Mar 25th
Library campaign police – Good Libray Blog. Tim Coates calls the Friends of Gloucestershire Libraries
Bar staff to replace library assistants
Mar 22nd
- Ghana needs e-library facilities – Vibe Ghana. “Mr Monu, who made the appeal in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said the benefits of e-libraries are enormous. He said it is about time Ghana gets e-library facilities, to allow the public libraries to acquire latest editions of reference books and magazines.”. The end comment suggests different priorities … “He said the greatest challenge of his outfit is the lack of fence wall, which has opened the premises to the nefarious activities of hooligans, while stray animals also disturb clients who patronise the library.”
- Jarvis asks Vaizey “Are you a champion for libraries?” – Dan Jarvis MP. “Shadow Culture Minister, Dan Jarvis today questioned Ed Vaizey at the dispatch box. Jarvis challenged his counterpart on the issue of libraries by asking the Minister, “With no Vision, no strategy, no urgency – from a Minister who is fast becoming the Dr Beeching of libraries, does he believe he has a responsibility to act as a “champion” for libraries across Government, and if he does – how would he assess his performance to date?”” … “During the exchange in the Chamber, Vaizey avoided the question and instead referred to his stance on the Wirral, in which the then Labour Government intervened to order an inquiry into the closures.”
- Library closures and the public sector equality duty – Elisabeth Laing QC. “Elisabeth Laing QC gave this paper at the 11KBW Cuts, Closures and the Public Sector Equality Duty – developments, particularly as applied to library closures seminar on 21st March 2012”. Examines recent public library legal cases. Points out possibility of challenging closures under new Localism Act legislation. See also The Public Sector Equality Duty by Joanne Clement.
- Professional development advice for academic librarians – Guardian. Long article with relevance for public libraries as well.
- Speak Up for Libraries – We Heart Libraries. Summary of the day, along with some great pictures.
- Speak Up for Libraries – Early Day Motions. 45 MPs have signed up (33 Labour, 4 Lib Dem, 4 DUP, 2 SDLP, 1 UUP … and 1 Conservative). “That this House recognises that public libraries are important community spaces and a vital public resource; acknowledges that many are under threat due to wide-scale budget cuts; is concerned about the impact of closures on social inclusion, social mobility and society more generally; welcomes the formation of Speak Up for Libraries, a coalition of national organisations and library campaigners that is leading a delegation of supporters from around the country to Parliament on 13 March 2012 in order to highlight the vital role that library services, run by professionally trained and qualified staff, play in the community and for individuals; and therefore calls on the Government to undertake a thorough assessment of the state of the public library service and develop a national vision for the service.”
- Camden – Most libraries will have one hour less opening per week, although Queen’s Crescent Library will close more.
- Lincolnshire – New Threat: Saxilby Library to be closed, with some of its books to be moved into a community centre, with bar staff and volunteers expected to fully replace paid library staff.
- North Lincolnshire – £16k cut by cutting Scunthorpe Central Library by 4.5 hours, Ashby Library will be open 5.5 hours less. Barton Library will be open longer but on an unstaffed basis.
Local News
- Cambridgeshire – Job Details: Community Library Assistant – Cambridgeshire Council. “Our vision is to maintain a high quality public library service, as well as developing our role as Community Hubs, working in partnership with a range of other organizations and community groups.”
- Camden – Campaign group on brink of Keats Library survival deal – Camden New Journal. “After months of discussions and worries that a deal might fall through, The Phoenix group has reached an “agreement in principle” to take over the running of the library in the wake of Camden Council’s decision to stop managing it.”
- Cumbria – Penrith Library closing for switch to self-service – News & Star. “The county council, which operates library facilities across the county, said there would be no change to staffing levels when it goes self service. “The changes are based on the success of Carlisle library, which became self service in June 2011,” a spokesperson said. He said the self-service facility would allow staff to concentrate on helping customers find books and use computers, plus deal with general inquiries.”
- South Gloucestershire -Read all about it, libraries are tops – This is Bristol. “South Gloucestershire’s library service has been voted one of the best in England by those who use it. A survey of more than 4,000 people revealed that 96 per cent rated it positively, with particular praise for staff helpfulness and the range of books on offer.”
- Leicester – Cultural deficit – This is Leicestershire. “This, in the week following the decision of our Lord Mayor and council to close down other well-used libraries in the city, with their good selection of books, computer use, ever helpful staff, coffee mornings, book readings and other functions. Apparently a cupboard full of books and one part-time member of staff is considered adequate replacement.”
- Lincolnshire – Villagers threaten to boycott new library at Saxilby over staffing – This is Lincolnshire. “But villagers have vowed not to use the facility. They argue the new site will no longer have the personal touch because all three of the current library’s staff have been asked to work elsewhere. Instead, the new library will be managed by bar staff already employed at the community centre. There will also be self-service machines. Campaigners also say the use of a bar, local sports clubs and fitness classes at the centre will lead to noise and “rowdy behaviour”.
“Currently, volunteers work two hours on a Wednesday morning at the library. At the new site, they are being asked to work 14 hours between them each week. Volunteer Jane Kent now says she is considering quitting. She said: “We were told at a meeting in September that we were not becoming volunteers to replace other people’s actual jobs. That’s the condition on which many of us agreed to do it.” Saxilby resident Elaine Parry said: “As far as I know the new facility is going to be a third of the size of the current one – what good is that?”
- North Lincolnshire – Library opening hours cut after plans are rubber-stamped – This is Scunthorpe. “Proposals for North Lincolnshire Central Library in Scunthorpe to lose four-and-a-half hours a week and Ashby Library to open for five-and-a-half hours less every week were first put forward in October.” … “After a consultation period, the decision has now been taken to go ahead with the cuts, which will save North Lincolnshire Council £16,000 per year. But a rethink on plans to open Barton Library for longer on an unstaffed basis means it will now open for an additional three-and-a-half hours each week instead of six hours, as originally suggested.”
- Wirral – Hoylake: then and now – BBC Things To Do. “Local historian Jim O’Neil will be talking about his new history book, “Hoylake Then and Now” which compares old and new photographs and provides a fascinating insight into the town’s past.” at Hoylake Library.
“Equivalent Service”
Mar 21st
- Enhance your library through play – Librarygame. “Librarygame™ adds elements that make games engaging and delightful, directly into the library experience. As well as giving library users a fresh and useful social discovery interface, librarygame provides librarians with useful at a glance statistics on how their library is being utilised.”
- Navigating your library through the “perfect storm” – Ken Chad Consulting. Interesting presentation on strategy and what libraries need to think abut in getting one.
- PM urges states to set up public libraries – Deccan Herald (India). “I see a great hunger for knowledge in our country. We need to provide our people, particularly our youth, access to quality books. I take this opportunity to urge every state government and every municipality and panchayat to pay special attention to the setting up and maintenance of public libraries, including community, locality and village libraries”
“It is with this objective in mind that we recently commissioned a National Mission for Libraries, anchored in our Ministry of Culture. The Mission will focus on improvement of the public library system of the country particularly concentrating on the states where library development is lagging behind,” [Shame this quote is from India].
- Pomona rejects outsourcing of library management – Contra Costa Times (USA). “After listening to residents speak in support of the Pomona Public Library and its employees Monday evening, City Council members rejected a proposal to pursue the outsourcing of library management services.”
- Time’s up, Mr Vaizey – BookSeller. “For months it has become increasingly obvious that Ed Vaizey is out of depth as the minister responsible for libraries—a suspicion that has now become a certainty. Called before the DCMS Select Committee last week, he flunked his big moment…young, inexperienced and, although a good communicator, he has nothing to say. No vision, no plan, no urgency … “. Lib Dem spokesman Don Foster “notable by his absence”. “The failure of the political class has been matched only by the energy of the local campaigners who have kept the issue alive.”
“As for Ed Vaizey one can but hope that when DC shuffles the Cabinet, something he hasn’t done yet, that he’ll get his comeuppance. Rarely says anything and what he does say is rubbish.” Mr G Metliss, Richelieu, France. In email. [Mr Vaizey’s record is now international].
- Two years in: the real cost of the cuts – Socialist Worker. “The coalition government will have been in office for 680 days on budget day. An average of 625 public sector jobs have been lost on every one of those days, according to figures from the Unison trade union.” … “minister Ed Vaizey, speaking to a parliamentary committee on library closures last week, said the problem is that “the library issue is stuck in a binary debate about closures… we should be thinking creatively”. He then went on to talk about an example of such “innovative” thinking—a phone box in the US that local people had put some books in.”
Suffolk – Sudbury Library merged with tourist information centre.
Local News
- Birmingham – Opening date of Birmingham’s new library is announced – BBC. “Birmingham’s new £188.8m library will open to the public on 3 September 2013, the city council has announced. Council leader Mike Whitby said the new building in Centenary Square would be a “key hub” for the region and “place Birmingham firmly on the world stage as a major cultural destination”.”
- Croydon – No favourites on Croydon’s short-list for library sell-off. Oh no – Inside Croydon. Run-down on the five “preferred bidders” for the borough’s libraries. The internal takeover bid has been rejected.
- Greenwich – Security asks woman to leave meeting after confrontation with Greenwich council leader – News Shopper. “At a cabinet meeting last night Greenwich Council agreed to transfer the management of the borough’s library services to Greenwich Leisure Limited.”
“Speaking at the meeting, Unite branch secretary Onay Kasab told the cabinet that if they agreed the transfer, union members would strike, making sure they caused “maximum disruption”. He added: “This won’t be some token protest, one day letting off steam, we intend to take action we think will be necessary to get you to change your minds.”
- Leicester – Ssh! City library could become a concert venue – This is Leicestershire. “The Central Lending Library, in Bishop Street, has applied for an entertainment licence to stage small, intimate gigs at lunchtimes and in the evenings. Adrian Wills, the city council’s head of libraries, hopes the upstairs floor of the building will become an alternative, alcohol-free venue to the nearby busy pubs, clubs and bars.”
- Plymouth – Labour candidate’s leaflet sparks row over libraries – This is Plymouth. “Mr Smith said the council should look at alternatives like moving libraries into supermarkets. He pledged that his party would not close any libraries if it got into power this May.”
- Suffolk – New chair for county’s library board – EADT. “Ms Bendix takes the reins from Clive Fox who, as the IPS’ inaugural chairman, took the organisation from the drawing board to the board room – putting in place some of the critical building blocks needed to establish the new organisation as a solid base for Suffolk’s library services.”
“I met Shona [Bendix] when she and other Board members visited Stradbroke library recently and I think that she will make a good Chair of the IPS and I look forward to working with her as part of the Stradbroke Group.” James Hargrave’s Blog
- Centre is on the move – Suffolk Free Press. “The [tourist information] centre, formerly in Gaol Lane, will now be based on the ground floor of the library on Market Hill as part of a plan by Sudbury Town Council for the former corn exchange building to become a “community hub”.”
- Surrey – Library volunteers “would give equivalent service” – Get Surrey. “… the authority’s lawyers hit back on Tuesday (March 20), arguing there would not be any equality issues because volunteers would be fully trained to provide an “equivalent service” to the current situation.” … “She pointed out that members of staff currently working in the council’s libraries were not professional librarians, but managers and assistants, and that volunteers would be capable of providing the same service to customers.” … “After hearing two days of argument, Mr Justice Wilkie reserved giving his judgement on the case until an unspecified later date.”
- High Court reserves Surrey libraries decision – BBC. “Slam spokesman Lee Godfrey said the judicial review would hold the plans up to scrutiny that the council “lacked throughout”. Councillor Helyn Clack, cabinet member for community services, defended the scheme and said the plan for 10 libraries to be run by volunteers was in order to keep Surrey’s 52 libraries in operation. She also said volunteers had been looking forward to launching their own community-run libraries.”
- Campaigners in court fighting library plans – Guardian series. “SLAM campaigners tweeting at the end of the hearing said it was “difficult to call” what the decision would be. Surrey County Council has confirmed it will be releasing a statement shortly.”
The end of Booked Up
Mar 20th
- Booked Up withdrawn – Teen Librarian. “Booked Up gave every 11-year-old in England the chance to choose a free book during their first term at secondary school. The aim of the programme was to support and encourage reading for pleasure and independent choice. Year 7 students chose their free book from a list of specially selected titles.” 3.25m books distributed over five years. No more. Replacement programmes require schools to pay £2.50 per child.
“For everyone though, from Year 6 students to teachers and librarians who were involved in running it the closure of Booked Up is a minor tragedy, one of the many that exist in the current time of cutting expenditure and shuttering non-essential services.”
“One of the best schemes for encouraging reading has effectively finished. So sad” … “Most school librarians would therefore pay about £500 for books to give away and not for all to enjoy. What are your thoughts?” Heart of the School on Twitter.
“In 2010 Booked Up reached over 650,000 children in over 5,000 secondary schools. 73.5% of Coordinators reported that they see evidence of students wanting to read more for pleasure as a result of Booked Up. 56% of students are visiting bookshops more often since Booked Up” Orchard Books blog.
- Designing libraries gets its own makeover – Designing Libraries. “With its many examples of inspiring and functional library buildings, Designing Libraries has long been an important and well-used source of information for anyone planning a new library or a library refurbishment. Its database forms a current and permanent record of design development and innovation for both public and academic libraries.”
“I think it’s difficult to be optimistic about the future of the public library service when so many senior members of the profession have taken on portfolios in local authorities that require them to manage “leisure services”, “transformation” or whatever. They no longer see their primary role as developing a library service, rather local services in general – and looking around for a way to deliver these services more cheaply the library seems rather an obvious location. Sadly for libraries they have also been investing heavily in the technologies that make them even more attractive to fill that role.” Mick Fortune on conversation about “IT in the Library” LIS-PUB-LIBS. The thread has opened up some empassioned thoughts about the lack of strategic leadership in the profession. Interestingly though, it’s a debate where no-one is arguing that there is strategic leadership. This is a damning indictment of the current, and recent state, of affairs
- Libraries under pressure – Voice of Russia. “Britain is reducing the number of public libraries under the pretext of lack of patronage by readers. Protest meetings have been held in London. The situation in Russia is also of serious concern because not all the libraries can compete with the Internet for the dissemination of information. “. Only 20% of Russian libraries have internet access. … “For a long period of time, the libraries were not bothered by competition, the rural libraries were not given fresh supplies for years and there are even those which received the latest publications only at the start of the 1990s.” … “In Britain the public organizations encouraging literacy are well funded” [!].
“People who think libraries are going away simply because books are going digital are missing the true tectonic shifts taking place in the world of information. Libraries are not about books. In fact, they were never about books….Libraries are here to stay because they have a survival instinct. They have created a mutually dependent relationship with the communities they serve, and most importantly, they know how to adapt to the changing world around them. I am always impressed with the creative things being done in libraries. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” There are a lot of beautiful dreams taking place that will help form tomorrow’s libraries.” ” Future libraries and the 17 forms of information replacing books – Futurist Speaker.
“The mission of librarians is to improve society through facilitating knowledge creation in their communities.” R. David Lankes, The Atlas of New Librarianship.
Local News
- Bath and North East Somerset – Celebrating volunteering in Council’s libraries – This is Bath. “Library volunteers have been celebrated by Bath & North East Somerset Council with an afternoon of tea, cakes and a visit from bestselling author Lesley Pearse. The annual Volunteers Celebration pays tribute to the huge amount of work that volunteers carry out for the Council’s libraries across Bath and North East Somerset. Almost 100 volunteers now carry out regular tasks as part of the initiative.”
“Don’t forget that tomorrow (Wednesday 21 March) there will be a Library Consultation Meeting in the Old Library building on Knights Hill from 7-9pm. The next one is Thursday 29 March 10am-12pm.” Upper Norwood Joint Library Campaign.
- Croydon/Wandsworth – And the shortlisted bidders for the Croydon/Wandsworth library contract are … – Stop the privatisation of UK public libraries. “Have just heard that LSSI are one of the shortlisted bidders for the Croydon/Wandsworth library contract, along with Civica, Essex CC, Greenwich Leisure Trust and John Laing.”.
- Gloucestershire – Campaigners demand response from Vaizey – Alan Gibbons. “Whilst another campaign group are this week forced into having to superintend their own library service via the courts because of Mr Vaizey and Mr Hunt’s inaction, we are STILL waiting, three months later, for a response to our letters.”
- Isle of Man – Reprieve for Isle of Man’s family and mobile libraries – Isle of Man Today. “there have been protests and petitions – one with more than 2,000 signatures – against the closure of the libraries. Mr Bell said: ‘I quite understand the concerns being expressed about the changes being proposed for the libraries. We recognise that and a working party has been set up to try to identify ways to maintain services but delivering them in a different way.”
- Isle of Wight – Cllr Pugh’s library evidence “misleading” – Ventnor Blog. “I, without reservation, confirm that this is not a personal or political attack on the Leader of the Isle of Wight Council or the Council’s Decision; it is to ensure that the Evidence Committee of the DCMS has access to clear and concise facts when considering the Library Closure Programme, particularly when reviewing the Isle of Wight.”
- Kirklees – Denby Dale library campaigners slam Kirklee’s lack of ideas for volunteer plan – Huddersfield Daily Examiner. “Bev Millington from Friends of Denby Dale Library (FODDL), said: “We’re frustrated as we don’t know what the framework is and what they’re trying to achieve by what date? People are unsure about what’s going to happen after the six week consultation process.” FODDL founder, Biddy Fisher, said she thought the whole library service should be reviewed instead of focusing on cutting funding to seven village libraries.”
“I find it rather insulting to be consulted about something when I know Kirklees Cabinet have sat down behind closed doors and decided what they want. “Why have all the volunteers in one place and all the professional librarians in another?”
- Surrey – Volunteer libraries battle reaches High Court – Get Surrey. “On Monday, lawyers for Ms Williams claimed the council had failed in its duty under the Equalities Act to look at how its plans might affect certain “protected groups”, including disabled and elderly people or ethnic groups who do not have English as a first language. Barrister Helen Mountfield QC said these residents relied on their local libraries for “much more than books and internet access”, adding: “Such groups might use libraries for particular purposes, or have a particular need for them. “They may require different kind of service methods or consideration of different particular concerns in relation to layout, stock, encouragement to participate, activities and events, or a myriad of other aspects.” Ms Mountfield added that library staff did not have “merely an administrative role” and were involved in a wide range of activities. She said there had been a lack of “focus” in the council’s consultation, because it had asked for opinions on library closures – not the replacement of staff with volunteers.”
- Judicial review: a review – Surrey Libraries Action Movement. Main argument from campaigners is that the Equalities Act 2010 is not being followed: “The Claimant’s case in short is that, whereas SCC may have carried out an Equalities assessment of closing libraries, it did not carry out a similar assessment, or any mitigation exercise, based on setting up Community Partnered Libraries. Also, that concerns and adverse feedback about the libraries policy from Disability Empowerment Boards were not brought to the attention of decision makers. And that the answer of, “training will be given to volunteers”, is not enough to show “due regard” …”. Council’s argument is that running a library with volunteers is better than closing it.
- Trafford – Breaking news – Hands off Old Trafford Library. “Option 4 – Maintain 2 Customer Service Advisers in Hale and 3 in Old Trafford. Plus employ a part time Customer Service Specialist on a fixed term contract to establish the volunteer programme and provide a budget for volunteer expenses of £6,000. This would result in a budget pressure of £67,500 for the retained frontline staffing, £12,000 for the Specialist and £6,000 for volunteer expenses – a total of £85,500″ Even as it stands, this would be a major victory for the community. While we don’t want to see any cuts or redundancies, reducing the paid staff from 5.75 (FTE) to 3, to be supported by volunteers, is a vastly more credible, sustainable and acceptable plan than the original proposals.”
Painting go faster stripes on the Titanic
Mar 19th
- Jabba the Hutt running the triathlon – James Christie (Via Alan Gibbons). “Ed Vaizey is obviously hoping the whole problem will solve itself via the noble efforts of well-meaning volunteers, closures, burgeoning self-service, more closures and gradual erosion. I think his actual intention is literally to do nothing. He’s as fit for the job as Jabba the Hutt would be to run the Triathlon.”
- Paperback fighters – Morning Star (Alan Gibbons). “In the Vaizey “vision” – if we can grace so much back-of-an-envelope thinking with so grand a term – volunteers, who have always supplemented library staff, will no longer be an additional support but often a wholesale replacement.” … “while the activists are winning the public debate in favour of sustaining and improving the public library service, they are finding their efforts frustrated by cuts and the intransigence and abdication of responsibility of minister Vaizey and Secretary of State Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport Jeremy Hunt.”
“Ten per cent of full-time staff have been lost in a single year. In a very real sense, the entire notion of a professional librarian with a range of important skills is being called into question.”
- Should libraries get out of the e-book business? No, they should be fighting their way in with everything they’ve got…– MMits Blog. “as librarians we need to think beyond the needs of our current patrons and plan for the needs of future users in many years to come. And right now that means carving a strong place for ourselves in the e-book market to guarantee our future survival.” Compare this with “Painting Go-Faster Stripes on the Titanic“.
- Uncorrected transcipt of oral evidence of Ed Vaizey to Select Committee – House of Commons. Repeat after me: there is no crisis, only opportunity, there is no crisis ….
- Walkout to shut down Toronto public libraries – Globe and Mail (Canada). “The city’s 98 library branches are expected to remain closed Monday while 2,300 employees begin picketing after a marathon round of negotiations during the weekend failed to resolve differences on job security for part-time staff.”
- Bradford – School Library Service may close in August.
- Croydon – Consultation on future of Upper Norwood Joint Library until April 29th.
- Isle of Man – Mobile library and Family Library may be kept open with parish council funding.
- Oxfordshire – £43k investment in ebooks, with ongoing cost of £35k p.a
Local News
- Bournemouth – Redhill parents protest against closure of Hillview School library – Bournemouth Echo. School is wanting to insert new classroom by ejecting library.
“I have just been informed that Bradford School Library Service is to close in August. Another cut that will have negative repercussions.” Bradford SLA – Alan Gibbons.
- Croydon – Four options for future of popular library – Croydon Guardian. “Options include continuing to fund the library at the existing level, reducing funding to the library, withdrawing funding, with money then used in improve other library services in the area and finally withdrawing funding and using the savings to protect other council services.”
- Dorset – County Council questioned on mobile library decision – Dorset Echo. “A councillor has slammed a decision to send a mobile library to a village with its own library as ‘bureaucracy gone mad’.Dorset county councillor Ron Coatsworth wants answers as to why the mobile library goes to Burton Bradstock when it has a community-led library of its own.”. Council response is interesting: ““It is perhaps worth noting that some other councils which sought to remove or reduce their mobile library services have been subject to successful judicial review. A decision to withdraw the service will therefore be made when local people have had the opportunity to experience the community-managed service and a mobile library service.”. [Therefore, service will be withdrawn if volunteers are a success – Ian.]
- Gloucestershire – Cabinet Meeting 5 April 2012 – FoGL. “…the agenda item for libraries is:“to take a decision as to the future Library Strategy for Gloucestershire, taking into account inter alia the feedback from the consultation on the draft Strategy and having due regard to the statutory equality needs” The meeting will be open to the public so if you are able to attend, contact Shire Hall about ticket arrangements (Tel: 01452 425000)”
- Isle of Man – Working group to assess library options – Isle of “Now a Council of Ministers working party has been formed to examine options to keep the libraries open. That could be with support from local commissioners, with ratepayers footing part of the bill.”
- Isle of Wight – Friends of the IW Library Service statement – via Alan Gibbons. “Tomorrow 20th Mar 2012, the Ian Mac phone in program on Vectis Radio, the Isle of Wight on-line radio station from 12.00 to 13.00 will feature Keith Fagan, he will be answering questions on the reasons why he felt he could no longer remain a member of the Ethical Standards Committee, a long time and much respected independent member (2005 – 2012). After watching the live coverage of Cllr Pugh giving his evidence to the DCMS Select Committee, Keith felt that he had been placed in a totally untenable position as he knew that Cllr Pugh’ submissions could, at best, be considered misleading and by remaining silent he would be seen to condone Councillor Pugh’s evidence.”. Statement asks for people to phone into radio programme and notes that several members of the Select Committee may be listening. Details to contact are: Vectis Radio (online Internet radio station) Tuesday 20th March, 12noon to 1pm, the Ian Mac programme Phone 01983 527444 or 01983 898548.
- Kent – Developer must give £500k for new primary school in Sherwood – This is Kent. “More than £13,600 would be used to pay for additional library stock, extended hours and more staff at Tunbridge Wells library”
- Oxfordshire – Painting go faster stripes on the titanic – Question Everything. “OCC (Oxfordshire County Council) have introduced e-books with a initial spend of £43,560 and a annual cost of £35,598 while cutting 25% out of the library budget partially by withdrawing up to 50% of staff funding rural libraries (and one city). They are also spending £150,074 (estimate) putting wifi in every one of the libraries.70 people have written and asked for e-books, anecdotally they say lots of people have asked verbally too. 70 out of 680,000.” … “They would saved lots of money if they had put the ebooks/audio books/wifi on the back burner for a few years until things settle down and all the major parties can get their heads together and agree on proper standards, it can them be available to all rather than to select devices. This isn’t the public sector way though, evidence of effectiveness, demand or need mean nothing. Its new and shiny therefore we must have it now.”
- Suffolk – Libraries: what a week! – Rosehill Readers. Events include Aldeburgh manager resigning over libraries policy, collapse of Ipswich Library Co-op and Speak Up for Libraries.
- Surrey – Libraries row goes to High Court – Eagle Radio. “Chairman of SLAM: “I’m sorry it has gone to Judicial Review, I’m sorry it has gone to court. There would have been occasions previously, where there could have been negotiations between us. Not just us, but all the people concerned to come out with a more effective solution.I think it is a great pity it has gone this far, but we felt we had no choice.”
- Warwickshire – New library times for Wolston and Rugby – Coventry Telegraph. “Nearly 1,000 people responded to a questionnaire asking for preferences for opening hours at Wolston and Rugby libraries. Wolston will now be open Monday to Wednesday 2.30-5pm and Thursday to Saturday from 10.30am-1pm. It will be closed on Sunday. Rugby will be open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am-5pm, Tuesday from 10am-7pm, Saturday from 9am-6pm and Sunday from 12-4pm.”
Unquiet in the Library
Mar 18th
- 2011: A snapshot of our members in England – Locality. An organisation that is involved in assisting volunteers in libraries (and othe buildings) to take over properties withdrawn from by the local council.
- Rescue imminent for city library’s battered books – Press (New Zealand). 300,000 books let in the Christchurch library since the Feb 2011 earthquake are about to be used again.
- Strike deadline for library workers passes – Toronto CTV (Canada). “… the library has cut 107 full-time jobs and only 22 per cent of part-time workers — most of them women — get benefits. Librarians have been working without a contract since Jan. 1, as part of greater labour negotiations with other indoor workers in Toronto.”
- Support for Margaret Hodge – Good Library Blog. “Having watched the administration of councils, quangoes, government charities, government departments and senior and middle ranking civil servants for a decade in this pursuit of one simple public service, that of public libraries, my conclusion for a long time has been the same has she is drawing now. Our civil service is a terrible mess. People are not trained, not open, not accountable, not transparent, devious, deceitful – and much public service verges on the corrupt.”
- Blackburn with Darwen – £500k to be cut from £2m budget over two years. Opening hours cuts, fines increased (now 18p per day. Exemptions for under 16s and over 65s ended), Blackburn Central music section cut. Roman Road Library to be run by volunteers: if successful, Mill Hill and Livesey branches will also lose paid staff.
- Calderdale – Cut in opening hours at Rastrick Library reduced.
- Dudley – Brierley Hill Library combined with housing office and Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
- Kirklees – Chestnut Centre will have cinema outside of opening hours.
- Merton – Named most efficient library service in UK by Local Government Chronicle: 40% cut in funding over last five years. Over 450 volunteers. Opening hours increased. Self-service technology introduced.
- Sheffield – Three “unfit for purpose” libraryes – Broomhill, Woodseats and Woodhouse – may be replaced with new libraries due to deal with developers.
Local News
- Blackburn with Darwen – Library users face reduced hours – Lancashire Telegraph. “users in Blackburn and Darwen have been left facing a triple whammy as part of the council’s £6million cuts programme.” … “Last August it was confirmed that Roman Road Library would be run by community volunteers and if this proves successful then similar provisions could be phased in at the Mill Hill and Livesey branches.”
- Calderdale – Deal for new library hours – Brighouse Echo. ““The proposed cut in hours at Rastrick took no account of its use, or its popularity. “Rastrick Library is a well-used facility and would be badly affected by these, whereas other libraries could have their hours altered more in line with their usage and/or staffing levels.”
- Dudley – Council scoops top award for innovative library project – Stourbridge News. “The library team received the award for its innovative approach to the shared delivery of services at Brierley Hill Library, which combines a housing office and Citizen’s Advice Bureau. The team was also voted runner-up in the virtual category for the online one-stop shop Dudley community information directory.”
- Durham – Concerns over library cuts plan – Northern Echo. “Concerned residents and councillors met on Saturday to show their support for Belmont Library. Durham County Council is proposing cutting opening times to 36 hours per week at 11 town centre libraries and 20 hours per week at 27 community libraries to save a total of £1.5m.”
“Residents of Belmont and district, prize their library and have therefore instigated a petition against the proposed reduction in opening hours. The sustained strong response is clearly demonstrating how much it is valued by the community.”
- Kirklees – Fresh Horizons creates cinema in local library – Locality. “The funding will enable Fresh Horizons to install a cinema in the Chestnut Centre, teach film-making, and take films out to people in isolated rural areas. During the day the Chestnut Centre is a library and café, but once the library closes in the evening, the centre will transform into a cinema showing films chosen by the community.”
- Merton – Library service named top in UK – Guardian series. “Merton’s library service has been named the most efficient in the UK. The council was recognised at the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) awards for making savings of 40 per cent to their library service over the last five years while continuing to work with volunteer and partner organisations, extend opening times and introduce self-service technology.”
“Our army of over 450 volunteers is the biggest of its kind in any London borough, contributing over 17,600 hours of their valuable time since last April to helping provide this fantastic service. This award is largely attributable to the hard work of our library staff who have embraced change and provide excellent customer care.”
- Sheffield – Library deals booked with developers – Sheffield Telegraph. “In all three instances, the council says commercial negotiations are “at an early stage”, and there is a warning that changes in the property market could affect the viability of the proposals. The libraries need “significant investment”, and a report to the council’s cabinet on Wednesday says the buildings can be expected to deteriorate further without funding for repairs, with the threat of potential closure.”
- Unquiet in the library – Lovebytes. “Sheffield Central Library provides the venue and inspiration for a spree of artistic interventions, impromptu performances and creative workshops”. Some impressive events going on.
“Eye of the Storm” – 3000 hours, 10% of all staff, up to two-fifths of funding lost in one year
Mar 17th
- More than 2,000 library staff have lost their jobs in the last year
- Shorter opening hours have reduced public access to libraries by 3,000 hours a week”.
- 10% of all staff have lost their jobs in the last year, one-quarter of posts lost were at professional level (A previous, even more dire statement, by Annie Mauger (the chief executive) that one in five respondents had lost their job appears to refer just to CILIP members).
- Just 21 branches are reported as closed. (This report includes only those roughly half of authorities that responded so the the number of branches closed – 21 in the report – is substantially less than media reports suggest).
- Bookfunds have been reduced by an average of 7.2%, but with wide variations. One authority has, incredibly, cut its bookfund by 90%.
- Cuts to overall libraries funding also widely varies – from .5% to a full 35.6% in one year. Assuming that this figure does not account for inflation, this means at least one authority out there has cut its libraries budget by two-fifths in twelve months.
- “Over two-thirds of local authorities are actively considering alternative ways to run libraries and deliver services, such as community managed libraries, trusts and partnership working.”
- Dramatic differences between library authorities show an increasing “postcode lottery”of provision.
- “Further and deeper cuts are likely during 2012 and into 2013.”
- the judicial review into Surrey propsals to force 10 libraries to be run by volunteers or to close begins on Monday. Please consider donating for the cause: you will get your money back if the campaigners win.
- the president of CILIP, the professional body of librarians, suggesting that librarians should not longer be wedded to “history”. That is, the printed book.
- –a survey of RFID (often used for self-service) usage in English-speaking libraries suggests less than half are sure that it represents a good return on investment.
- The Belgian Society of Authors,Composers and Publishers (SABAM) has demanded that public libraries pay for rights to read aloud at storytimes.
- 2012 Library RFID Survey – RFID: Changing Libraries for Good? – RFID is the technology behind self-service in many public libraries, although it is used for other things behind. This is an analysis of a survey of library users in the UK/USA/Australia. Interesting survey notable for many things but the one that caught my eye was less than half of authorities think that RFID represents a good return on investment.
- Beauty of the Local Library – Words and the World. Elderly, unemployed, young, those on low incomes all depend on libraries. “You may feel that keeping libraries open for the sake of ‘minority’ demographics like these is wrong- but add these demographics together and you’re suddenly faced with a huge number of people depending on this service. Besides, how much of a minority are these demographics in March 2012?”
“Called before the DCMS Select Committee this week, he (Ed Vaizey) flunked his big moment, failing to offer any coherent vision as to how to save libraries from death by a thousand cuts.”… “So what next? Vaizey needs to be consigned to the back benches and a more vigorous replacement brought in. Publishers need to resolve the e-book lending impasse. The Arts Council needs to lose its post-MLA library responsibilities, and a national supervisory body set up instead. Libraries are too important to be sidelined.” … “It is encouraging to see the Opposition finally engaging with the issue on a national level, but the unfortunate fact remains that Labour councils (in the shape of Brent and Lewisham) have been among the most enthusiastic cutters.” …“Their [the Liberal Democrats] parliamentary spokesman, Don Foster, has been notable by his absence.” Editorial – BookSeller (print edition).
- Collection Society to Libraries: No story time for kids unless you pay to read aloud – TechDirt. The Belgian Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers SABAM has demanded that a public library pay a fee (Around £220 p.a.) for reading books aloud at a storytime. The storytime is run by volunteers – the Belgian library has no money to pay for it to be done by paid staff. Article concludes that “the likely outcome will be that many libraries throughout Belgium will cancel these reading sessions for children. As a result, fewer young people will be introduced to the world of reading, fewer of them will grow up to be readers, and writers will have fewer fans and less money.”
“Overall satisfaction with the use of RFID in the library appears to remain reasonably high. With so many public libraries now seeking to introduce self-service to replace staff the remarks about the continuing need for staff involvement might give pause for thought. If there are no staff in some branches (a scenario being proposed by at least one authority) it seems likely that there may be some difficulties in store.” Comments – RFID for Librarians. The many negative comments on RFID on this report also may cause concern for those who see it as a panacea.
- How public libraries contribute towards reaching the Millennium Development Goals – Beyond Access. Case studies of libraries in Guatemala, Zambia, Kenya and Botswana.
- How to cut council spending without closing libraries – Telegraph. “There may be occasions when libraries have to be closed in any area, but too often, a library closure seems to be the first option on the savings list, not one of the last. But before the books go, councils should ensure that they have slashed bureaucracy.”. The tri-borough jointly managed library service in London is described, with £1m savings, no front-line cuts and tripling of users’ access. Council tax and parking services work placed into libraries.
- How to improve literacy in a time of austerity – Independent. Many comments, although not the article itself, mention that cutting libraries may not be the best way to improve literacy.
“I went into a museum the other day; 3 floors, central location in London and it had lots of bright lights, music playing , and things to keep me entertained. The only problem was the HMV Oxford Street hasn’t quite woken up to the fact that it is a museum.” I went into a museum the other day – President Phil’s Blog, CILIP. Phil Bradley, president of the professional body for librarians, suggests that librarians should not be so wedded to “history” / printed books. “A phrase that I’ve found myself using a lot in the past few weeks is that we should not allow history to define the future.” [For myself, I would argue that the printed book has many years left and to abandon them would be to abandon the present needs of many users. However, this is an excellent article – Ian.]
- Looking back at Speak Up for Libraries – Diary of a Contrarian Librarian. Ian Clarke of Voices for the Library summarises the day, including the terrifying prospect of giving a speech after such people as the general secretary of UNISON.
- Management of the public library service – Good Library Blog. A brief posting, asking some questions asked about the current senior management of libraries, and it’s management.
- Move to privatize libraries makes inroads in Florida – WMFE (USA). Osceola Libraries are now run by LSSI who promise to save $2m per year. Council says that it retains control of buildings. Others worry that jobs, pay and the independence of the public library are all under threat.
- Our libraries need to study success – Independent (Boyd Tonkin). “Library cuts lose votes, many of them Conservative: the Women’s Institute this week presented a 70,000-strong petition against closures. And Vaizey certainly needs some top-level expert advice if the best example of library innovation he can produce is a book-filled phone booth in Philadelphia. Don’t call us, Ed…”
“A slender and flexible agency devoted to excellence in library services would more than earn its keep – but, just now, its first task would have to be a draining rearguard battle against rampant deprofessionalisation. And in the end, I suspect, only crude and messy politics has much chance of restocking empty shelves and re-opening closed doors. In the past, the threat of hospital closures has won, and lost, by-elections. Might the same happen with libraries? That sounds fantastic. But, given a highly marginal seat, a knife-edge campaign and a lot of local noise, it could be more than a fairy-tale.”
- Scale of library cut-backs revealed – Telegraph. Excellent summary of the CILIP report.
- Vaizey resign, say library campaigners – BookSeller. “Clarke said: “If he is incapable of giving the sector leadership, he should retire to the back benches and let a stronger minister take charge. We can’t afford to wait to see whether the minister can get his act together, but we must insist on real improvements now in every authority that match the best.” Coates added: “He has had lot of opportunities to take a stance, and now maybe it should be given to someone else.”
- Monmouthshire – A new Schools Literacy and Resource Centre has opened to serve Monmouthshire and Torfaen.
- Stoke on Trent – £100k cut from £2.9m libraries budget 2012/13. Branches to be co-located with other council services to “improve visitor numbers”.
- Torfaen – A new Schools Literacy and Resource Centre has opened to serve Monmouthshire and Torfaen.
- Westminster – Council tax and parking services now co-located in libraries.
Local News
- Brent – Council snubs Willesden Green Library petition despite 6,000 signatures – Brent & Kilburn Times. “Normally, if a petition contains 5,000 or more signatures it can be referred for debate by all councillors on the local authority. However, as the next meeting is not until May and the fact planning permission is already being sought, the Labour-run council says it cannot wait until then to consider the petition.”
“Last Saturday 5,712 people signed the petition in one day against the demolition of Willesden Green Library Centre, in High Road, Willesden.”
- Isle of Man – Anger at Manx mobile library cuts – BBC. Council decision to close “lifeline” mobile library has resulted in many protests. Survey includes TV report. “This place would be dead without the library”.
- Cuts regrettable but necessary – Manx Radio. “Mr Bell says he understands people’s concerns, but points out the Island needs to save £170 million over the next three years. And he says the government takes no joy in announcing cuts to services.” Listen To Related Audio Clip.
- Kent – Libraries to stay open – This is Kent. “Cabinet member for communities Mike Hill said: “We absolutely recognise the importance of libraries as community centres. “We have no library programme of closures at all, we don’t think that’s the way forward. We will continue to provide library services but we will provide it in a different way.” … “Each of Kent’s 99 libraries will be looked at to see if there is a cheaper way of running them. That could mean moving small village libraries into other community buildings, such as village halls or parish council offices.”
- Manchester – Much-missed Manchester Central Library on target to re-open in early 2014 – Mancunian Matters. “It is to the credit of the citizens of Manchester and their council that Central Library is to get the attention it deserves while libraries in other parts of the UK are suffering under the current government.”
- Monmouthshire – Gwent school books library opens a new chapter – South Wales Argus. A new Schools Literacy and Resource Centre to serve Monmouthshire and Torfaen.
- Stoke on Trent – Library visits slump in the city during merger talks – This is Staffordshire. “figures revealed at a meeting of the adult services scrutiny committee yesterday show visits to the city’s libraries fell by almost 70,000 in a nine-month survey. A snapshot of total visitor figures show libraries were visited 587,316 times between April and December 2010. But this number fell to 519,639 between April and December last year.” …[The service closed two branches and one mobile library and reduced staffing in others during this time] … “The city council also approved £100,000 cuts to the £2.9 million library budget from April, which will see remaining libraries close at “least busy” times. Opening on Saturdays will be restricted to between 10am and 2pm, with some half-day closures and no 7pm late openings.”
- Surrey – Judicial Review starts on Monday – Surrey Libraries Action Movement (SLAM). “And let us not forget that the claimed savings amount to just 1/10,000th of the Council’s Budget in any case (and yes, I have counted the zeros properly). That’s like a person on a salary of £25,000 needing to save the price of a cup of coffee from their annual spending.”
“The Judicial Review [Williams vs Surrey County Council] is taking place on 19th & 20th March in the High Court,Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL. Court Number 19, 10:30 each day. You are able to enter and leave as you wish. Please come and hear what is going on, the more the merrier.We still need to raise funds towards the Community Contribution of £18,000. Please pass this message on to all your own contacts.Information on the case:The Counsels for the case are as follows:
For the claimant: Helen Mountfield QC – Matrix Chambers supported by Rachel Logan – Matrix chambers SCC: Elisabeth Laing QC – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers supported by Patrick Halliday – 11 King’s Bench Walk Chambers
We expect the case to last the best part of 2 days. We expect the Counsel for the Claimant to present for the whole of the first morning and for a good chunk of the afternoon, and we expect then Counsel for SCC to be on her feet for the remainder of the afternoon and on second morning. We expect the Judge to sum up and conclude on Tuesday afternoon.”
You can pay by direct transfer as follows:Lloyds TSB / Account: SLAM / A/c No. 48371668 / Sort code:30-99-80
along with an email to: with your name, address, amount of donation so that we can return donations if we win!”
Literacy progress has stalled.
Mar 15th
- Ed Vaizey’s evidence to the Culture, Media and Sport Inquiry – Full coverage of Ed Vaizey defending the indefensible while the undefended sit behind him.
- Literacy progress has stalled, Ofsted’s chief inspector says – BBC. “The latest Programme for International Student Assessment survey, in 2009, showed the UK had slipped to joint 23rd place in a global assessment of literacy, he said.” … “Reading standards had not improved since 2005, he said, and one in five 11-year-olds did not make the grade.”
“We won’t solve our literacy problems until children feel inspired and motivated to read. Public libraries have a critical role to play and a proven impact on literacy, through creative reading programmes such as the Summer Reading Challenge. At independent charity The Reading Agency – creator of successful programmes like the Summer Reading Challenge, and the Six Book Challenge for less confident adult readers – we’d like to see library partnerships in every school improvement plan, and head teachers championing joint work, including ensuring every child is a member of their local library.” Miranda McKearney OBE, Director, The Reading Agency. (Press Release in response to OFSTED statement).
- Private firm that wants to run Simi library gets high marks, opposition – Ventura County Star (USA). Camarillo City calls decision to do a five-year contract to LSSI an “excellent move.” “Generally speaking, we’ve got better service in terms of our programming and library services,” ….. “None of the county library employees, more than 20, lost their jobs when the company took over, he said. Company spokeswoman Mia Pezzanite said the company offered positions to all who applied. She said several did not apply and two turned down job offers. “We assume those that who chose to not transition to LSSI were retained by the county,” she said. Trade unions, though, are unhappy and some ex-employees are similarly unimpressed.
- UK’s largest music and drama library saved by campaigners – Guardian. “The campaign to save the Yorkshire Music and Drama Service has won the day. Pleas from more than 2000 choirs, am-dram groups, bands and orchestras have helped the consortium of councils which runs the much-valued loan and information library to find it a new home. Or homes, rather. The collection of music scores for enthusiasts to borrow, the largest in the UK, will be based at Huddersfield while the playscripts and drama material go to Leeds. This has staffing implications and only time will tell how it compares with the current, much-admired joint operation based in Wakefield, but it certainly beats the original belt-tightening plan to sell the lot.”
Bolton – Central Library to be open on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Cumbria – Harraby Library replaced by self-service book selection in a community centre.
Telford & Wrekin – Wellington Library to move into co-located building with registrars/leisure centre/cafe/function room/one-stop shop. 19 computers/wi-fi. Visualisation here.
Local News
- Bolton – Sunday and bank holiday opening for Central Library – Bolton News. “Bolton Central Library is to open on Sundays and bank holidays from next month.” … “The review of Bolton’s library service means five branch libraries will close, saving the council £200,000 a year.”
- Cumbria – New home for Harraby Library – News & Star. “The new Harraby library, which will be housed in the community centre, will be visited by library staff “on a regular basis”, the county council said, and will operate a self-issue system.”
- Dorset – Community run libraries a step closer – View Online. “The seven community libraries include Chickerell, Puddletown, Wool, Burton Bradstock, Charmouth, Colehill and Stalbridge” – Deal for groups is they will “fully independent and self-governed but supported with staffing, books and IT services worth £5,500 each year”. Council also giving “gift of a freehold or long leasehold interest in the library buildings” it owns. To be continued on a three (possibly five) rolling basis. “the council has agreed to ensure that all the buildings are in a reasonable state of repair before handover”
- Edinburgh – Anti-cuts activists claim council is privatising services “by the back door” – STV. Importance of Sunday opening stressed, “The Council wants its staff to work magic – longer opening hours staffed by fewer people. Our libraries could start to look like our public toilets – lonely, desolate, slightly scary places with staff almost invisible.”
- Gloucestershire – Library cash goes to supermarket bosses – Socialist. “The last consultation was a sham – held in selected shopping centres during working hours; apparently this one has been designed to prove libraries are not wanted, despite the fact that the number of people using libraries in the county has gone up.”
- Isle of Man – Closure of libraries to dominate Tynwald questions – 3FM. “The Chief Minister will be asked if he’ll make a statement on how all of the services currently undertaken by staff of the family and mobile libraries will be continued into the future, once they cease at the end of August.”. Other questions are going to be asked to other ministers on Tuesday next week.
“On Tuesday 20th March 2012 the phone in program on Vectis Radio, the Isle of Wight on-line radio station from 12.00 to 13.00 will be about the resignation from the Ethical Standards Committee by Keith Fagan, a long time and much respected independent member. He is to challenge the comments made by the IW Council leader and to open these comments up to public debate. It should prove interesting as it could also throw more light on the misleading answers given by Cllr Pugh to the DCMS Select Committee. Please, if you have questions you would like answered Vectis Radio would like to hear from you on Tuesday. Phone 01983 527444 or 01983 898548” Isle of Wight.
- Kent – Library’s services reviewed by county – This is Kent. Westerham’s figures have been released – usage is stable, visitor count is increasing. However, the cost of the library is emphasised as is the option for other branches “within six miles”.
- Somerset – WI on march again against “Beeching” library cuts – This is Somerset. “The WI and trade unions have joined forces to step up the battle against library closures. The unlikely alliance was formed on the day Culture Minister Ed Vaizey warned campaigners they must be realistic about library cuts.”. Petition of over 70,000 handed in to Parliament by the WI.
- Suffolk – Biggest Suffolk libraries pilot scheme collapses -Suffolk Wordblog. “The biggest of the pilot schemes for a divested Suffolk library service, a co-operative in Ipswich, has collapsed.”
“… there have been scant signs yet of leadership from the IPS. There are whispers that contingency plans are being prepared.”
- Ipswich library pilot collapses as IPS has a difficult start – James Hargrave’s Blog. “What seems to be emerging is that Fox and the County Council see the future of Suffolk’s libraries as a collection of individual self-governing local libraries rather than a coherent countywide service. This is especially concerning for smaller libraries. There have even been suggestions that some staff might be more or less immediately transferred to local groups meaning such staff would be subject to two TUPE consultations in less than a year.”
- Telford & Wrekin – Wellington Library on move to new site at centre – Shropshire Star. “The new library which will be housed at the Wellington Civic and Leisure Centre will open to the public at 10am on April 2, but before that the big move will get under way. Staff will start the mammoth task of moving all the stock and equipment to the new site on Monday.”
And then there were seven – Brent make a bad situation worse
Mar 14th
- An interview with Jeanette Winterson – American Libraries (USA). “I’m sorry that we’re now going through a very bad phase with libraries. The thought has been that (a) libraries shouldn’t have any books, and (b) they should be about the lowest common denominator.” … “. Jeanette is not happy with what has replaced books in British libraries: “Lots of computer terminals, which is good; you need that. They’ve just stripped out the things they don’t think people will want, so literature isn’t big. There’s lots of chick lit. There’s lots of pulp fiction. There’s lots of airport fiction—all of that kind of thing that doesn’t really belong in a library. I’m very snobbish about libraries in that sense. If we’re going to have all that stuff, stick it over in a corner somewhere. Can’t we let the library be what it is, which is a place of excellence, and a place where you can find things you wouldn’t otherwise find?”
- Campaign for a happy ending – Scout London. “Spare a thought for the humble public library….”
- E-Vaiz-ive – Alan Gibbons. “These points were typed with the laptop on my knee in Central Hall, Westminster before the rally and lobby of parliament” … “He even dares rattle the sabre of intervention! This is an unbelievable performance. Mensch asks about professional librarians. He couldn’t conceive of a service being run without a professional librarian! How many have been sacked, Ed?” Interesting comment: “Another case which illustrates that UK Parliamentary Select Committees should have the services of a competent lawyer with experience in cross-examination as US Congressional Committees do.”
- Half term report on Ed Vaizey -Alan Gibbons. Copy of the very entertaining but entirely accurate speech by Alan Gibbons at the Speak Up for Libraries event.
- Is the internet a threat to libraries, reading and writing culture -News Day (Zimbabwe). “For a progressive librarian or any advocate of reading culture, it is mundane to think of a library as a physical collection of books in this day and age.”
- Movers and Shakers 2012 – Library Journal (USA). The most impressive and promising public librarians almost entirely from the USA, although there are some international examples. Sadly, none from the UK this year (there were two in 2011) but the list is a most impressive one. As an aside, there appear to be some pretty cool dudes in American public libraries.
- Music and drama on the move – Halifax Courier. “Subject to legal agreements, the drama collection will transfer to Leeds Central Library and the music will be housed in Kirklees Library HQ on Red Doles Lane, in Huddersfield.”
- Mutually beneficial arrangement? – Stop the privatisation of UK Public Libraries. A look into the relationship between LSSI and Sue Hill Recruitment.
- Public rallies in support of a fair countract for librarians – Marketwire (Canada). “Librarians and members of the public rallied today in support of Toronto Public Library services, and against the library board’s threat to those services through provocative demands, days before a bargaining deadline.”
“If I had been turned loose in a massive book warehouse with the same degree of customer service now so invisible in megastores like Home Depot it would have been a vastly diminished experience,” he said. “Librarians to me were never cashiers or salespeople. They were mentors and fellow fans of literature with whom one experienced a feeling of community.” Robert Priest.
- Save our libraries, they’re balm for the soul – Herald Scotland. “Of late, however, assaults on the well-being of the public library have been frequent and vicious. Always an easy target in times of financial constraint, libraries have watched in dismay as professional librarians have been made redundant, branches have closed or had their hours curtailed, and book budgets have been slashed. The effects of all of this are not easy to measure. But what those, including Julia Donaldson, the Glasgow-based Children’s Laureate and author of The Gruffalo, who have been campaigning against such cuts are clear about, is that it’s the less affluent who suffer from them the most.”
- Speak Up for Libraries – Skilled paid library workers not unpaid volunteers. A delegate at the day gives their view of the proceedings and the important points. “The day got me thinking a lot. It suddenly dawned blindingly on me that I had been forced to leave my last library assistant job in a public library not just because of abusive, prejudice, and downright lazy management staff; but also in part because the restructuring to the service delivery/style”
“‘Libraries were to the mind what the National Health Service was to the body.”
- Speaking up for libraries – Morning Star. “Culture Minister Ed Vaizey did not announce a review of the government’s demolition job on public libraries because he thinks it a good idea.”
- Top authors join protest rally to lobby No 10 on library cutbacks – London Evening Standard. “In a snapshot survey of Unison’s London library workers and activists, three quarters said budgets had been cut, more than a third said opening times had been reduced and more than a quarter reported mobile library, outreach and home library services had been slashed. It also exposed concerns about staffing levels, with 90 per cent reporting voluntary redundancies and 54 per cent compulsory lay-offs. Half said libraries in their area had closed.”
- Vaizey dithers over library concessions – Morning Star. “During a day of protest against nation-wide library closures the minister suddenly announced a review of the impact of policy changes since the Con-Dem government came to power. Mr Vaizey blurted out the minor concession as Speak up for Libraries protesters held a major Westminster rally and he faced a grilling from MPs on the culture, media and sport committee.”
- Vaizey offers CILIP an olive branch – Peter’s Gazette via Alan Gibbons. “Mr Vaizey said: “I would be delighted to sit down with Annie Mauger [of CILIP] and discuss the research she has undertaken . . . and to work with the Arts Council and local authorities where there might be concerns about the reduction of staff, but I do think people should meet half way. I do not think we should see this as an either/or—we have a library service either completely supported by librarians or completely supported by volunteers”
- Want better reading scores? Hire a full-time librarian – Care2 (USA). ““There is a positive and statistically significant relationship between advanced reading levels and endorsed librarian staffing trends,” according to the report.”
- Why our libraries are worth saving – International Business Times. “the cuts give authorities the freedom to make easy savings while appearing to be filling their statutory obligation. They watch local libraries die on the vine, with the onus of responsibility shunted to the community. There is a reason the library debate has caused such vehemence. It is one of the few public services within which every user has their own personal attachment. No offence to the binmen, but you don’t get that with waste management services.”
“Government critics are keen to paint library protesters as characters akin to Steinbeck’s Lennie Small, hugging their libraries too tight to their chest, but that is a far better notion than relaxing their grip and realising too late that it has slipped through their fingers.”
North Lincolnshire – Proposals inc. 4.5 hours less per week for Scunthorpe Central Library, 5.5 hours less at Ashby Library, 3.5 hours longer at Barton.
Suffolk – Government grant given for £250k for Industrial and Provident Society for new computer management system, split with council.
Yorkshire Libraries and Information Service – Music and Drama Library to be split up, with drama moving to Leeds Central Library and drama to Kirklees Libraries HQ.
Local News
- Bolton – Axed libraries to close next month – Bolton News. “The last of Bolton’s five axed libraries will close next month. Astley Bridge Library will close on April 5, Bolton Council said last night. A neighbourhood collection point, which will replace the library, will open the following week in Oldhams Children’s Centre, in Forfar Street.”
- Brent – Willesden Green library campaigners surround building – Harrow Observer. “Dozens of local people surrounded the centre on Saturday, on the second day of a two-day exhibition to display the plans for a new cultural centre to the public. On Monday, a petition to save the library from demolition was handed in at the Brent Council officers with more than 5,000 signatures.”. Replacement library in plans is apparently smaller. “The ‘Keep Willesden Green’ campaign has now joined the Brent SOS (Save our Six) Libraries group.” … “The campaign development comes as All Souls College in Oxford, has reportedly given the community permission to run a volunteer-led service at the closed library building in Kensal Rise.”
- Minister should order meeting with Brent library campaigners – Brent Council Liberal Democrats. “According to Mr Vaizey the key difference between the councils [Wirral and Brent] is that Brent Council carried out an “extensive and significant review of libraries”. Brent campaigners claim that the review is flawed and failed to directly engage with users most affected by the cuts.”. DCMS met with the council but not with campaigners. Also, the council has failed to explore the volunteer option, unlike Ed’s stated preference.
- Willesden Green library campaigners join Brent SOS – Harrow Observer. The Victorian Society is also unhappy. [Are Brent Council normally this prone to bad publicity? – Ed.]
- Willesden Green demonstration attracts thousands – Preston Library Campaign. “Preston library campaign with our friends across Brent worked hard to inform Willesden residents about the threat to their library. Willesden is the biggest and most expensive library in Brent, the “success story” that leader Ann John falsely compared to our own beloved Preston library. She kept telling us how great Willesden was, why that would stay open and ours would close instead. And all the while, plans were afoot to close and demolish it. Which means there will soon be only 5 small libraries left in Brent, and some badly need to be rebuilt.”
- Almost 6,000 people join the fight to save Willesden Green Library – Brent and Kilburn Times. “Nearly 6,000 people have signed petitions to save Willesden Green Library Centre from demolition. In a remarkable demonstration of community action, hundreds of people rallied outside the library in High Road, Willesden, on Saturday, to stop Brent Council from knocking down.”
- Cornwall – Panic rooms “will ruin town’s library” – This is Cornwall. “Fitting CCTV, alarm buttons and panic rooms in Bodmin Library, the town’s new One Stop Shop, has been dismissed as “health and safety gone mad” which will ruin the library.” … “A number of libraries are undergoing similar work to accommodate One Stop Shop staff, who offer help with council services including housing, benefits, council tax, business rates, refuse and recycling.”
- Darlington – New Friends group forms to secure library future – Northern Echo. Cockerton Library: “After its success the original group decided to retire and was replaced by a group of seven local people at a public meeting last night, where they pledged to work with the council, schools and community groups to ensure that the library remains a well-used facility.”
“Lynne Litchfield, libraries manager at Darlington Borough Council, attended the meeting and confirmed that employment law would make it illegal to allow volunteers to take over the duties of librarians who have been made redundant.”
- Dorset – Charmouth Library to be handed over to Friends in September – View Online. “The Cabinet noted that it would be impossible for the Friends of Charmouth Library to take over the running of the building unless the roof and heating system were put in good order before the official handover in September, which it was agreed to do. However, further requests for set-up grants were turned down, meaning the community of Charmouth will have to raise funds themselves to refurbish the damp-stained interior of the library, buy new furniture needed to create an internet cafe and finance all the costs involved while the library is established.”
- Gloucestershire – Protesters who lobbied government over library cuts received praise in Gloucestershire – FoGL. “Chairman of the Friends of Gloucestershire Libraries (FOGL) Johanna Anderson said it was clear going back to Victorian methods of funding libraries through philanthropy was not going to work. “There has been a general deterioration of libraries for a long time and the last government got rid of the library standards where authorities had to meet certain criteria,” she said.”
- Fairford residents could decide fate of Lechlade Library – Wilts & Glos Standard. “in a last push to secure a partnership library service with GCC, Lechlade campaigners have asked Fairford to hand over the nine additional library hours that they were awarded from the county council last year.”
- North Lincolnshire – Reduced library opening considered for Scunthorpe and Ashby but boost for Barton – This is Scunthorpe.
- Oxfordshire – Libraries aren’t in crisis, says Vaizey – Oxford Mail. “The Wantage MP spoke out as campaigners celebrated the 40th anniversary of a library in his constituency. Grove Library marked the milestone after surviving the threat of Oxfordshire County Councils cuts in 1998 and again in November 2010. The library is one of five in Oxfordshire – along with Chinnor, Faringdon, Wheatley and Woodstock – that will now see volunteers making up a third of the staff after the council scaled back planned budget cuts.”
- Suffolk – County’s Libraries to get a computer update from government – EADT. “library service is to get a major software update as it is being transferred to a new not-for-profit operation. The county’s libraries have linked up with the Cambridgeshire service to get a £250,000 government grant to introduce the software which should improve the service it offers customers.”. Not clear what the money is for but it appears to be for financial management.
- Surrey – SLAM lobbies Surrey MPs in Parliament – Eagle Radio. “Pressure group SLAM – that’s the Surrey Libraries Action Movement – are in Westminster today for a rally and lobby. They’ll be joining up with protesters from all over the country, including a new alliance called “Speak Up For Libraries”. They’re warning that budget cuts and underfunding will mean libraries across Britain are facing a “bleak future”
Two sides of the coin
Mar 13th
- 20 great ways libraries are using Pinterest – Online Colleges. A puff piece for Pinterest but interesting despite that. “Librarian Dawn Krause uses her Pinterest account for a wide range of purposes, but an especially cool one is collecting crafts, books, and materials that appeal to teens. She’s got loads of resources on young adult favorites like The Hunger Games, a practice other libraries looking to boost teen readership could emulate.”
- Battle over library closures intensifies – Telegraph. “Culture Minister Ed Vaizey has agreed to demands to produce a report by 2014 assessing the impact of changes in the library service for “good or bad”.” [He knows that it will decide, whatever the evidence, that it is good – Ed.]
- Campaigners welcome Vaizey’s reach-out to CILIP – BookSeller. “Library campaigners have welcomed MP Ed Vaizey’s offer to speak with the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) about library staffing levels but others have condemned the culture minster for offering “too little, too late”.”
- Jarvis calls Vaizey “Dr Beeching” of libraries – BookSeller. Mr Jarvis spoke for ten minutes on public libraries at the Speak Up for Libraries event, slamming Mr Vaizey for his inaction and suggesting what appears to be realistic actions for the Government to take. The full text of the speech by Dan Jarvis is here.
- Justin Tomlinson MP: How to revamp our libraries – ConservativeHome. Stresses that libraries are in decline but stresses their importance, saying councils must not “sleepwalk” into closing them. “Significantly, libraries must address the fact that they are only spending 7.5% of their budget on book stock. We would not see a commercial bookshop spending such a small part of its budget on books. Local library managers, who understand their own individual communities, should be given the opportunity to spend money on books to get people back in.”. In an echo of Mr Vaizey, Mr Tomlinson stresses the opportunity that volunteers provide.
“We need to have a modern and more flexible library service in order for it to survive at a time of tightened budgets, competing interests and technological developments. This must be led by the needs of the community through looking at choice, opening times, environment, and innovation. Improving the library service as a whole by reviewing spending according to these local needs will ensure that they remain relevant and utilised for future generations.” Justin Tomlinson MP
“Why will I be speaking at the rally in support of libraries? Because I want children from homes where there are few if any books to have the chance to discover the world of reading. I want those children who find homelife too distracting, unnerving or (sometimes) downright dangerous to have somewhere to do their homework where they feel happier or safer.” Philip Ardagh about the Speak Up for Libraries event. Library campaigners to lobby Parliament – Telegraph.
- Libraries face a “bleak future” – Press Association. “Ruth Bond, chairman of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes, said: “As champions of libraries for the last 96 years, WI members are dismayed to see the Government stand by while our library service crumbles. “With libraries and library staff under threat from a fatal combination of closures and service cutbacks, our leaders seem to be watching in silence while the library service is gradually eroded. Action to safeguard the future of the library service is long overdue.”
- Libraries face “ongoing struggle” from budget cuts – BBC. Tim Coates (“e-book entrepeneur”) on the Breakdast Show. “More than 100 libraries are either being run by volunteers or have closed down completely, according to a study by Unison. Library campaigner, Tim Coates, told BBC Breakfast that protecting libraries from closure is an “ongoing struggle”. He suggested that savings could be made from simplifying administration of the public library service. “The budget cuts shouldn’t be cutting the basic community library service on the front line,” he said.”
- Libraries get political – Spectator. “The political battle over library closures has intensified. Earlier this morning, shadow culture secretary Dan Jarvis chastised libraries minister Ed Vaizey for being the ‘Dr Beeching of libraries’. Jarvis said that Vaizey should not be so ‘short-sighted’ as to permit 600 libraries to shut in England. He urged the government to intervene to save these ‘vital assets’, adding that not to do so would make a ‘mockery of the 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act’.”
“The appearance of union provocateurs may please the government, but a petition of 70,000 signatures gained by the Women’s Institute will spark unease among Conservatives who are conscious that they have not connected with female voters” Spectator.
“It’s a generation since Dr Richard Beeching published a report which led to the closure of a third of the UK rail network, in what was subsequently seen as an act of monumental short-sightedness. Today, the threat faced by our libraries may not yet be on quite the same scale—though with around 600 of them currently under threat, and hidden cutbacks in hours, staff and books undermining them from within, it is real enough.” Dan Jarvis MP.
“Vaizey rejected the accusation that this said ‘the government is happy if the courts are happy.’ He explained that his officials had met with council representatives and library campaigners from 7 local authorities, and added that their advice is forthcoming. He has persistently refused to be drawn on whether the government will intervene, but the Department for Culture, Media and Sport is clear that further public inquiries will only be called in the event of a ‘very good reason’.”
“Sir, Public libraries are being squeezed hard not just by disproportionate cuts to the service in many authorities but also by the escalating corporate charges imposed by councils on their libraries. According to data published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, charges for councils’ corporate services have increased over the past decade from 8.6 % to 14.6 % of library services funding, a 70% increase. Are we surprised that authors, librarians and library users will descend upon Parliament to protest today? Desmond Clarke” Library protest (letter) – Times. (behind paywall)
- Library crisis: Ed Vaizey says staff cuts an “opportunity” – International Business Times. Video of Ed Vaizey at the Select Committee. “Cuts to professional library staff across the country should be seen as an opportunity rather than a failure of the service, the culture minister claimed. Ed Vaizey was giving evidence to the culture, media and sport committee as part of its inquiry into library closures on the day authors and anti-cuts protesters rallied outside parliament.”
“You have to be realistic and use the resources you have as effectively as possible.There are huge opportunities it’s important to reflect upon. “The depressing thing is that the library issue is stuck in a binary debate about closures and a crisis in the library service and we should be thinking creatively and even open more libraries in community library areas.” [Ed Vaizey continues to see the glass half full rather than three-quarters empty – Ed.]
- Library protesters to rally in London – Independent. Brief item. “Libraries across the UK have been plunged into crisis due to public sector cuts, campaigners will warn the Government today. Protesters will rally in London ahead of a select committee hearing on library closures. More than 100 libraries have closed or been forced to run on volunteers.”
- Speech on behalf of Voices for the Library at the Speak Up for Libraries rally – Infoism. “And what has the government done? Across the board they have held up their hands and blamed the councils. With the introduction of academy status for many schools, they have held up their hands and blamed the schools. And yet we’re told that every child should read 50 books a year. Where will they get these books?”
- Top authors join protest rally at no 10 on library cutbacks – London Evening Standard. “In a snapshot survey of Unison’s London library workers and activists, three quarters said budgets had been cut, more than a third said opening times had been reduced and more than a quarter reported mobile library, outreach and home library services had been slashed. It also exposed concerns about staffing levels, with 90 per cent reporting voluntary redundancies and 54 per cent compulsory lay-offs. Half said libraries in their area had closed.”
- Why we need to lobby to Save Our Libraries – Huffington Post. Tim Coates describes the need. Looking at the political history of public libraries. “Public officials simply do not understand why libraries are important – and that is because they are all of an age and an income which, for some reason, makes them believe that libraries are a thing of the ancient past. Politicians and the political class have really let people down over libraries – it is frankly shocking that ordinary, intelligent, articulate, kind people are having to protest to Parliament over an item which costs next to nothing in the national budget. But they are right to do so, and it is a mighty frustration that has brought them out on the streets.”. Politicians also underestimate the potential power of libraries and, through inaction, are letting them fade.
Local News
- Calderdale – Cuts to opening hours of library are reduced – Halifax Courier. “Rastrick councillors said the reductions were unfair compared with proposals for other libraries. Ann McAllister (Con, Rastrick) said: “The proposed cut in hours at Rastrick took no account of its use, or its popularity. “Rastrick councillors have consulted with users and staff and made strong representations in defence of the library. As a result, we’ve secured a change of heart.””
Mr Vaizey, We were astonished to see you sit in front of the CMS inquiry today and claim to “have respect for library campaigners”. Ignoring our letters (see below) is not only disrespectful but is also incredibly rude. Please treat us with the respect you claim to have and answer our letters. It has now almost been three months. Friends of Gloucestershire Libraries” A letter sent by FoGL in January and signed by hundreds of people, including prominent celebrities, has still not had any reaction from the DCMS or Mr Vaizey.
- Isle of Man – Mobile library is lifeline – Isle of Man Today. “An essential lifeline will be lost unless Education Minister Peter Karran MHK reverses his decision to close the Mobile Library. That’s according to the customers reporter Jackie Turley spoke to when she stepped on board the service as it visited homes and Westlands elderly persons’ housing scheme, in Peel.”
- North Yorkshire – Successful library campaign a “massive positive” – Gazette & Herald. “Campaigners say the success of battle to keep their North Yorkshire village library open in the face of funding cuts is a “massive positive”.” … Barlby Library saved as it will be co-located with police and even pension advice.
- Suffolk – Trust turns libraries into HIV hubs – Newmarket Journal. Unfortunate headline perhaps. “During the week from March 20 to 23 information stalls will tour libraries in Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Lowestoft where trained staff will be on hand to provide free information and advice.”
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