
I had hoped headlines like that would be a thing of the past now that the Government has changed but it turns out it is not to be. I will leave it at that.

Changes by local authority

National news

  • Better World Books 2025 Literacy Grants – Better World Books. “Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2025. This is an opportunity to secure funding to amplify your organization’s work and to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of literacy and education.”
  • Library events (Beta) – LibraryOn. “We’ve built this feature to list public library events from across the country. It’s currently in ‘beta’, which means we’re testing how it performs with people. It also means we don’t have all library events listed here yet.”
  • The Public Library Brand: refuge, joy, connection, purpose, and expansion – Ned Potter. “.library usage positively contributes to externally validated measures of well-being. Our research found that patrons experience refuge, joy, connection, purpose, and expansion through their library use.”
  • Snowflake to tour West Midlands libraries – British Theatre Guide. “The Birmingham Rep, Polka Theatre and Little Angel Theatre production of The Snowflake will tour 18 libraries across Birmingham and the West Midlands during January and February 2025. The show ran at the Rep and the tour has been devised to give more families the opportunity to see the tale inspired by Benji Davies’s children’s book of the same name. Tickets will be free or at a low cost because of funding from Arts Council England.”

International news

Local news by authority