How long will libraries Labour under austerity?
Sep 9th
Well, another big week for public libraries being in the news. This was pushed mainly by a BBC report on comparing each English library service now with its service in 2016 which discovered, unsurprisingly, a – shall we say? – downward trend in numbers open, staffing and opening hours. While there is no question that this generally reflects reality, a look at the data suggests that there are specific errors with the data (my service is down as closing three libraries since 2016 – we haven’t; another is shown as opening several new additional libraries – they haven’t) which is a shame.
What isn’t a shame though is the response to the report, with lots of coverage saying how great and useful public libraries are and also that, sadly, many still open are now all but a shadow of their formal selves since fourteen years of cuts. All this has come at the perfect time politically with the new Government considering budget options. However, it looks like all the ministers have been ordered to keep quiet and to toe the line about how austerity is still necessary. Being these are Labour MPs let’s hope that this strategy will survive for a long period of time. Because, Lisa and Chris, this is something that has been cut enough and the cuts are continuing, with Aberdeen, Buckinghamshire, Birmingham, Coventry, Croydon, Enfield, Havering, Peterborough and South Lanarkshire all have news articles protesting against cuts to them or suggesting new reductions.
Beyond the UK, it’s clear that the struggle is more an ideological than financial one. Australia has a couple of news stories about proposed censorship / protecting the minds of children in public libraries plus a reasonably hysterical article or two about staff being trained to ask the gender of children. Pro tip to the libraries question here, though: don’t ask the gender in the first place. You don’t need to know. Same with asking if someone is Miss or Mrs. What has their marital status got to do with using the library? We have the normal stuff from the polarised USA with the addition of a video of a library literally having its books swept away, although by water and not by activists. Then the other thing that caught my eye was having an “AI conversational agent” in a Dubai library. As the person posting about it observes, well, that’s professional ethics right out the window.

Correction and apologies
In the previous edition of Public Libraries News I managed to make several errors all in less than one sentence about Guille-Allès Library. It’s in Guernsey, not in Jersey. It thus has nothing to do with the current President of Libraries Connected* and thus the reading group mentioned was included entirely on its own excellent merits.
*and yeah I said CILIP in the first edition of this post. This subject is clearly hexed for me.
Changes by local authority
National news
- 440 library staff jobs cut in East since 2016, figures show, amid warnings of ‘funding crisis’ – ITV. “Across the region, there were 443 fewer staff in 2023, compared to 2016. More than half of these losses were in Essex, where there were 248 fewer library staff. Hertfordshire lost 92 jobs. There are fewer libraries too – 324 in total last year, 10 fewer than in 2016, according to figures from the BBC Shared Data Unit. Northamptonshire lost the most libraries: 16 over the seven years.”
- CILIP writes to Libraries Minister – CILIP. “”As I’m sure you will recall,” Louis points out, “almost 20 years ago you were a member of the House of Commons Culture, Media, and Sport Committee when it examined the state of Public Libraries in 2004-05. Unfortunately, many of the key findings of this inquiry are still relevant today and we firmly believe that only through sustained support and investment in knowledge managers, information professionals, and librarians—one of our most trusted professions—will we be able to unlock the full potential of services in the creative learning, research, and business sectors. As the libraries minister, you have the opportunity to interpret your superintendence and development responsibilities in far more ambitious ways than your recent predecessors.””
- Gender Roles and Stereotypes in Children’s Literature: What Can Librarians Do? – Eurolis. Free. “This year’s Seminar is an in-person event at Europe House in London (32 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3EU) on Friday 22nd of November 2024, from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm.”
- The Guardian view on public libraries: these vital spaces provide much more than books – Guardian Editorial. “Offering everything from coding clubs to company, they are more essential than ever as other services vanish” … “With a new government and a new libraries minister, Chris Bryant, there is an opportunity to reverse the decline caused by 14 years of austerity. One thing libraries don’t need is more words. They need sustained and substantial funding.”
- Libraries are a boundless resource. We mustn’t let their lights go out – Big Issue. “The normal response when the regular figures come out about UK library closures, or increasingly limited opening hours, is, well, it’s the public purse. The pressure on local authorities is acute, something has to give. And besides, when did you last go into a library? As if that made it all a settled matter. The only useful barometer for library usefulness is your own recent experience of crossing the threshold. I haven’t been into a pub in Glasgow in a month. Shut them all down! “

- Libraries important for human contact, Children’s Laureate says – BBC. “Libraries must be protected as places of learning and reading and as spaces “where we bump into each other and make acquaintance and see each other”, Children’s Laureate Frank Cottrell-Boyce has said.”
More than 180 UK public libraries closed or handed to volunteers since 2016, data shows – Guardian. “Louis Coiffait-Gunn, CEO of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, said that the organisation is “deeply concerned but not surprised” about the loss of 2,000 library roles. There is a “worrying trend of de-professionalising the public library workforce”.”
Public libraries in ‘crisis’ as councils cut services – BBC. “More than 180 council-run libraries have either closed or been handed over to volunteer groups in the UK since 2016, BBC analysis has found. More deprived communities were four times more likely to have lost a publicly-funded library in that time, while 2,000 jobs have also been lost.” … “Freedom of Information requests sent to every library authority in the UK and Arts Council England data show the country has lost one in 20 libraries since 2016, either by closing them completely or moving them over to volunteer-run groups.” … “Sunderland went from having 11 libraries in 2016 to just three in 2023, losing 65 staff members in that time.”
“Every time I hear of a library being closed I find it absolutely horrifying. Sometimes people don’t see that, people see cuts and think it’s saving money or people don’t really need it, but I see it as a form of deprivation.”
Michael Rosen
- ‘A shell of the place it used to be’: readers on the importance of libraries – and their fragile future – Guardian. ““The library in Leamington [Warwickshire] is a shell of the place it used to be. All of the offerings are much smaller and there are fewer staff. You can see there’s no money behind it”
- Australia – ‘Rainbow Libraries’: Rita Panahi unleashes on Victoria’s ‘woke idiocy’ – Sky News Australia. “Sky News host Rita Panahi has hit out at the Victorian government’s “Rainbow Libraries” toolkit and accused Labor of pushing the state further into “ideological lunacy”. Children as young as five will be asked if they identify as ‘she’, ‘he’ or ‘they’ as part of the new program being rolled out in public libraries in Victoria. “This is precisely the type of woke idiocy that mainstream Australians abhor and the political class loves” see also The one question in Victoria’s rainbow libraries toolkit now being asked that has infuriated parents and experts -Mail.
- Councillor Sarah Hathway: ‘Spend on libraries and housing, not weapons’ – Green Left. ““Just last year, the City was suggesting it close libraries and pools due to budget shortfalls. Meanwhile, the federal government can pour billions into defence manufacturing.””
- Wide range of opinions shared at Albany’s meeting about sex education books and twerk workshops – Out in Perth. “Special Electors Meeting which was called to discuss concerns about sex education books available in the local library and a twerking workshop that was held as part of the city’s Pride Festival celebrations in February.”
- Canada – Sending a big shush to governments that say they can’t pay library workers a living wage – Halifax Examiner.
- Japan – Ministry to Support Collaboration Between Libraries and Bookstores; Hopes to Promote Reading in Communities Nationwide – Japan News. “The number of bookstores is declining nationwide: there were 10,918 bookstores as of March this year, 4,684 fewer than 10 years ago” … “Examples of such projects are expected to include the introduction of a system that allows users to pick up library books at bookstores and order books from bookstores at libraries.” but also ” It plans to explore solutions to the problem of bookstores being disadvantaged by libraries lending large numbers of popular books.”
- Norway – Negotiating neutrality and activism in Norwegian public libraries: the case of environmental sustainability – journal of Documentation. “The neutrality of Norwegian public libraries is tied to the libraries’ function as a social meeting place and arena for public debate. While the agenda for sustainable development is perceived as neutral by many of the interview participants, there are ongoing negotiations on how politically charged initiatives should be and whether public conversations on environmental and climate issues need to represent a balance of opinions. “
- South Africa – Joburg libraries are a place where books go to die – Mail and Guardian. “The closure of the city’s biggest library is a loss to the public, and some of the other libraries are also battling to keep the culture of books alive” [Subscription only]
- USA – Second Circuit Says Libraries Disincentivize Authors To Write Books By Lending Them For Free – Above the Law. “the final ruling is just incredibly damaging, especially in that it suggests that all libraries are bad for authors and cause them to no longer want to write. I only wish I were joking. Towards the end of the ruling (as we’ll get to below) it says that while having freely lent out books may help the public in the “short-term” the “long-term” consequences would be that “there would be little motivation to produce new works.””
- Column: Think Again – When libraries go woke – Carillon. “some librarians aren’t content with just providing books to the public. Instead, they want libraries to be centres of social justice activism that are committed to “dismantling systemic oppressive practices.”” … “If libraries keep going woke, they can expect to go broke. Let’s keep the religion of EDI {equality, diversity, inclusion – Ed.] out of our libraries.”
- This Election Will Determine the Fate of Libraries – Time. “Imagine waking up one day to a targeted smear campaign insinuating that you, a school librarian, are advocating the teaching of anal sex to 11-year-olds. This is exactly what happened to me in 2022 … ” A look at the tactics used to victimise libraries and censor books.
- Watch: Flood devastates library causing $10m of damage – BBC. “In a post on its website, the library said the building will remain closed “until further notice… while we continue to assess the damage and begin to rebuild”.”
Local news by authority
- Aberdeen – New library model to create family-friendly spaces and enhance services – Aberdeen Council. “The Future Model and working vision for the Library and Information Services was endorsed today (5 September) by Councillors in the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee. “
- Barnet – Council secures £85,000 to turn overgrown space into library reading garden in Barnet – Harrow Online. Golders Green. ACE funding.
- Barnsley – Council pledges to continue investing in libraries – Barnsley Chronicle. “However, the Chronicle can reveal that Barnsley’s picture is much different to the national one, with it retaining all 14 of its staffed venues and one self-serve facility. A key arrival during the timeframe has been the creation of the town centre’s purpose-built £5.3m Library @ the Lightbox, which opened in 2019 and effectively began the Glass Works regeneration.” but ““Since 2016, we’ve provided 14 staffed libraries across the borough, in addition to Priory Library offering a self-service option. After consulting with our residents and reviewing our library services, we reduced the opening hours across ten libraries.”
- Birmingham – Jack Reacher would not exist without Birmingham’s libraries, says writer – Guardian. “In the case of the fictional ex-military action man Jack Reacher, it has emerged he was made in a library in Birmingham. Now many libraries in the city are under threat from closure, prompting Reacher’s creator, the bestselling thriller writer Lee Child, to speak out. The author, who grew up in Birmingham, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme his 6ft 5in, 250lb protagonist would never have existed without the Second City libraries he visited in his childhood.”
- Bradford – Author hits out at ‘false economy’ of library cuts – BBC. “how library budget cuts have resulted in closures, job losses and reduced opening hours. BBC research shows Bradford and Calderdale councils have made some of the biggest changes in the country to their library services since 2016. But crime writer Saima Mir, who grew up in Bradford, said cuts to library services were a “false economy” which could leave people with an “educational and emotional gap”.”
“It gave me access to a world I wasn’t encountering every day in life, we’re not going to be able to go into the future and compete with other countries if our children do not have access to stories,””
Saima Mir
- Buckinghamshire – Podcast Transcription: Haddenham Community Library – Community Managed Libraries National Peer Network. A look at how to get new volunteers, trustees and how to network.
- Stop Bucks Council reducing staffed opening hours at Amersham Library. We demand a say – Change.org. “Buckinghamshire Council are reducing the number of hours that Amersham Library will be staffed from 41 hours down to 28.7 hours. Outside of these times you can only access it via an automated system with no staff on hand to help.”
- Cornwall – Workplace blood pressure tests being offered – BBC. “As well as the workplace tests, people can borrow blood pressure monitors for free from libraries across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.”
- Cornwall’s libraries ‘bucking UK trend’ – council – BBC. “Cornwall Council said 22,000 new users borrowed books in the past year with library memberships reaching a 10-year high. Only four of the county’s 27 libraries are run by the council and Carol Mould – the councillor responsible for libraries – said giving the sites to other groups to run had helped them remain open.”
- Coventry – Coventry loses four libraries in eight years amid ‘horrifying’ loss to public services – Coventry Telegraph. “One has been opened, meaning that there is a net loss of three statutory libraries, from 17 in 2016 to 14 in 2023.” … “it’s a different story in Warwickshire where no council-run libraries have been closed or handed over to volunteers. The total number of libraries in the county is 18, the same as in 2016.”
- Croydon – Legal battle expected as Perry to order four libraries to close – Inside Croydon. “Croydon Mayor Jason Perry will order the closure of four of the borough’s public libraries in a council report due to be released on Monday, Inside Croydon can reveal. The public libraries in Sanderstead, Bradmore Green in Old Coulsdon, Broad Green and Shirley could be shut down by the cash-strapped council as soon as October.” … “The latest libraries consultation was conducted at the start of the year, but the reports arising from that public exercise have been withheld for months by the Tory Mayor in case it might damage the General Election prospects of Croydon South’s Conservative MP, Chris Philp.” … “The foregone conclusion decision is expected to be made at a council cabinet meeting to be held on September 25. ” … “Meanwhile, “urgent” and “essential” repair work at a number of libraries, including Sanderstead and Shirley, has never been undertaken.” … “Meanwhile, not a peep has been heard from the council’s Labour opposition.”
- Closing libraries is a sign of ‘failed administration’ – say Tories – Inside Croydon.
- Cumberland – How joining a library can improve your firm’s chances of success – In Cumbria. Interview with “Ben Heslop, manager of Cumbria’s Business and Intellectual Property Centre”
- Whitehaven Library closed due to ‘building issue’ – Whitehaven News. “Cumberland Council said that the closure was temporary and that further updates were to follow. “
- Denbighshire – Reverend’s dismay at ‘bonkers’ fine after using Rhyl Library car park – Journal. “Reverend Brenden Bithell said that, on July 30, he mistakenly paid for parking at the adjacent Morfa Hall car park, which is run privately by Smart Parking Ltd. Rhyl Library’s car park is for disabled parking only, and is operated by Denbighshire County Council, which has issued him with a penalty charge notice (PCN) of £50 (or £25 if paid within two weeks)”
- Devon – Children from deprived area of Devon to get a reading boost from Libraries Unlimited – Devon Air Radio. “Staff at Exmouth Library and the School Literacy Network, with support from Action for Children and HeadsUp, will be working with children who live in the Littleham area with a focus on Littleham Church of England Primary School. “, funding from Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival.
- Dudley – Lye Library closes for refurbishment – GLL press release. “Lye Library in Stourbridge will be temporarily closing for major refurbishment from Saturday 5 October. The work is expected to take twelve weeks, and the library will reopen in January. VR headsets, IT hublets and improved seating, moveable shelving and new flooring are all being installed thanks to a grant of £144,715 from the government’s Libraries Improvements Fund, administered by Arts Council England.”. Council says ““We’re continuing to build on our ambitions for the library service. Brierley Hill library has recently received a significant £670,000 refurb funded through the UK Government’s Future High Streets Fund and we’re following suit with these plans for Lye”
- Enfield – Backlash against council’s library closure plans – Enfield Dispatch. “Opposition Conservative councillors submitted a ‘call in’ request in August, but failed to persuade the Labour administration to rethink the decision despite claiming it would contradict the council’s own policies on tackling poverty and inequality. The Tories have since launched a petition against the library closures. Residents reacting with anger to the news included Oliver Coombes, who described it on social media as “a disgraceful proposal””
- Gloucestershire – Libraries stay open thanks to army of volunteers – BBC. “”We’ve been very lucky in Gloucestershire in terms of the quality of our volunteer teams,” Mr Doherty told the BBC. “Some of those libraries [across the country] that have closed down over the recent years, they’ve first been handed over to the voluntary sector and for one reason or another it hasn’t worked.””
- Hampshire – Data shows 25 per cent of Hampshire libraries have closed – Basingstoke Gazette. “The data showed that 11 of the closed libraries have stopped being statutory libraries, having moved to community organisations, with three libraries having closed their doors permanently.” … “The figures also showed that 37 of the remaining 40 libraries were operating with reduced hours in 2023 compared to 2016.” … “This data comes as the county council announces that it’s anticipated budget shortfall has risen to £175m.” 58 (fifty-eight) full-time equivalent posts lost.
- Havering – Clashes over plan to close four Havering libraries in debate – This is Local London. “Councillors clashed over the future of the borough’s libraries during a lengthy and lively debate last night (September 4). Labour councillor Mandy Anderson said: “The council might be financially poor but we cannot use that to justify creating poverty of hearts, mind and soul.””
- ‘The council can dress this up how they like , but the fact remains that closing libraries is an attack on the poorest people in Havering.’ – Havering Daily. “Closing libraries is an act of cruelty, a Save Our Libraries protest was held outside of the Town Hall in Romford yesterday (4 September) with a fantastic turnout.”, petitions, “Crowds listening were cheering at the support the Save Our Libraries campaign has received and at this very powerful protest.”
- ‘Decisions have to be made’ on Havering libraries closures, council says – Time 1075. “Labour councillor Mandy Anderson said: “The council might be financially poor but we cannot use that to justify creating poverty of hearts, mind and soul.”” but “Deputy leader Gillian Ford, who now oversees libraries, said “every single council department” has had to find ways to “do things more efficiently”. That has included letting staff go or “paring back service provision”.”
- Havering Council slammed by Trade Unions-‘Closing libraries will have a detrimental impact on the poorest and most vulnerable in Havering.’ – Hevering Daily. “The authority proposed closing the libraries to save around £300,000 amid a £32.5million budget deficit identified in February. Libraries in Collier Row, Elm Park, Gidea Park, Harold Wood, and Collier Row are all at risk.”. Resident says “What is the social cost of closing that library? It’s a lot more than £300,000.”
- Kent – The impact of the ‘public library crisis’ on Kent as UK-wide decimation continues – Kent Live. “In our area, Medway has lost one library which was permanently shut, while Kent has gained two libraries that have either been newly opened or moved under the responsibility of the local council. However, 68 of Kent’s libraries are now operating on reduced hours compared to 2016, and the service has lost 27 staff members. That information is not available for Medway. Separate figures show that Kent [County Council area] is better served for library services than Medway. As of last year, there were 99 statutory libraries in Kent. Compared to the size of the population, that’s the equivalent of one library for every 15,945 people. Medway has 16 statutory libraries, or one for every 18,655 people.”
- Kirklees – Kirklees Council set to scrap unpopular plan to convert eight libraries – including Mirfield – into community-managed sites – Dewsbury Reporter. “Under Kirklees Council’s original plans, eight of the borough’s 24 libraries – Mirfield, Honley, Meltham, Marsden, Kirkheaton, Skelmanthorpe, Denby Dale and Shepley – would become community-managed and run by volunteers. In February, Kirklees Council agreed to begin exploring the feasibility of this model, and engagement was carried out with voluntary groups, members of the community, and staff. This demonstrated that people were “overwhelmingly” against the option.”. Alternative proposal is to “see the number of council staff working across all 24 libraries reduced ” To be voted on this week.
- Lancashire – Rishton Library: librarians face ‘barrage of anti-social behaviour’ – Lancashire Telegraph. “Employees at the library say they have faced abuse by a group of young people which culminated in the windows being smashed at the end of last week.”
- Newcastle – Young Adult Reading Challenge 2024 – Newcastle Council. “Borrow and read 5 books in the Autumn Term for a chance to win one of five £20 Travelling Man vouchers”. Also has a “book bingo” sheet.
- Northern Ireland – Comment: Libraries in Northern Ireland need a proper budget rather than ‘a metaphorical death by a thousand cuts’ says Trisha Ward – View Digital. “We asked Trisha Ward, former director of Library Services at Libraries NI, to comment on this ongoing decimation of a vital public service” … “Libraries NI has advantages as a stand-alone library authority, unlike English libraries which are managed by councils who face increasing demand for funding for social care and find it difficult to develop regional strategic partnerships.”
“If I were marking the government’s homework I might join others in suggesting we need to see the Programme for Government and a library policy which will define priorities for libraries. I’d also hope they would recognise that for any organisation to exist on single year budgets is asking for them to plan for the short term and to suffer the metaphorical death by a thousand cuts.”
Trisha Ward, former director of Library Services at Libraries NI
- North Yorkshire – How important are North Yorkshire’s libraries? – BBC. “Steve Bailey speaks to library volunteers across North Yorkshire.”
- Nottingham – Nottingham City Council to upgrade libraries with £300,000 Call Off Framework – West Bridgford Wire. “The Call Off Framework, set to span four years, will facilitate the procurement of creative design services, specialist library furniture, and installation works across multiple libraries in the city.” … “One of the key projects already identified for the framework is the Arts Council England-funded “Counter Culture” project, which has been awarded a grant of £77,050. In total, the council has forecasted a budget of £222,500, subject to securing additional external funding and internal resources.”
- Peterborough – Community unites in fight to save local library – BBC. “Woodston Library in Peterborough is part of the list of assets owned by Peterborough City Council that could be sold off to balance its budget deficit. The authority said the list is still under review. On Thursday dozens of residents gathered in the library, on Orchard Street, to sign the petition and think of ideas on how to maximise the building’s usage.”
- Save Woodston Library – Change.org. The Woodston Library in Peterborough campaign petition. ” We urge the Council to recognise this is a valued local community asset. The local community want to work with the council to see extended opening times and wider use by the local community.”
- Reading – Latest on project to add library to Reading council offices – Reading Chronicle. “Arrangements for disabled parking at the new Central Library at the civic offices in Bridge Street have been approved.”
- Reading Central Library busy despite days being numbered – Reading Chronicle. “Amjad Hussain, 67, from Addington Road said visiting the library is easy, and did not predict that the move would have much of an impact on his usage. He did note that the current library is closed on Wednesdays and Sundays.” … “The council has been criticised for ‘poor maintenance’ of the library building”
- Richmond – Teddington Library Community Garden receives award for enhancing local environment – Richmond Council. “The awarded funds supported various works in the library community garden, benefiting garden users and the wider community. Over the spring and summer months, the funds have contributed to the purchase of two trellises for climbers and a garden mirror on the back wall, creating a lovely focal point to the garden. Additionally, volunteers have added new planting and created a completely new bed in the middle of the garden. “
- Sheffield – Libraries at ‘heart of community’ a decade after cuts – BBC. “Ten years after volunteers stepped in to run 16 of Sheffield’s libraries when the council cut £1.6m from the service those in charge say they are thriving. No longer just a place to borrow a book the sites once threatened with closure now offer community services from weighing babies to access to cheap food. Volunteers say the libraries have evolved into community hubs, supporting people with everything from the cost of living to their mental wellbeing.”
- Artist hopes library mural will get people reading – BBC. “The design – chosen following a public consultation – is being painted by Nicole White on the shutters of Ecclesall Library. Ms White said the mural would celebrate reading as well as highlighting wildlife from the nearby Ecclesall Woods”
- Staffordshire – Staffordshire libraries sees increase in number of self-help e-books being loaned out – Lichfield Live. “Since March 2020, over 320,702 e-books have been loaned by Staffordshire’s libraries – and the number of people using the e-books service through BorrowBox has increased to almost 18,000 users.”
- Free period products on offer at libraries – BBC. “The libraries in Stafford, Cannock, Burton, Newcastle and Kidsgrove will also have donation points for anyone who wished to contribute.The Period Support Scheme aims to break the stigma around periods and raise awareness of menstruation through educational resources, the county council said.”
- Stirling – Stirling Council opens new public consultation on the future of the region’s library provisions – Daily Record. “The views of people who live, work and study in the Stirling area will feed into a new vision and strategy for the council’s libraries, guiding service delivery for the next five years (2025-2030).” … “Libraries were given a reprieve in this year’s budget following a huge outpouring of public support for the facilities in the budget consultation. While the budget took a hit, no libraries were earmarked for closure and £100,000 was set aside to conduct a review of the library service going forward.”
- Suffolk – Suffolk Libraries to combat digital exclusion by offering free SIM cards in new scheme with National Databank and Good Things Foundation – Suffolk News. “awarded funding from Suffolk’s Digital Inclusion Fund to administer the National Databank across the county.” … “The Good Things Foundation provides the SIMs for free with the Suffolk funding covering the cost of managing the scheme.”
- Suffolk Libraries daisy chain moves to Somerleyton Hall Gardens – Suffolk Libraries. “Make a Difference with a Daisy focuses on the humble daisy as a symbol of resilience and positivity. Framlingham artist, Spadge Hopkins has worked with Suffolk Libraries to create an installation of individual metal daisies arranged in a chain representing the joined-up network of libraries across Suffolk. The campaign has already raised over £22,500 for Suffolk Libraries.”
- Warwickshire – Warwickshire Libraries and Market Hall Museum to provide free toiletry packs to those in need – Warwickshire Council. “Warwickshire Libraries was successful in its application to the Household Support Fund earlier this year, which is provided by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Government, to offer a limited amount of free toiletry packs to residents who may need them.”
- Westmorland and Furness – Plans to move library recommended for approval – BBC. Ulverston. “The proposals have split opinion in the town, with more than 3,300 people signing a petition calling for the council to fix and reopen the old site. Labour MP for Barrow and Furness, Michelle Scrogham, labelled the council’s consultation as “flawed”, adding that restoring the original library was not included as an option.” … “I’m very unhappy with the way they’ve run it. The council promised it would be the same, or better, than what we already had. Clearly a small room in The Coro isn’t the same, or better” see also Ulverston Library service set to be re-located to Coronation Hall – North West Evening Mail.
Overdue, presumed lost, despite reminders
Sep 1st
There are clearer and clearer signs that the new Labour government is not going to provide extra funding to, well, pretty much anyone. This is includes local government and, apparently, public libraries too. The new minister – I couldn’t remember his name as he’s not turned up in any article about the sector but apparently it’s Chris Bryant – who includes public libraries amongst his large portfolio, does not appear to be all that bothered and even his boss, Lisa Nandy, who I remember campaigning for libraries more than a decade ago, has been quiet on the subject. This is potentially disastrous for a sector that has had its funding cut by around a half since Lisa Nandy came into opposition back in 2010. Meanwhile there are more and more public statements about the lack of money and that things are going to be tight. It’s beginning to look a lot like the new government is not much different than the old one in spending terms, although it is admittedly currently far shorter on scandals, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and posh accents.
And, wow, the sector has noticed this. This week’s national news looks pretty much like a concerted campaign to Show Us The Money. The special libraries edition of the Bookseller has lots of articles about how great public libraries are. Libraries Connected have an article pointing out how short we are of money and how useful we can be for the creative sector, which just happens to be in the DCMS’s remit that Lisa Nandy is also in charge of. Then there’s a new national initiative to promote the NHS App in libraries which will show how helpful we can be and, by extension, what a shame it would be if we weren’t there any more. This is great as the response in 2010 was basically shell-shock and politeness. The sector has learnt the right lesson from the years of Conservative government. Let’s hope Labour will surprise me and show it has too.
Please send any news, corrections, comments or opinions to ianlibrarian@live.co.uk, thank you.

Changes by local authority
- North Lanarkshire – Stepps Library reopened after repair work started in 2020.
National news
- The British Book Awards launches new prize for public libraries – Bookseller. “This addition to The Bookseller-run annual awards will celebrate the best reading project or campaign delivered by a UK or Ireland-based library, and marks the return of libraries to the ceremony. The aim of the award is to recognise libraries’ innovation in reaching new readers and strengthening community ties, with regional and national winners to be announced in the run-up to the event.”
- Government urged to harness libraries’ ‘vital’ role in building Britain’s future – Bookseller. “Libraries organisations argue that they are perfectly placed to help the new government deliver on its five main missions—if they are funded properly” … “For Isobel Hunter, chief executive of Libraries Connected, the organisation’s overarching ask is for the government urgently to address the local government funding crisis. According to analysis of council data by the Guardian, library spending has halved since 2010-11 and a third of England’s libraries closed between 2009/10 and 2019/20.”.
“We will get local government back on its feet by doing the basics right, by providing councils with more stability through multi-year funding settlements, ending competitive bidding for pots of money and reforming the local audit system.”
Government spokesperson, quoted in The BookSeller.
- Invitation to Tender: Fundraising provision for Libraries Connected – Libraries Connected. “To underpin our current Strategic Plan (2022-2027), our Trustees have identified a need to diversify our funding base. We are therefore seeking external support in the form of an expert contractor to develop our fundraising strategy. “
- Libraries Team Up with NHS to Boost App Access Nationwide – Cornish Stuff. “In a significant move to enhance access to online health services, the NHS has announced a new collaboration with libraries across England to help more people use the NHS App and NHS.UK. This partnership, in conjunction with The National Health Literacy Partnership, will officially launch in October 2024, marking a major step in making digital healthcare more accessible to all.” … “Public and NHS libraries across the country are set to receive toolkits and information from NHS England in the coming weeks, enabling them to assist users in navigating the NHS App. ” see also Public libraries to encourage take-up of NHS App – UK Authority.
- The Library Focus: In the Spotlight – Bookseller. “Our annual Library Focus looks at the services across the UK that are tirelessly promoting reading for pleasure and using new technology to reach tomorrow’s readers.” (1) Nottingham Education Library Service fully funded by schools, children’s book awards, new Nottingham Central Library [No mention of the massive cuts in other parts of the library service – Ed.], (2) HMP Northumberland, (3) Southwark Libraries: 2 new libraries, lends out ukeleles and footballs, Library of Things, (4) Guille-Alles Library, Jersey [presumably chosen as the Libraries Connected President is based there – Ed.]: LGBTQ+ book club, (5) Leeds Libraries: reduced bestseller buying in order to increase local author/publisher book-stock, (6) Kirklees Libraries: TEFL sessions, (7) Cornwall Libraries: publicity to parents of new-borns to get library card, (8) Inverness Libraries: increased events and activities, outreach. (9) West Sussex Libraries: virtual/augmented reality library project, services for SEND.
“Our “usual channels” have failed (so far) to fix a meeting with new libraries minister Chris Bryant. We will keep pressing. The initial response refers to “very significant pressures on ministerial diaries at present”. We trust that part of the pressure is understanding his brief… The letter also says: “Public libraries are a vital public resource, helping to inspire, educate, support and entertain people of all ages and backgrounds. The range of outcomes they help to achieve is substantial and varied, and the government is therefore committed to ensuring that library provision remains strong.” Let’s all hold him to that concept. “
Libraries Campaign newsletter
- New CILIP chief wants to give libraries ‘a seat at more senior tables’ – Bookseller. ” the idea that I would come in within the first few weeks and have a really strong vision is a bit arrogant.” … “I think we slightly punch below our weight, and that’s partly to do with it being quite a modest profession. We are often in the background, we’re often helping others, we’re not out front, shouting. ” … “you can bet the people who did discover the [Covid] vaccine were relying on librarians and information professionals to support that effort.”
- Public libraries and the creative industries – Libraries Connected. “The public library network strengthens the whole creative economy by brokering local cultural partnerships, supporting artists and creative businesses, and providing free access to industry-standard software and technology”. Examples include Wakefield, Merton, Gloucestershire, Barnsley, Leeds, Coventry, British Library.
- Public libraries: Canaries in the coal mine? – Libraries Connected. “To a degree, libraries have innovated their way through successive waves of funding reviews. The introduction of self-service units, the growth in volunteer supported services and the increasing number of authorities using Open Plus technology to extend unstaffed opening hours have all helped libraries navigate funding pressures.” … “Our members report previous solid partnerships and initiatives collapsing because the means to deliver them has gone.” … “library staff find they are dealing with increasingly frustrated customers, who feel their taxes have risen while service are taken away. “
“what business would for fourteen consecutive years cut the funding that supports its products, its staff and its opening hours and still expect to grow and flourish?
Un-named head of service, quoted by Libraries Connected
- Overdue appreciation: let’s hear it for the UK library sector – Bookseller. “Despite the ongoing significant presence libraries have in our lives—there remain more than 3,500 public libraries in the UK, for example—and their outsized impact both on literacy and our reading culture, there was barely a comment about them during the recent general election”
- Taxpayers pay millions to ‘eradicate’ racism in Wales – while NHS waiting lists soar – Telegraph. £134k Funding for anti-racism training for library staff is “larger than the combined starting salaries of four nurses in Wales, and that CILIP is a registered charity which enjoys tax exemptions accompanying that status, let’s take a look at what Welsh taxpayers are paying for instead.” … ” the recommended reading list to rid the Welsh librarians’ mind of racism is comprised almost entirely of books by American authors,”.
International news
- Canada – Library workers in Halifax go on strike – Global News. “After months of negotiations between Halifax Public library and Local 14, no agreement has been made and 340 library workers in Halifax will be on strike Monday morning. Emma Convey reports.”
- China – China had 3,246 public libraries by end of 2023: ministry – State Council of China. This “represented an increase of 5.6 percent year-on-year”.
- India – Lost Libraries: The Forgotten Story of Public Libraries – News9 Plus Show. “The death of three IAS aspirants in a flooded basement library in Delhi has revealed the menace of illegal coaching centres and libraries in India. The July tragedy is not the first incident related to an illegal coaching centre. Yet students and parents continue to choose these cramped centres over pocket-friendly public libraries that offer a safe space to study. Why are there so few takers for India’s public libraries?”
- South Korea – The Marketing Strategy of the Seoul Library to Attract Users despite a Continuous Decline in Patrons: Seoul Outdoor Library (SOL) – IFLA. “during the COVID-19 pandemic period from 2020 to 2021, the national average decrease in the number of visitors per public library reached 69%, and as of 2022, the number of visitors had not recovered to pre-pandemic levels, showing a 43.9% decrease compared to 2018. And according to the National Reading Survey, the reading rate has sharply declined over the past 10 years.”
- USA – Public Libraries are Critical Agencies in Multi-Sector Climate Action Plans, Policies, and Actions – Building Resilient Communities. “The report argues that libraries are the special ingredient, found in every community across the country, that climate action plans need to actualize the buy-in, collaboration, and energy that will bring them to life.”
- Moms for Liberty goes to war with New York school over five library books – Independent. “The books in question include People Kill People, a YA novel by bestselling author Ellen Hopkins about the deleterious effects of gun violence; It Ends With Us, a romance novel by Colleen Hoover that was made into a Hollywood film starring Blake Lively; All Boys Aren’t Blue, a “memoir-manifesto” by journalist and LGBTQ activist George M. Johnson about his struggles growing up as a gay Black man; Red Hood by Elana K. Arnold, a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood centered on female empowerment; and Julia Scheeres’ Jesus Land: A Memoir, a New York Times bestseller about the author’s unpleasant childhood experience at a fundamentalist church camp.”
- Publishers and authors sue over Florida book ban law – BBC. “The lawsuit, filed on Thursday by publishers including Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster, argues that Florida’s law violates First Amendment rights to free speech.”
Local news by authority
- Barnet – Back to school with Barnet Libraries – Barnet Post. “Libraries have a ‘Back to School’ booklist, available to help children for the new term.”
- Council secures £85,000 to create library reading garden – Barnet Council. “by Arts Council England to improve a previously unusable area outside the building and create a sensory reading garden. The project will provide step-free access from the rear of the library and spaces for quiet reading with outdoor seating and shading.”
- Bath and North East Somerset – Bath Central library restart monthly pop-up with energy advice experts – Bath and North East Somerset Council. “Starting from September 5, staff from the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) will be manning a stall outside Bath Central Library on the first Thursday of every month”
- Birmingham – When key decisions on future of Birmingham service could be made amid divisive proposals – Birmingham Mail. Details of proposed cuts and campaigns against them.
- Birmingham campaigners slam ‘huge setback’ as major library proposals confirmed – Birmingham Live. ” campaigner Rukhsana Malik argued a recent council consultation on the future of Birmingham’s library service was more focused on ‘ticking boxes’ than engaging with the community’s concerns. “We protested, we spoke up, and we made it clear that libraries are vital to our communities,” she said. “This is a huge setback for our city and a betrayal of trust. But rest assured, the fight to save our libraries continues – we will not give up.””
- Birmingham writers team up to save local libraries as budget cuts threaten closure – Bookseller. “Author and British Book Award-winner Catherine O’Flynn and poet Liz Berry, whose work collections include Black Country (Chatto) and The Republic of Motherhood (Chatto), met on the playground at their childrens’ school, and began discussing the decline of the libraries in June this year.”
- Buckinghamshire – Petition launched to save Amersham Library’s opening hours – Bucks Free Press. “In June this year, the unitary authority confirmed they plan to deduct the amount of time libraries across the county are open to try and save approximately £500,000 per year. The move, which has been dubbed as the ‘library flex’ will impact eight venues in the county.” … “The plan has been widely criticised by residents in each of the areas with many campaigning to try and stop the notion from going ahead.” 512 signatures.
- Cumberland / Westmorland and Furness – Baby weighing facilities available in libraries across Cumbria – NHS. ““We specifically chose the library as we believe all children benefit from early access to books and we want to encourage a lifelong love of reading. We believe libraries have the ability to develop and promote early literacy and language skills for our children and are a great way to encourage community connections. “Following positive feedback from families accessing the self-weigh at Maryport Library, a decision was made to roll out the offer more extensively throughout Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness libraries.””
- Devon – New initiative targets literacy gap in East Devon’s most deprived area – Devon Live. “With funding from Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival, Libraries Unlimited will be able to provide the school with a variety of specially designed sessions inspired by the charity’s unique reading challenge: The Secret Book Quest. Libraries Unlimited has met with school staff to ensure these sessions will be planned in tandem with them, identifying key curriculum areas and engagement methods. The sessions will be designed to encourage 5 to 12-year-olds to join the library and take part in the Quest.”
- Dudley – Dudley Library – The Whitechapel Women – Dudley CI. “Two talks being given by author Damian Carter at Dudley Library on Thursday 12 September at 6.30pm and Saturday 14 September at 11am will delve into the Ripper’s murky world and examine the evidence.”
- Gateshead – Gateshead murder probe live: Two charged after body found near Central Library – Northern Echo. “The entire park opposite the Gateshead Central library has been cordoned off with several officer guarding the outside of the cordoned.”
- Haringey – Help decide your library opening hours: give your views on the best option for the library service – Haringey Council. “The council is looking at ways for them to not just survive but continue to thrive for many more years to come.” … “We have invested heavily in our library buildings to make them even more accessible and attractive spaces in recent years and we’ll continue to spend £3.5m on these settings each year.”
- Havering – Save our libraries: Bring a book to rally for libraries on September 4 – Havering Daily. “Green Party activists organised the rally following the Havering Residents Association’s proposals to close four of the borough’s five branch libraries. Many across the political spectrum have come up with ideas for new revenue sources, for covering the cost of building works, and to make these libraries fit for the future. At next Wednesday’s council meeting, at least four petitions and a motion against the closure proposals will be presented.”
- Hertfordshire – Arts Council funding secured to celebrate 100 years of libraries in Hertfordshire – Hertfordshire Council. £100,000.
- Inverclyde – Inverclyde Libraries given £2,500 grant to create herbarium – Greenock Telegraph. Green Libraries Scotland Grant.
- Kirklees – Kirklees libraries: Cabinet set to meet to discuss next steps of plans to move eight facilities in the borough to ‘community-managed models’ – Dewsbury Reporter. “The fate of Kirklees’ libraries is closer to being determined, with the matter to be discussed by cabinet once again in September.”
- Lambeth – New chapter for Brixton Library – Lambeth Council. “Lambeth Council’s work to overhaul and improve the much loved Brixton Library in Windrush Square is now complete with the library now offering better study areas, private meeting booths and extra toilets.”
- Liverpool – Lord Mayor’s thanks after £250k raised for fire-hit library – BBC. “A woman who led a fundraising campaign to help rebuild a Liverpool library that was torched during rioting has been formally thanked by the city’s Lord Mayor. Alex McCormick set up the online fundraiser, which has brought in more than £250,000, after Spellow Library was set on fire during disorder that broke out on 3 August. Councillor Richard Kemp welcomed her to Liverpool Town Hall on Thursday to thank her on behalf of the city.” … ” the fundraiser had seen donations from around the world including USA, Canada and Dubai.” … book donations would be “spread out to other libraries and community centres.”
- Norfolk – Historic King’s Lynn library to be declared ‘surplus’ – EDP24. “The Gothic-style Carnegie Building in King’s Lynn, home to the town’s central library, faces an uncertain future because of Norfolk County Council proposals to create a new £14.2m ‘community hub’ in the heart of the town. That hub, in the former Argos store, which is part of the town’s Vancouver Quarter shopping centre, would include a community centre and a new library to replace the current one.”
- Series of sessions taking place across West Norfolk libraries as part of Know Your Neighbourhood project – Lynn News. “As part of a project aiming to get more people volunteering and to tackle loneliness, West Norfolk libraries are offering sessions in the community. Know Your Neighbourhood (KYN) Project is a £29 million package of funding designed to widen participation in volunteering and tackle loneliness in 27 disadvantaged areas across England.”
- Terrington St Clement student Adele Tolhurst creates petition to help protect mobile libraries in Norfolk – Lynn News. “St Clement’s High School student Adele Tolhurst has started a petition, saying the library vans are vital. She says there is a “desperate need” for better advertising of mobile libraries so that residents know when they are coming to an area near them.”
- North Lanarkshire – Stepps Community Library reopened – North Lanarkshire Council. “The new library, located next to Stepps Primary School, provides visitors with a warm, welcoming space to enjoy. It includes a multi-purpose room, children’s area, IT facilities, free Wi-Fi, a scanner and printing facilities – and, of course, a wide range of books to read.”
- North Yorkshire – Fall hook, line & sinker for this Harrogate Library children’s show – Harrogate Advertiser.
- Peterborough – Blue Peterborough – Libraries Campaign newsletter. “Woodston library in Peterborough is under threat of closure. Sharp-eyed locals spotted it in an obscure online list of council properties up for disposal. They rang us for advice, then to get sample constitutions to help write their own. Now a new and active Friends group is getting press and radio cover, and has a Facebook group (listed on our national website, of course).”
- Portsmouth – Council leader hails growth in culture and leisure in face of national cuts – Portsmouth Council. “Since 2015/16, reductions in government funding have meant the council has had to make significant overall savings, 5% of which has been made to culture, leisure and sport services. Despite this it has still maintained its nine libraries” … ” libraries which have recently secured nearly £200,000 funding from Arts Council England to deliver a range of schemes including volunteering initiatives and buying tuk-tuk”
- Shropshire – Libraries unveil sound-proof pods thanks to grant – Shropshire Star. “for online or in-person meetings”. £237k ACE grant.
- Somerset – Library to close for weeks under £900k revamp – BBC. Wellington. “The upgrade is designed to improve accessibility for staff and visitors across all floors and deliver increased thermal efficiency of the building, in line with the council’s ongoing commitment to decarbonisation.”
- Staffordshire – Local authority supports Staffordshire families facing crisis as back-to-school costs soar – Rayo. “The Pre-Loved Uniform Market (PLUM) is run by Staffordshire County Council’s libraries service and The Salvation Army.”
- Stoke on Trent – Stoke-on-Trent Libraries launch brand new app – Stoke on Trent Council. Via £20k LibraryOn grant. “The Stoke-on-Trent Libraries app will offer people the opportunity to join the library, discover new books, reserve books, find out more about events plus discover if titles are available in libraries via a barcode scanning function.”
- Wiltshire – Early years work with The Last Baguette – Crowdfunder. “We want to continue our early years work in Wiltshire, bringing Playtime & A Winter’s Tail to community venues & libraries this autumn”
- Warwickshire – Local History Education Displays at Warwickshire libraries – Warwickshire Council. “All displays will be different to reflect the library’s local area and residents are welcome to share their own memories of going to school in Warwickshire via reminiscence forms.”
- Worcestershire – Libraries Unlocked ‘will help safeguard future of Malvern Library’ – Malvern Gazette. Staff-less libraries extended but “Residents in St John’s, Worcester, were particularly worried and even signed a petition against the initiative because they feared a library without staff meant children could not go there alone and it could create issues for elderly people unable to use technology.”
- Relief in Redditch – Library Campaign newsletter. “We have covered extensively the bizarre story of this extremely busy library that brings up to 1,000 people daily to a town centre due for revival. The council was determined to demolish it in favour of an empty piazza to er… increase footfall. We sent detailed evidence explaining how daft and costly this would be.” … “The Labour party made saving the library a major plank in its local election campaign in May. It very comfortably won control from the Tories”
Public libraries in the public eye
Aug 25th
There were two big national news stories concerning libraries this week. The one is the number of requests to school libraries to withdraw books, with many ending up being removed. This is strongly reminiscent of what is happening in US public libraries, although on a far smaller and less organised scale. The big difference is that a major political party here isn’t supporting such censorship, although I suspect Mr Farage wouldn’t be against and also parts of the Conservative Party.
The other big story, which really blew up this week, is the anti-racism training being planned for Welsh public librarians. The particular part of the training which has really annoyed some commentators is that which covers avoiding buildings with links to slavery in the past, or at least acknowledging that they have such links.
Regardless of what one thinks about these developments, both stories together show that the stock decisions and training policies of public libraries are now in the public eye far more than I ever remember them in the past. This awareness, and desire to get involved, in what was normally seen as, well, not even something to know about at all, shows the politicisation of the sector, whether we like it or not.
Do you have an opinion or a story you’d like to share? Please email me at ianlibrarian@live.co.uk

Changes by local authority
- Birmingham – More details on £2.3m cut: 10 libraries to remain full-time; 14 to be “part-time”, 4 to close and “co-locate”, 7 to close if others do not pay for them, 1 (Spring Hill) to definitely close.
- Derbyshire – £910k cut between 2024 and 2029: 10% cut in opening hours, reduce mobile/home library service, co-locations, volunteers.
- Newport – £159k cut over 2 years. Pill Library closed. £46k cut in book fund (now £136k). Bettws and Malpas libraries to move into co-locations.
National news
- Books are being banned across Britain. We are not as tolerant as we pretend – Telegraph. “The Index on Censorship discovered that 28 of the 53 British school librarians they polled had been asked to remove books – many of which were LGBTQ+ titles – from their shelves. It appears that pressure had come from parents and, on some occasions, teachers too. For a society that’s meant to be modern and tolerant, these findings are depressing: the culture wars are failing to subside, and we seem to think nothing of using our children’s education as an ideological battleground.” see also School libraries ‘censored’ as survey reveals 28 librarians ‘asked to remove books from shelves’ – BookSeller. and Dozens of UK school librarians asked to remove LGBTQ+ books, survey finds – Guardian.
- British Library reveals £400,000 plan to rebuild after “catastrophic” ransomware attack – Stack. “It has issued a £400,000 tender looking for contractors to take part in Phase 1 of its “Web Foundations” project, which involves rebuilding the website to ensure it is “robust, scalable, sustainable, and secure.””
- CoP: AI for public libraries with Phil Bradley and Somerset Libraries – LibraryOn. “The feedback from this session was overwhelmingly positive, with genuine enthusiasm from attendees for the opportunities AI could bring to the sector.”
- The Dublin award’s place in the Irish literary scene – Guardian / Letters. “The award develops interest beyond Ireland but, by doing that, must contribute to the wide interest in “native” Irish writing. Unfortunately, only one UK public library nominated a novel for the 2024 award (thank you, Norfolk Library and Information Service). Here in the UK, we don’t need a competitor for the Dublin award; we do need more libraries to nominate books.”
- Librarians being told not to arrange meetings in ‘racist’ buildings – Daily Mail. “Libraries across Wales have been given the task of promoting ‘anti-racism’ as part of a £130,000 project. Local librarians are being taught ‘critical whiteness studies’ as well as how to deal with problems such as the ‘dominant paradigm of whiteness’, the Telegraph report.” … “The Gladstone Library in Hawarden and The Goronwy Owen primary school in Anglesey were both flagged as examples due to their names linking to slavery.” see also Librarians attending ‘whiteness studies’ to avoid ‘racist’ venues – Spectator. “Just when you think the equality and diversity police can’t get any madder, they do. ” and ‘Woke’ training in Wales urges librarians to avoid holding meetings in ‘racist’ historic buildings – GB News. “Alka Sehgal Cuthbert, the group’s [Don’t Divide Us] founder and education expert, said: “Libraries are places associated with rationality, enlightened thinking and public service for the general public. “They are not the playthings of those whose preferred radical politics means that librarians have to assent to false and wholly negative beliefs about the country in which they live, and by extension, also about its people. “This is the opposite of public service.” and British Libraries Advised to Avoid Meetings in ‘Racist’ Buildings, Confront ‘Dominant Paradigm of Whiteness’ – Breitbart. Over 100 comments inc. “Drag queen story hour will not be a big hit with the replacement population”
International news
- IFLA Statement on Libraries and Artificial Intelligence – IFLA. “How can these developments impact both everyday practices and the broader social mission of libraries? IFLA’s new statement sets out some key principles.”
- India – Libraries in India make youth’s dream of progress come true – Rappler. “In South Gujarat’s Adivasi areas, a network of community-funded libraries is helping bridge the gaps left by the education system”
- USA – Siouxland Libraries Reports Growth and Community Usage – Sioux Falls. “a 35.3 percent increase in meeting room bookings, a 78 percent increase in study room utilization, and a 32.7 percent increase in digital material checkouts. Additionally, library visits have reached nearly half a million.” … “the library system’s dedication to providing diverse programming and engaging digital content has contributed to this success. ”
- Books and brews: Douglas County Libraries partner with local brewers – KDVR. “Local craft breweries and coffee shops have partnered up with Douglas County Libraries to put on the “Douglas County Libraries’ 2024 Brew Tour.” The event, which runs until Sept. 30, invites the community to visit local libraries and engage in the Douglas County brewing culture all while participating in events that can earn rewards and prizes.”
- Local Republican Party look to ban books at public libraries – ABC News 4. Youtube.
Local news by authority
- Barnsley – Updated library hopes to inspire local children – Barnsley Chronicle.
- Birmingham – Anger over Birmingham libraries cuts and closures plan as defiant campaigners say ‘not over yet’ – Birmingham Live. “There’s been a fierce and defiant response to a Birmingham City Council proposal to shut five city community library buildings and leave the fate of seven others in the balance as part of massive cost cuts, with campaigners pledging to press on to fight downgrades.”
- Have your say as libraries consultation final phase launches – Birmingham Council. “Under our new proposals, we have shared what the future of our library service could look like, with our recommended option providing 28 building-based libraries funded by BCC which includes a Community Library Hub in each constituency. There is also potential for up to 34 Library based buildings with the inclusion of Partner led Libraries.”
- Bromley – Help shape the Bromley Central Library – Bromley Council. “The news follows proposals to relocate the Bromley Central library into the heart of Bromley town centre, with the council seeking residents’ views on newly developed proposals following a survey held earlier this summer.”
- Cheshire West and Chester – Children Today expands inclusive initiative in Cheshire – The Standard. “”We’re incredibly excited to be building on the success of our previous event and already have some fantastic authors lined up, with more to be confirmed, as well as collaborating with the Cheshire Education Library Service team and Cheshire West libraries to deliver another exciting programme of events.”
- Cornwall – Library membership at 10-year high – council – BBC. “Cornwall Council said library membership had grown faster than at any time in the past 10 years as people of all ages were encouraged to explore beyond the bookshelves. In the last year, there were more than 22,000 new borrowers and more than 1.5m books were loaned from libraries across the county, the authority said.”
- Derbyshire – Heritage day to celebrate library’s 120th anniversary – BBC. “Ilkeston Library was opened on 24 August 1904 by the Duke of Rutland, with crowds filling the Market Place to see it open its doors for the first time.”
- Derbyshire council launches consultation into planned library changes to save nearly £1m – Derbyshire Times. “draft Derbyshire Public Library Service Strategy for 2024 to 2029 – entitled A Modern Library Service for Derbyshire – and it has launched a 12-week public consultation which will run until November 2 to consider views before making any final decisions.”
- Essex – Colchester Library temporarily closes for new look and children’s centre – Essex Council. “Colchester Library will close from Monday 2 September 2024 until next summer for refurbishments.This includes an interactive Children’s Imagination and Literacy Centre. It will have fun equipment and materials to help children read and learn.”
- Leicestershire – Schools and libraries get ‘lightning-fast’ broadband – BBC. “Connection speeds will also be boosted in seven libraries in Desford, Fleckney, Lutterworth, Market Bosworth, Sapcote, Sileby and Stoney Stanton”
- Liverpool – Attorney General donates books to riot-hit library – BBC. “Attorney General Richard Hermer, who is the government’s chief legal adviser, said the damage inflicted on the library and subsequent renovation efforts had shown the worst and best of the country.”
- Library fundraiser exceeds £250,000 – BBC. “A delegation, including Jonathan Reynolds MP, Secretary of State for Business and Trade, parliamentary colleagues Dan Carden and Kim Johnson, and Liam Robinson, leader of Liverpool Council, visited the library earlier this month to assess the damage.”
- Newport – Call for ‘innovative solution’ rather than close library in deprived area of Wales – South Wales Argus. “The closure of Pill Library in Newport on August 28 is just one arm of the city council’s strategy to cut costs within its book-lending services.”
- Nottingham – Families protest at Sherwood Library over reopening delays – West Bridgford Wire. “Frustrated families and campaigners staged a protest outside the new Sherwood Library to demand it is finally opened after a series of delays.”
- Nottingham City Council leader warns another ‘bankruptcy’ notice could be issued if cuts not made – Nottinghamshire Live. “On top of a raft of other service and job cuts, the council is now proposing to close the Basford, Bilborough, Radford-Lenton libraries and Aspley Library in a bid to save £1.5m in its libraries service.”
- Peterborough – Peterborough residents rally to save library from threat of closure – Peterborough Telegraph. “Woodston Library has been placed on a list of assets Peterborough City Council is considering disposal of to save money.” … “Woodston Library Friends has now been formed as residents seek to secure a bright future for the library.”
- Reading – Project to relocate Reading library slammed over poor maintenance – Reading Chronicle. “A neighbour who uses the Reading Central Library has accused Reading Borough Council of poor maintenance and throwing away ‘tonnes of books’ as part of the upgrade project.” … ” “The council haven’t even funded having the Central Library windows properly cleaned.”
- Somerset – Wellington library will be a “wonderful hub for the community” when it reopens – Wellington Today. “The town will see its library reopen in a number of weeks once the £900,000 revamp project of its Fore Street base comes to an end.” see also Somerset town will be without its library for three weeks – Somerset Live.
- Southwark – Dulwich Library to refurbish to attract young people – Southwark News. “Eleven to eighteen-year-olds are being surveyed about how it could be improved to suit their needs. The results of the survey will contribute to the development of ‘teenage areas’ across other Southwark libraries.”
- Southwark residents urged to donate their electricals – In Your Area. “Environmental solutions company Veolia in partnership with the London Borough of Southwark and Community TechAid has unveiled new drop-off points for any unwanted tech devices, across Southwark. The donation points are easily accessible, and located at all Southwark libraries and the Reuse and Recycling Centre.”
- Stoke on Trent – Library development plans resubmitted – BBC. “Stoke-on-Trent Council blocked plans to renovate City Central Library in Hanley last year, criticising a “poorly designed, disproportionate and dominant” extension, as well as raising concerns over residential amenity, traffic and fire safety.”
- Suffolk – Suffolk Libraries recommends Wizzie app to help children with learning – Suffolk Libraries. “Suffolk Libraries has partnered with the creators of ‘Wizzie’ – a new, free reading companion developed in Suffolk which can improve vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and comprehension through reading.”
- Surrey – Surrey Libraries invite all residents to experience the transformation of their local library, a welcoming space for everyone – Surrey News. “Everyone is invited to visit their local Surrey library, with the launch of Surrey County Council’s ‘It’s My Library’ promotional campaign. Some of our biggest libraries have significant and exciting building projects underway that will continue into 2025. We are ensuring that they are great places for all residents to use year-round. Every library provides free access to high-speed internet, computer workstations and digital tools ensuring that all our residents can stay informed and connected.”
- Thurrock – Meet our Summer Reading Challenge volunteers – Thurrock Council. “What I like most about being a volunteer is the meeting new kids and hearing what they are enjoying about the books they’re reading. I’m also lucky enough to be working with the great library team.” “
Labour shortage: will austerity continue?
Aug 18th
It was great to see the public response to the idiotic attack on Spellow Lane Library last well but, as Frank Cottrell-Boyce points out, another kind of vandalism has occurred in British libraries on a far larger scale. Due to the general hopelessness of official statistics on library closures, the exact figure since 2010 is hard to say but it’s commonly see as 8-900ish. So Spellow Lane, which got such coverage and even a book donation from the Queen, represents about one-tenth of one percent of library closures. That year 2010 is of course not an accident. That is they year that Austerity started under a Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition and then successive Conservative governments. In that time, public libraries have seen a cut in spending power of over 50%. That is huge.
Now we are under a different government, one that has been seen historically as more in favour of public spending. But there’s no sign as yet of any change. Indeed, just this week, two Labour-run councils (Enfield and Nottingham) are pushing ahead with further serious budget cuts and closures. So, are public libraries, so long the poster boy for cuts, heading for more of the same? Or were those hoping for more funding now labouring under a delusion?
Changes by local authority
- Conwy – Public consultation over whether Llandudno library should move to Venue Cymru.
- Essex – £450k refurbishment of Colchester Library.

International news
- India – CM Mann inaugurates 14 ultra-modern libraries for rural areas – Hindustan Times. “aiming to inculcate reading habits among youth and empower them to contribute to the state’s social and economic progress.” … “equipped with high-end facilities such as Wi-Fi, solar power and digital analogs”
- New Zealand – Overdue fines removed in new chapter for Queenstown Lakes District Libraries – Queenstown Lakes District Council. “to help eliminate financial barriers and encourage even greater accessibility to all library resources.”
- Palestine – Mezna Qato: “Without our libraries and universities, how will we tell the story of Gaza?” – New Statesman. “A thick residue of concrete dust now covers books lining the shelves of the Gaza Municipal Library after the roof was pulverised by a missile in November. The Great Omari Mosque, which housed the Islamic Manuscript Library – one of the most important archives in Palestine, with artefacts from the 14th century – was destroyed in December. The Israeli military detonated the last remaining university building in Gaza in January.”
Local news by authority
- Barnsley – Transformation works completed at Mapplewell Village Hall and Library – Barnsley Council. Library “transformed by refurbishment, `and a complete revamp of the children’s library to make it more welcoming”
- Bromley – Southborough Library Bromley set for re-opening event with guest author appearance – News Shopper. “Southborough Library will reopen on Friday (August 16) following a recent refurbishment and is the second library after St Paul’s Cray Library in the borough to receive a revamp.”
- Cheshire East – Cheshire East sets out plan to tackle £100m deficit – LocalGov.
- Campaigners optimistic of avoiding drastic cuts to library opening times – Cheshire Live. “Bollington Town Council’s working group on libraries has now met with Cheshire East officers and offered to contribute to the cost of keeping the library open on its present hours, subject to final agreement by the full town council. At present the library is open for 32.5 hours a week.”
- Conwy – People banned from libraries banned for drunken abuse of staff – North Wales Pioneer. “Customers being banned for abusing staff, drinking, and vandalism – with Llanrwst library appearing to be the worst hit by bad behaviour.”
- Cornwall – Cornwall’s libraries receive 5* reviews – Rewind Radio. “More than 3,600 people took part in this year’s survey, with a staggering 98% of respondents saying they were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the service.” … “Book borrowing is up compared to 5 years ago, and library membership is growing faster than at any time in the past 10 years.”
- Croydon -Selling off borough’s public libraries is act of social vandalism – Inside Croydon. “At the beginning of this year, Croydon Council opened a consultation over its proposals to close four public libraries – Bradmore Green, Broad Green, Sanderstead and Shirley. The consultation closed in April, but nothing yet has been heard about its findings”
- Denbighshire – More than 1,000 sign up for Denbighshire libraries’ reading challenge – Rhyl Journal. Marvellous Makers.
- Devon – Events celebrate 100 years of library service in county – Devon Live. Robin Ince at celebratory event says “Libraries are so much more than many people imagine,” he said, as he appeared at a 100th-anniversary celebratory event. “Perhaps most importantly, they are the safest space and the most curious place in town. They are not just the guardian of knowledge but a place of activity, security, and possibility.””
- Library launch for village bookworms – Mid Devon Advertiser. “Abbostkerswell has a new library. All thanks to the efforts of a group of volunteers who were determined to keep the village reading after Devon County Council cut its mobile library service earlier this year”
- Dorset – Omaze: Dorset library given money for essential repairs – Bournemouth Echo. “Colehill Community Library, an independent charity established in 2013, will use the funds for the maintenance of the building and to help encourage young people to read. ”
- Dudley – Library becomes Makaton Aware – Dudley Council. “The Makaton Aware designation is given to organisations committed to breaking down communication barriers, so everyone feels valued and understood.”
- Enfield – Bid to force rethink of Enfield Council library closures fails – Enfield Dispatch. “The Labour administration doubles down on the eight closures while opposition Tories criticise impact on local people”. Council says that users of closed libraries also sue the still-open ones, [apart from an unlucky fifth and, also, unclear which is their preferred library, the one they most use etc – Ed.] : “We know that 85% of visits are to the eight libraries that we’ve proposed to retain and 78% of active users use their library card at those eight libraries proposed to remain open.””
- Essex – Huge Colchester library to close for nearly a year for six-figure refurbishment – Essex Live. ” refurbishment will cost around £450,000 and take almost a year to complete” … “The centrepiece of the work is a new children’s imagination and literary centre on the ground floor. This will be a specialist, highly-interactive play space with equipment and materials for learning.” … “A large amount of the funding has covered by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) via Arts Council England’s Libraries Improvement Fund. Funding of £337,500 has been provided by the DCMS whilst Essex County Council (ECC) has contributed an additional £112,500 towards the project.”
- Gloucestershire – Gloucestershire Libraries to launch new “digital bootcamp” programme – The Forester. “The programme will involve working with businesses like SAND Visuals, Phoenix Consultants and others who will support participants to get real experience of work in the industry. It is part of Gloucestershire Libraries National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) status, funded by the Arts Council for three years”
- Isle of Man – Library rebrand to mark city status confirmed – BBC. “The Henry Bloom Noble Library will be renamed the Douglas City Library when its signage is replaced.” see also Proposals to rename library in Manx capital – BBC.
- Leicester – New ‘study zones’ set up at city libraries – BBC. “Leicester City Council said the dedicated study areas, which come with new desks complete with built-in charging for devices, have been installed in 16 libraries.”
- Lincolnshire – Library use is back on the rise but falls short of target – Spalding Voice. “Lincolnshire County Council say there were a million users of its libraries in the 2023/24 financial year, a 16 per cent increase on last year when they saw a 17 per cent increase in the number of items loaned.” … “there’s a trend of visiting the library less often than before the pandemic, but taking out more items on each visit.”
- Liverpool – Queen Camilla’s gift to help Liverpool rebuild – Liverpool Echo. “Her Majesty, who read to Liverpool schoolchildren on a royal visit to the city’s Central Library last year, provided a box of 67 books for the library to help it rebuild. The donation follows almost £250,000 being raised to repair the library that was heavily damaged in an attack.” [The photo shows the books are new and useful titles, not random – they look like she asked Liverpool Libraries what they wanted first – Ed.]
- Authors send books to restock library burned in riots – BBC. “Author Marnie Riches posted on X after seeing pictures of the building alight, saying she had sent a parcel of her books to the city using the hashtag Reading Not Rioting. Since then, inspired by her actions, hundreds of other authors, including Philip Pullman and Val McDermid, have followed suit.” … “he generosity shown had been appreciated by the staff at Spellow Hub, adding it was “really important to help them in their recovery journey”.”
- Nearly £250,000 raised for Liverpool library damaged by rioters – Guardian. “The plans for the library are still being decided, with a clear agenda to be set in the coming weeks. The council is liaising with with members of the community including McCormick and the centre’s manager, Debbie Moore. McCormick hopes that the “people who caused such mindless damage” can “redirect their energy into something positive in the future”.”
- ‘Resolute’ commitment to reopen Spellow library ‘in weeks’ after County Road riots – Liverpool Echo.
- North Northamptonshire – Oundle Library to reopen ‘as soon as works are completed’ as council insist there are ‘no plans’ for permanent closure – Northamptonshire Telegraph. “Following a fire at Oundle Library last month, the North Northamptonshire Council has reassured patrons that there are ‘no plans’ to close the facility for good, and that it will reopen once remedial work is complete and the whole library is deep cleaned.” Reopening date unknown.
- Nottingham – Nottingham may have to ‘accept reality’ of library closures but services could continue – West Bridgford Wire. “The Labour-run council, which declared itself effectively bankrupt in November, is looking to save £1.5m over the next two years in its libraries service.”
- Nottinghamshire – Council customer services moves to West Bridgford Library this month – West Bridgford Wire. ““The widening of our offer in partnership with the Borough Council places the library as the one stop information centre for West Bridgford.”
- Slough – The Curve won’t close council leader says – but hours might be cut – Slough Observer. “The Curve will not close Slough Borough Council leader has pledged – but opening hours may be cut if a hoped-for deal with a university goes through.”
- South Lanarkshire – Ex South Lanarkshire librarian starts new musical class for the under fives – Daily Record. “There is a misconception that librarians want people who use libraries to be quiet and keep quiet.”
- Suffolk – ‘More than just books’: Library hosts beach pop-up – BBC. “The three-day event, which started on Wednesday, aims to spread awareness of some of its services and give out lots of free books.”
- Beyond the Bassline – new library exhibition and events celebrate 500 years of Black British music – Suffolk Libraries. “Suffolk Libraries have worked in partnership with Aspire Black Suffolk to create an interactive record wall display at Ipswich County Library. This is a unique sound installation showcasing local black British musicians and sharing interviews previously collected by the Suffolk Libraries Community Arts Team, which are shared through the ‘Museum in a Box’ speaker.”
- Torfaen – Torfaen library scheme to lend out sports equipment – Free Press Series. “Torfaen residents eager to take up a new sport following the Paris Olympics can now borrow equipment from a new library scheme.” … “The Lending Library, run by Torfaen Libraries in partnership with Torfaen County Borough Council’s sports development team, aims to promote physical activity by providing easy access to sports equipment for residents of all ages. Borrowing sports equipment will be as simple as borrowing books, needing only a library card. Those who do not have a library card can sign up for free on the day.”
- Take part in ‘Marvellous Makers’ reading challenge at Torfaen’s libraries – Cwmbran Life. “A £100 gift voucher for Smyths Toy Store is also up for grabs.”
- Wokingham – Twyford Libary sees 59 per cent boost in book loans – Bracknell News. “The library, located in the former Old Polehampton Boys School, opened its doors to the new venue on Thursday, June 13, after moving across the road to Polehampton Close.”
- Worcestershire – Malvern Library to adopt new Unlocked model next week – Malvern Observer. “Libraries Unlocked membership is for ages 15 and over. Under 15s can visit the library during Libraries Unlocked opening hours if they are accompanied by a Libraries Unlocked member.”
- York – Lawn dancing and a Lego map attack: York library’s fundraising fun day – York Press. “it has all been for a great cause – to raise money for the York library service’s programme of summer activities for children.”

239,000 reasons to hope
Aug 10th
The library week was dominated by first the horror at the setting ablaze of Spellow Lane Library during the far-right/racist/opportunist riots and then by the hope caused by a huge local, national and international response to a fundraiser for it. Famous authors and celebrities donated large amounts of money (the largest being £5,000 from author Matt Haig) as did loads of library lovers and locals. The result was that, as of now, £239,000 has been raised compared to the initial £500 target.
This should give all of us hope. There is something visceral about an attack on a public library and it has given nearly a thousand people a chance to register their disgust at what went on. What will be done with the money is quite the question: the building will have insurance but this amount of money can make a difference even then. One hopes that something really positive, that helps those in the local area, comes from this.
In other news in this week’s post, I had not noticed before but there are no less than eight libraries under threat in the London borough of Enfield and another in Peterborough. Additionally, Cheshire East has reported initial success in getting local councils to help fund the libraries it has announced it did not have sufficient money for. Finally, there are a couple of criticisms of current public library culture, both suggesting a move back to focusing on reading, quiet study and education.
Oooh, and also there is the first ever book giveaway for this newsletter. The first five readers who email Neil Jurd OBE at neil@neiljurd.com will get sent a copy of “The Leadership Book” by Neil Jurd OBE. Gosh.

Changes by local authority
- Enfield – Bullsmoor, Enfield Highway, Enfield Island Village, Bowes Road, Southgate, Winchmore Hill, Oakwood and John Jackson libraries may close in 2025.
- Peterborough – Woodston Library may close
National news

- The Concept, Experience and Inspiration of Bibliotherapeutic Service in British and American Public Libraries – Library Journal.
- Green Libraries Week 2024 – the map – Libraries Week. “Library partners, spread the word and let people know what your library is up to for Green Libraries Week by adding your library to the map”
- Stop-Verify-Correct: How to combat misinformation online and beyond – CILIP.
- Why It’s Time for Libraries to Step Up and Help Young People – Shout Out UK. “Unfortunately, in areas such as the North East of England, libraries appear to have become hubs for computer use rather than reading. While free access to digital resources is vital, so is access to traditional print novels and a quiet place to read — something which children may not have at home.”
“The Public Library system [needs to be]revised to back the education system rather than being a social centre. This was its original purpose following on from the Mechanics Institutes, the Chartists and the Luddite era. Library history shows that the Public Library has moved from a working-class to a middle-class institution in its development. Education, Information, Research and Recreation are still at the heart of Public Library purpose. The emphasis on these four services changes according to the times we live in. Public Libraries need to move from the current emphasis on recreation to support education and provide information for society. I see no prospect of this being implemented by CILIP, the Arts Council or the DCMS all of whom misunderstand Libraries at a fundamental level. The Library Profession has also contributed to its own downfall to which the irrelevant CILIP conference bears testimony. Furthermore, the fragmented, volunteer run and unstaffed libraries are in no position to respond to the changing social circumstances. The problems are more sociological and anthropological than political.”
Glyn, received via email
Spellow Lane Library
- Books for Spellow Lane Library – Go Fund Me. £239,000 raised as of Saturday 2pm including £5,000 from author Matt Haig, £500 from Frank Cottrell-Boyce and £500 from Nigella Lawson.
- CILIP statement on the fire damage at Spellow Hub Library in Liverpool – CILIP. “This shocking incident is a new low during a week of worrying news from many parts of the country. The violent actions of this extreme minority group illustrate the need for exactly the kind of services provided by trained staff in public libraries such as Spellow – informing citizens with a broad range of trustworthy information and helping develop literacies for the modern world. We hope the new government invests in such services and reverses 14 years of funding cuts”
- City vows ‘we will not let hate win’ after riots – BBC. “Cousins Esme Mullen and Connie Brown, who live in Walton, have placed posters and drawings on the boarded-up library which read: “We will not let hate win – Walton is stronger when we stand together”. Esme told the BBC she wanted to help build the library again because she likes to read books while Connie said “we should never live in hate”. Frank Brady, who lives over the road from the library, said it was an important part of the community. He said: “It is so important that it keeps going because of the road itself.””
- Far-right rioters loot shops and set fire to library and food bank in shameless day of disorder – Independent. Context.
- ‘Fight back’: Wrecked Liverpool library stands defiant against UK riots – Reuters. “Seeing a library be damaged in the riots was just so heart-breaking,” McCormick said. “Never did I imagine that (the fundraiser) would go as far as it has. I think it’ll be lovely to see when it’s restored back to its former glory.”
- Generosity for fire-hit library after riots ‘humbling’ – BBC. “Councillor Ruth Bennett said the donations alongside offers of the use of buildings to hold activities which were planned for the library over the summer showed the “very best of the people of Liverpool and beyond”.” … “Ms Bennett, cabinet member for finances, resources and transformation, said: “We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our residents, partners and people from right across the country.”
- Liverpool library torched by far-right rioters receives £50,000 in donations in one day for books – Independent. “Firefighters fought the blaze even as an engine’s rear windscreen was broken by a missile thrown by a rioter.”
- Liverpool library torched by far-right rioters raises repair funds – Guardian.
- Minister pledges support on visit to riot-hit library – BBC. “The business secretary has said the government will support businesses affected by the riots which have taken place across the country after three girls were stabbed to death in Southport. Jonathan Reynolds visited Spellow Library in Walton, Liverpool which was set alight amid violence and disorder last Saturday.” … “A 69-year-old man, who armed himself with a wooden cosh and joined a “mob” which took part in the destruction of the library, was jailed on Thursday for two years and eight months.”
- Mother thanks judge after sons jailed over library burglary during riots – Sky News. “The pair pleaded guilty to burglary with intent “to steal from the Spellow Lane Library Hub, in Walton, which was opened last year to provide support for one of the most deprived communities in the country and included a food bank.” … “She said they just got “carried away” and their behaviour was “very out of character”, adding: “We’ve never had riots before.”
- Shameless thugs set a library and foodbank ablaze, target middle eastern cafes and set fire to looted shops as anarchy descends in flashpoints across Liverpool, Hull, Manchester and Belfast – with more violence expected today – Mail. “Shocking photos from this morning show the burnt out interior of the library, with bookshelves tipped on their side, and glass surrounding the remaining computers. ” [No mention of where all the anti-immigrant hate came from – Ed.]
- Spellow Lane Library sees hundreds of authors donate backlists after riots destruction – BookSeller. “Over 150 members of the books community – including Tracy Chevalier and Diana Beaumont – are donating backlist copies to the riot-hit Spellow Lane Library as part of crime writer Marnie Riches’ Reading Not Rioting campaign.” … ““There’s certainly going to be tens of thousands of pounds of stock sent in.. It’s been an enormous response,” she said. “In tandem with the crowdfunder it’s been a good way for the bookish community to express their outrage at the rioters and sympathy with the library and its readers.” “
- ‘We are not the far-right’ insist protesters setting fire to libraries and migrant hotels – News Thump. “As violent protests entered their third night across the UK, many of those who took to the streets have insisted that this is not a ‘far-right protest’, and any similarity to the tactics of the Nazis is purely coincidental.” … “the Nazis burned books, not libraries. Which is very different. If you can’t tell the difference, I can’t help you.”
International news
- Public libraries’ role in supporting Ukrainian refugees: A focus on Hungary and Poland – Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. “The study underscores public libraries’ role in addressing community needs, rooted in their core values of inclusivity and community engagement. However, their effectiveness hinges on inclusion in community-level efforts, awareness among new groups and securing economic and political support”
- India – Floating libraries help rekindle reading habit among boat passengers in Kerala – The Hindu. “More passengers in Kerala who commute on boats operated by the State Water Transport Department (SWTD) will soon be able to enjoy their rides by reading short stories, novels, poems, and other literary works.”
- New Zealand – Meet the metalhead makerspace librarian – Wellington Government. “he spends his days helping the public with their laser cutting projects, 3D printing, coding, robotics, sewing, weaving, music recording and virtual reality pursuits. ”
- USA – Advocates react to Utah ban of 13 books in schools and libraries: ‘It’s a tragedy’ – Guardian. “Utah is first in the US to outlaw titles statewide they deem ‘indecent’ as free speech advocates worry about impact” … “Utah ordered 13 books to be removed from public school classrooms and libraries” including “included Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur and Forever by Judy Blume” … “The banned materials must be “legally disposed of” and “may not be sold or distributed” per the guidelines” … “this law now puts librarians and teachers and school board members in legal jeopardy just for having highly regarded and award winning works of literature on high school library shelves”
- As LGBTQ library material comes under fire, California may ban book bans – Cal Matters. “Fresno County is about to appoint a library review committee that critics say will censor children’s books. But a bill before the Legislature would outlaw such groups in California.”
- BuildingWork references local culture in small Washington library – De Zeen. Beautiful small library built. “Among the elements honouring the Swinomish Tribe is a traditional story pole at the library’s entrance.”
- The Week in Libraries – Publishers Weekly. “the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has weighed in on Iowa’s SF 496 with a mixed decision; Utah bans 13 books from all public schools in the state, six of which are by Sarah J. Maas; and Kelly Jensen of ‘Book Riot’ offers a how-to guide to fighting book bans.”
Local news by authority
- Bromley – Southborough Library set for celebratory reopening – Bromley Council. “As well as complimentary refreshments, event attendees will be able to enjoy children’s crafts, outdoor games and admire Bromley Football Club’s winner’s trophy on display following their recent promotion to the English Football league. Children’s author Mo O’Hara will also host a storytelling session with activities based on her book, Honey’s Hive.”
- Buckinghamshire – Aylesbury Vale charity has ‘major safety concerns’ over proposed library redundancies and cuts – Bucks Herald. “The chair of the Friends of Buckingham Library, Roger Edwards, has penned an open letter expressing his concerns with changes to library services in Buckinghamshire.”
- Cheshire East – Campaigners hopeful of retaining existing library hours after fears of cuts – Northwich and Winsford Guardian. “Bollington Town Council’s working group on libraries has now met with Cheshire East officers and offered to contribute to the cost of keeping the library open on its present hours, subject to final agreement by the full town council. At present the library is open for 32.5 hours a week.” see also Library action group backs top-up proposal between Bollington Town Council and Cheshire East Council – Macclesfield Nub News and Ex-deputy leader criticises library cuts plan – BBC. “Craig Browne said he “strongly” opposed the proposals, which would see some libraries only receiving funding to stay open for one-and-a-half-days a week. Mr Browne stood down as the leader of the Independent group, which runs the council in coalition with Labour, in February.”
- Have your say on future running of Cheshire East’s libraries – Alderley Edge.com. “Cheshire East Council has launched a six-week consultation on its draft libraries strategy, which includes asking for feedback on a tiering system for how library services would be run going forward and reducing the opening hours at Alderley Edge. The council must make savings in library services of more than £600k over the next two years to support the council’s medium-term financial strategy (MTFS) 2024-2028. The MTFS needs to achieve budget savings of £100 million to continue offering support to Cheshire East’s most vulnerable residents.”
- Cheshire West and Chester – Design work begins on the renovation of Northwich Library – Silk Radio. Library as well as “an accessible first floor hosting the Work Zone and flexible activity and meeting spaces for all” … “it is anticipated that the library will reopen to the public in 2026.”
- Cornwall – New born Cornwall babies to be issued with library card after birth in new reading initiative – Voice Newspapers. “When new parents register the birth of their baby, the child will be given their own ‘my first library card’. Parents will be encouraged to use the card to sign up to their local library.”
- Enfield – Bid to stop Enfield Council closing eight libraries – Times series. “As part of a proposed new library strategy, eight libraries have been earmarked for closure, with declining usage and budget pressures cited as reasons to justify the move.”
- Lincolnshire – Libraries welcome a million visitors a year – BBC. “The authority said over two million items were borrowed from the service and more than 87,000 people attended activities such as story telling sessions, crafting and history groups. The figures represent a 16% increase in visits compared to the previous 12 months.”
- Nottingham – Read-in protests planned over library closures – BBC. “The Save Nottingham Libraries group said the read-in protests would see library members selecting books to read together “in a peaceful demonstration of solidarity”, adding they hoped to encourage new members to register at threatened sites. Demonstrations will take place from 09:30 BST on Saturday at Bilborough, with another scheduled for 09:30 at Basford on 17 August.”
- Developer promises Sherwood Library will open as soon as possible – West Bridgford Wire. “The developer behind Sherwood Library has promised the new facility will open soon after more than 100 defects were found in the building.”
- Window smashed during break-in at city library – BBC. “Radford and Lenton library’s office area was ransacked and one of its windows smashed at about 00:30 BST on Thursday, police said.” … ” it was unclear what was taken from the building.”
- Peterborough – Community hopes to save 73-year-old library – BBC. “Woodston Library on Orchard Street, Peterborough, was listed among Peterborough City Council’s assets at risk of being cut in order to balance budgets.” … “Council said a decision on the facility would be made in the next few weeks.”
- Reading – Why library in Reading is being moved to council offices – Reading Chronicle. “Questions have been raised about why Reading Borough Council is building a brand new library instead of refurbishing its existing purpose-built library in the town centre.” … “It comes after the council won £19.1 million from the government’s levelling up fund for a new arts centre and library. Of that cash, £8.6 million is being used to build a new library at the council’s offices in Bridge Street. But residents and readers have been asking questions about why levelling up funding wasn’t used to upgrade the library at its existing site.”
- Sheffield – Sheffield Post Office: Move in date confirmed as services set to return to Firth Park at local library – The Star.
- Southampton – Southampton libraries keep sanctuary status in aid of refugees – Dorset Echo. “Officially reconfirmed in May, the library was first granted this honour in 2020, underlining their continuous commitment to offering a safe and welcoming environment to asylum seekers”
- Suffolk – Please support Suffolk Libraries’ summer fundraisers – Suffolk Libraries. “Board member Belle Bradley and her partner Jacob Bathgate recently raised £830 doing a parachute jump at Ellough Airfield and CEO Bruce Leeke and Head of Finance and Infrastructure Mandy Wilkinson raised £1,164 completing the Orwell Challenge. This Sunday (11 August) weekend a local library user from Felixstowe, Tina Boniface is undertaking a daunting sponsored cycling challenge.”
- Brand-new crime book festival announced at Bury St Edmunds Library – Suffolk Libraries. “The Body in the Library is a brand-new crime-themed book festival taking place on Saturday 7 September, featuring special events with bestselling crime and thriller novelists including Louise Candlish, William Shaw, and Jack Jordan.”
- Over 5,000 children signed up for the Reading Quest so far – Suffolk Libraries. “The new Reading Quest summer reading programme has hit the ground running with 5,260 children already signed up and enjoying the various challenges. Nearly 1,300 children have signed up for a library card in Suffolk since 13 July and there have been nearly 77,400 loans of children’s books.”
- Torbay – Paignton Community Hub to offer free health checks at libraries – Torbay Today. Based on ground floor of library.
- Walsall – Discover the joy of reading on National Book Lovers Day – Walsall Council. Marvellous Makers, BorrowBox.
- Warrington – Lit Fest is a big hit – Warrington Council. “Newly released figures from Lit Fest 2024, which took place throughout June, show that over 700 people attended the headline events, with a further 200 people dropping into community libraries to take part in festival-themed activities.”
- West Dunbartonshire – West Dunbartonshire Libraries awarded funding to teach sewing skills – West Dunbartonshire Council. “The Threads of Change project, developed by libraries staff, are one of five council projects in Scotland to have successfully secured £1500 funding from the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIPS) Green Libraries Scotland Grant Fund.”
- Worcestershire – Over 3,000 Children Sign-up to the Summer Reading Challenge – Worcestershire Council. Marvellous Makers.
- York – ‘Sparking a passion’ – York libraries to stage a fund-raising family fun day – York Press. “York’s independently-run library and archives service, is celebrating ten years of independence by inviting local people to join in some old-fashioned fun. The ‘Fun Day’ at York Explore central library on August 17 will also be a chance to raise money to support holiday activities for children and teenagers.” … “This summer, children can choose from more than 100 high-quality events, from interactive storytelling, marionette making and theatre performances to robotics and AI sessions. But they all cost money – hence the fund-raising element of the fun day.”

Rioters set fire to Spellow Lane Library
Aug 4th
Right-wing thugs decided to set fire to Spellow Lane Library in Liverpool last night. Unlike Greggs, which was looted, it appears that no books were stolen in the attack. Not even Mein Kampf, presumably because it had too many words.
In the meantime, there is a fundraiser for library here, which had already attracted over £13,000 at the time of writing this post. This is the act of the majority, who care and construct. Not the violent minority, who prefer to hate and destroy.
Changes by local authority
- Cumberland – Aspatria Library refurbished and co-located with children’s centre.
- Leeds – £200k cut in opening hours.
- Liverpool – Spellow Lane Library set fire by rioters.
- Perth and Kinross – Mobile library trashed by vandals.
National news
Will ‘smart’ libraries dumb down Britain? – Telegraph. “Penny-pinching councils want to replace librarians with robots and CCTV – but the young, the vulnerable and the elderly will lose out” … “From our inner cities to the Home Counties, from the north to the south, technology is coming for Britain’s libraries – and our librarians.”. Buckinghamshire, Camden and Croydon introducing staff-less libraries. “Fans of the institutions, of which there are many, are left asking themselves if a building with books but no librarian can even call itself a library. “. Visits Central Library in Islington (London) “The library’s purpose as more than a place to borrow books was evident with posters promoting free period products, an over-60s club and a knit-and-natter session.”
“I’m an Information Management student at UWE currently working on a dissertation about public libraries in the UK. I’m specifically examining what training public library workers get regarding applying for grants, and I’m working on developing a guide to bid writing from the public library perspective. I’m focusing on the LibraryOn grant scheme as an example, and writing a hypothetical application based on their process. It would be really helpful to hear from public library workers on what their experience is regarding training and applying for grants, especially if they applied to LibraryOn and were happy to talk about their experience.” Caroline2.Vryoni-Dickson@live.uwe.ac.uk
Caroline Vryoni-Dickson, Caroline2.Vryoni-Dickson@live.uwe.ac.uk>
International news
- Canada – Halifax Public Libraries workers vote overwhelmingly to strike – Halifax Examiner. “The union represents some 350 of the library’s workers, including librarians, library assistants, and administrative, technical, and maintenance staff. Union president Christina Covert told the Examiner members voted 82% in favour of a strike”
- Singapore – An “Aye” for AI? Librarians Finding New Jobs in an Age of AI – Library Association of Singapore. The summary is AI generated and says an “adaptive learning mindset will be crucial for librarians to stay ahead of the curve and maximize the potential of AI enhancing library services and user experiences.”
- USA – Report: Project 2025 and Its Consequences for Libraries – EveryLibrary. “Our institutions are under threat by policy proposals that could lead to the elimination of federal funding and the rolling back of enforcement of protections for students, families, and the right to read. The Heritage Foundation manifesto institutionalizes censorship and paves the way for greater political control over educational content.”
- 15 Cool Things You Can Borrow From Public Libraries for Free – PC Mag.
- Mother points out ridiculousness of new library law that bans children from adult section – Independent. “At the library, her older daughter Scarlett just finished reading The Hobbit and was looking for JRR Tolkien’s follow-up The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, which was located in the adult section. However, towards the entrance, there was a large sign that said “Stop.””. Mum stopped from taking baby into adult area without signing permission this was OK.
- Sunday service to resume at 10 libraries this weekend – Spectrum News NY1.
- The Week in Libraries: August 2, 2024 – Publishers Weekly. “a new EveryLibrary report explores the threat to libraries posed by the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025; Maggie Tokuda-Hall weighs in on book bans for ‘Book Riot’; and a mother and TikToker in Idaho details her experience with the state’s new harmful to minors law”
Local news by authority
- Bedford – Summer fun for young people with The Base – Bedford Council. Marvellous Makers.
- Bolton – Free family activities at Bolton libraries with Octagon Theatre – Bolton News.
- Octagon on storytelling tour of libraries – British Theatre Guide. “The Octagon Theatre will present free family storytelling and creative activities at libraries across Bolton during the summer in its Sharing Stories community project, originally launched in 2022.”
- Bradford – Views sought on plans to cut library opening hours – BBC. “Bradford Council wants to save £175,000 on its public library running costs next year, and is seeking views on proposals to reduce opening hours by about 15%. The service has already been stripped back in recent years, despite concerns from campaigners and workers, with volunteers now running the majority of formerly council-managed public libraries.”
- Cumberland – Newly transformed Aspatria Library set to open – Cumberland Council. “Aspatria Library has been transformed to combine the local library and children’s centre into a modern, fit-for-purpose building designed to meet the needs of residents. The building will feature a fresh and contemporary library space, offering a wide range of services to patrons. Among its highlights is a fantastic new children’s library, designed to inspire and engage young readers. The library will also include a PC station, providing access to computers and internet for all visitors. In addition to the library, the hub will house a state-of-the-art dedicated space for 0-5 years …”
- Derby – Roof concerns close city library for ‘short period’ – BBC. “Derby City Council said Spondon Library, on Sitwell Street, will remain shut “for a short period of time” while further investigations are carried out.”
- Derbyshire – Plans outlined to save Derbyshire libraries from possible closure – Derby Telegraph. Options to cut budget without closing libraries inc. opening hours cuts (while removing reservation fees), merge mobile and outreach service using greener/cheaper vehicles, re-locating/co-locating libraries, replace staff with self-service, volunteers.
- East Riding – Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library; all 0-5 year olds in East Riding can join the free book scheme – East Riding Council. “The first of several events across the East Riding is taking place at Goole Library on Wednesday 31 July, between 10am and 11.30am. The event provides an opportunity for families to sign up to the free scheme, which is devoted to inspiring a love of reading, along with helping improve children’s reading skills, language and communication.” … “It’s fantastic that so far we have 5,000 children signed up to the scheme, and our events are a chance for families to come along to their local library and find out more.””
- Haringey – Summer fun for kids in Haringey’s leisure facilities and libraries – Haringey Council.
- Jersey – Children to get library membership from birth – BBC. “Parents and carers visiting the Superintendent Registrar to register the birth of their baby, will be given a membership to the library. From Monday 29 July, they will receive a ‘My First Book Bag’, which contains a Jersey Library card, two board books, activity ideas for under-fives and information on the ways to support baby’s speech, language, and communication development.”
- Kirklees – Council urged to reverse customer service closures – BBC. “Kirklees Council announced in February that two centres in Huddersfield and Dewsbury would close and be integrated into Kirklees’ libraries. The Unison union warned the move could have a negative impact on elderly and vulnerable residents.”
- Leeds – Leeds libraries to operate on reduced hours – BBC. “Twenty libraries across Leeds are to reduce their opening hours on evenings and weekends in a bid to save the council money while keeping the facilities open. The changes follow a public consultation which looked at how people used libraries and community hubs across the city. Leeds City Council said the new opening hours would save about £200,000 a year, helping with some of the £63.9m it needs to save this financial year. From August, some sites will see a reduction in evening opening hours while others will be open for a shorter time on Saturdays – but many will see no changes.”
- Lincolnshire – Lincolnshire loves its libraries – Lincolnshire World. 2023 saw 1 million library visits and borrowing of 2 million items, representing 17% rise over 2022. see also Libraries welcome a million visitors a year – BBC.
- Liverpool – ‘Nazis burn books – these have gone one step further and burnt a library’ – Liverpool Echo. “Looters targeted businesses, bins were used to start fires and the Spellow Library and Community Hub was set alight. Flames were visible inside the building within minutes.” … “Far-right social media channels had called for people to gather there during the evening.”
“Targeting the Spellow Library hub, which has recently been reopened, taking that away from children while they’re on their summer holidays is absolutely disgusting. We don’t appreciate it around County Road and we don’t want to see it again around our area … You’ve seen what happened to Spellow Library Hub, not all areas have a library, to see what’s been done to it will hurt a lot of people.””
John Jennings, a councillor for the County ward
“It’s just not a library. It’s a community hub. I’ve lived off County Road for 20 to 30 years – I’ve never seen anything like this.”
Andy Stokes, County Road resident
- Fire at library building as serious violent disorder goes on in Liverpool – Liverpool Echo. “A “library of the future” opened last year as a way to help people get education and routes in to work was set on fire amid scenes of violent disorder in north Liverpool.” … “The Spellow Hub was created in the former Spellow Library, in a refurbishment funded by Mayor Steve Rotheram’s City Region Town Centre Fund. At the time, it was hailed by Liverpool council as a “library of the future” which would help people get education and pathways to work.”
- Manchester – Blue Peter Book Club Live Badge Trail – Loads To Do. “welve special Blue Peter Book Club badges form a trail around the city and your challenge is to find them. There’s even a bonus badge in the Blue Peter Garden in Media City” … “Find all 13 letters to spell out three special names. Fill in your answers on the competition slip on your trail map and hand it in to any library “
- Merton – Developing Culture and Communities in Libraries through Music – Living Knowledge Network. “How can libraries incorporate music into their broader cultural offer and community development work?”
- Norfolk – ‘Fire safety much improved’ since city library blaze – BBC. “A suspected electrical fault on 1 August 1994 sent Norwich’s Central Library up in flames, destroying heritage documents and more than 100,000 books.” … “Anne Tidd, manager of the library, said fire safety was now “excellent” and a similar blaze today would be contained … We’ve got 600 sprinklers, a disaster recovery plan and 160,000 litres of water on site which would be supplied by two pumps”
- North Ayrshire – Council team launch digital roadshow in local libraries – Largs and Millport News. “Delivered by youth work modern apprentices, the sessions focus on cyber resilience and online safety, young people’s rights online, digital technologies, inclusion, and digital opportunities to learn online or take the next step in employment.”
- North Northamptonshire – Oundle Library remains closed but their shows will still go on – North Northamptonshire Council. “Oundle Library remedial works are still ongoing after the recent fire, but staff are determined the show must go on for two of their Summer events this week. Initially planned to be held inside, Circuits and Crazy Colin’s Magic Workshop will now be held in the library’s garden.” [the nearest libraries to Oundle are now community-managed ones – Thrapston and Raunds. The former has statutory protection, but not Raunds – Ed.]
- Nottingham – Knitters protest over proposed library closures – BBC. “Members of affected libraries – including ‘knit and natter’ groups which use them – congregated at the Brian Clough statue in the city centre to voice their opposition. The city council has previously described its bid to redesign library services and save £1.5m as “a daunting and challenging task”.”
- Perth and Kinross – Police appeal after thugs trash Perthshire mobile library – Courier. “The van was parked at is base at the AK Bell library in Perth at the time of the attack. The hooligans smashed windows and automatic doors and damaged the electrics, rear skylight and internal cupboards and drawers. They also made off with a small amount of cash.”
- Redbridge – Fullwell Cross Library reopens after £380K makeover – Redbridge Council. digital maker space, better wifi, sensory, study areas, gaming projections, further improvements to come. “The project was supported with funding from Vision, Redbridge Council, and the Libraries Improvement Fund administered by Arts Council England. “
- Shropshire – Twenty potential library sites deemed unsuitable – BBC. “Whitchurch Library in Shropshire was forced to move out of the Civic Centre in 2023 when engineers found Raac (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) in the building”
- Five sound-proof meeting pods installed in Shropshire libraries – Shropshire Star. “Library users across the county can reserve five new sound-proof meeting pods thanks to a £236k grant.” … “purchase the one-on-one interview pods with supporting technology. The council says that the pods are an ‘ideal space’ for online or in-person meetings, or for individual work.”
- Suffolk – What next for Suffolk Libraries as contract talks continue? – EADT. “Suffolk Libraries is preparing a bid to retain the contract to run the service in the county for another six years – which could be extend by another six years later.” … “But there are fears that the £80m contract offered over 12 years might not be enough to protect all current services. The current contract finishes at the beginning of June next year but talks over the new deal have been going on for several months.” … “here is now one more library than there was when the service was launched – a new library branch opened in Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, in 2022.” … “The new contract amounts to £6.8m a year, compared with £5.9m a year currently, but there are fears that inflation could erode this income and force whoever is running the service to make serious cutbacks.”
- Suffolk Libraries celebrates 12 years as an independent charity – Suffolk Libraries.
- Thurston Library opens new sensory garden – Suffolk Libraries.
- Tower Hamlets – Idea Store chosen as only UK library to take part in Build the Change scheme – Tower Hamlets Council. “The Idea Store service, run by Tower Hamlets Council, was chosen as the only UK library to take part in the Build the Change project created by the Lego Group alongside libraries in Berlin, Prague, Barcelona and Aarhus in Denmark. Youngsters can take part in free summer workshops in Idea Stores across the borough to build their eco-friendly habitats using Lego bricks. More than 40 children took part in the first Build the Change workshop …”
- Westminster – Westminster unveils new mini community hubs to strengthen local connections – City of Westminster Council. “The mini community hubs in Victoria and Charing Cross provide free and low-cost activities designed to meet the needs of the local community. They are part of our #2035 initiative to reduce health inequality in the borough. Another hub will open in the north of the borough later this year.”

Petitions, computer problems and Carnegies
Jul 28th
The power of local public protest to cuts in public libraries never ceases to amaze me. A campaign to save libraries in Lanarkshire managed to get 8,500 signatures, which is quite amazing by the way, resulted in Cambuslang staying open and smiling pictures of local people in the newspaper. Kirklees also has a petition in the thousands but it’s less clear if there will be a happy ending there for the 47 library staff who may lose their jobs if the cuts go ahead. But if there’s no protest then such reductions certainly will go through, so it’s worth a placard or two.
In other news, it looks like the change of computer system in LibrariesWest has caused big problems, resulting in official apologies being issued. There’s pretty big investment announced in Australia, a country which appears to genuinely value their libraries. Then there’s the sad stories of cuts in Birmingham and other councils. Finally, the two articles about what to do with old Carnegie Libraries prompts some sadness. There are 660 such libraries, or were, in the UK but with closures and moves, quite a few are undergoing changes of use. But there’s hope at last for at least one in Bradford, which has been derelict for a while. Can’t see that happening in Australia.
Changes by local authority
- Rotherham – Swinton Library and Civic Hall “neighbourhood hub” opens.
- Rutland – £950k to turn Oakham, Ketton, Ryhall and Uppingham Libraries into “community hubs”
National news
- 2024 Yoto Carnegies Ceremony Highlights – 2 minute video.
- Basic dataset for Libraries – Arts Council England. Updated list up until December 2023. “The Libraries Basic Dataset is intended to capture permanent instances of libraries, local history libraries, and archives from 1 April 2010 to 31 December 2023. It is also intended to capture the number of mobile libraries. It is possible to use this data to gain a national overview of the number of libraries and archives within local authorities in England, and some basic information about them. Data accurate as of May 2024.”
- GLL Libraries promote Summer Reading Challenge – GLL. Marvellous Makers.
- Participation Survey 2023–24 annual publication – Gov.uk. “Total engagement in the arts (91%) was the highest, whilst library engagement was the lowest (30%).”
- Public libraries in England: Work towards a new national strategy – House of Lords Library. “This briefing provides a summary of work over recent years towards a national library strategy, including Baroness Sanderson of Welton’s independent review of public libraries. It has been prepared ahead of Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay’s (Conservative) debate scheduled for 12 September 2024 on whether the Labour government plans to publish a new strategy for public libraries.”
- System problems affecting book lovers at libraries across the Vale and beyond – Blackmore Vale. “New IT system is causing problems for library users in Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset and beyond. The system, which manages library stocks, lending, borrowing histories and more, has been installed at hundreds of outlets which are part of the LibrariesWest group” … ” people trying to return or check out books, or perform other actions, have found the system not working, including crashing or freezing.”. LibrariesWest say “we have been having repeated issues with our new Library Management System running slowly, crashing and generally not performing as we would expect. “We appreciate this is causing significant disruption in using our services and we would like to apologise to you for the negative impact this is having on your customer experience.”
International news
- Reading as a Social Act : 15 Micro-Libraries in Urban and Rural Settings – Arch Daily. “Public libraries have transformed into contemporary community centers, offering various social engagement opportunities while utilizing minimal urban space. Emphasizing the importance of building a sense of community, these institutions prioritize connecting individuals with common interests.”
- Australia – Victoria invests in public libraries – Government News. “The state government has invested more than $48.2 million in Victoria’s 283 public libraries this year as part of its Living Libraries Infrastructure Program, which was established to help councils and regional library corporations fund infrastructure and minor works.” – Victoria has 7 million population so equivalent for UK would so this is around $450 million / £228 million.
- Greece – We Need Books. “We are Athens’ first multilingual lending library and multicultural center. We house an ever growing collection of over 14,000 books in over 60 languages, a children’s library, and a serene little garden. We aim to make our library a friendly atmosphere where migrants, refugees, children, locals, visitors, students, and pensioners come to read, have conversations, work or participate in our various language lessons, artistic workshops and cultural activities.”
- Ireland – ‘Meet a Farmer’ at Offaly library this August – Offaly Live. [For some reason, I find this very funny but I don’t know why – Ed.]
- Israel – Approved in final readings: Reregulation of public libraries’ activity and sources of funding – Knesset News. “It is proposed to replace the Public Libraries Law -1975, with a new law that would be adjusted to the current situation and would regulate issues such as the appointment of a public libraries council, defining its roles, and streamlining and regulating its activity, as is customary in updated legislation pertaining to public councils. It is further proposed to regulate the budget of the activity of public libraries, and determine that the government will allocate a sum of NIS 100 million [£21m – £125m to UK population] towards this activity, annually, beginning in 2026. This amount will be linked to the Consumer Price Index beginning in 2027.” Currently, there are some 680 [4000 equivalent in UK population terms] public libraries in 220 local authorities..
Local news by authority
“DCMS officials have met with Birmingham City Council officers to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities to provide a ‘comprehensive and efficient’ library service across the area as required by the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964, and to advise on superintendence processes. However, the development of options for future library service provision in Birmingham is the responsibility of the Council.”
Birmingham – Chris Bryant – The Minister of State, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Minister of State (Department for Science, Innovation and Technology)
- Bolton – Radcliffe Library to stay in current building during conversion works – Bolton News. “As part of the £40m Radcliffe regeneration project, the existing library building in Stand Lane will be turned into an enterprise centre to support businesses. Construction is due to start in the next two months and cannot be delayed, because the £1.2m secured from the government, complemented by £455,000 from the council, must be fully spent by March 2025. Only last month the council ruled out keeping the service within the present building during conversion due to health and safety issues.”
- Bradford – Plan to revive town’s former library building – BBC. Shipley Carnegie Library now derelict.
- New fears over future of Keighley Library – Keighley News. “Opening hours are set to be cut at the North Street building and other Bradford Council-run libraries across the district. And additional money-saving measures are being introduced, including the scrapping of national newspaper provision. In total, the council is looking to chop £175,000 from its libraries service. The plans have come under fire, amid concerns that more reductions in provision could follow.”
- Cheshire East – New council leader expects ‘tough challenges’ – BBC. “”Yes there will be decisions that will not be popular but we have to explain why those decisions have been taken and why someone is going to have a library that’s perhaps open for fewer hours than it was previously and move forward on that.”
- Angered residents tell councillors under-threat library is ‘more than just a public bookshelf’ – Cheshire Live.
- Concerns over plans to close tips and libraries – BBC. “Cheshire East Council, which is led by a coalition between Labour and the Independent group, has announced the emergency closure of three tips and is undertaking a review of libraries – which could see some opening hours slashed.” … ” the previous government’s austerity measures had put significant financial restraints on the council “
- Cornwall – LOTE 4 Kids – Storytime in 70+ languages – Cornwall Council. “an online collection of digital children’s books in over 70 languages. It allows children access to picture books that they can enjoy in LOTE – Languages Other Than English. “
- Derbyshire – The history of Carnegie Library in Long Eaton in Derbyshire – Derbyshire Life. “With its semi-circular pediment, tall side-panels, mosaiced illustration and words of wisdom, the central bay of Long Eaton’s Library must rank as one of the most original and eye-catching examples of Art Nouveau architecture to be found anywhere.” … “Regardless of this excellent provision, the best asset of the library is the staff, who are knowledgeable, pleasant and more than happy to answer queries.”
- Residents to have their say on library service cuts – BBC. “the county council agreed to ask residents for their views on the plans, which would reduce opening hours at all but two of the county’s 45 libraries, among other proposals. Announcing the cost-cutting plan to cut spending by £625,000 over four years, the council’s leader Barry Lewis pledged no libraries would close “on his watch”.”
- Dorset – A message to library customers affected by the new library software – Dorset Council.
- Dudley – Dudley libraries promote summer reading challenge – Express and Star. Marvellous Makers.
- Falkirk – Sessions at Falkirk area libraries show how technology can make life better – Falkirk Herald. “the sessions are being hosted by Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership to demonstrate the range of technology, apps, and devices which people can use in their own homes to aid their daily lives and wellbeing.”
- Fife – How kids can take part in Reading book challenge | Reading Chronicle – Central Fife Times.
- Gloucestershire – Gloucestershire Libraries challenges residents to get active – Forest Review. “The Library Challenge” … “receive a free challenge journal, with nine exciting sports-themed tasks. Stamps can be collected for each completed task and special rewards are available at each level including stickers, certificates and much more.” Multiple page journal.
- Hackney – Dalston Library to host monthly drop-in sessions for children and families with questions or concerns around education, mental health or the police – Hackney Council. “Hackney’s new ‘Community 1 Stop’ is launched by Hackney’s Improving Outcomes for Black Children and Young People Accountability Board, community charity PERM Inc. and Hackney Libraries. “
- Isle of Man – Children encouraged to keep reading during summer – BBC. Marvellous Makers.
- Kent – Kent History and Library Centre celebrates Shaun the Sheep coming to Maidstone – Kent Council. “The craft and chat group from Allington Library has risen to the occasion and spent the first part of this year knitting and creating to help raise awareness of the trail for the hospice.”
- Kirklees – Kirklees libraries: Thousands oppose library job cuts under revamp plans that include Mirfield Library – Dewsbury Reporter. “Under the plans, which have proved controversial, eight out of Kirklees’ 24 libraries would be community-run.” … “These proposals have been heavily criticised by the public, community groups, and councillors across the political spectrum.” … “More recently, a 3,120 signature-strong petition has been submitted to Kirklees Council objecting to the plans, which would also result in 47 jobs being axed.”
- Lancashire – Celebrating apprenticeship success in Lancashire – CILIP. “Lancashire County Council Cultural Services hosted a celebration event in recognition of their achievements, which covered apprenticeship awards in Library, Archives and Information, management, and leadership and maths amongst other awards.”
- Milton Keynes – Free digital services drive half a million visits to Milton Keynes libraries – MK FM. “The city council, which opened MK’s tenth library in 2022, has today confirmed more than half a million visits were made to its libraries in the past 12 months, up by around 70,000 from the previous year”
- Norfolk – Applications to take on historic King’s Lynn Carnegie library are now open, announces Norfolk County Council – Lynn News. “The building has operated as a library since it opened in 1905, but that era will come to an end in autumn 2025 when its facilities are re-housed in the old town centre Argos premises on New Conduit Street.”
- North Somerset – North Somerset libraries creative workshop to design art installation – Weston Mercury.
- North Yorkshire – Library seed hub to help residents grow their own – BBC. “Voluntary group Grow is leading the venture at Scarborough Library, encouraging visitors to pick up free seeds when they come in to borrow books. The aim is to help residents grow their own food, flowers and herbs with the help of other library resources and a free online app.”
- Nottingham – 2,000 free books up for grabs in Nottingham as we launch Summer Book Giveaway – National Literacy Trust. “Running from Saturday 27 July – Saturday 31 August, 2,000 vouchers will be hidden across the city for children to find and exchange for a free book at their local library. This fun-filled holiday activity aims to get families outdoors and excited about books. Families can take the voucher to their local Nottingham City Library to exchange for one free book per child to take home.”
- Nottinghamshire – Newark Library reopens after maintenance and repair work completed – Newark Advertiser. “After a seven month closure for essential maintenance work and repairs following vandalism which saw the building damaged, Newark Library has once again opened its doors today ”
- Age-Friendly status for inspiring and inclusive libraries – Marketing Nottingham. “Beeston, Mansfield Central, West Bridgford and Worksop Libraries have been awarded Age-Friendly Standards status in recognition of the physical environment, cultural programme, staff awareness and behaviour, practises, and communications to provide a positive experience for all visitors regardless of age.”
- Orkneys – Library book returned more than 47 years late – BBC.
- Reading – How kids can take part in Reading book challenge – Reading Chronicle. Marvellous Makers.
- Rotherham – Swinton Library and Civic Hall opening – Rotherham Council. “The new library and Civic Hall neighbourhood hub will create a space for families and community groups to come together in a safe, modern environment.”
- Rutland – County libraries set for £1m refurbishment – BBC. “Rutland County Council has said it wants to turn its libraries in Oakham, Ketton, Ryhall and Uppingham into community hubs where people will be able to access extra services. The authority said the hubs would continue to house library services but also host health and wellbeing activities, adult learning and social events.” … Arts Council cash and a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant to pay for the £950,000 project.
- Sandwell – Arts and reading fun at Sandwell Libraries – Sandwell Council. Marvellous Makers. “author events, storytelling, children’s theatre, dance performances”. Aardman Animations event.
- Somerset – Young readers challenged to become Marvellous Makers – Somerset Council.
- Southampton – Author Chris Packham honoured with mural and book collection at library – Southern Daily Echo. “In a venture spearheaded by Friends of Cobbett Road Library, artist Joanna Rose Tidey was commissioned to create a mural for the library.”
- South Lanarkshire – Cambuslang Library unveils new opening hours after being saved through community perseverance – Daily Record. “After the Save Our Libraries campaign helped keep the Cambuslang Library going, the library has since announced its new opening hours.” … “The library will be open from Tuesday to Friday every week from 10am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 5pm.” 8500 signature petition.
- Suffolk – Suffolk Libraries is back at Latitude for 2024 – Suffolk Libraries. Activities in library tent from 10am-5pm for the three days.
- New Ipswich Library project is reaching out to local Romanian community – Suffolk Libraries. “The library’s new outreach project has received funding and support from The Europe Challenge which is helping to provide a range of new initiatives and activities. The project will include a Romanian film festival in September and has funded more Romanian language books and resources, and more support for Romanian speakers to encourage them to get a library card and visit the library. Ipswich has around 3,300 Romanian speakers and it’s the second most spoken language in Ipswich.”
- Warwickshire – Warwickshire Libraries invites families to enjoy nature, mindfulness, and storytelling at Park Life Reads event – Warwickshire Council. “The aim of the event, which is being delivered in partnership with The Big Local, is to celebrate the power of words and literature in a welcoming community setting. It will also encourage positive attitudes and engagement with nature, mindfulness, and wellbeing.” … “free activities including stop-motion animation, storytelling, a story-tent, lino printing, nature journaling, gardening, and poetry.”
- Wirral – Wirral Council considering relocating two libraries – Birkenhead News. ” The options were revealed by council officers as the local authority prepares to draw up options for its budget from 2025 onwards.” … “it has been known since the beginning of 2024 that the council was exploring possible relocation options again which could save £250,000.”
Hello Ann Cleeves, a favour please
Jul 21st
One of the joys of working in public libraries these days is the sheer variety of the job. One can be ordering books, delivering training, planning events, organising stock rotations, partnering with different organisations and be in a murder mystery all in one week. That last one stuck out to me last week as I hosted an evening using the excellent free Ann Cleeves scripts (see an example here) to a sold out audience. We do several of these per year and get excellent feedback from them, all using library staff. Back when I started even doing a rhyme-time was a controversial idea which I remember arguments doing. And, amazingly, the Summer Reading Challenge too. Heaven knows what those people that argued against those in the 1990s would think about doing murder mysteries. But we have a problem. We’ve run out of free scripts to do. So, Ann, if you’re reading, could you us another one? You’d get a free invite to the first performance and everything.
The change in government hasn’t notably affected the public library sector yet and any such changes would likely take ages anyway. Everything has inertia, not least this one. But the challenge will be to do anything at all considering that there is a commitment to keeping within a very tight budget. Indeed, even a slightly above inflation increase for public sector workers who, lest we forget, have had a significant pay decrease in terms of spending power since 2010, seems questionable. So we’re not out of the woods yet. But at least the job is fascinating. And there’s always another event to do.
Thanks to everyone who got in touch last week. Please send any news or views to ian librarian at live dot co dot uk. Thanks again.
Changes by local authority
- Barnsley – Wombwell Library children’s area refurbished.
- Bromley – Central Library to have £15m move due to asbestos.
- Derbyshire – £625k cut over four years, average 10% opening hours cuts in 43 out of 45 libraries.
- Gloucestershire – Stroud Library reopens in new building.
- Kent – Folkestone Library will be moved into old Debenhams.
- Oxfordshire – Banbury Library to move.
- Powys – Llandrindod Library to be co-located in museum.
- Wandsworth – Putney Library £1 million refurbishment of children’s library and new co-working space.
National news
- Libraries Across England Ignite Children’s Innovation Through Reading Sparks – Reading Agency. “The Reading Agency is working with public libraries in several regions of England to launch innovative activities aimed at engaging children aged 6-11 in creative learning experiences that combine reading, storytelling, coding, and hands-on activities. These efforts are part of Reading Sparks, a programme by The Reading Agency which harnesses the creative power of reading to engage families with STEM activities (science, technology, engineering and maths) and build science confidence. “
- London Libraries creates reading app inspired by ‘Couch to 5k’ – BookSeller. “The London Libraries network has developed a “Couch to 5k”-style reading app, “ReadOn”, including a library map and goal-building features to incentivise reading. Developed by librarians from London Libraries – the city’s network of the national library charity Libraries Connected – “ReadOn” uses curated recommendations, reading challenges, interactive quizzes and personalised reading plans to gradually make reading a regular part of users’ lives.” … “The integrated map feature means users can easily find their nearest London library to discover new books and authors, attend literary events and “connect with fellow book lovers”.”
International news
- Australia – The State Library of Victoria controversy shows what can happen when institutions cling to ‘neutrality’ – The Conversation. Critics of Israel over Gaza were cancelled from doing workshops with little notice. Although State Library’s mission states neutrality, many see this action as bias. “Librarians who critique neutrality argue that when society faces polarisation, misinformation and backlash, alongside efforts to dismantle historical inequities, it becomes clear that libraries cannot be “neutral” information brokers.”
- Librarians have good reasons to ‘weed’ books from their shelves. Why is book removal so controversial? – Conversation. “as the recent Melbourne example shows, even professional librarians can disagree when difficult choices are made. So what drives those decisions?”
- USA – ‘We are not getting rid of books’: How libraries across Idaho are implementing new materials law – Idaho Capital Sun. “Under the new rules, library staff won’t let kids in unless a parent is present with them at all times, a parent signs paperwork allowing their child to enter only for programming, or a parent waives their rights under the new law and lets their child check out materials without a parent present. “This change is painful, and not what we had hoped for at all,” library staff wrote in a letter posted on Facebook. “
Local news by authority
- Barnsley – Barnsley Libraries participates in the ‘Marvellous Makers’ Summer Reading Challenge with free activities for families – Barnsley Council. “Storyteller Olivia Corbin-Phillip, artist and ceramicist Evelyn Albrow, and Bollywood dancer Salma Zamann will be delivering sessions across all Barnsley Libraries branches throughout the summer.”
- Children’s area of the historic Wombwell Library re-opens following a major transformation – Barnsley Council. “The children’s area of Wombwell Library, which has been transformed into a local destination for children, families and schools, has re-opened its doors following an exciting refurbishment. The updated space features a sensory story wall, cosy hideaways, bespoke furniture, tiered soft seating and new shelving. All the new additions have been installed whilst preserving the historic character of the building.”
- Birmingham – Jack Reacher author calls library cuts ‘dumbest decision’ as Birmingham childhood library at risk – Birmingham Live. ” Child said the action hero would never have materialised if not for a Perry Barr library. Despite Child’s Coventry roots, the author credits Birmingham’s libraries for feeding his mind with literary inspiration that kickstarted his writing career.” … “He insisted libraries like Tower Hill made him the writer he was today.”
- Bradford – Book charity founder says library cuts are sad – BBC. “Jan Winter, who set up Canterbury Imagination Library, said: “It’s always sad to see any reduction in library services as access to free books in a safe space is so important to developing a love of reading.”” … “The new government says it has a focus on the importance of Early Years and I hope there might be more funding for young children, including improved access to high quality experiences in their local libraries”
- Job losses would severely damage libraries – union – BBC. “The council clearly needs to find ways of saving money, but making redundancies in libraries would severely damage the level of service provided.”
- Bromley – South East London council to spend £15m moving library after asbestos found in new site – My London. “Bromley Council has moved forward with a £15 million plan to move its central library after asbestos was found in its future site. The authority opened up a consultation last week with residents to consult on plans to move Bromley Central Library to the former Topshop unit on Bromley High Street, which has reportedly been empty since 2020. The new site is located across the street from the library’s current home in a shared building with the Churchill Theatre. Plans for the move were revealed in October last year with council officers claiming a full strip out of the library’s current building would be required after asbestos was found in the vacant Topshop unit.”
- Buckinghamshire – Plan to reduce library staff hours is ‘innovation not cuts’, says Bucks Council – Bucks Free Press. “Under ‘Library Flex’, staff hours will be reduced by 25-30 per cent with a potential ‘headcount reduction’ of 18-20 full time equivalent members of staff. Alongside the staff reduction, self-serve kiosks for book borrowing and printing will be installed, and community groups encouraged to use libraries when there are no staff on site.” … “The council says its plan will increase the hours of access by 50 per cent, saving £555,000 per year.” … council said vulnerable groups were being consulted. Council said eBooks now existed.
- Library cuts: People may ‘struggle’ with self-service – Bucks Free Press. “Bucks councillor Robin Stuchbury has raised concerns that the council’s increased reliance on self-service kiosks in libraries would affect vulnerable residents.”
- Bury – Radcliffe library to stay in current building while it’s converted into enterprise centre – Manchester Evening News. “As part of the £40 million Radcliffe regeneration project, the existing library building in Stand Lane will be turned into an enterprise centre to support businesses. Construction is due to start in the next two months and cannot be delayed, because the £1.2 million secured from the government, complemented by £455,000 from the council, must be fully spent by March 2025.” … “decided that the best and least disruptive solution would be stay at its current site and move the library to the first floor of the building.”
It seems that Cardiff Council are preparing to hand part responsibility for Cardiff’s hub and library service over to volunteers. Cardiff Council are running a trial where trained volunteers work on shifts to deliver key library and hub services including serving customers, using the internal catalogue system and running story times for children. There are concerns that a volunteer dependent service will not be able to deliver the same service to Cardiff residents.
Paid employees who have training and experience bring professionalism, knowledge and consistency to their roles. These things are essential to an effective and inclusive library and hub service. Another concern is that library and hubs will become more exclusive in terms of staffing as people from lower income backgrounds and BAME people who are more likely to come from lower income backgrounds cannot afford to volunteer. Libraries and hubs, it is suggested, will become members clubs for retired professionals. While wanting to help the service continue ‘in the face of budget cuts’ some volunteers themselves have said they do not want to be ‘job blockers’, that is filling what should be a paid role and so preventing younger people from getting the opportunity to join the service and so ensure its future.
More simply, residents comment that Cardiff people deserve a dependable, professional library and hub service … The most recent development in this story is this trial using ‘professional’ volunteers, who will be expected to take part responsibility for delivering library and hub services. It will be interesting to see what the outcomes of this trial will be for our hubs and libraries.”
Cardiff – email received
- Cambridgeshire – Mobile libraries playing important role 60 years on – BBC. “bookworms living in the internet age still engaged with the mobile library.”. Mobile library is “hugely valued here and always lovely to see the engagement with people of all ages – especially young children.” see also Cambridgeshire mobile libraries 60th year celebration – Hunts Post.
- Cheshire East – Cheshire East to consult on plan which could see library hours slashed – Knutsford Guardian. “The environment and communities committee voted by seven to six yesterday (Thursday) in favour of going to public consultation.” see also Council leader resigns over bankruptcy risk report – BBC.
- Bollington: Residents fight library cut proposals at council meeting – Knutsford Guardian. “Angry Bollington residents protesting against any proposed cuts to their library service told councillors it is ‘more than just a public bookshelf’.” … “What is proposed today further degrades provision for a planned, sustainable, properly funded library service for all”
- Wilmslow Library awarded community grant for Lego Discovery day – Wilmslow.co.uk. “The Wilmslow Town Council grant will be used to fund a Lego Discovery day, provided by Lego Education specialists, enabling 120 participants plus their families to take part. The grant will also fund four additional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and Craft events, run by Wilmslow Library staff.”
“If we do enter S114 then there won’t be any discussion – libraries will just close straight away.””
Congleton councillor Heather Seddon (Lab)
- Darlington – Turn the page for summer fun with Darlington Libraries – Darlington Council. Not Marvellous Makers. “To take part, simply borrow books from Darlington or Cockerton Library and you can enter a maximum of once per day into a free prize draw to win a host of prizes, including: Playstation 5 and game, SimFly family flight experience, Lego set, Cluedini escape room experience, Sim King gaming party, family match day tickets for Darlington FC, family pantomime tickets for Darlington Hippodrome and The Majestic, GiGi’s soft play vouchers, Jellycat Octopus, baby sensory box, Sculpd Kids craft kits, Minions Operation game.”
- Derbyshire – Library changes as council looks to balance books – BBC. “the leader of Derbyshire County Council, Barry Lewis, has pledged that none of its 45 libraries will shut “on his watch”.” … ” it is proposed opening hours at all but two of the county’s libraries will be reduced and the authority will explore opportunities to share buildings with other services to cut costs.” … “A public consultation into the four-year plan to make the required £625,000 savings will be held if the draft plans are given the go-ahead on Thursday.”
- Devon – Libraries across Devon celebrate 100 years of free reading – Exeter Council. History of Devon’s public libraries over the last century.
- Gateshead – Whickham volunteers celebrate importance of local libraries on anniversary – Chronicle. “Whickham Volunteer Library Association (WVLA) celebrated the seventh year of operation on Wednesday” … “A group of around 50 residents volunteered to help out” when the council announced it would be closed.
- Gloucestershire – New library in Stroud formally opened – Stroud News. “new location at the Five Valleys Shopping Centre” … “According to the county council, it welcomed around 750 customers on the opening day. Meanwhile, in the period from April 2024 to June 2024 it has welcomed 35,778 visitors and 815 new members have joined. The site includes access to a range of resources such as micro computing kits, 3D printers, scanners and software, Virtual Reality sets and a laser cutter.”
- Guernsey – Guernsey library launches summer reading challenge – BBC. Marvellous Makers. “The library is working with reading volunteers from local charity Bright Beginnings to provide a “friendly face to meet and greet children, talk to them about the stories they’ve read over the holidays and listen to them read”.”
- Havering – Save our libraries. School children unite in a desperate bid to save their much loved library. – Havering Daily. “Mr Fryd and his pupils from Harold Wood Primary School, yesterday 15 July, gathered outside of the library alongside parents, protesters and the three local councillors who had organised the event.”
- Hull – Hull rapper Chiedu Oraka to perform library gig – BBC. ““It is a great example of how Hull Central Library is becoming a major player in the city’s events space and I have no doubt that this will attract people from Hull and beyond.”
- Kent – Plans revealed to move library into former town centre Debenhams in Folkestone – Kent Online. “A former town centre Debenhams store could become home to a library, new plans reveal. Residents in Folkestone have called for the return of their library after the building in Grace Hill was “temporarily closed” in 2022 due to safety concerns.” … “Chiefs at KCC say after “exploring all options” they can not finance the renovation of the Grace Hill site.”
“Deepings Community Library is still going strong (indeed is still the most successful community library in Lincolnshire) and last year we had a record 450 young readers who finished the SRC. This included the mini challenge and a home grown Teen Challenge, too. However, we have a serious problem of funding for the SRC. Lincolnshire will only fund the materials to run it for its ‘core’ libraries, i.e. the ones still run by the county. It will not fund it for the Community Libraries, nor will the Reading Agency let us have a library discount. This means that, this year, the SRC has cost us £800 – a considerable amount for a largely self-funding library to find. We have some support from local sponsors, and our schools have donated £50 each this year, but there is still a large shortfall. Several Community Libraries in Lincolnshire have given up the SRC as a result. We are committed to continuing it here at Deeping, because the families and schools value it so much, but it is not going to get any easier unless the Reading Agency and/or the county start treating Community Libraries fairly. ”
Lincolnshire – Email received.
- Manchester – Lifelong library visitors celebrate 90th anniversary at Manchester Central Library – Manchester Council. “My mother said we should go to Manchester Central Library’s opening to see King George V and I remember the crowds, the waving flags and people shouting, ‘God Save the King!’”
- Middlesbrough – Central Library modernisation takes step forward – Middlesbrough Council. “The £2m redevelopment will see captivating spaces created where children can read, play and explore. The major works at the Grade II listed building will also protect the unique features of the reference library. Work to clear the library started in January, with further surveys and other preparations taking place in the meantime.”
- Norfolk – Get creative with the Summer Reading Challenge at Norfolk libraries – Norfolk Council. Marvellous Makers. Events.
- North Lincolnshire – Get ready for Wonderful Wednesdays all through the summer – North Lincolnshire Council. “Each week has a different theme, and starts off with a free breakfast at Scunthorpe Central library between 9.30am and 11am with the Breakfast and Books session, where you can join in with the Summer Reading Challenge – Marvellous Makers.”
- North Northamptonshire – GP surgeries and public services hit by IT outage – BBC. “Council services such as libraries, social care and country parks were also disrupted.”
- North Somerset – North Somerset mobile library vehicle ‘taken off the road’ – Weston Mercury. “The vehicle has been taken off the road permanently due to the discovery of a defect with the chassis. But North Somerset Libraries said they secured more than £309k in funding through the Libraries Improvement Fund (LIF), administered by Arts Council England, to purchase a new electric library outreach vehicle.”
- Orkney – 8 Key Pieces of Social Media Marketing Advice From a Library Marketer Who Works at One of Scotland’s Oldest Public Libraries – Super Library Marketing.
- Oxfordshire – Town’s library set to move to former Wilko shop – BBC. “Banbury Library is currently based in a Grade II listed building in Marlborough Road, external and was used by almost 79,000 people in 2023/24. But Oxfordshire County Council, which rents the building, said it is had spent £100,000 on “reactive maintenance” in four years, and bringing it up to scratch could cost more than £2m. It said a unit in Bridge Street, which had been disused since Wilko closed last September, would be more suitable.”
- Powys – Council library to move to museum building – Powys Council. “Llandrindod Library is to move a short distance and into the same building as Radnorshire Museum, Powys County Council has announced. The move will follow the same model of service delivery adopted in Brecon, Llanidloes and Welshpool where both museum and library share space, resources and staffing.”
- Reading – Get Creative – Reading Libraries Popular Summer Reading Challenge Returns – Reading Council. Marvellous Makers.
- Town’s library building put up for sale – BBC. “A town-centre library has officially been put on the market amid plans to move services to another building. Estate agents have put Reading Central Library up for sale for an unspecified amount of money. It has been suggested the building on Kings Road could be transformed into 46 new flats.” … “An “improved” library will instead be built in a three-storey extension to the borough council’s offices on Bridge Street.”
- Wandsworth – 125 years of Putney Library celebrated with £1million refurbishment – Wandsworth Council. “bright, refurbished children’s library, a new Start-Up Wandsworth co-working space”
- Warwickshire – Children invited to get involved in ‘Marvellous Makers’ Summer Reading Challenge at Warwickshire Libraries – Warwickshire Council. “including interactive ‘Myths and Masks’ storytelling sessions with Pyn Stockman, and more music and craft activities.”
- Westmorland and Furness – Ulverston town council slams ‘breakneck speed’ of library plans – North West Mail. Town councillor says ” “The consultation that you presented finishes on August 23 and we feel that is too short a period for such an important decision.” … ““The mood in Ulverston is that decisions have been taken without a wide debate on what the public would speak up for.”
- Wiltshire – ‘Disorderly behaviour’ cited for library bans – BBC. “there were 14 incidents since 2021, which escalated in people being excluded from the county’s libraries. Of these incidents, 10 involved disorderly behaviour, where the offender was intoxicated and abusive. There were also four accounts of “inappropriate” behaviour, including one case of harassment.”
- Wirral – Wirral libraries team up with park rangers to deliver summer festival – Wirral Globe. “Green Bibliofest will see libraries across the borough transformed into event and theatre spaces, with workshops and live performances on the themes of climate, nature and sustainability, taking centre stage.”
- Worcestershire – Worcestershire libraries can help parents get their children ‘school ready’ over the summer – Bromsgrove Standard. “Engaging Storytime sessions introduce children to the joy of reading, enhance their listening skills, and ignite their imaginations. These interactive sessions are designed to develop early literacy skills in a fun and welcoming environment.” plus selected book-stock. “Special Get School Ready Bookbags “
Two annual events in danger of losing their shine
Jul 14th
Two annual library events have got me thinking this week. The first is the Summer Reading Challenge. By far the most popular promotion that any public library normally puts on, the Challenge is aimed at those in primary school, created by the Reading Agency and voluntarily bought into, or not, by library services. The format of it has not seriously changed since its introduction a quarter of a century ago. Probably the biggest change many have noted in that time is the replacement of the shiny “gold-looking” metal medal by a more environmentally friendly wooden one. Some library services, though, have got bored with this medal, sorry, model, or can no longer afford buying into it, or feel very independent, leading to some individual council designs, ranging from sub-SRC knock-offs to some genuinely impressive examples that must have taken a considerable amount of staff time and funding. This causes a problem because the more that go it alone then the more expensive it is for everyone else due to economies of scale. And more may go it alone in response. A vicious circle. So, something that was a great example of a national promotion is quite literally in danger of losing its shine. Which would be a tragedy.
Something else that happens nationally is the CILIP Conference, which was on this week. The vast majority of those working in public libraries, including many managers, may not have been aware of this at all. The cost of attending is prohibitive – several hundred per day – so only few can attend and the sessions themselves are not recorded or shared outside of the lucky few who can attend. This is not to decry the event. Like the Summer Reading Challenge, I strongly support the idea of bringing library workers together and have been in the privileged position myself of attending more than a few. I find them very useful and it’s a great way of getting people learning about what is going on nationally (other than reading Public Libraries News of course, naturally). But there is now something demonstrably improvable, at least for the public library contingent, about a conference that now attracts only a handful from that sub-sector and has little impact other than for the tiny handful of public librarians who can attend. And I hope it is fixed.
Do you agree on this, got suggestions or want to comment about something else? If so, lease email your views to me at ianlibrarian at live dot co dot uk. Thank you.
Changes by local authority
- Bradford: Proposed £175k (15%) cut to include no printed newspapers, cuts to staff.
- Bromley: Bromley Central Library may move to larger new site.
- Cheshire East: £600k cut over next 2 years inc. opening hours cuts.
- Lancashire – Briercliffe Library may reopen in museum.
- Stockport – Staffing replaced by staff-less technology.
National news
- Librarians told to challenge ‘paradigm of whiteness’ in Welsh Labour anti-racism plan – Telegraph. Welsh Government has “provided funding that aims to “eradicate” systemic racism in libraries by training staff in “anti-racist principles”.” CILIP Wales “secured government funding for a project titled Anti-racist Library Collections, which will seek to transform libraries by rolling out new training for staff.” … explaining ““decolonising libraries is essential”, and suggests “prioritising the acquisition of materials authored by ethnic minority people”.”
- Our libraries are on borrowed time – Prospect. Richard Ovenden. “we urgently need the incoming government to place a long overdue focus on libraries, and to develop a supporting national strategy, bringing together all of the library ecosystem, including public, school, national, university and specialist libraries. Libraries are a key part of the infrastructure of democracy: in Ukraine, libraries are being deliberately attacked by Russian forces—here we are effectively attacking our own provision through severe cuts to funding.”
International news
- USA – New rule restricts what’s allowed on shelves in SC public libraries – WIS 10. “The temporary law written into the state budget, called a proviso, requires county libraries to certify to the State Library that their children’s section does not contain any books or materials that appeal to the prurient interest — defined in state code as “a shameful or morbid interest in nudity, sex, or excretion and is reflective of an arousal of lewd and lascivious desires and thoughts” — of kids under 13.”
Local news by authority
- Barnet – Creative health projects to improve wellbeing are coming to Barnet libraries – Barnet Council. ACE funding.
- Barnsley – Mapplewell and Staincross Library re-opens its doors following refurbishment – Mapplesworth Council. Council and “Shared Prosperity Fund” grant.
- Bath and North East Somerset – 100 years of Bath Central Library: A historic celebration – Journal.
- Bedford – ‘Marvellous Makers’ announced as the theme for this year’s Bedford Borough Libraries reading challenge – Bedford Independent. “When children join, they will receive a bookmark with spaces for eighteen stamps, which they will receive each time they return a book they’ve read to a library.” Medal when read eighteen books.
- Birmingham – Primary school pupils bemoan proposed library losses – BBC. School protest. “Kate Taylor, organiser of campaign group Brum Rise Up, called on the new Labour-led government to make more money available to local authorities.”
- Bradford – Opening hours of Bradford’s libraries could be cut by 15% – Ilkley Gazette. Councils says “likely to have a significant impact on staff contracted hours and could result in the risk of redundancies.”. Donation boxes considered. No printed newspapers. Proposed £175k cut.
- Bradford Libraries launch Summer Reading Challenge – Ilkley Chat. Marvellous Makers. “Watch out for the National Literacy Trust yellow Stories Bus where library staff will be offering a treasure hunt, free book and encouraging families to sign up in the Bradford City Centre Library.” 8 page brochure of events.
- Brighton and Hove – Sparking children’s creativity with Summer Reading Challenge – Brighton and Hove Council. Marvellous Makers.
- Bromley – Have your say on Bromley Library’s major move to former Topshop premises – News Shopper. “Bromley Council is seeking feedback to refine plans for the relocation, which was announced in October 2023. The new location will be the site of the former Topshop store on the High Street. The larger site will not only accommodate the library’s existing resources but also make room for enhancements such as a children’s section and modern study areas.”
- Buckinghamshire – Have your say on future of Bucks Libraries – Bucks Radio.
- Cheshire East – Cheshire East library proposals to be discussed – Cheshire East Council. Proposed 3 tiers: Tier 1 (Congleton, Crewe, Macclesfield, Nantwich and Wilmslow) to become hubs inc. council, health, banking. Tier 2 (Alsager, Holmes Chapel, Knutsford, Middlewich, Poynton and Sandbach) to have some hours changes Tier 3 (Alderley Edge, Bollington, Disley and Handforth) to have council support 1.5 days per week. Other organisations/councils being approached to support Tier 3 sites at other times. If approved by committee on 18 July, changes will go to public consultation.
- Children protest against closure of ‘vital’ Cheshire libraries – Cheshire Live.
- Pro-Bollington Library campaigners set to show up to Cheshire East Council Meeting – Macclesfield Nub News. “Nigel Macartney told the Local Democracy Reporting Service that even though closure no longer seems to be on the cards, he is still incensed by what is proposed.” and says “”The general public in Bollington will be very, very disappointed that the library is still being shut on all days, apart from one and a half”
- Could Nantwich Library be privatised under CEC plans? – Nantwich News. “another proposal could see some libraries privatised – although there is no explanation as to how this would work.”
- East Sussex – The volunteer-run library that’s securing a future for reading in Hastings – Sussex World. “The cherished local library is celebrating a recently approved 20-year lease, ensuring it remains a community cornerstone for years to come.” It was going to be closed in 2018 but volunteers stepped in. “With the help of an initial grant from North East Hastings Big Local, matched by a local housing association, a total of £15,000 was raised to save the library.”
- Havering – ‘If you cut our libraries you cut our communities’- Residents and trade unions unite in the battle to save our libraries from closures. – Havering Daily. “The protest was organised by the Trade Union Council who gathered many of its members to join in the battle to save these libraries from closing.” Now, “With more than 1,000 members and a collection of over 6,000 book titles, the library offers a range of services, including a book club and story time sessions for children under five.”
- Kirklees – Kirklees Libraries launch exciting reading programme to boost literacy in children – Huddersfield Hub. “The Library Adventures programme is aimed at children aged four to 11 who can pick up an Adventure Pack from their local library at any time during the year and start their journey through a series of exciting themes – Animal Planet, Magical Lands, Oceans, Rainforests, Space Explorer and Spooky.”
- Lancashire – Historic mill could become library’s new home – BBC. “The former Briercliffe Library has remained shut since 2016, when it was closed down at the same time as the nearby Queen Street Mill museum.”
- Leicester – Museums and libraries bring free fun to your doorstep for summer holidays – Leicester Council. Marvellous Makers. Robot, crafts.
- Manchester – The Summer Reading Challenge spotlights Marvellous Makers – Manchester Council. “lucky draw prizes of packed goody bags to be given away across 22 libraries and just one fortunate winner will be selected for the largest draw of all with a £100 voucher up to spend.”
- Norfolk – Norfolk library staff facing increased anti-social behaviour – Dereham Times.
- North Northamptonshire – Library closed until further notice after fire – BBC. “Oundle Library in Northamptonshire was evacuated when the fire was discovered at 10:30 BST. The fire service said gas and electricity supplies were turned off and the flames were put out shortly afterwards. All staff and customers left the building safely”
- Library hosts 50th celebrations after election delay – BBC. Wellingborough. “It will host performances from local choirs, craft stalls and information from community groups.”
- Summer Reading Challenge 2024 – Marvellous Makers making its way to you from your local library – North Northamptonshire Council. Marvellous Makers. Art competition.
- North Yorkshire – North Yorkshire libraries prepare for summer reading challenge – Hambleton Today. Marvellous Makers. Events.
- Nottingham – Faced With Library Closures, Council Launches Consultation – Left Lion. “Now faced with budget cuts of nearly 40%, four local libraries find themselves on the chopping block – Aspley, Basford, Bilborough, and Radford-Lenton.”
- Sandwell – Live at the Library – Sandwell Arts Festival 2024 – Sandwell Council. “There will be music, comedy, author and children’s author talks, poetry, local history, dance workshops, theatre, family shows, children’s holiday activities and even juggling”
- Slough – Challenge encourages children to read over summer – BBC. Marvellous Makers.
- South Gloucestershire – Children in South Gloucestershire invited to join the Summer Reading Challenge 2024 – South Gloucestershire Newsroom. Marvellous Makers. Crafts and puppetry events.
- Stockport – ‘It’s going to affect thousands’: Stockport library cuts ‘deeply concerning’ – Manchester Evening News. “Signs appeared on libraries in the borough in June advertising the new timetable – part of the ongoing roll out of the Open+ unstaffed library hours.” … “According to a sign at Reddish library, staff will not be around after 4pm on Monday and Tuesday, after 6pm on Wednesday, and after 2pm on Saturday. Thursday, Friday, and Sunday are unstaffed all day.
- Suffolk – Suffolk Libraries offers Fit for Work wellbeing days to local businesses – Suffolk Libraries. “Fit for Work is offering Suffolk-based small and medium sized businesses meeting room space in some of the county’s libraries for staff wellbeing events and away-days. As part of this, Suffolk Libraries will provide a free physical activity session and resources to support your staff’s wellbeing “
- Surrey – Surrey Libraries Rise to the Summer Reading Challenge for 2024 – Surrey News. Marvellous Makers. Launch events. Events include “origami sessions, badge making opportunities and in partnership with Surrey Arts we’ll be hosting free ‘come and try’ music workshops. “
- Warwickshire – Join Stockingford and Lillington libraries this Saturday to enjoy free Summer Reading Challenge launch events – Warwickshire Council. Marvellous Makers. Free creative art packs.
- Westmorland and Furness – Libraries encourage children to take part in Summer Reading Challenge – Westmorland and Furness Council. Marvellous Makers. ” a prize draw for a Kindle e-reader generously donated by The Cumberland Building Society”. Events.
- Public consultation on future of town’s library – BBC. “A consultation has been launched asking for feedback on proposals which range from the full refurbishment of the King’s Road library building to “do nothing”.”
- West Northamptonshire – West Northants libraries launch Summer Reading Challenge 2024 – West Northamptonshire Council. Marvellous Makers. “vibrant array of arts and crafts themed events for children over the Summer from ballet workshops, wind chime making, magic shows, decoupage, slime …” Art competition.
- Wiltshire – Accessing ‘inappropriate websites’ among reasons for bans from Wiltshire libraries – Wiltshire Times. 14 bans: 10 due to disorderliness (inc. drunk, abuse), 1 harassment.
- Reliable health information and signposting to activities and support available at your local library – Wiltshire Council. Health information highlighted for a month.
Labour in Libraries
Jul 7th
Wow, so that was a quite a victory for Labour. With such a majority, they have five years now to do what they can before the next election and, given the volatility of the electorate, the possibility of another change in government. There are huge challenges for Labour, including a distinct lack of money and economic weakness, and promises about not increasing taxation made pre-election. This will make it very difficult for them to follow the impulse, more natural to them than the Conservatives, to send money the way of local government and libraries. But it needs to be done. Local councils are on the verge of bankruptcy and public libraries have not had significant investment since, well, the last Labour Government. Hopefully, the capacity of libraries to do all sorts of things all over the country, not least boosting literacy, at cheap prices, means that the needed investment will be made. We can hope so. And perhaps the easiest low-cost maximum-impact way to start would be to find a way of removing late fees for all public libraries. Now that would be fine.
And then we have the problem of staff-less libraries. Back in the old days, a library was staffed by paid human beings. Since that Golden Age, increasing numbers of paid staff have been replaced by either volunteers or by technology, in terms of the ever expanding number of PIN-entry libraries. This lack of labour in libraries removes that chance of social interaction, and of unbiased expert help, that is one of the key selling points of the sector. It was done initially, mainly in other countries, as a way of expanding opening hours but, being the budget for UK libraries is what it is, is increasingly be done here to replace costly human beings. This has led to the Guardian writing an article called “The end of the librarian?” which is worth looking at. I’ve also collated information on the staff-less phenomenon here. If there’s still any human beings out there who wants to look.
National news
- End of the librarian? Council cuts and new tech push profession to the brink – Guardian. “officials in some local authorities are proposing that libraries can be operated at times without any professional librarians, relying on self-service technology, smartcards for entry and CCTV.”. A look at Buckinghamshire and Croydon.
- Libraries give us power. The next government must trust libraries to continue delivering for communities – Big Issue. CILIP CEO article. The public trusts libraries and that can be used.
- Libraries should be at the heart of public life – Financial Times. Richard Ovenden. “The British public library system marks two important anniversaries this year. One hundred and seventy five years ago a debate was held in parliament which led to the Public Libraries Act of 1850, giving local authorities the ability to establish free public libraries through a modest increase in local taxation. Sixty years ago the Public Libraries and Museums Act of 1964 upgraded that law to made it a requirement for local authorities to provide the service.” … “In this anniversary year, it is a tragic irony that the system is now facing one of the most severe challenges in its history.” … “One solution? A distinct Minister for Libraries. A new ministerial brief could help highlight the contribution made by libraries across different areas of the government’s agenda.”
International news
- Ireland – Turning over a new leaf – Irish Examiner. “GIY and Libraries Ireland have come together in a novel food and literacy education programme, beginning in Waterford but with the ambition to see the initiative evolve across Ireland, creating food-growing communities wherever there is a library to be found. Growing your own food is of course a positive climate action and also fosters food empathy and promotes sustainability, so along with the free seeds and information packs, the library will provide the know-how including online videos in this attempt to find a whole new audience for the superlative efforts of GIY. ” See LibraryLeaf.
- USA – Placer County libraries extend hours to provide relief from excessive heat – Yubanet. California.
- ALA 2024: Librarians Rally for the Right to Read – Publishers Weekly. “Freedom to read tops the list of librarians’ priorities, and the American Library Association’s 2024 conference emphasized the existential threats posed by book bans and the populist undermining of public institutions and trust.”
- A Reader Asked for My Ultimate Top Ten Tips for the Most Effective Library Marketing Possible: Here’s the List – Super Library Marketing. Send emails, post only once a day on social media, put a bookmark into every reserved book, short script for staff to say about every event/promotion, talk to one community group per month, review your social media metrics monthly, plan calendar for 6-12 months ahead, speak to staff meetings about marketing, professional media releases, blog, 20 minutes per week to learn.
Local news by authority
- Birmingham – Library cuts will devastate people in Birmingham, say campaigners – Rayo. “Proposed cuts to library services in Birmingham could be devastating for the city and increase inequalities, according to a libraries campaign group. Birmingham Loves Libraries has written an open letter to Birmingham City councillors, demanding all cuts to be paused.”
- Blackburn with Darwen – Thousands ‘inspired’ by Children’s Literature Festival – Lancashire Telegraph. 6th Children’s Literature Festival. Christina Gabbitas: ““I would like to thank all the staff in Blackburn with Darwen Libraries for their amazing support, and all who have helped fund the festival; Darwen Rotary, Lloyds Trust, Darwen Town Council, and Spot On Lancashire.”
- Bridgend – Awen Launches First Countywide Adult Reading Challenge – Awen Cultural Trust. “Free ‘bingo sheets’ can be collected from Awen Libraries and prizes* will be awarded after 7, 14 and 21 books have been read.” Prizes while stocks last.
- Buckinghamshire – Bucks Council slammed for library cuts set to dramatically reduce staffing – Bucks Herald. “Kari Dorme, aged in her late 70s, warned that new cost-cutting measures, including the roll-out of self-service technology, would further erode the vital function the county’s libraries play in society. The former branch and area librarian for Beaconsfield and High Wycombe said: “These cuts will, in time, kill off the whole ethos and character of what library work is about.”” Staffless opening.
- Croydon – Croydon locals rally to save Shirley Library from closure – Sutton and Croydon Guardian. “Residents have called for Croydon Council to reconsider plans to close Shirley Library, claiming it would receive more footfall if it was open more often. This comes following the news that the council could be closing three other libraries due to a poor post-Covid slump in visitation as well as the overall costs of running all 13 libraries in the borough.” 1800 signature petition.
- Dorset – Libraries to help keep children’s minds active over summer holidays – Dorset Echo. Marvellous Makers. Minimal offering.
- New library hours come into force across county – BBC. “There has been some backlash to the new hours, with hundreds of people signing a petition urging the council to reverse the changes in Swanage, where Saturday opening hours will be cut from six-and-a-half to three.”
- Essex – Former library goes up for sale for £2.6m – BBC. “Delaware House, in Shoebury, Essex was previously home to a library on the first floor and a blood test clinic on the ground floor alongside a nursery. However, it has remained empty for several years.”
- Hackney – Innovative art programme to transform libraries into cultural hubs with training for artists – Hackney Council. “Art at Heart was developed in response to feedback from around 8,500 Hackney residents, and residents expressing that one of their top desires is for libraries to become dynamic centres for creativity. This summer, the project will train early-career artists through paid residencies in libraries across Hackney, collaborating closely with local community groups. ” ACE funded.
- Havering – Summer Reading Challenge – Havering Council. Marvellous Makers. Minimal offering.
- Hertfordshire – Children invited to free reading Challenge at libraries this summer – In Your Area. Marvellous Makers. 20,000 took part in 2023.
- Kent – Children challenged to become ‘Marvellous Makers’ in KCC Libraries summer reading challenge – Kent Council. Free events plus publicity video.
- Leicestershire – Challenge encourages children to read over summer – BBC. Marvellous Makers. “Children taking part in the challenge can also receive free entry to Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre, as well as the 1620s House and Garden at Donington le Heath.”
- New play project at libraries rolled out – BBC. “Sixteen libraries are now hosting the Pop-in Play Library project, run by not-for-profit organisation Boromi, with the original pilot funded by a Leicestershire County Council grant.”
- Lincolnshire – Multi-sensory room opened at Cleethorpes Library – BBC. “Equipment in the room include an astronaut star projector, sensory fidget tubes, a weighted blanket and a white noise machine.” Can be hired.
- Norfolk – Breathing Space with Xenia Horne at Norfolk libraries as bereavement cafes are being put on – Lynn News. “The bereavement cafes are part of a Norfolk Libraries project called Know Your Neighbourhood and this particular event is in conjunction with Creative Arts East”
- Oldham – It’s time for stories to come alive – Oldham Council. Storyfest with various author events. and Marvellous Makers.
- Oxfordshire – Children encouraged to get creative at Oxfordshire libraries this summer – Oxfordshire Council. Marvellous Makers. Minimal offering.
- Renfrewshire – Paisley Central Library wins silver at design awards – Gazette. “The new building is housed in a former High Street shop and is spread over four floors and has a reception area, children’s library, and storytelling area with a play structure that includes a climbing wall and slide which are co-designed with Scottish artist Claire Barclay.”
- Rotherham – Rotherham Libraries and Neighbourhood Hubs participate in the “Marvellous Makers” Summer Reading Challenge – Rotherham Council. Set a personal reading goal, rather than 6 books. “a celebration ceremony will take place on Sunday 20 October at Magna Science and Adventure Centre.”
- Sheffield – A decade ago, over half of Sheffield’s libraries lost their staff. Against the odds, they’ve thrived – Sheffield Tribune. Behind subscription paywall.
- Stockport – Stockport library cuts ‘deeply concerning’ – Stockport Nub News. Staff-less opening. “Stockport council was asked for a full breakdown of the new staffed hours and how this has changed for each library, but it has not provided one, citing restrictions due to the pre-election period.”
- Suffolk – New cancer and wellbeing books donated to Suffolk Libraries by SmartestEnergy – Suffolk Libraries. £2,000 donation by energy company.
- LinkedIn Learning – a new free service for library users in Suffolk – Suffolk Libraries. “LinkedIn Learning is a collection of over 16,000 online courses in business, computer technology, software and creative skills, all conducted by experts in their fields.”
- Reading Quest starts soon – sign up from 13 July – Suffolk Libraries. In-house SRC. “Children will be encouraged to take part in activities and experiences across the summer rather than read an expected number of books. These ‘quests’ will range from ‘reading under the covers with a torch’ to ‘choosing a recipe book and ‘making something together as a family’.” Nursing agency Advantage Angels is sponsoring £20k over 2 years for this.
- Suffolk Libraries can help you get ready for school – Suffolk Libraries. “The bags contain handy information booklets that cover all the skills that children need to be ready to start school such as developing speech, using the toilet and wearing school uniform.”
- Torfaen – Torfaen’s Summer Reading Challenge kicks off in libraries – South Wales Argus. Marvellous Makers. “Aside from the reading incentives, a £100 Smyths Toy Store gift voucher will be awarded to one lucky participant selected in a prize draw at the end of the challenge.”
- Walsall – Marvellous Makers – Summer Reading Challenge 2024 – Walsall Council. Minimal offering.
- West Dunbartonshire – West Dunbartonshire libraries unveil summer activity plans – Clydebank Post. See here for events, mainly crafts and story-times.
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