-wing extremist groups ambush similar events and conservative politicians have pledged to criminalize adults taking children to drag shows. It has coincided with a wider movement to curtail rights related to bodily autonomy, ranging from abortion access to gender affirming care, punctuated by a wave of anti-LGBTQ bills and Justice Clarence Thomas questioning marriage equality as the US Supreme Court overturned the federal right to abortion in the United States.”
- Drag queen storytime – Video: Libraries Northern Ireland praises practice of drag performers reading to children – News Letter. “The body which runs Northern Ireland’s libraries has spoken warmly of the ‘drag queen storytime’ movement, saying such events aim to foster “positivity, diversity, and inclusion” among children. It comes amid renewed focus on the practice of having drag performers read to youngsters, after objections were raised to one such event in Belfast’s MAC theatre.”
- Drag Queen who read to children in Cornwall hits back at ‘aggressors’ who disrupt his events – Cornwall Live. “despite protesters voicing their opposition to the events outside the Cornish libraries and claiming they ‘sexualise children’, the readings have proven extremely popular. Some of them, including in Bude and Torpoint, sold out with people asking Sab to come back.”
- Far-right protests over drag queen storytime at Bexleyheath and Crayford libraries – Kent Online. “A far-right nationalist group held protests outside Kent libraries over events where drag queens were due to read to children. There was a sizeable police presence outside Bexleyheath library where members of Patriotic Alternative had gathered on Saturday afternoon.”
- Furious parents storm first Drag Queen Story Hour UK for three to 11-year-olds – Express. “The event was derailed when two mothers, one of whom Mr Samuel claims used her disabled child as a “trojan horse” to gain entry, confronted the event’s host and labelled it “disgusting”.” … “Mr Samuel, who clarified that the shows included no sexual language nor were children exposed to sexual situations, told the BBC: “What is confusing is that these groups are attempting to create a sexual focus here where none exists by drawing attention to sex and sexuality.””
- ‘I’m just trying to make the world a little brighter’: how the culture wars hijacked Drag Queen Story Hour – Guardian. ” Drag Queen Story Hour has recently been hauled into a culture war. This summer, groups including the far-right and conspiracy theorists calling themselves “sovereign citizens” have been holding up signs saying “Welcome groomers” and “Nonce upon a time” outside libraries in places from Bexleyheath to Reading when Drag Queen Story Hour events were due to take place. Parents entering the libraries had questions shouted at them about why they were taking their children to see a paedophile. Videos of the protests in Reading were posted online and looked terrifying. It was a scene you might expect to see in the US, where homophobic Christian groups have long maligned large parts of the LGBTQ+ movement and their allies as “groomers”. But in Reading?”
- Letter- Why are Drag Queen’s telling children’s stories? – County Times. Questions why councils are funding “inappropriate” events.
- North Walsham drag queen story hour disrupted by protests – BBC. “Titania Trust had been due to read a story to children at North Walsham Library on Tuesday. Norfolk County Council said it decided to postpone the event following safety concerns. The county’s police force said officers “engaged with two people who were protesting peacefully” at the New Road library.”
- One person arrested at Drag Queen Story Time protest – Bristol Post. “It was at Hillfields that one of the counter-protesters was arrested. Avon and Somerset police confirmed she was later de-arrested after giving her details to officers on the ground, and the incident she was arrested for will now be investigated.”
- Police officers pose with drag queen amid protests at library story hour in Cornwall – ITV. Bodmin “Yesterday (2 August), supporters waved the LGBTQ+ rainbow flag while protesters in Bodmin held signs stating “We are against grooming”, “Leave our kids alone”, “Let kids be kids” and “We are not transphobes”. The protest was a quiet affair, with the protesters leaving before families and Aida H Dee exited the building.”
- Powys drag queen storytime event a hit, but protesters criticised – Powys County Times. “Powys County Council, however, confirmed they did draft in security staff for the Newtown stop after around 15-20 protesters turned up and stood outside the library, unhappy about it being held, while Dyfed Powys Police confirmed they also sent officers to the scene to make sure the event ran smoothly.”… ““Obviously, the protesters’ parents never taught them to judge other people by how they treat you rather than their appearance.”
- Protesters and counter-protesters clash over library drag queen hour for kids – Rolling Out. “The group of around 15 protesting against the storytelling say Dee is “illegally grooming children.””
- Protests and counter-protests at Cornwall libraries as drag queen reads to kids – Cornwall Live. “With police officers and council security present, the protest was actually a quiet affair, with the protesters leaving before families and Aida H Dee exited the building.”
- Protests outside drag queen story event sees police called in – Norwich Evening Post. “Hundreds of people gathered outside the Forum either to show support for – or protest – a story time event held by a drag queen on Wednesday. Joseph Ballard, also known as ‘Auntie’ Titania Trust, has been targeted by people who do not think it is right for drag queens to interact with children. “
- Protesters storm first drag queen storytime for primary school children – Telegraph. “Mothers infiltrate library event, saying: ‘We’re here to protect children’”. Paywall.
- Rochdale Council criticised over drag queen book reading postponements – BBC. “A council has been accused of “pandering to bullies” after it postponed three drag queen book reading events at its libraries.” … “Rochdale Council said it had postponed the shows, which have seen protests in other areas, due to a risk assessment.” … “the decision to postpone the shows would cause “long lasting damage” to “an already marginalised community”, adding: “If these libraries across the country can host [the readings], so can Rochdale.””
- Storming Drag Queen Story Hour – Scout. Protesters listed in details are anti-vaxxers, extreme right-wing groups … and a Satanic ritual abuse conspiracy theorist. Protester borrowers children from friend so she can gain entry. “Many anti-vaxxers also come from leftish backgrounds, and it’s weird to see the curdling of their hippie ideals.”
- The storytellers facing violent threats: what’s going on with drag queens in libraries? – Times. Partial paywall.
- They say it’s harmless fun, but some parents think it’s inappropriate indoctrination… So why are our councils spending taxpayers’ cash on getting drag queens to read stories to children? – Mail. Long anti-Drag Queen article, using DQSH’s social media to suggest inappropriateness, quoting protesters. ” ‘Drag is being romanticised as something positive and fun for kids to engage with, but behind the rainbow flags and unicorns there is an agenda at play. We are at the thin end of a wedge and down the line we will find ourselves wondering how on earth we got into it.'”
Suffolk Libraries celebrates tenth birthday on 1 August
“Monday 1 August will mark ten years since Suffolk Libraries was launched as an independent charity to run Suffolk’s library service. During this time Suffolk Libraries has kept all 44 libraries open, saved Suffolk taxpayers £25m and worked hard to develop new and innovative services and activities at the heart of the community, all with the aim of making an impact on people’s wellbeing.
Many libraries have been encouraged to change their opening hours to suit local need with some even increasing them. Suffolk Libraries also played a vital role during the darkest days of the pandemic, running library activities online, reaching out to isolated customers with befriending calls, lending laptops and delivering food parcels. Latest figures also show that overall lending was higher in 2021/22 compared with 2019/20, thanks in part to a huge rise in eLibrary use over the past few years.
Suffolk Libraries will also be opening Suffolk’s 45th library at Moreton Hall near Bury St Edmunds on 1 August. The organisation will also be sharing messages and feedback on social media throughout August including this recent award-winning video which shows the many ways in which Suffolk Libraries helps people in the community.
Bruce Leeke, CEO of Suffolk Libraries, said: “We want to use our ten-year birthday to remind everyone of everything Suffolk Libraries does to make Suffolk a better place to live. I hear heart-warming examples of what we mean to people almost every day and we’re all very proud of what Suffolk Libraries has achieved over the past ten years. “These achievements speak for themselves but it’s our impact on people’s lives across Suffolk that really counts. It’s not just about the stories that people borrow from us, it’s about the ones we help them create. It’s the stories about how Suffolk Libraries has reached people, supported them and changed their lives for the better.
“Suffolk Libraries is run by the community for the benefit of the community and that’s why almost everything we do is down to the amazing people who work and volunteer for our charity. This celebration is also about paying tribute to everyone who has played a role in our story; our staff, community groups and the many people who’ve supported our journey over the past ten years.”
In a video message to Suffolk Libraries Nick Poole, CEO of CILIP said: “Over the last 10 years Suffolk Libraries has emerged as something of a beacon for libraries everywhere. You’re known for throughout the profession for fresh thinking innovative ideas and really impactful advocacy. That reputation is down to the hard work and dedication of every member of staff across Suffolk Libraries and I know how much of a difference that that hard work and dedication makes to the communities that you support and serve.”
Local news by authority
- Bath and North East Somerset – Local library events sparking children’s curiosity – Journal.
- Bolton – Bolton Central Library: Age UK exercise classes return – Bolton News. “A spokesman for Bolton Library and Museum Services said: “Together with Age UK we will be restarting our Chair Based Exercise classes at Bolton Central library and Museum.”
- Bolton Central Library: ‘Open decks’ event looking for record collectors – Bolton News. “A Bolton Library and Museum Services spokesman said: “Do you have a record collection you’d like to share? “Anything from rock & roll, 80s pop, disco, northern soul or some ’89 House classics? Get in touch and book a slot “
- Westhoughton Library: Residents invited to free reading group – Bolton News.
- Year long £3.7m project set to ‘transform’ Bolton’s central library – Manchester Evening News. “A £3.7m project to transform Bolton library will see the children’s area treble in size and a new café built. In December 2021 Bolton was offered up to £22M of town’s fund’ government cash in order to ‘level up’ and regenerate town centres. Bolton Council’s planning committee unanimously approved the final plans for the listed Le Mans Crescent building. The work, which will include the installation of a mezzanine floor in the building, is expected to begin in September and take around a year to complete.”
- Cambridgeshire – A feast of arts-based events announced in libraries across Cambridgeshire – Hunts Post. Tenth season.
- Cheshire East – Cheshire East Council on track to deliver its open, fairer and greener vision – Cheshire East Council. ““We have seen 600,000 visitors to our libraries with over 1.5 million books borrowed.”
- Cheshire West and Chester – Northwich library will be closed until late September – Northwich Guardian. “It was announced on August 2 that the library will be closed to allow for structural investigation to take place. The alleyway to the side of the library will also close for the duration of this time. The Council is currently finalising plans to fully refurbish the library to make it fit for the next generation and it considers this initial phase of work to be the start of a longer-term renovation project.”
- Malpas residents invited to have say on revamped mobile library service – Whitchurch Herald. “Cheshire West and Chester Council will be introducing a new, modern mobile library later this year, with a new electric vehicle replacing the old one to be cleaner and greener. Other sustainable features include solar panels and LED lighting, while there will be improvements to services offered, such as an awning for summer activities and onboard Wi-Fi and digital access for customers.”
- Cornwall – Cornwall is a brilliant place to be a child as summer fun in libraries gets underway – Cornish Times. “The Summer Reading Challenge, a performance of Peter Pan, a Lego workshop and Drag Queen Story Hour are some of the highlights in Cornwall’s libraries this summer.”
- Cumbria – All the commode-tion has big results – Cumbria Council. “As part of the pilot project two week-long take-back events have also taken place with the Kendal library take-back collecting over 40 items and a second at Barrow library collecting over 80 items.” … “The convenient central location of many of our libraries has allowed us to offer a convenient alternative reception point for returns. Bringing local people to the library is a real plus for us and it’s a great initiative as well. We’re keen to support additional take-back events as the pilot continues.”
- Simon Lamb Poet finishes workshop tour of Cumbria – The Mail. “In each library, he lead workshops with 7-11-year-olds helping them create their own poetry, but he said that even the parents got involved. “
- Devon – Books and bubbles at Moretonhampstead Library – Libraries Unlimited. “Moretonhampstead Library is reopening after a lengthy period of closure for roof repairs.” Closed since 1 March.
- Libraries offer young nature lovers free kit to explore the glorious Sid Valley – Devon Live. “Young nature fans are being offered a free kit to help them explore the glorious Sid Valley. Sidmouth Library is offering the Nature Explorer Backpacks as a new initiative to encourage children and families to get out and about in the area. Each backpack contains magnifiers, specimen pots and information about the flora and fauna of the area. The backpacks have been funded with the support of The Keith Owen Fund, Devon County Councillor for Sidmouth, Stuart Hughes and the Sidmouth Library Friends Group.”
- Dorset – Author Anthony Burt goes full circle at Dorset Libraries – Dorset Council. “Anthony grew up in Wyke Regis, and regularly used Wyke Regis Library. He had a love for books from a young age, and dreamed about being an author. He was delighted when we asked him to run events in our libraries, and it was extra special when one of the events gave him the opportunity to re-visit his childhood library “
- East Dunbartonshire – Lennoxtown Library temporary opening hours – East Dunbartonshire Council. “The amended opening hours are only temporary while we recruit new library staff due to a number of unforeseen vacancies arising.”
- East Renfrewshire – East Renfrewshire libraries receive cash boost – Barrhead News. “As a result of their efforts, the ERCL team has been praised for providing “outstanding service” and the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC), backed by support from investment management firm Baillie Gifford, has awarded local libraries a £500 book bundle.”
- East Renfrewshire libraries praised for being ‘breastfeeding friendly’ast Renfrewshire libraries praised for being ‘breastfeeding friendly’ – Barrhead News. “The Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme aims to help people who breastfeed, as well as businesses, know their rights and responsibilities and help mothers have positive experiences”
- Gloucestershire – Stonehouse library reopens with best-selling author Katie Fforde – Stroud News and Journal. “The library moved from its old location in Elm Road to the town council offices on the high street in 2020, so it could be based in a more central location.”
- Halton – Halton Lea Library | HBC newsroom – News Anyway. “For the safety of library staff and customers, Halton Lea Library will be closing earlier, in line with Runcorn Shopping City’s opening times. Halton Lea Library currently stays open Tuesdays and Thursdays until 7pm and the two members of staff leave the building at 7.15pm. The shopping centre is desolate at this time as the shops and car parks are closed from 6pm.”
- Hampshire – Free and Fun – Romsey children visit their local library to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge – Hampshire Chronicle.
- Haringey – Pianos installed in Haringey libraries to give all residents access to music – Enfield Independent. “All of the libraries will now be home to the digital Casio GP-310 – a model that was selected for its high sound quality and weighted, wooden touch-sensitive keys that make it as close as possible to playing a traditional concert piano.”
- Hertfordshire – Fifty Thrifty Adventures huge success – Hertfordshire Council. “Hundreds of you placed your votes over the past couple of weeks, to decide which of Hertfordshire’s thrifty adventures was the best, and earlier this week we revealed ‘checking out an activity in your local library’ as your winner. We spent the day with the library team, finding out why Hertfordshire residents thought that they were the best ‘Thrifty Adventure’”
- Hull – Gather round for a Summer of Stories with Hull Libraries – Hull Live. “Following the success of The Big Malarkey Festival, Hull Libraries is launching a new children’s summer programme”
- Inverclyde – Children welcomed into libraries for fairytale reading sessions – Greenock Telegraph. “recently welcomed children’s author and environmentalist Alex Mullarky along for a special storytelling session from her first novel.”
- Kent – Sandgate Library temporary closure – Kent Council. “to allow for refurbishment work to be carried out. It will reopen on Monday 26th September.”
- Lambeth – Lambeth Libraries highlights their Summer of Fun August 2022 – listings, events, workshops and more – Brixton Buzz. Readers and Writers Festival. “We have a bumper programme of events and activities in August. Every Lambeth Library will be running weekly activities for children so do check with your local library and join the fun”
- StoryTrails puts Brixton on virtual storytelling map – Lambeth Council. ” “We are both proud and pleased that Lambeth is one of only a handful of UK locations selected to pioneer this creative and innovative project that uses new technology tools to bring us closer, than ever before, to the human roots and stories of our borough – and might change the future for learning history.””
- Middlesbrough – Libraries lend a hand to like-minded readers – Middlesbrough Council. “Middlesbrough Libraries have just the thing for both budding and established book groups. The service – based at the historic Central Library – has multiple sets of titles on offer to save bibliophiles costly trips to the bookshop.”
- Newham – Newham children invited to join the gadgeteers with this year’s summer reading challenge – Newham Council. “In its second year of a pilot scheme with the Reading Agency, Newham libraries has been working with primary schools in the borough to ensure that children are registered to take part .To continue the challenge, children will need to pop in to any Newham library with their collector folder, take out, read and return books.”
- Norfolk – Norfolk County Council launches consultation on the future of mobile libraries – Norfolk Council. “Norfolk County Council has launched a consultation about changes to the rural mobile library service, as part of proposals to save £13 million. The six mobile libraries operated by Norfolk County Council stop outside a variety of places within local communities, ranging from playgroups, schools, care homes, and traveller sites – as well as locations where there is high footfall such as parish halls, pubs, and supermarkets. There are currently 1,304 stops and time spent at each stop ranges from 10 minutes to an hour.”
- As King’s Lynn swelters in 30-degree heat, library is sanctuary of cool and calm – Lynn News. ” I read an article the other day that explained how libraries have for so long been safe havens for people seeking temporary refuge – homeless people, recent immigrants, bored teenagers during the summer holidays. Right now, as the country swelters in 30-plus heat, they are also sanctuaries of cool and calm.”
- North Northamptonshire – Kettering museum future uncertain as building remains structurally unsound – Northants Telegraph. “while the future of the museum depends on finding further funding, objects from the collection may be housed in the newly-restored library.”
- Raunds Library – A step closer to being community managed – North Northamptonshire Council. “The Creating Tomorrow Academy Trust and the Raunds Community Library Trust have been selected to run the library in partnership. The lease arrangements will now go back before the Council’s Executive for final approval.”
- North Yorkshire – Library workshops helping residents to explore the county’s dialect – North Yorkshire Council. “Residents have really enjoyed celebrating Yorkshire’s rich dialects and it’s a great way to increase awareness of local history and bring research into the way we speak to the attention of library users.”
- North Yorkshire library initiative to help children – Press. “Tough Topics packs consist of books and activities chosen by librarians and professionals to help children aged three to eight process their emotions and discuss difficult life-changing events.”
- Nottingham – City Council throws Nottingham libraries a lifeline after thousands fight closure – Nottingham Post. “It is now understood closing the three sites would only save £79,000, less than previously anticipated” … “Nottingham City Council has opened the door to keeping three community libraries open. The Labour-run authority has detailed five possible options to save them after thousands of residents, organisations and a campaign group condemned plans to axe them and save just £79,000.”. “saving” originally quotes as £233k. See commitee paper.
- ‘Threat remains’ for closure of Nottingham’s libraries as plans again condemned – Nottingham Post. “The city council says “there remains a threat of the closure of the libraries” in some of the most deprived areas of Nottingham. As such a councillor in Radford fears there will be “nothing left at all” within the community if the library in her ward is axed.”
- Nottinghamshire – Retford Library receive blue plaque in honour of Mr Thomas Hercy Denman – Inspire Culture. “The blue plaque was presented in honour of Mr Thomas Hercy Denman who, in 1926, presented his Georgian building to the town of Retford for use as a library. The building is still being used to provide the same service today as a part of Inspire.”
- Inspire: Culture, Learning and Libraries to take occupancy of the upper floor of Newark’s Buttermarket – East Midlands Business Link.
- Nottinghamshire BIPC announces record year for supporting local businesses – East Midlands Business Link. “Specialist library-based centres to support local entrepreneurs in Nottinghamshire have reported a record year after giving more than 1,000 instances of free business support to Nottingham’s start-up and small businesses owners – over half of them women.”
- Oldham – We want to hear your views on library service – Oldham Council. “The consultation results will provide an insight into what residents’ value about the service, what they would like to see more of and if there are any barriers to access that we can address. “
- Portsmouth – Children’s love of libraries soaring this summer – Portsmouth Council. 82% increase in Summer Reading Challenge compared to 2021.
- Powys – Books for those living with cancer available at libraries – Shropshire Star. “Four sets of 50 books were purchased a year ago thanks to a grant from Powys Teaching Health Board’s Charitable Fund to the Improving the Cancer Journey in Powys programme.”
- Richmond – Chatterbooks Reading Groups return in September – register your interest – Richmond Council. “Chatterbooks is relaunching after being put on hold during the pandemic.”
- Shropshire – Readers invited to ‘travel the globe’ with Shropshire Council libraries – Shropshire Council. “The team at Shropshire Council’s libraries service has joined with BBC Arts and The Reading Agency to offer an adult reading challenge with a difference this summer. Readers can enjoy The Big Jubilee Read experience by borrowing or downloading books for free from a list of 70 intriguing titles written by celebrated Commonwealth writers over the past seven decades. And a programme of special book club events will follow in early autumn, allowing readers to swap views on their book list selections. All of Shropshire’s libraries are taking part, offering readers their own copy of the book list and opportunities to read many of the absorbing titles stocked in local branches.”
- Slough – Slough libraries to close on certain days – Windsor Observer. “it is changing the opening hours, altering self-serve provisions, and closures on certain days from August and beyond as pressure on staff builds.”. Lots of vacancies and sickness.
- Staffordshire – New chapter for Tamworth’s library – Birmingham Mail. “The library in Corporation Street is set to turn over a new page, moving to a temporary home to allow for a major refurbishment of the current building.”
- Staffordshire – Fabulous Fancies brings former shop back to life as a community library – Central Bylines. “Volunteers have helped to transform the space in Astley Walk formerly used by Appetite to host exhibitions and arts activities into a library offering a range of books for children and adults. The venue will also continue to host exhibitions, performances, and other events run by Appetite and other groups.”
- St Helens – The cause of funding pressures is the government – St Helens Star. Rainford Library likely to close. “The Tories have cut our council funding by more than £100m a year since 2010. Such a cut inevitably means difficult and sometimes impossible decisions have to be made, especially when we are legally obligated to set a balanced budget.”
- Events held in libraries near you to help with cost of living bills – St Helens Star. “Due to the concerning increase, St Helens Borough Council have announced that services to help deal with the growing costs will be held at libraries from next month.”
- Fears over future or Rainhill Library and Trials Exhibition – St Helens Star. “The Star reported that six libraries in the borough, including Rainhill, are in line to be closed at the end of October, unless prospective partners come forward to help them become “community managed” facilities. Villagers and councillors turned out to a recent public meeting at Rainhill Village Hall to discuss the matter.”
- Suffolk – Suffolk Libraries to celebrate tenth birthday on 1 August – Suffolk Libraries. “Over this time Suffolk Libraries has kept all 44 libraries open, saved Suffolk taxpayers £25m and worked hard to develop new and innovative services and activities at the heart of our communities, all with the aim of making an impact on people’s wellbeing.”
- Library service celebrates decade of creating a ‘better place to live’ – Stowmarket Mercury.
- New Suffolk Garland book now available in all libraries – Suffolk Libraries. “created as part of the jubilee celebrations and copies were recently presented to every library and secondary school in Suffolk.”
- Suffolk Libraries announces second Autumn online book festival – Suffolk Libraries. “Thousands of people have enjoyed our previous online author events, with many interviews being available to watch on our YouTube channel. This year’s line-up includes a range of different authors including Elly Griffiths, Jill Mansell, Jack Jordan and more.”
- Suffolk Libraries offers third entrepreneur programme for women – Suffolk Libraries. “Our September 2022 programme is funding 10 spaces for women to take part and gain the skills, support and confidence needed to bring their business ideas to fruition.”
- Suffolk Libraries’ Open Space sessions are open for everyone – Suffolk Libraries. “Open Space are weekly informal drop-in sessions for anybody interested in talking about their mental health and wellbeing, as well as families and carers.”
- Suffolk’s first new library in more than ten years opens in Bury St Edmunds – East Anglian Daily Times. “Suffolk’s first new library in more than ten years has opened to coincide with Suffolk Libraries’ tenth birthday celebrations today. The county’s newest library branch opened on Monday, August 1 in Moreton Hall Community Centre, Bury St Edmunds.”
- Mobile library services suspended during heatwave – East Anglian Daily Times. “As with the previous very high temperatures, we feel the more enclosed space on the mobiles would prove too hot for staff and customers.”
- Swansea – Cost of converting former Swansea BHS store into library and community hub now nearly ‘two-and-a-half-times’ higher – Wales Online. “The cost of converting the former BHS building in Swansea into a new central library, hub and archives building is likely to exceed £15m, councillors have been told. The building will also be home to housing options, the revenue and benefits service, the lifelong learning and employability service, and potentially other public sector partners.”
- Warwickshire – Warwickshire Libraries use the arts to promote library settings as inclusive and safe spaces for all – Warwickshire Council. “Warwickshire County Council Libraries have delivered professional art workshops for two groups of refugees through ‘Warwickshire Libraries Alive’, a participation, literature and arts project helping members of the community to engage with their local library spaces.”
- Library users in Warwickshire urged to take their books back on time as fines return – Leamington Observer. “re-introducing fines for overdue books from September 1 as part of a return to normal operations following the pandemic.”
- Search for Warwickshire’s eighth Young Poet Laureate begins – Stratford Observer. “The competition is open to anyone aged between 13 and 17 who lives and is educated in Warwickshire, and who would like to perform their own poetry to an audience.”
- Warwickshire – Library users in Warwickshire urged to take their books back on time as fines return – Stratford Observer. ” re-introducing fines for overdue books from September 1 as part of a return to normal operations following the pandemic.”
- West Berkshire – Summer Reading Challenge 2022 off to flying start – West Berkshire Council. “t. There are already over 2,500 children taking part …”
- West Northamptonshire – Refugees who fled war-torn Ukraine, Afghanistan and Syria get helping hand job-hunting in Northampton – Northampton Chronicle. At Central Library: “It’s a chance to make friends, be a part of the community and fully contribute to UK society – all with a new sense of purpose and identity.”
- Developer pledges £2.2m to improve healthcare, sports, transport and libraries alongside 349 new homes for Northampton – Northampton Chronicle. “Additional funds of £190,752 are also to be put towards improving transport links, with a particular focus on connections to the Northampton ring road plus another £81,105 for Northamptonshire libraries.”
- West Sussex – Love your local library with free ‘Discovery Day’ events across West Sussex – West Sussex Council. “Starting this month, libraries across West Sussex will be holding free events to smash conventional library stereotypes and help people discover what libraries have to offer beyond books.”
- Wigan – Wigan’s libraries extend their opening hours during busy summer months – Wigan Today.
- Wokingham – First look inside Wokingham Library at the Carnival Hub – Bracknell News. “The resource will move from its home in Denmark Street, which closes on September 3, to the Wokingham leisure centre. A kilometre of book shelving will be accompanied by computers, a children’s area, exhibitions and meeting rooms.”
- Worcestershire – Thousands sign up to summer reading challenge – Bromsgrove Standard. “More than 2,500 of Worcestershire’s young readers have signed up so far – 500 more than participated last year and there’s still five weeks to go.”
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