Notes from all workshop sessions

Group One

  • We need to look at councils that have managed the cuts without library closures etc (maybe UNISON could help with this research?) and other examples of good practice that can be held up rather than focusing purely on the horror stories.
  • Library leaders need to be more vocal about what libraries do, the future of the sector and where we are headed.
  • Do councillors know what libraries do? Are they members of their library service etc
  • We should focus on inviting them along to libraries etc
  • We need more clarity from the Government over their plans for libraries
  • What are CILIP doing? They could bring back Library Standards

Group two

  • Need to break the consensus on cuts
  • Concern over our ability to speak to the local media being curtailed by
  • local councils gagging library workers.
  • We need to form a national campaign with prominent personalities.
  • We should make plans for National Library Day 11 Feb 2014

Group three

  • Make councillors, chief officers and MPs aware of the benefits that libraries bring to the elderly and the vulnerable.
  • Make them aware of the legal framework that libraries operate in
  • (Library Act and other legislation e.g. Surrey)
  • Are councils making an effort to clarify where the cuts are coming from?
  • Central Government
  • Do work show how local government services are inter-connected – e.g. cuts to library services have a knock on effect to social services at a council.
  • Local campaigns need to improve dialogue with local unions and through them the staff
  • Information must be made readily available to all – rich or poor.
  • Emphasise our literacy problems.
  • Organisation of information.  Support is needed from these organisations. UNISON should try and run a national campaign via the TUC. RNIB should get involved given that their home delivery book service is adversely affected by the cuts plus the loss of libraries impacts on the ability of people with sight problems to have much needed social
  • contact. IAW (?) – Legal toolkit
  • Success stories should be publicised. Communication of initiatives,
  • stories and projects is not as effective – we need a central source of info.

Group Four

  • We need to evaluate the real life examples from different models of library provision
  • Councillors need to be made to be more accountable and to be scrutinised more
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