
There’s a lot of news this week. On the plus side, we have a few libraries completing refurbishments and, a really big one, a U-turn from Bristol meaning that all of its libraries will remain open. On the downside, there’s fears over the continued operation 3 Argyll libraries and 3 Havering libraries. And then we have big cuts to opening hours at Nottingham (which, to be fair, is an improvement on the original plans to close 12 out of 15 branches), 39 hour lost at Wakefield and a 20% cut in Pembrokeshire. As a final punch to the face, North East Lincolnshire have admitted spending more than seven-eighths of the money allocated to refurbishing (and reopening floors of) Grimsby Central Library on making the shopping centre nicer instead.

It’s important to remember that there is a trend in council announcements – first off the Council announces scary big cuts then it has a rethink (often brought on by protests) and comes up with a second, or even a third, reduced reduction. So some of what has been announced this week will end up not as bad eventually and, of course, as Bristol shows, may go away entirely. But the cuts announced are big enough to show that we are still in Austerity – it’s just not the Champagne Austerity of 2010-24 but rather a dour, semi-regretful, but no less severe, Labour version.

Changes by local authority

National news

“My experience of reading and writing began in the village library where I grew up, then in the nearby town library, then in libraries at various places of study and teaching. I want to pay my respects to these unique institutions. By planning readings up to a decade in advance, I’m being optimistic about the future of our libraries and challenging those authorities who would consider closing them down.”

Simon Armitage

International news

Australia – Why Libraries Need a Makeover (and Why It Matters) – The Project. Comedy article. “Aussie libraries are getting a funky rebrand, with attendance skyrocketing over the past year, but comedian Mel Buttle is not buying the glow-up and she gives libraries everywhere a stern piece of advice.”

Local news by authority